Solace PubSub+ Monitor

Version 5.1.0 Release Notes

23814: Clean up webapps directory in bundled apache Tomcat

In the previous release, the webapps directory of the bundled Apache Tomcat contained extraneous RTView demo .war files. These have been removed.

23834: Export to Excel sometimes fails

The export to Excel feature now works reliably on tables in the rtview-central and rtview-solmon UIs


23189: Included my_alert_actions scripts in all projects

RTView has been enhanced to include the my_alert_actions scripts in all project directories for ease of use.

23844: Enhance alert notification configuration.

Alert Notifications have been enhanced to support several new actions and a better configuration interface. For each notification, you can select one or more of the following actions: 1. Execute Script - This wil exectue the my_alert_actions*.bat/sh scripts in the project directory. This is the same action that was used in the previous releases when a notification was enabled. 2. Execute Java Method- This will execute a custom java command. 3. Send Email - This will send an email to one or more recipients. 4. Send SNMP Trap - This will issue an SNMP trap as described in RTVAPM_HOME\common\lib\SL-RTVIEW-EM-MIB.txt. 5. Other - This will execute any command supported by our core product. 6. Conditional - This will allow you to execute different commands based on values in the alert. For example, you could email Jvm alerts to the system administrator and Ems alerts to the TIBCO administrator. The user interface in the Configuration Application has also been enhanced with better descriptions of additional configuration needed for the selected actions. Upgrade Notes In previous releases, any notification other than executing the my_alert_actions scripts had to be configured on the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab of the Configuration Application. If you are running a project configured with a previous release that has alert notifications defined in the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab, they will continue to work as they did before with no changes. However, if you want to use the new Alert Notification configuration page, you will need to first delete the CUSTOM PROPERTIES for alert notifications, then recreate them in the Alert Notification page. Otherwise, the CUSTOM PROPERTIES will override the settings in the Alert Notification page.

24078: Alert Renotification interval default value corrected

In previous releases, the Renotification Interval in the Configuration Application incorrectly listed the default value as 300 seconds. This has been fixed. The default is now set to 0. Users must set it to a value greater than 0 in order to issue renotifications.


23641: Support for updating properties via rest api

RTView has been enhanced with a rest api for editing solution package properties. This is to support the following use cases: 1. Importing an initial set of connections into the Configuration Application. This is useful in the case where there are a lot of connections and adding them via the Configuration Application ui will be too time consuming. Once the connections are imported using the rest api, all further editing can be done in the Configuration Application. 2. Dynamic updating of connections via automated process. These connections will only be updated via the automated process and will not be included in the Configuration Application. Connections will be applied without requiring a restart of the data server. Solace and TIBCO Enterprise Message Service properties are editable in the new rest api. Other solution packages properties will be added soon. A sample application has been added to all deliverables that shows how to use the rest api under rtvapm\sampleapps\propeditor. See the README.txt in that directory for instructions on using the rest api.

23886: Fixed bug effecting dynamic update of connection definitions

An issue that prevented connection definitions from being dynamically updated has been fixed.

23941: Can now restart data server without changing configuration

Servers can now be restarted from the Projects page even if no changes have been made that require a restart.

24032: Configuration Application updated to handle new Solace data acquisition.

The solace connection dialog in the Config UI now supports HA pairs and is also able to use the stats pump connection for non-cloud vmr's.

Display Server

24123: Support 'nosniff' header in thin client in IE11

A problem has been fixed which prevented the thin client Classic UI from rendering displays correctly in IE11 when the web server set the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header. No other supported browsers were affected by this issue. Site administrators may configure a web server to send the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header for security reasons. With this fix the thin client is not affected by the presence or absence of that header, which is the correct behavior. A related note for Tomcat users: In standalone Tomcat, the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header is set by enabling the httpHeaderSecurity filter in tomcat's conf/web.xml file. By default, that filter also sets the X-Frame-Options:DENY response header. That setting will disable the thin client even with the fix described in this release note. To avoid that problem, tomcat should be configured to set the X-Frame-Options response header to SAMEORIGIN rather than DENY, to allow pages hosted by the same tomcat instance (only) to load thin client displays in iframes. So to set X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff and X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN, the httpHeaderSecurity filter should be configured as follows intomcat's conf/web.xml file: <filter> <filter-name>httpHeaderSecurity</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.HttpHeaderSecurityFilter</filter-class> <async-supported>true</async-supported> <init-param> <!-- allow use in iframe on pages with same origin --> <param-name>antiClickJackingOption</param-name> <param-value>SAMEORIGIN</param-value> </init-param> </filter>


23737: Version now available from HTML UI

Users can now see the version of RTView from the HTML UI by clicking on the product name at the top left.

24040: Update bundled Apache Tomcat 8.5.x to 8.5.41

The version of the bundled Apache Tomcat has been updated to 8.5.41 (previous was 8.5.35).


23624: Configuration Application now catches Data Server's memory sizes without a unit (e.g., m or g)

In the Configuration Application, the Data Server's initial memory and max memory fields now have additional error checking to help ensure that only valid values are saved.

24099: Displays now support dynamically changing CIs

Additions and deletions of elements are now reflected in the filter drop-downs of all Component Displays. By default, lists update once per minute.


23594: Added "status_servers.bat/.sh" convenience scripts

The following scripts have been added: RTViewCentral\bin\status_servers.bat RTViewCentral\bin\ RTViewDataCollectorSP\status_collector.bat RTViewDataCollectorSP\ RTViewDataServerSP\status_server.bat RTViewDataServerSP\ RTViewSolaceMonitor\bin\status_servers.bat RTViewSolaceMonitor\bin\

Solution Package


23792: Allow user to rename rtview-solmon.war

The update_wars.bat/sh scripts for the Solace PubSub+ monitor, under projects/rtview-server, now include the creation of the HTML UI servlet (default name rtview-solmon.war).

23825: New filter defaults for SolaceEventModule

The SolaceEventModule configuration has been enhanced with improved defaults for the alert and event filters in RTVAPM_HOME\solmon\soleventmodule\ Additionally, several commented out sample filters have been added for different monitoring scenarios.

23962: New statspump data source for Solace.

The Solace Stats Pump Data Source has been integrated into the RTView Solace Monitor. This new data source supports HA Broker Pairs and multi-threaded SEMP XML response parsing which improves Data Server performance. The Solace Stats Pump Data Source is used by default in the RTView Configuration Application. Cloud Brokers are the only type of Solace Brokers that are using exclusively the HTTP Data Source.

23963: Output Solace SEMP data to Influx DB

The Solace monitor has been enhanced to send monitoring data to InfluxDB. The configuration requires edition of the file, located in the project directory, to define the list of metrics to store in Influx DB and the IP address and port of the InfluxDB platform to store the data. Please refer to the documentation for the specific configuration steps.

23964: Output Solace SEMP data from Solace Stats Pump to a Solace Broker

The Solace Stats Pump can be configured to execute in isolation and send monitoring data from multiple Brokers to a designated Broker. This configuration will not downgrade the performance of the monitored Brokers if the Broker that will receive the monitoring data is exclusively doing this task. The steps to configure Solace Stats Pump to send monitoring data to a Solace Broker are the following: - Define the Solace Brokers to be monitored by editing the file appliance_config_demo.xml - Define the monitoring data to be polled by editing the file pollers_sl.xml - Define the poller groups that will be used by editing the file groups_sl.xml See the Solace documentation for further reference on how to configure Stats Pump for sending monitoring data to a Solace Broker.

23983: Removed calculated rates from SolVpns cache

Calculated rates from SoVpns cache have been replaced by the metrics delivered by Solace. The SOL_VPNS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.

23985: User and some event-driven boolean metrics added to SolClients cache

User and boolean fields associated with one-show events have been added to Solace Client metrics. These booleans are: eliding-enabled, large-message-event-raised, max-eliding-topics-raised, message-too-big-event-raised, parse-error-event-raised

23994: Topic and Queue Rates added to the SolEndpointStats cache

Requests for message flow from Solace Topics and Queues have been added. These requests query all available Endpoints at once without the need of requesting this information per Endpoint.

23998: Added os-physical-interface to SolApplianceInterfaces cache

The os-physical-interface for each Broker Interface has been introduced into the SolApplianceInterfaces cache. This metric will be exposed in the Solace Interface Summary display from the Solace Monitor.

24015: New broker and endpoint alerts

The following new alerts have been added to the Solace monitor: - SolBrokerNoValidDestination alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there exist currently invalid destinations in the broker. (Delta of discard-nodest is non-zero). - SolBrokerNoQueueFound alert, which which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are discarded queues in the broker. (Delta of discard-queue-not-found is non-zero). - SolEndpointNoBridgeClient alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when no binds for the Solace Endpoint exist (bind-count is zero). - SolBrokerNoSubscriptionMatch alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are no current subscription matches (Delta of no-subscription-match is non-zero). - SolEndpointNoBridgeTopic alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are no topics subscribed to the Queue (topic-subscription-count is zero). Limitation of SolBrokerNoValidDestination, SolBrokerNoQueueFound and SolBrokerNoSubscriptionMatch Alerts: The request XML is a system level request. The cloud logon credentials will not have permission to execute this request, so this alert will not be executed for Cloud Brokers.

24033: Not clearable event module alerts now clear after expiration time

In the previous release, SolEventModule alerts that were based on non-clearable events sometimes did not clear. This has been fixed.

24055: Replaced calculated rates from SolBridgeStats cache with Solace provided rates

Calculated rates from SolBridgeStats cache have been replaced by the metrics delivered by Solace. The SOL_BRIDGE_STATS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.

24056: Replaced delta/rate calculated metrics with Solace provided CSPF rates

The calculated rates for Solace CSPF Neighbors have been replaced by Solace calculated rates. The SOL_CSPF_NEIGHBOR table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.

24057: Rename calculated rates from SolClientStats cache with those from Solace

Calculated rates from SolClientStats cache have been replaced by the metrics delivered by Solace. The SOL_CLIENT_STATS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.

24060: Calculated rates in SolVpns cache replaced by those provided by Solace

Calculated rates from SoVpns cache have been removed except for the total ingress/egress discard rates. The SOL_VPNS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.

24082: Solace event module no longer reporting regex errors

In previous releases, the soleventmodule sometimes threw parsing errors on the following syslog messages: CLIENT_CLIENT_BIND_SUCCESS SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_CLOSED SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_OPENED This has been fixed.

24090: Ingress/egress message rates added to Endpoint Summary

Endpoint summary display has been enhanced with history of ingress/egress message rates.

24185: Support for HA Solace Brokers

Support for adding HA Pairs has been introduced. Using the Configuration Application, specify the URL, port, and credentials for the Primary and Backup Brokers. Two rows in the broker table for each broker will be added. Note that the Backup Broker will be identified by having the string "-standby" concatenated to the connection string.

24186: Solace Event Module can be used as sole source of monitoring data

The Solace PubSub+ monitor can be configured to run with all data being provided via the Solace Event Module; without connection properties being configured to Solace Brokers. See the RTView Solace Monitor documentation for a complete description of the configuration steps of the Solace Event Module.

24192: New standby filter selection list added to Solace Broker table and heatmap

An 'Show Standby' selection list has been added to filter the table and heatmap of Solace Brokers.

24193: Solace Broker Environmental Sensors should only show data from a single broker

The Solace Broker Sensors display now enforces selection of a single Broker.

Version 5.0.0 Release Notes

23222: Build with Java 1.8 + drop support for Java 1.7

RTView is now built with Java 1.8 Java 1.7 is no longer supported.

23671: New Syslog Event alerts

Three new alerts for Solace monitor for monitoring Syslog Events for the scopes SYSTEM, VPN, and CLIENT have been implemented. These alerts are named: SolEventModuleBrokerAlert SolEventModuleVpnAlert SolEventModuleClientAlert ... and require the Solace Event Module being configured and running. These alerts handle simultaneously Clearable and Non-Clearable Syslog Events. See TN23693 for details on how the Solace Event Module is configured and executed in the Solace Monitor.


23373: Improved error reporting when persistence database doesn't have correct schema

The Alert Engine has been enhanced to provide expected column information in the case where the Alert Persistence database table does not contain the correct schema.


22526: Enlarged font for help text in Config UI

The font size for help text throughout the ConfigUI has been enlarged to make reading easier.

23346: Refresh prompt added to avoid "invalid project not editable" error

The Configuration Application will now show a message asking the user to refresh when it encounters difficulty connecting to a server after that Data Server (or Data Collector) has been restarted.

23364: Support added for searching connections

Searching and sorting functionality has been added to all connection lists.

23391: History Storage - Keys field removed from MySQL configuration

The History Storage Keys field on the DATA STORAGE tab of the config ui was removed.

23674: Editing existing connection no longer results in a new duplicate connection

Previously editing existing connections could accidentally created clones. This has been fixed.

23686: Solace branding changes in Config UI

The Solace Configuration Application pages have been updated to reflect current Solace branding.

23720: config UI mangles alert notification properties when saving; causes them to fail

In previous releases the alert notification properties were not saved correctly by the Configuration Application in the following deliverables: BWMonitor / TIB_rtview-bw EMSMonitor / TIB_rtview-ems RTViewSolaceMonitor This has been fixed.

Data Historian

23504: Historian now detects lost database connection when using prepared statements

Previously, under certain circumstances, the Historian would not detect lost database connections when using prepared statements. This is no longer the case.

Data Sources

SQL Data Source

23500: Duplicate database connection errors no longer printed to log file

The error reporting for failed database connection attempts has been enhanced. Previously, an error was printed to the console for each failed connection attempt. Now, an error is reported for the first failed connection attempt and no more output is generated until a success message is printed when the connection succeeds. The connection error is only printed again the first time we fail to reconnect after a successful connection is lost. This change applies both to the GmsRtViewSqlDs connections and to the Historian connection to the RTVHISTORY database.


23220: jetty updated to 9.4.14

The version of Jetty used by EM to host web applications has been upgraded to Jetty version 9.4.14. In addition, the temp directory used by Jetty has been changed. Previously, the directory was used, but files were not always removed from this directory. Now, Jetty creates a temp sub-directory in the directory where the data server is running. This temp directory is deleted on shutdown.

23560: Data Cache package added to the Solace Monitor

The Solace Monitor has been enhanced to the include the DataCache package. It is used to collect data via http from a javascript application such as NodeJs. Rest Endpoints (urls) are provided to allow the posting of data to caches, and the creation, deletion and replacement of caches.


23640: Servlet file names changed

The names of the war files distributed with RTView have been changed as per the table below. This means the URLs used with the corresponding RTView servlets must be changed. For example: Old: http://localhost:10070/rtvcentral/ http://localhost:10070/rtvcentral_rtvadmin/ New: http://localhost:10070/rtview-central-classic/ http://localhost:10070/rtview-central-rtvadmin/ Note that the thin client war which was named <package>.war is now named <package>-classic.war and the new HTML UI war will be named <package>.war. The servlet renames for the independent, single-technology monitoring products are listed below. bwmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-bwmon-rtvadmin.war bwmon_rtvquery.war rtview-bwmon-rtvquery.war bwmon_rtvdata.war rtview-bwmon-rtvdata.war bwmon_rtvpost.war rtview-bwmon-rtvpost.war bwmon_rtvagent.war rtview-bwmon-rtvagent.war bw6mon_rtvadmin.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvadmin.war bw6mon_rtvquery.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvquery.war bw6mon_rtvdata.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvdata.war bw6mon_rtvpost.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvpost.war bw6mon_rtvagent.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvagent.war emsmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-emsmon-rtvadmin.war emsmon_rtvquery.war rtview-emsmon-rtvquery.war emsmon_rtvdata.war rtview-emsmon-rtvdata.war emsmon_rtvpost.war rtview-emsmon-rtvpost.war emsmon_rtvagent.war rtview-emsmon-rtvagent.war tbemon_rtvadmin.war rtview-tbemon-rtvadmin.war tbemon_rtvquery.war rtview-tbemon-rtvquery.war tbemon_rtvdata.war rtview-tbemon-rtvdata.war tbemon_rtvpost.war rtview-tbemon-rtvpost.war tbemon_rtvagent.war rtview-tbemon-rtvagent.war rtview#solmon rtview-solmon.war rtview#solmon_manager.war N/A (deprecated) rtview#solmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-solmon-rtvadmin.war rtview#solmon_rtvquery.war rtview-solmon-rtvquery.war rtview#solmon_rtvdata.war rtview-solmon-rtvdata.war rtview#solmon_rtvpost.war rtview-solmon-rtvpost.war rtview#solmon_rtvagent.war rtview-solmon-rtvagent.war rtview#rtvmgr_manager.war rtview-manager-classic.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvadmin.war rtview-manager-rtvadmin.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvquery.war rtview-manager-rtvquery.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvdata.war rtview-manager-rtvdata.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvpost.war rtview-manager-rtvpost.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvagent.war rtview-manager-rtvagent.war

23687: New user names added to the thin client

The default thin client login has been enhanced to support the following new users: user = rtvadmin, password = rtvadmin, role = admin user = rtvuser, password = rtvuser, role = read-only user = rtvalertmgr, password = rtvalertmgr, role = event The previously supported default users (admin, demo) are still supported for the thin client in RTViewCentral, but the new login must be used for the beta Enterprise Edition user interface. In RTViewSolaceMonitor, the new login must be used.

23706: Updated Solace Monitor interface

The navigation of the RTView Solace Monitor has been updated. On larger screens the page now contains a horizontal menu bar with three tabs described below. On smaller screens, the horizontal menu bar is replaced by a vertical menu whose visibility is toggled by clicking the menu icon in the upper right corner of the page. The Displays tab is used to view the Solace displays in the main panel, selected from the navigation tree in the left panel. The Alerts tab is used to view and manage alerts. The Admin tab is used to administer alerts and to view cache contents directly. This tab is accessible only for users that have admin privileges (user accounts with the rtvadmin role). The use of each tab is described below in more detail. The navigation tree in the left panel on the Displays and Admin tabs can be hidden by clicking the "<<" button in the bottom left corner, and then made visible again by clicking the ">>" button. In many cases a click or double click on an object in a display can be used to drilldown to a related display. After such a drilldown, the corresponding item in the navigation tree will be highlighted. The user's navigation through the displays is recorded in the browser history, and the browser's back and next buttons can be used to traverse that history. There is no logout button in the UI. Once a user has logged in, that user remains logged in until the browser window is closed. Closing just the browser tab that contains the UI will not log the user out, the browser itself must be closed. 1) Displays tab: Use this tab to view the Solace Monitor displays. Displays can be selected from the navigation tree in the left panel or by drilling down from one display to another. 2) Alerts Tab: - Use the dropdowns labelled Ack'd and Cleared to filter the table according to the contents of the Ack and Clr columns. - A single click on a row in the table selects the alert. Use Ctrl + click to select multiple alerts. - A double click on a table row simply selects the row, the same as a single click. It does not trigger a drilldown. - With one or more alerts selected, the buttons above the table can be used to: Own: set the alert(s) owner field Ack: acknowledge the alert(s) Unack: clear the acknowledgement on previously acknowledged alert(s) Comment: add a comment to the alert(s) Details: drilldown to the alert detail display CI: drilldown to the CI display that corresponds to the alert, if any. The user must have the rtvalertmgr or the rtvadmin role to perform the Own, Ack, Unack, or Comment actions. If not, an error dialog will appear when the user clicks any of those buttons. 3) Admin tab: - The Alert Administration display allows an administrator to manage alert definitions, by setting thresholds, duration and enabling/disabling them. Use the Override Settings button to define thresholds that are specific to individual items or groups of items. - The Cache Table display is for browsing the raw content of the caches. This low-level option can be useful to identify the source of the problem when the displays are not showing the expected data.

RTView Core Functionality


23373: Improved error reporting when persistence database doesn't have correct schema

The Alert Engine has been enhanced to provide expected column information in the case where the Alert Persistence database table does not contain the correct schema.

Data Historian

23504: Historian now detects lost database connection when using prepared statements

Previously, under certain circumstances, the Historian would not detect lost database connections when using prepared statements. This is no longer the case.

Data Server

23491: Options added to rtvquery for how to output NaN

The rtvquery servlet has new options for specifying how values of NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should appear in the response. The new options are infval, and neginfval, and nanval. infval: The value to use for +Infinity neginfval: The value to use for -Infinity nanval: The value to use for NaN, and for +Infinity if infval is not specified, and for -Infinity if neginf is not specified. These options are recognized only if the nanok option is set to true (nanok=true) and if the requested format is json (fmt=json). These options can be useful if the rtvquery response will be parsed by 3rd party apps that expect specific strings for those values. For example, if a parser expects the string "null" for values of NaN and +/-Infinity, the following options should be used: http://somehost/rtvquery/cache/MyCache/current?fmt=json&nanok=true&nanval="null" Note that the quotes around null are required to make it a valid JSON string. Or, for a parser that expects zero for NaN and +/-Infinity: http://somehost/rtvquery/cache/MyCache/current?fmt=json&nanok=true&nanval=0 Or, for a parser that expects zero for NaN, 99999 for +Infinity, and -99999 for -Infinity http://somehost/rtvquery/cache/MyCache/current?fmt=json&nanok=true&nanval=0&infval=99999&neginfval=-99999 If none of the new options is specified, then the behavior is the same as in previous releases: That is, if nanok = true, then NaN appears as "NaN" in the response, +Infinity appears as "Infinity", and -Infinity as "-Infinity". If nanok = false or is not specified, then NaN, +Infinity,and -Infinity all appear as "" (an empty string) in the response.


23220: jetty updated to 9.4.14

The version of Jetty used by EM to host web applications has been upgraded to Jetty version 9.4.14. In addition, the temp directory used by Jetty has been changed. Previously, the directory was used, but files were not always removed from this directory. Now, Jetty creates a temp sub-directory in the directory where the data server is running. This temp directory is deleted on shutdown.


18806: Support secure JMX with start and stop and status scripts

The start_rtv, stop_rtv and status_rtv scripts have been enhanced so as to work with RTView servers whose JMX ports have been secured either with username and password or with SSL. You give the scripts the necessary information about credentials and they manage authentication with the server. In the first case the necessary information is username and password. In the second case it is client KeyStore and TrustStore locations and their corresponding passwords. This information can be given to the scripts in two ways: via command-line arguments, and via properties placed in any property file used by the server. Username and password may be specified via command-line arguments as follows: -jmxuser:... -jmxpass:... Or by properties as follows: sl.rtview.jmxremote.username=... sl.rtview.jmxremote.password=.... Client KeyStore and TrustStore files and passwords may be specified as follows: -sslkeystore:... -sslkeystorepass:... -ssltruststore:... -ssltruststorepass:... Or by properties as follows: sl.rtview.ssl.client.keyStore=... sl.rtview.ssl.client.keyStorePassword=... sl.rtview.ssl.client.trustStore=... sl.rtview.ssl.client.trustStorePassword=.... You may encrypt the passwords in your properties files by using the command-line tool "encode_string", for example encode_string encoder2 password This will give you an encrypted value for "password" you may use in your properties.

23204: update_wars scripts now support command-line arguments

The update_wars scripts in all deliverables have been improved as follows: 1. The name, host, and portprefix are declared in variables at the top of the script for easy editing. 2. Those three variables may be passed into the scripts on the command-line, e.g. my-appname my-hostname 99 3. You may use "?" or "help" to get a usage message, e.g. > help Usage: [appname [host [portprefix]]] Defaults: rtview-bwmon localhost 33 4. You may edit other variables at the stop of the scripts to set properties for HA (high-availability). Set HA_HOST to the hostname of the backup data server. Set HA_DISPLAYHOST to the hostname of the backup display server. Set HA_FAILBACK to true to automatically reconnect to the primary display server.

23416: JMX port conflicts reported by start scripts

The start_rtv scripts, when checking for port conflicts before starting a server, will now detect if a port conflict is caused by another RTView server, and will identify that server by its RTVAPM_HOME. For example: ...start_rtv.bat: another dataserver running with JMX port 3268 under C:\rtview\RTViewDataServer\rtvapm If the port conflict is caused by a non-RTView process the message will be like this: ...start_rtv.bat: JMX port 3268 in use by PID 1234 In either case the script will include this advice: Warning: server not started, port conflict To avoid port conflicts, run your start script with the -portprefix: command line argument to change the first 2 digits of all your server ports. To persist these port changes, change the port prefix in the Configuration Application or use the -saveportprefix: command line argument. See the documentation for more information.

23431: Start scripts no longer fail on windows if there are spaces in the install directory

The scripts used to start and stop rtview servers on Windows would fail if the product were installed in a directory with spaces in the name (e.g. "test directory"). This has been fixed.

23467: Fixed portprefix command line bugs

Two problems with the -portprefix option have been corrected. It will now emit correct args for the single-solution monitoring products, and it will not incorrectly emit args for central servers.

Solution Package

Host Infrastructure

23048: Fixed incorrect info in hostbase file

This Host Solution Package property is obsolete: $hostAgentDomain:myDomain For SL Host agents, the domain name is set in the agent's file.

23683: Corrections/additions to rtvHostAgent

The default port that the Host Agent sends to has been changed from 3972 to 3272, the new default listen port for RTView DataServers. For user convenience, information about optional command line arguments, that can override some properties in, has been added to the README.txt and comments.


23258: Improved drill down behavior of Solace Neighbors topology diagram

The CSPF Neighbors Topology diagram has been fixed and now allows drill down to the CSPF Neighbor Table filtered by the selected Message Router when one double clicks on a Message Router with neighbors. Otherwise, the CSPF Neighbor table will show all neighbors from all Message Routers.

23265: HSQLDB database now only started with -eval flag

The starting of HSQLDB has been parameterized with command line flag in the scripts for starting RTView processes. For evaluation purposes append the -eval command line: start_servers.bat -eval or -eval which will execute HSQLDB for ease of use in evaluation situations. When one of the supported SQL databases is configured, the script should be started without any command line appended.

23536: Data queries improved to work with heavily loaded router

The RTView Solace Data Source has been improved to incorporate paging on all high volume SEMP requests. These improved queries are for Clients, Endpoints (Queues and Topics) and VPNs.

23630: Bind-requests removed from SolClients cache

The metric bind-requests has been removed from the SolClients cache and accordingly from the Clients Table and Client Summary.

23675: Display Server UI removed from Solace Monitor

The RTView Display Server UI for the Solace Monitor has been deprecated. Users should continue to use the newer HTML 5 UI that was added in the previous release.

23690: Brokers Table no longer empty when collecting data from cloud brokers

The VPN information from the Solace Cloud Brokers has been raised to the Brokers displays to avoid misleading empty displays due to the limited characteristics of their functionality.

23722: New Solace Sparse Message Spool Files alert

A new alert SolSparseMessageSpoolFile, for detecting the existence of sparse message spool files, has been implemented. This alert will be triggered when the Disk Space Utilization is above 30% and the ratio of Disk Space in MB and Spool Usage in MB is above 3. Look at the Recommended Actions Section from for details on how to solve this situation.

23729: Support for Syslog messages changed

Solace solution package support for Syslog messages has changed. The previously supported Syslog connections and displays are no longer available. Solace Syslog messages are now handled by the Solace Event Module. The new Syslog display is availabe in the RTViewSolaceMonitor and in the beta Enterprise Edition monitor. It is not available with Enterprise Monitor (thin client). Users with existing Solace projects from previous releases that contain Syslog connections will need to migrate their Syslog connection information to the Solace Event Module.

23766: New metrics to calculate SolSparseMessageSpoolFile alert

The Disk Space Usage in MB and the Spool Usage in MB metrics have been added to the SolApplianceMessageSpool cache. These metrics will be used to calculate the condition for triggering the SolSparseMessageSpoolFile alert.

Version 4.2.0 Release Notes


23135: Fixed bug with removing vpn from Solace connection

In the previous release, it was not possible to remove all Solace vpn's from the connections dialog. This has been fixed.

23140: New Connection icon no longer disappears from Configuration Application after toggling tabs on SYSLOG connections.

The Solace Add Syslog Connection ('+') button now always appears as expected.

23187: IE 11 Compatibility mode is now recognized as not supported

IE 11 Compatibility mode is now flagged as being unsupported for the Configuration Application.

Data Historian

22195: RTView Historian now uses PreparedStatements

The Historian now uses PreparedStatements for repeated SQL Queries against the historian database - For raw data insert - For data compaction - For retention deletion Previously the historian used literal SQL queries with unique timestamps.

Data Server

23210: Improved error reporting for start_rtv.bat/sh scripts

The start_rtv scripts have been enhanced to report possible port conflicts before trying to start a server, and to report if a server is not actually started due to some other cause (e.g. expired license key). if a server's data and/or JMX port is already in use by another process, start_rtv will report e.g.: dataserver: JMX port xxx in use by PID yyy dataserver: Data port xxx in use by PID yyy If the server fails to start for some other reason, start_rtv will report e.g.: dataserver: Executing rundata -propfilter:receiver dataserver: ... was not started, check log file.

23211: Message now shown in dataserver console when Java is not available.

The scripts which start servers have been improved to give a clear indication if the java command is not available. If java(.exe) is not found on the PATH but JAVA_HOME is defined, the scripts will add JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH and try again. If JAVA_HOME is not defined or java(.exe) cannot be found in JAVA_HOME, the scripts will fail with the error "java not found on PATH and JAVA_HOME not defined or not valid." On Windows this will be followed by a pause and "Press any key to continue".


23064: Configuration Application now displaying proper warning after failing to write property.

An alert dialog has been added to display any warning msgs that follow a successful save.

23177: Renamed project directories in RTViewSolaceMonitor

The project directory names have been changed: RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\solmon -> RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\rtview-server RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\rtvmgr-> RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\rtvmgr-server

RTView Core Functionality

Data Historian

22195: RTView Historian now uses PreparedStatements

The Historian now uses PreparedStatements for repeated SQL Queries against the historian database - For raw data insert - For data compaction - For retention deletion Previously the historian used literal SQL queries with unique timestamps.

Data Server

23211: Message now shown in dataserver console when Java is not available.

The scripts which start servers have been improved to give a clear indication if the java command is not available. If java(.exe) is not found on the PATH but JAVA_HOME is defined, the scripts will add JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH and try again. If JAVA_HOME is not defined or java(.exe) cannot be found in JAVA_HOME, the scripts will fail with the error "java not found on PATH and JAVA_HOME not defined or not valid." On Windows this will be followed by a pause and "Press any key to continue".


23032: New validate_install.bat/sh script

A new script has been added to the RTView distributions to validate the RTView installation. It will verify the environment and directory structure and on Unix it will also fix file permissions and file formats as required. The script is validate_install.bat/sh. It is used in a command prompt or terminal window by changing to the toplevel/rtvapm directory and typing "validate_install(.sh)". On Unix, if file permissions or formats are fixed, the script will print a count of the files fixed. Additionally, if invoked with the argument "-v" (verbose) it will list the names of the files fixed. Examples: Validating installation in /opt/rtview/RTViewSolaceMonitor ... Java installation correct. ... rtvapm installation correct. ... file permissions correct. ... file formats correct. Validating installation in C:\rtview\RTViewDataServerKafka ... Java installation correct. ... rtvapm installation correct.

Solution Package


23037: Table Displays now present subset of available data, with a toggle to view full data

To improve ease of location of metrics in the tabular displays of the RTView Solace Monitor, these displays have been enhanced to show a limited set of metrics by default. If the user needs the full set of metrics in the tables, a toggle element in the form of the hyperlink is present. This feature will improve usability and assist users on toggling between tables showing all available metrics for the corresponding monitoring item or a limited set of the most outstanding metrics. Affected display are: All Msg Routers Table, All VPN's Table, All Clients Table, CSPF Neighbors, All Bridges Table, All End points Table, Message Router Capacity Table.

23060: Two new automated topology views for CSPF Neighbors and Bridges

Two new automated topology views for CSPF Neighbors and Bridges have been added to the RTView Solace Monitor. The first display allow users to see the topology view of their CSPF Neighbor Message Routers, showing which Servers are active and which Message Routers connected to each other. The second display allow users to see the topology view of their Bridges, showing the bridge connectivity as arrows between VPNs from the same or different Message Routers. LIMITATIONS - Only the Chrome browser is supported - Clicking on objects in the Bridges topology diagram will allow users to drill down, but this functionality is not currently supported for the Neighbors toplogy diagram.

23173: Physical memory used percentage and subscription memory used percentage added to SOL_APPLIANCE database table

Two new message router metrics have been added to the history of the SolAppliances cache: physical memory used percentage and subscription memory used percentage. These metrics are shown in the Message Router Summary display in the fourth metric card and under the trend tab titled "Memory". Users will need to update the table structure of the SOL_APPLIANCE historian table by executing the following alter table SQL sentences in your selected database administrative tool: Oracle: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD ("memory-used-percent" REAL , "subscript-mem-used-percent" REAL); DB2: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "memory-used-percent" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "subscript-mem-used-percent" DOUBLE; SyBase: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "memory-used-percent" FLOAT NULL, "subscript-mem-used-percent" FLOAT NULL; MySQL: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "memory-used-percent" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "subscript-mem-used-percent" DOUBLE; SQLServer: ALTER TABLE [SOL_APPLIANCE] ADD [memory-used-percent] FLOAT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_APPLIANCE] ADD [subscript-mem-used-percent] FLOAT;

Version 4.1.0 Release Notes

22843: Configuration Application added to RTView Monitor for Solace

The Solace Monitor has been enhanced to include the Configuration Application which is available at the following url: http://localhost:8068/rtview/solmon_rtvadmin The login is rtvadmin/rtvadmin. The Configuration Application can be used to setup connections and poll rates and configure history.


22891: Configuration Application now uses basic authentication instead of digest

In the previous release, the Configuration Application used Digest authentication which cause occasional problems with the login dialog coming up repeatedly when single sign on was not enabled in the app server. It has been modified to use BASIC authentication instead which does not require single sign on. Basic authentication sends the username and password as a base64-encoded string. This a public encoding scheme and is therefore not secure unless https is used. If you are concerned about keeping the login credentials of the Configuration Application secure, you should deploy it using https which will secure all data including the login credentials.

22892: New Restart Data Server option added to configuration application

The RTView Configuration Application has been enhanced with a button to restart a Solution Package data server. This button is available whenever there are unapplied changes. To restart a solution package data server: 1. Make some configuration changes and click SAVE to save them. 2. A Restart button will appear in the top right corner of the page. When you click the Restart button, you will be taken back to the top level page. The data server for the solution package project will exit, then start back up with the changes applied. The button is also available on the top level page if you want to restart your data server later. There is a delay of 10 seconds between the shutdown of the server and the restart in order to allow system resources to be released by the exising process. It may take several more seconds before Configuration Application and other clients reconnect to the data server. Note that this process only restarts the data server. Settings for the display server or historian processes will not be applied until those processes are restarted using the scripts. They cannot be restarted from the Configuration Application.


22794: New user interface for RTView Monitor for Solace

RTView Monitor for Solace UI has been updated. To reach the new UI, open a browser window and redirect to: YourHost:8068/rtview/solmon where YourHost is the host name or IP address where the RTView Monitor for Solace Monitor was installed.


22796: Added Tomcat security for RTView Monitor for Solace

Tomcat digest security has been added to RTView Monitor for Solace.

RTView Core Functionality


22853: rtvpost servlet added to Jetty

RTView Enteprise Monitor html server feature has been enhanced to include the %RTV_HOME%\servlets\rtvpost\rtvpost.war servlet in Jetty.

Solution Package


22721: Support Solace Cloud Edition

Support for Solace Cloud Edition has been added. Connections can be defined using the RTView Configuration Application.

22787: Wrong metric name in renaming function will generate a wrong zero value

A typo on the name of the spool message size in MB metric for topic endpoints was preventing the correct value to be collected. This typo has been fixed and now the spool message size in MB for topic endpoints is collected properly. Also, several typos on client bridge received bytes metrics have been removed which prevented the correct values to be stored in the SolBridges cache. Now the client received total, data, persistent, non persistent, and direct bytes are stored properly into the cache.

22789: Collect SEMP version automatically to avoid configuration problems

As of Solace VMR version 8.7+ and Solace Appliance version 8.3+, it is no longer required to include a SEMP version string in connection properties. See For earlier versions of Solace VMR and Solace Appliance, the SEMP version string should be entered in connection properties. Not using the proper SEMP version string would impair the collection of monitoring metrics. See RTView Solace Solution Package documentation for a description to determine the SEMP version string in your Solace Message Router and to enter this value in your connection properties.

22799: Full EM deployment no longer an alterative deployment option

The RTView Monitor for Solace no longer contains the option to run a full RTView Enterprise Monitor deployment. The URLs for RTView Monitor for Solace are the following: - SOLMON UI: host:8068/rtview/solmon Username: solmon Password: solmonpw - SOLMON Configuration Application: host:8068/rtview/solmon_rtvadmin Username: rtvadmin Password: rtvadmin - SOLMON Alert Manager UI: host:8068/rtview/solmon_manager Username: solmon Password: solmonpw - RTVMGR UI: host:8068/rtview/rtvmgr_manager Username: solmon Password: solmonpw

Version 3.8.0 Release Notes


22053: EM property handling has been enhanced

In previous releases, sender properties could be overriden by project properties unintentionally. In order to address this, the EM property handling has been enhanced to give precedence to the properties that use the sender property filter for processes that are run with the sender property filter.

22069: Port inconsistencies fixed in multiple solution packages

The following solution packages were set to use an incorrect port in rtvagent.war to communicate with the dataserver: acwmon mqmon mysqlmon ocmon syslog These have been corrected.


21919: $rtvTimeZoneOffset substitution has been removed from emcommon and emreference

The $rtvTimeZoneOffset substitution has been removed from emsample\conf\ This substitution is not used in any standard EM displays. Customers who have created custom displays for use with EM, should check to see if they have used that substitution and if so, add it to their project properties.


21983: Fixed an issue with .war file creation

Previously some solution packages could not be built from scratch in a deliverable using the make_wars_package.bat script, due to a file missing from the package library. This has been fixed. The effected solution packages are: Solution Package for Amazon Cloudwatch (acwmon) Solution Package for VMWare (vmwmon) Solution Package for TIBCO ActiveSpaces (tasmon)

RTView Core Functionality

Data Historian

21921: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 now supported

Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 are now supported as databases for use with the Data Historian, provided that the latest JDBC driver is used (sqljdbc41.jar with Java 1.7, sqljdbc42.jar with Java 1.8).

Display Server

21909: Tomcat logs no longer produce gratuitous rtvCleanup errors

In previous releases the following error message appeared in the Tomcat log at shutdown, for each deployed copy of the rtvdisplay servlet: "SEVERE: The web application [/rtvdisplay] appears to have started a thread named [rtvCleanup] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak." Starting with this release, the error message should be seen less often in the log file, although it may still appear occasionally. In any case, there is no danger of a memory leak when tomcat is shutdown.

21990: Fixed a vulnerability in the thin client

An XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in the thin client login.jsp file has been fixed.

21996: Fixed an issue with thin client resizing

In previous releases, after a display is resized by the thin client to fit the browser window, the black border around the default button (if any) was drawn in the button's original position, rather than the button's new position. This is fixed.

Object Library

21045: Misconfigured table objects no longer cause javascript exceptions in the thin client

A bug in the thin client has been fixed which could cause a javascript exception if the columnFormat on a table object was misconfigured to specify a format for a string column, and a backslash character appeared in the column.


22049: EM enhanced to automatically read local files

EM applications have been enhanced to automatically read if it exists in the directory where they were started. If does not exist, no error is printed. Upgrade Notes: If you are upgrading from a previous version and your project contains a file, be aware that this file will be used even if it is not specified on the command line. To avoid this, rename or remove your file.

Solution Package


21815: Message Router drop down enhanced to show availability of message routers

The Message Router drop down has been enhanced to indicate the availability of the Message Router. When the Message Router is disconnected, the connection name contains the string [?] appended to indicate the quality state: "No Data". When the Message Router has expired, the connection name contains the string [X] appended to indicate the quality state: "Lost Data". No string is appended to the connection name if the Message Router has no monitoring issues.

21886: Removed unnecessary link in Message Routers navigation tab

The link to the CSPF Neighbors has been removed from the Message Routers navigation tab.

21997: Multiple improvements made to some SOLMON displays

To avoid having the SOLMON Client displays blank when there is an error in the SEMP request that populates the SolClients cache, an improvement in our displays has been introduced to show the data available mainly from the SolClientStats cache and leave the SolClients cache as a secondary source of data. As a result, the All Clients Table can show the data coming from the available SolClientStats cache. The missing columns that are primarily static strings will be blank in this display. In regard the Clients Summary, a quality measurement of the available data is being performed so the display shows the existing data and hides the graphical elements for which we don't have available current data. If the data is Expired, the background of this display is shown grey with the string "[X]" appended to the Client name in the drop down. Finally, the background of the display will be shown as light red and the Alert State grayed out if there is no client available.

22036: Properties related to SOLMON history tables moved to conf directory

The properties that enable/disable the SOLMON history tables have been moved from the file to the file located in the conf directory. To change the default settings, follow the instructions provided in the second file.

Version 3.7.0 Release Notes


21836: MySQL now provided via Docker Hub

For the convenience of users who utilize Docker, the slcorp repo on Docker Hub now includes an image of MySQL Database configured to work with RTView. This container only works with Docker 1.10 and later. See rtvapm/containers/docker/mysql-rtview/README.txt for more information.

Drill Down

21887: Fixed an issue with navtrees

In previous releases, when drilling down from within a display to another display in the navtree, the tree selection sometimes failed to update correctly. This happened in the case where there were multiple navtree items for the same display with different subs and the user drilled down to that display from within another display. This has been fixed.

RTView Core Functionality


21924: Fixed an issue with disabling event alerts

In previous releases, disabling event alerts was sometimes ignored due to a bug that was introduced in RTView Classic 6.7.0, RTView EM 3.2.0. This has been fixed.


21672: Builder enhanced to remember dialog window sizes and positions

The Display Builder has been enhanced to automatically save and restore the size and location of the following dialogs: - Open (File->Open) - Save (File->Save/Save-As) - Function Results (Function Dialog->Result Button) The Tools->Reset Window Layout menu option and the -resetlayout command line option restore the size and location of these windows in addition to the other windows that were previously reset.

Builder - Property Dialogs

15582: Japanese label for "Update Mode" property now shown on certain dialogs

Previously, the Japanese label for "Update Mode" property was not shown on certain polled ds attach to data dialogs when running on a Japanese OS. The English label was used instead. This is no longer the case. Affected dialogs include the custom polledds and polledds2 example data sources, and the http rest data source

Data Server

21898: Fixed an issue with rtvquery returning errors on valid query strings

In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would sometimes return an error of "No data received before timeout, query may be invalid" for a specific, valid cache query string, on every attempt. The servlet needed to be restarted to clear the error. This has been fixed.

Display Server

21906: Thin client enhanced to check user role access on each request

In prior releases, after a user had logged into the thin client, the user could manually enter a specific URL in the same browser instance and possibly view data from rtview displays to which the user's role should have denied access. This is fixed.

21908: Enhanced display server with option to limit access to specific panel files

The display server now supports a "permitpanel" option to specify the panel layout files that the server will read. A panel layout for the thin client is requested from the display server with a URL parameter as follows: panels.jsp?file=X where X is the name of the panel layout file that the server should read. By default, the display server will attempt to read any filename on the server that is specified by the URL parameter. If the file is a valid panel layout file, the thin client will use it. But if the file does not exist, a "no such file" error is displayed in the browser, and if the file exists but does not contain the expected layout information, a "no panels found" error is displayed in the browser. The permitpanel option allows you to specify the file(s) which the display server will read in response to a panels.jsp request. Requests from panels.jsp for any other files are rejected with a "Permission denied" error shown in the browser, regardless of whether the file exists or not, and the server will not attempt to read such files. The option may be specified multiple times to allow access to multiple panel files. Command-line example: run_displayserver -permitpanel:PANELS.ini -permitpanel:layout.xml DISPLAYSERVER.ini example: permitpanel PANELS.ini permitpanel layout.xml In addition, the display server supports another new option to prevent attempts to load remote files, as follows: -permitfile:LOCAL_ONLY If that option is specified any rtv or image files that are referenced by URL will not be read and the server will log a message similar to the following: non-local file read permission denied: http://host/somefile

21912: Fixed phishing vulnerabilities in thin client

In prior releases, it was possible to create phishing URLs which appeared to be directed at the rtview thin client but would redirect the user to another site, or download and possibly execute a file. These vulnerabilities have been fixed.

Platform Support

21871: Support for Java 1.6 dropped

RTView is now built with Java 1.7. Java 1.6 is no longer supported.

Version 3.6.0 Release Notes


21748: Fixed an issue where Unix data servers sometimes failed to shut down

In previous releases, using stop_rtv on Unix platforms to stop a TIBCO solution package data server process sometimes failed due to a spurious rvd process. This has been fixed.


21846: New RTView Monitor for Solace - AMI option

RTView Monitor for Solace is now available pre-installed on an Amazon EC2 Amazon Machine Image (AMI) running Amazon Linux. It comes pre-installed with a 30-day license, and is configured to start all RTView processes and supporting services on restart. The AMI includes the following application stack for convenience of quick deployment. Please refer to /home/ec2-user/amibase/MANIFEST.txt for the full version info: Oracle Java 8 Node Docker MySQL 5.7 (via Docker) for storage of historical data rtvHostAgent (via Docker) for providing host metrics to RTVMGR cadvisor-rtview (via Docker) for providing docker metrics to RTVMGR The scripts used to create the docker containers are included in named subdirectories under /home/ec2-user/amibase, to be used as templates if you wish to recreate the containers with your preferred configuration. The MySQL database data is stored external to the docker container at /home/ec2-user/amibase/mysql/DATA. Initial Setup: You may gain access to the community rtvsolmon-VERSION-YYYYMMDD-community AMI via, at We recommend starting with an instance from the t2 family, sized according to the number of Solace appliances you are monitoring. Depending on how much archival data you wish to store in the database, you may wish to increase your disk size past the default 8 GB of the AMI. After creating an instance from the rtvsolmon-VERSION-YYYYMMDD-community AMI, you will need to SSH to your instance to add the connection properties for your Solace appliance(s) to /home/ec2-user/RTViewSolaceMonitor/em-solmon/servers/solmon/ Please see the User Guide for full details.


21205: Thin client table objects are now rendered as HTML5

The table objects in the EM thin client have been enhanced to provide improved filtering, sorting, and other interactive features. See the release note for 20185 for a detailed description of the new table features.

21813: Fixed an issue with group objects and wrapped diagrams

In the previous release, if the first object in a wrapped diagram was defined to be included in a group, it was not included in the group object. This has been fixed.


21739: Enhanced the All JVMs Heatmap display with a Source drop down

A drop down for Source has been added to the All JVMs heatmap display.

21740: Enhanced the All JVMs Table display with a Source drop down

A drop down for Source has been added to the All JVMs Table display.

21754: Fixed an issue preventing JVM Runtime data collection

A bug that prevented collection of JVM Runtime data from several versions of Java (6, 7 and 8 versions) has been fixed.

21792: Enhanced the All JVMs Table display with more columns

PID, Host Name, Current Heap, and Used Heap have been added to the All JVMs Table display.

21793: Enhanced the All JVMs Heatmap display

The All JVMs Heatmap display from RTVMGR Solution Package has been enhanced to include PID, Current Heap, and Used Heap. The last two metrics are also included in the Metric drop down.

21838: Enhanced RTVMGR in SOLMON Bundle

The RTVMGR configuration has been enhanced in RTView Monitor for Solace. It now includes monitoring for a MySQL Database, as well as Host and Docker metrics. For users of the RTView Monitor for Solace AMI version, all connection properties populate these displays have been pre-configured in the standard file and do not require further configuration. Users of the On Premise version will not see data in the Host or MySQL displays unless they choose to configure these.

RTView Core Functionality


21795: Fixed an issue where the Cleared Reason for an alert was incorrect

In prevous releases, the Cleared Reason was sometimes incorrect after an alert was disabled and re-enabled. This has been fixed.

Data Historian

21699: Enhanced Historian compaction to avoid long delays

The Historian smooth compaction code no longer performs a row count. This prevents long delays during smoothing by avoiding Select Count(*) calls.

Display Server

21772: Extra-bold font in Firefox fixed

In the previous release, objects using font index 7 (sans-serif bold) would appear extra bold in some versions of Firefox if the display server was configured to use the extended font feature with arimob.ttf assigned to font 7. This has been fixed.

21853: Fixed an issue with small numbers not updating to zero in the thin client

In previous releases, the value displayed in an obj_rect_ilv object would not change if the previous value was greater than zero and less than one, and a value of zero was applied. This problem occurred only in the thin client and is now fixed.


21714: Added Unix scripts to create .war files for a given solution package

The script has been added to the rtvapm distribution. Like make_package_wars.bat, it is used to create an initial set of war files for a given solution package. The war files are created in the <package>/webapps directory. After they are created, update_wars.bat/sh should be run to update them with the correct port numbers. The scripts should be run from the <package>/webapps directory. They take the package name as argument, e.g. " bwmon".

21771: Fixed an issue where ports were misidentified

The rtvapm start/stop/status scripts, when testing the ports of a given server, would incorrectly identify a port as "taken" whose number contained the server's number with a leading or trailing digit. (For example finding 33675 in use and saying 3675 is taken.) This has been corrected.

Solution Package


21697: Fixed an issue preventing Tomcat from stopping cleanly

A bug that prevented Tomcat from stopping cleanly on UNIX and Linux systems has been fixed. The CATALINA_PID variable is now defined in the Tomcat script for these systems. Also, the script requirement of JAVA_HOME being set in the environment has been changed to require Java available in the PATH. This change will allow starting RTView processes at startup before the user environment has been set.

21786: All Endpoints Table display enhanced with two new check boxes

Two new check boxes to filter by Expired and Down have been added to the All Endpoints Table display.

21787: All VPNs Table display enhanced with two new check boxes

Two new check boxes to filter by Expired and Disabled have been added to the All VPNs Table display.

21788: All Clients Table display enhanced with two new check boxes

The All Clients Table display has been enhanced by adding two check boxes to filter by Expired and Internal. By default, Expired and Disabled check boxes are unchecked, meaning that only non-expired of the Primary Type Clients are shown. When checked, all Clients, expired and non-expired as well as Primary and Internal will be respectively shown.

21789: All CSPF Neighbors Table display enhanced with two new check boxes

Two new check boxes for State Ok and Expired have been added to the All CSPF Neighbors Table display. By default both check boxes are unchecked, meaning that all non-expired CSPF Neighbors are shown. When Ok is checked, only CSPF Neighbors with State=Ok are shown. When Expired is checked all CSPF Neighbors, expired and non-expired are shown in the table.

21790: All Bridges Table display enhanced with two new check boxes

Two new check boxes for "Disabled" and "Expired" have been added to the All Bridges Table display. By default the "Expired" check box is unchecked, meaning that only non-expired Bridges are shown, and the "Disabled" check box is checked, which shows all Bridges regardless of their Admin State. When "Disabled" is unchecked, only enabled Bridges with Admin State=Enabled are shown. When "Expired" is checked, all expired Bridges are shown in the table, in addition to the non-expired Bridges.

21799: CSPF cache enhanced with Ingress/Egress metrics

Ingress and Egress metrics for CSPF Neighbor Msg Routers have been added.

21800: New CSPF Ingress/Egress metrics are now available

Ingress/Egress metrics for CSPF Neighbor Msg Routers have been stored in history from the CSPH Neighbor cache. The table creation SQL statement for supported platforms is located in solmon/dbconfig directory. The name of the table is SOL_CSPF_NEIGHBOR. By default, data is being stored in history for this table. To disable storage of historical data, edit the file and uncomment the following property:$SOL_CSPF_NEIGHBOR_TABLE:''

21801: SolAppliances cache enhanced with two new metrics

Two new metrics have been included in the SolAppliances cache. Host Address and Connected. The later keeps track of the connection state of the Msg Router.

21803: Message Router Summary display enhanced with Host Address

The Host Address has been added to the header of the Msg Router Summary display.

21804: EM enhanced with a new alert

A new alert,SolMsgRouterNotConnected, has been added. This alert will be executed when the Msg Router is not ready for collecting monitoring data.

21807: SOLMON tables functionality enhanced

All tabular displays now select a row by single clicking and drill down to the corresponding summary by double clicking. The enhanced displays are the following: - Message Routers->All Message Routers Table - Neighbors-> CSPH Neigbors Table - VPNs->All VPNs Table - Clients->All Clients Table - Bridges-> All Bridges Table - Endpoints-> All Endpoints Table - Capacity Analysis-> All Msg Routers Capacity

21808: All Msg Routers Heatmap display has been enhanced

Two check boxes, "Connected" and "Expired", have been added to the All Msg Routers Heatmap display.

21809: Enhanced some displays to correctly align their contents

The Msg Router and the Capacity displays for the corresponding menu tags have been enhanced to correctly align their contents.

21810: Enhanced EM with a new page for CSPF Neighbors

The CSPF Neighbor Msg Router displays have been organised under a new menu tab named Neighbors.

21812: Msg Router VPN Activity display has been enhanced

The Msg Router VPN Activity display has been enhanced to show the most active VPNs sorted by Client Connections, Ingress/Egress bytes / sec and Pending Msgs. The number of VPNs shown is adjusted to the height of the window.

21814: EM enhanced with new metrics

In Msgs /sec and Out Msgs / sec have been added to the SOLMON-MSGROUTER CI Type as Key Metrics.

21817: Trend Value precision is now one decimal value in Client Summary display

The precision of the trend values has been changed to one decimal value in the Client Summary display.

21827: Enhanced EM by standardizing colors across multiple displays

The following displays have been improved to follow RTView EM standards on color trends: - Message Router Capacity Summary - Message Router Capacity Trends - Single Message Router Summary - Single Bridge Summary - Single Client Summary - Single Endpoint Summary - Single VPN Summary