Solace PubSub+ Monitor |
Version 6.4.2 Release Notes
RE-36699: Only allocate memory for tabular alerts that are enabled or have overrides
The alert data source has been improved to avoid allocating memory for tabular alerts that are not enabled and have no overrides defined.
Data Historian
RE-36685: New UI status banner for connectivity issues
The monitor has been enhanced to indicate when connectivity has been lost: 1) from the monitor to the app server (tomcat) 2) from the app server to the data server (central or standalone) 3) from the data server to the ALERTDEFS database When one of those conditions is detected, a broken link icon appears on the right side of the title bar, just left of the username label. The icon is red with an amber background. A dialog window will also appear, with one of the following messages, corresponding to one of the conditions described above: 1) No response from <url> 2) No connection to data server via <url> 3) No alert settings. Check ALERTDEFS database connection. ... where <url> is the url for the rtvquery servlet, e.g. https://myhost:8068/rtview-central-rtvquery or http://myhost:8068/rtview-solmon-rtvquery Note that conditions #1 and #2 are also indicated on most displays by the "Data Stale" label and icon. However that indicator is rather small so it may be overlooked, and is not included on all displays. The new connectivity indicator is more obvious, also covers condition #3, and is always available since it is part of the title bar.
RE-36709: Increase maxHttpHeaderSize in Tomcat for https connectors
The maxHttpHeaderSize setting of the bundled Apache Tomcat has been increased to 32768 for HTTPS port 8443. This change was previously implemented for HTTP port 8068.
RE-36719: Bundled Apache Tomcat updated to 9.0.98
The bundled Apache Tomcat has been updated to 9.0.98.
RE-36692: Check for netstat in
The script now issues an error if the netstat utility is not available on the system. This utility is used for checking the status of, and stopping, RTView processes.
RE-36710: LDAP failure in Tomcat 9.0.93
A problem with login to the monitor UI and config UI via LDAP has been fixed. All login attemps would fail with the message "You don't have the required role to view this page", even if the user had the required role. The catalina.log file would containg the error message ""Could not read role file null/conf/rtview-roles.txt" for each login attempt. The problem was first noticed in Tomcat 9.0.93 but may affect earlier versions of 9.0.x
Platform Support
RE-35688: Bundled tomcat now supports SJIS log encoding
The default encoding of logs in Apache Tomcat is UTF-8. The setenv.bat script now checks for a japanese locale on Windows and sets the encoding to SJIS if it is found.
RE-36657: Support for RHEL 9
RTView Enterprise and the standalone Monitors now support Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.x.
RE-36711: CATALINA_HOME/bin/setenv_rtvcustom.* scripts added to support upgradeability
New script, setenv_rtvcustom.bat and, have been added to the bundled Apache Tomcat bin directory. These script are called by respectively by setenv.bat and Both are copied when the upgrade_rtv script is run. Users who previously made changes to setenv.bat|sh should now make their edits to the new script, and their edits will be included in the upgrade process. Changes made to setenv.bat|sh are not copied.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-36609: Solace -> Connectors tab added to Configuration Application
The Solace page in the Configuration Application (rtvadmin) now includes a tab labeled "Connectors". This tab is used to configure RTView to collect metrics from Solace Connectors. For each Connector, these items must be specified: Connector Name: name to use for this Connector in the monitor displays Broker Name: the name of the broker this Connector is associated with URL: the URL to use for querying metrics, e.g. http://myhost:8090 Username: username for login to URL Password: password for that user If the URL begins with https, then a certificate for that URL should be added to the data server's truststore. The truststore properties are specified in the Security / SSL Credentials section of the Configuration Application. The Broker Name dropdown list is populated from the brokers defined on the Connections tab. In previous releases that supported Connectors, custom properties were used to define the items listed above. If those custom properties are found in your existing properties, they will be converted automatically to the new format.
RE-36613: Improvements to the Bridges Diagram
The appearance of the Solace Bridges Diagram dashboard has been updated, including icon shapes, colors, and the appearance of the context menus. The Cluster Name is now included in the node tooltip, enclosed in parenthesis after the Broker Connection. The following bugs have been fixed: - The entire diagram could accidentally get keyboard focus, with a black border was drawn around the entire diagram - Users were able to delete nodes via the Delete key - Unidirectional bridges were not presented correctly
RE-36641: SolClientUsernames cache now includes cloud brokers
A parsing error was preventing correct data collection of client-username metrics from Solace Cloud Brokers. This has been fixed
RE-36660: Improve Neighbors Diagram
The look-and-feel of the Neighbors Diagram has changed. See RE-36613 for descriptions of the nature of the changes. In addition, the CSPF Neighbors Diagram has been fixed for correct rendering of neighboring brokers.
RE-36669: New filter for Solace LVQ Endpoints collection
A new flag to remove LVQ (Last Value Queues) from being monitored has been added. This feature requires adding the following custom property: Name: sl.rtview.sub Value: $solQueueFilterOutLvqs:yes Filter: collector Comment: filter out LVQs After restarting the collector, when this flag exists, no queue with a quota of zero will be part of the monitoring data set. That means these queues will not be taken into account in any computation nor reside in PSPM caches, dashboards, and database. NOTE: After restart with this flag active, the alerts belonging to LVQs will be orphaned, and would need to be manually cleared. It is recommended that such alerts be cleared before enabling this flag. This flag does not apply to Topic Endpoints.
RE-36677: Bridges diagram: Change link color for bridges with alerts and support link drilldown
The Solace Bridges Diagram has been enhanced to change the color of a link according to the maximum severity of any alerts for the bridge(s) represented by the link. If the max severity is 2 (alert) the link will be red, if it is 1 (warning) the link will be yellow. Otherwise the link will be green. However, if none of the link’s bridges are enabled its color will be gray (as in prior releases), regardless of alert severity. The max severity and enabled count for a link's bridges are shown in the link's tooltip. In addition, a double click on a link will drilldown to a new display named “Selected Bridges� that contains a table showing the bridge(s) represented by the link. In the nav tree, the Selected Bridges item can’t be clicked by the user since it is intended to be reached only via drilldown from the diagram.
RE-36684: SolClusters and SolRouters caches now include cloud brokers
The SolClusters and SolRouters caches (only available under Admin > Cache Table) now show cloud brokers.
RE-36688: Corrected false positive SolEndPointSpoolMemory(HWM)UtilHigh alerts
SolEndpointSpoolMemoryUtilHigh and SolEndpointSpoolMemoryHWMUtilHigh alerts have been fixed to avoid endpoints with zero quota from triggering false positive alerts.
RE-36700: Support for Solace Connector v2.x
A new archive rtvapm/solmon/lib/ext/ has been added for configuring Solace Connector v2.x for monitoring by RTView. The existing archive products/rtvapm/solmon/lib/ext/ has been renamed to, and is intended for use with Solace Connectors v1.x. Refer to the User Guide for more information on how to configure a Solace Connector.
RE-36702: Spool utilization metrics adjusted at Broker and VPN levels
The metrics for spool utilization at Broker and VPN level have been corrected to align with those delivered from Solace. Prior to this change, the spool utilization at the Broker and VPN level were computed as the aggregated sum across all VPNs or endpoints, respectively, which produced false positive utilization alerts as the spool utilization metrics were over-estimated.
RE-36703: "Go To CI" improved for SolConnector alerts
The "Go to CI" feature now works as expected for all Solace Connector alerts.
RE-36705: Standby Broker no longer generating false Bridge down alerts
SolBridgeDown alerts no longer executes for brokers configured in HA redundancy. At startup, when broker configuration metrics are partially available, this alert might be executed but will be automatically cleared after all configuration metrics are available in the monitor.
RE-36706: Connections added to Message Volume Displays
A data column named Connections has been added to the Solace Broker Message Volume and Message Volume History displays. On the Message Volume display (titled "Message Volume by Broker, for past hour"), the Connections value for each broker is the sum of the maximum connections in use by each of the broker's VPNs, in the last full hour. For example if Broker A has two VPNs named v1 and v2, with a maximum of connections in use of 10 and 20 respectively for the last hour, the Connections value for Broker A will be 30. On the Message Volume History display (titled "Message Volume History by Broker & VPN"), if the "Group by Broker only" box is unchecked, there is one row per VPN and the Connections value is the maximum number of connections in use on that VPN during each interval of the selected time bucket size. If the "Group by Broker only" box is checked, there is one row per broker and the Connections value is the total of the maximum connections in use by the broker's VPNs, during each time bucket. The data shown in the other data columns (Messages Sent/Received, Bytes Sent/Received) is handled the same as in prior releases.
RE-36712: pollers_sl.xml and groups_sl.xml removed from projects directory
The pollers_sl.xml and groups_sl.xml files have been removed from the projects\rtview-server directory, and are excluded from being copied from older projects when executing upgrade scripts. Older versions of these files being brought over during an upgrade can cause breaking errors (such as empty displays). Users who wish to see the configuration defined in these files can extract them from rtvapm\solmon\lib\rtvapm_solmon.jar. It is recommended that they not be extracted to your project directory.
Version 6.4.1 Release Notes
Data Historian
RE-36621: Support for SQL Server 2022
MS SQL Server 2022 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise Central Servers. SQL Server 2016 is no longer officially supported. The Solution Package for MS SQL Server now also supports monitoring MS SQL Server 2022. Note that the user account used in the connection string must have the View Server State permission assigned to them in the server properties. See your MS SQL Server documentation for more information on this setting.
Data Sources
RE-36603: New tracing option for HTTP Rest Data Source
In prior releases, the HTTP Rest Data Source logged several messages for every Rest query, and there was no option to control that behavior. Now the data source logs no messages by default. To enable the messages, the following command line option can be specified: -restdstrace:1
RE-36627: Added jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar to RTView Core
The jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar library has been added to RTView to support SQL Server JDBC drivers with newer versions of Java. Since this external library is now present in RTView Core, under rtview\lib, it is no longer added to downstream products under common\lib\ext.
RE-36668: Update to Jetty 9.4.54
The version of Jetty has been upgraded to 9.4.54. Users should not see any change in behavior.
RE-36671: Bundled Apache Tomcat updated to 9.0.89
The bundled Apache Tomcat has been updated to 9.0.89
RE-36456: checks for additional dependencies
The script now checks for the presence of required linux utilities, such as 'which' and 'ifconfig'. It will print an error for any that are not found. If it reports that these tools are missing, RTView will not work correctly until the linux distribution is updated to contain them.
RE-36618: Support for encoded password in HTTP Rest Data Source
If an HTTP Rest Data Source attachment is used to send a request to the URL for a web app that has login enabled, the request must include a header with the username and password. This enhancement allows the password to be encoded so that it does not appear in plain text in the rtv file, as follows: 1. In the data attachment dialog, set Client Handler = 2. Add the following to the Headers field: rtvbauth:username encoded_password The password can be encoded using the EM encode_string utility, as follows: encode_string encoder2 <password> So, for example, if the username is "rtvadmin" and the password is "rtvadmin", the header would be: rtvbauth:rtvadmin 814da95fa27g8e517k082
RE-36643: Plain-text key/trustStorePassword no longer causes RTView to exit
Custom properties can be used to specify the trust store file and password for SSL connections, as follows: Similar properties can also be used to specify the key store file and password. Users have the option of specifying a plain-text password or, since RE-30559, an encoded password in the property. But if a plain-text password string ending in 2, 3, or 4 is used, it is assumed to be an encoded password and is decoded at runtime, resulting in a password string with garbage characters. This may cause the RTView application to terminate immediately, with this error: ERROR, cannot start process: invalid null character in command This problem has been fixed.
RE-36645: Unquoted jvm system prop containing space no longer causes crash
In prior releases, if a property specified a Java system variable and the value was not enclosed in double quotes and contained a space (e.g. truststore.jks) the RTView process would fail to start. This has been fixed.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-36558: New displays for Solace Connectors
A new section for Solace Connectors has been created. The monitoring metrics from the dashboards are collected from our RTV HTTP REST custom data source. See RN from RE-36587 for initial configuration to communicate with the monitor. For connection details, create in the Configuration Application a new custom property with the following fields: Secured: Name: sl.rtview.cache.config Value: sol_connector_source.rtv $solConnectorName:<ConnectorName> $solConnectorURL:'<ConnURL:ConnPort>' $solConnectorBroker:<BrokerName> $solConnectorUsername:<yourUsername> $solConnectorPassword:<yourPassword> Filter: collector Unsecured: Name: sl.rtview.cache.config Value: sol_connector_source.rtv $solConnectorName:<ConnectorName> $solConnectorURL:'<ConnURL:ConnPort>' $solConnectorBroker:<BrokerName> Filter: collector where ConnectorName is the unique identifier of your Solace Connector, ConnURL:ConnPort are the URL and port to connect to your Solace Connector and ConnPort is the port (usually 8090 for the Solace Connector for IBM MQ), BrokerName is the name of the Solace Broker that is configured for integration with external technologies, and yourUsername and yourPassword are the credentials for secured connection. If the connector has been configured to use TLS, you will need to specify the appropriate truststore file under the Security tab of the Configuration Application. The dashboards present monitoring metrics from newly created caches: SolConnectors and SolConnectorFlows. Refer to the documentation for a complete description of these dashboards. There are seven new associated alerts: SolConnectorExpired - the connector expired due to a connectivity problem SolConnectorJvmUtilHigh - the JVM utilization percentage is above specified thresholds SolConnectorChannelNotRunning - the connector streams are not working correctly SolConnectorWorkflowRateACKFailuresHigh - the presence of failures in transmitting messages SolConnectorChannelLatencyHigh - the channel latency is above the specified threshold SolConnectorChannelSlowingDownProcessing - the channel has slowed down its processing SolConnectorDown - the connector health is not assigned to "UP"
RE-36586: Updated event definitions for 10.7
The new syslog events Solace has added in new versions of their brokers, up to version 10.7, have been added to the configuration files of the Solace Event Module.
RE-36587: Support monitoring of Solace Connectors (IBM, Kafka etc) via REST api
RTView has been enhanced to monitor the PubSub+ Self-Contained Connector. In order for RTView to monitor a connector, the connector must be configured to enable the specific REST endpoint used by RTView. The connector uses an open source API named Micrometer to support REST queries, for collection of metrics about the connector’s performance. The connector runs an internal instance of Tomcat with various endpoints supporting different types of REST queries. For efficiency, RTView uses an endpoint named “rtview�, which allows collection of multiple metrics in a single REST query. However, that endpoint is not enabled by default in the connector, so some configuration is required. There are three steps. 1. Installing several jar files that implement the rtview endpoint in the connector’s lib directory. 2. Editing the connector’s application.yml file to enable and expose the rtview endpoint. 3. Testing your configuration changes. See the documentation for details on each step.
RE-36623: New SolEndpointConsumerCountHigh alert
A new alert named SolEndpointConsumerCountHigh has been added to detect when the number of consumers of the given endpoint is above its thresholds. The default alarm thresholds are 25 and 100 for warning and alert, respectively.
RE-36626: New alert SolBridgeDown
A new discrete alert has been implemented to alert on inoperable bridges. The SolBridgeDown alert will trigger if the admin state is not Enabled or inbound operational state is not Ready-InSync. The alert text when executed will indicate the direction of the bridge that has the problem. If both sides of the bridge have problems the alert will occur twice for the same bridge. This alert will work for both static and DMR bridges.
RE-36628: "Could not contact" warning now issued only once per unreachable broker
Verbosity in dataserver.log file has been reduced to write only a single message when the monitor cannot establish connectivity with a Solace Broker.
RE-36632: New column Remote Broker in the Solace Bridges Table
To facilitate bridge identification, the remote broker connection has been added to the Bridges Table. This new column will show the remote broker connection in addition to the remote VPN and router name.
RE-36634: Endpoint Summary: Ingress/Egress rate trends in metric cards corrected
A bug in the metric card trends for ingress and egress rates on the Single Endpoint Summary display has been fixed.
RE-36635: Alert text for SolBridgeIngressEgressRatesUnbalanced now includes correct delay
The alert text generated from the SolBridgeIngressEgressRatesUnbalanced alert now includes the correct delay being used. This also applies to the delay of an override.
RE-36636: Bridges diagram after HA broker failover now updates correctly
In prior releases, the Solace Bridges Diagram display was incorrect after a failover from primary to backup in an HA broker pair. There were two problems: 1) If the diagram was open during the failover, it did not update to reflect the failover. The user needed to reload the display to force it to update. 2) The diagram still showed bridges connected to the primary broker after the failover. Both problems have been fixed.
RE-36638: Added paging to Bridge SEMP queries
Paging has been added to bridge SEMP v1 queries, to avoid exhausting available memory.
RE-36639: SolVpnUsernameConnectionsHigh alert enhanced to use new SEMP query
The SolVpnUsernameConnectionsHigh alert has been improved to use the "show client-username * message-vpn *" SEMP/v1 query instead of aggregating current available clients per Broker connection, VPN, and client-username. This calculation differs from the former as, previously, some clients could be filtered through the "$solClientFilterOutPattern" substitution, available through the Config UI. The new query is also available as the SolClientUsernames cache under Admin -> Cache Table. Limitation: SolVpnUsernameConnectionsHigh is not supported for Cloud Brokers at this time.
RE-36644: Broker Message Volume display enhanced to support Grouping by Application
The Solace display named "Message Volume History by Broker & VPN" now supports grouping totals by application (app) name. This can be useful for assigning charges in cases where a VPN is shared by multiple apps. This feature is optional and is only supported on deployments using Oracle for historical storage. The following steps are required to enable and use the feature: 1. Create a database table with the following schema and index: CREATE TABLE "SOL_VPN_APPS" ("Connection" VARCHAR(100), "vpn-name" VARCHAR(100), "app-name" VARCHAR(100)) TABLESPACE "USERS"; CREATE INDEX "rtvpk_sol_vpn_apps" ON "SOL_VPN_APPS" ("Connection","vpn-name","app-name"); A table name other than SOL_VPN_APPS can be used, as described in the next step. But the column names above must be used. Then populate the table with the VPN-to-application assignments for your system. The table contains one row for each unique Broker (Connection), vpn-name, and app-name. For example, say there are four apps named Blue, Green, Red, and Yellow. Say the Blue, Green, and Red apps share a vpn named V-101 on broker BR-01. Say the Blue and Yellow apps share another vpn named V-202 on broker BR-02 In that case the database table should contain these 5 rows: Connection vpn-name app-name ====== ====== ======== BR-01 V-101 Blue BR-01 V-101 Green BR-01 V-101 Red BR-02 V-202 Blue BR-02 V-202 Yellow 2. In the Config UI, select the Solace Data Server. Then on the General/CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab, add the following custom property: Name: sl.rtview.sub Value: $SOL_VPN_APP_TABLE:SOL_VPN_APPS Filter: collector Comment: name of db table to support group by app on message vol history display The value field must contain $SOL_VPN_APP_TABLE: followed by the name of the database table created in step 1 (SOL_VPN_APPS in this example). 3. Restart the Solace dataserver. The "Message Volume History by Broker & VPN" display should now contain a combo-box labeled "App:" near the top right corner. The user can pick an app name from the dropdown list, or enter an app name with wildcards. Then the Messages Sent / Received columns will show the totals for the selected app(s) for each selected VPN that is assigned to the app(s). If a VPN is shared by N apps, the totals shown are divided by N. If a VPN is not used by the selected app(s), it is not shown in the table. By default the App combobox is empty, meaning that no grouping by app is performed, and the display behaves as in previous releases. Also, if the $SOL_VPN_APP_TABLE property is not defined, or the associated database table does not contain any rows, the App combobox is not shown on the display. The Group By Broker only checkbox works as in previous releases. That is, it changes the database query to aggregate by unique broker name only, rather than by broker name and vpn name., so the computed totals are for all of a broker's vpns. Since that option is not compatible with grouping by App name, the App name is set to <blank> and the App combo-box is disabled if you select that option.
RE-36647: Alert indexes can no longer contain blank broker connections
Blank broker connection strings will no longer execute alerts. This change was made because alerts that are missing a connection string in the index cannot be easily cleared. Incorrect indexes will still be persisted in caches and shown in dashboards, to aid in detection of incorrect data collection.
RE-36648: Mate Broker added to the Solace Brokers Table
A new column, to identify the Mate Broker Connection, has been added to the Brokers Table. This column will appear before Mate Router Name when "More Columns" is selected.
Version 6.4.0 Release Notes
RE-36510: Disabling alert engine now clears existing alerts
In prior releases, if the user disabled the alert engine on a data server via the Alert Engine Status display, no new alerts would be generated by that server. However existing alerts were not cleared and could not be cleared manually as long as the engine was disabled. To remedy this, starting with this release, existing alerts are cleared automatically when the engine which generated them is disabled. In the data server's RtvAlertTable cache, the "Cleared Reason" column will show MANUAL for each alert that was cleared as a result of disabling the alert engine.
RE-36567: Conditional Alert Notification example
The custom command handler has been enhanced to provide two examples of a Multiple Condition Alert Notification. The first option checks for a regex pattern match in the Alert Index of the alert and the Alert Name equals a given string. The example uses SolVpnConnectionCountHigh, although you can use a general string. If both conditions are met, then an email will be sent to the configured recipient. The instructions for using this custom code are the following: 1. Edit the file, located under projects\custom\src\com\sl\rtvapm\custom directory and replace lines 35 through 41 with your email information. Change line 35: "private static boolean sendEmail = false;" to "private static boolean sendEmail = true;" 2.1. Option 1: Regular expression to match Alert Index In the same file mentioned in previous step, comment out lines 16, 17. Then comment out also line 104 and replace the regular expression to be matched with yours. In the code example provided, the matching is fulfilled when the Alert Index starts with "GTOSP" prefix. Then, comment out line 170 and comment or remove line 172. Finally, edit line 170 to replace the Alert Name of the condition which in this example is "SolVpnConnectionCountHigh". 2.2. Option 2: The Alert Index starts with a given prefix (default option) In the same file mentioned before, edit line 172 to replace Alert Name string and the Alert Index string prefix. 3. Once you have made the required edits, save the file to build the Custom Multiple Condition Alert Notification Handler with your settings. 4. Before starting PSPM, obtain an initialized command shell/window by going to your PSPM bin directory and executing 5. In this recently created command shell/window, cd to ../projects/custom/src directory to execute In no errors where reported, you have successfully build your Custom Multiple Condition Alert Notification Handler. 6. Start PSPM and reach the Configuration Tool. Select Alerts tab in the left menu and pick Run Java Code in the Notify on New Alerts option. Save this change for your Custom Multiple Condition Alert Notification Handler being configured and ready for work.
RE-36521: Custom tab no longer missing
In the previous release, the Custom tab in the monitor UI was invisible even if custom displays existed. This has been fixed.
Data Historian
RE-36595: Historian restart via Configuration Application waits for compaction rules
The following problem has been fixed: If the Configuration Application is used to restart a project that includes the Data Historian, and if the Data Server stalls during shutdown due to invalid connections, the new Historian process may get incomplete or obsolete cache persistence info (e.g. missing compaction rules). Now the Data Historian waits to load compaction rules until it receives them from the new Data Server process.
RE-34616: Bundled Apache Tomcat updated to 9.x
The version of Apache Tomcat included with the product has been upgraded from 8.5.x to 9.x. Users who modified their conf\servers.xml file should not copy their custom file into this new version, but instead manually re-apply their changes. Users who prefer to continue to use the 8.5.x line of webservers will find included in the RTV_HOME\servers directory. This can be unzipped in place and used. The "demoserver" scripts under RTV_HOME\bin (install_to_demoserver, run_shutdown_demoserver, run_startup_server) will need to be manually edited to change the directory name to the 8.5.x server directory. Note that this .zip does not contain any RTView servlets under the webapps directory, like the default servers\apache-tomcat-*\webapps directory does.
RE-36598: Update to Jetty 9.4.53
The version of Jetty has been upgraded to 9.4.53. Users should not see any change in behavior.
RE-36503: New option to specify time zone for timestamps in client browser
The monitor UI uses the time zone of the client browser to format all timestamps, even if the data server is in a different time zone. That is still the default behavior in this release. A new feature in this release allows the end-user to select the time zone to be used to format timestamps. This is done by right-clicking on the current date/time string shown in the top right corner of most displays. A dialog opens containing a text box where the user can enter the name of a time zone. The list of acceptable time zone names is shown in the second column (labeled "TZ Identifier") of the table here: Examples are UTC, US/Pacific, Asia/Tokyo, etc. (Note that some of the abbreviations, such as EST, listed in the Time zone abbreviation column might also be accepted, but that behavior will vary by specific browser and version). After entering a time zone name, the user should click the Set button in the dialog. If the time zone name is not recognized, an error dialog is displayed and the time zone is not changed. If the user enters a time zone name that is recognized, and is not the same as the local time zone, the following occurs: - The display is reloaded, and all timestamps are formatted using the selected time zone. This includes timestamps shown in table columns, on the time axis and tooltip of trend charts, and any other date/time field. - The current date/time string in the top right corner of the display is shown in italic font. - If the cursor hovers over the current date/time string, a tooltip appears showing the name of the selected time zone. - The date/time picker control (displayed when the user clicks on the clock icon on a trend, or selects the filter option on a time column in a table) only allows selection of a date/time via text entry. The popup calendar and the time dropdown list are not available. The time zone selection is recorded in the browser's local storage. This means that it is persistent and will affect the monitor UI in all tabs opened in that browser. However it will not affect the time zone setting on any other users' systems. To return to using the local time zone, the user can right click on the current date/time string in the top right corner, clear the string in the text box, and click the Set button. This restores the default behavior to the monitor UI, namely: - The display is reloaded, and all data timestamps are formatted using the local time zone. - The current date/time string in the top right corner of the display is shown in plain (non-italic) font. - If the cursor hovers over the current date/time string, no tooltip appears. - The date/time picker control allows selection of a date/time via text entry or via the popup calendar or the time dropdown list.
RE-36589: allow encoded keystore password in tomcat's server.xml
When configuring Tomcat to support https (SSL) connections, the keystore file password must be entered in Tomcat's conf/server.xml file in plain text. In cases where that is problematic (e.g. fails a security audit), the password can now be encoded. To use this feature: 1. Generate an encoded version of the keystore file password, by entering the following in an EM-enabled command window: > encode_string encoder2 plain_text_password ... where plain_text_password is the actual password. The output will be: encrypted value: <encoded_password> 2. In conf/server.xml, change the https (SSL) Connector's protocol param from this: protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" to this: protocol="" And change the certificateKeystorePassword from this: certificateKeystorePassword="plain_text_password" to this: certificateKeystorePassword="encoded_password" where encoded_password was obtained in step 1. 3. Restart tomcat.
Platform Support
RE-36582: Support for Java 21
Oracle Java 21 and OpenJDK 21 are now supported.
RTView Manager
RE-36451: SSL truststore and keystore passwords no longer exposed in JVM displays
SSL truststore and keystore passwords used to be exposed in displays that access the JVM arguments of the processes. Now all passwords detected are removed and replaced with "****", before they are stored in the cache. In particular, the values of all properties ending with "Password" will be replaced with asterisks.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-36388: Hardware alerts no longer remain uncleared
Previously some sensor hardware broker alerts could not be cleared successfully, due to malformed sensor indexes. These erroneous entries are now filtered before alert conditions are evaluated.
RE-36389: New average spool msg size for VPNs and Endpoints caches
A new metric has been added to the SolVpns and SolEndpoints caches, the average size of spooled messages in KB (being avg-spool-msg-size-in-kb its metric name).
RE-36396: Added/adjusted 'Flow' trends in Broker, VPN, and Client summaries
Flow trends have been added to Broker, VPN and Client summaries. The previous Ingress/Egress Flows have been renamed to Client Traffic as they expose the total client messages or KB sent and received whereas the newly added Ingress and Egress Flows trends are exposed under the Flows tab. This enhancement has added a new database table SOL_VPN_CAPACITY, which is available from the .sql files under rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig. Additionally, this enhancement has modified the SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL and SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY tables to include the missing egress flow count, and egress flow count percent, in history. We recommend updating these tables to accommodate the new metrics. The SQL sentence for each of our supported database platform are the following: Oracle: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY" ADD ("egress-flow-count-per-cent" REAL) ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" ADD ("egress-flow-count" REAL) MySQL : ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY" ADD "egress-flow-count-per-cent" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" ADD "egress-flow-count" DOUBLE; SQLServer ALTER TABLE [SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY] ADD [egress-flow-count-per-cent] FLOAT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL] ADD [egress-flow-count] FLOAT; DB2: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY" ADD "egress-flow-count-per-cent" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" ADD "egress-flow-count" DOUBLE;
RE-36463: Removed errors from dataserver.log due to missing SAX parser features
Configuration warnings at startup in dataserver.log file due to unsupported properties in SAX parser have been moved from default logging level into debug logging level.
RE-36464: Reduce redundant log verbosity for unreachable brokers
To avoid filing log files with redundant information, verbosity have been reduced such that errors from specific requests against unavailable brokers are no longer printed.
RE-36465: Misleading info/error line in dataserver.log file
The following startup error message has been resolved: ERROR: GmsRtViewXmlDs -- rtvconfig.common.xml not found.
RE-36470: Cloud brokers now supported for VPN utilization metrics
Data collection for Solace Cloud Brokers has been updated to compute the percent utilization metrics that were added for Solace Non-Cloud Brokers in RE-36372.
RE-36471: Query timeout increased to 60s on Message Vol History displays
The SQL queries made by the Solace Message Volume History display can be complex and may return many rows. The timeout for those queries has been increased to 60 seconds to allow them more time to complete, if necessary.
RE-36472: Spool Message MB added to VPN Table
The current message spool size in MB (Spool Size MB) has been included in the All Metrics VPN Table
RE-36473: Message Volume displays supported with MySQL
The Solace Message Volume displays for Brokers and for Bridges are now supported on deployments using MySQL for historical storage. Previously those displays were only supported on deployments using Oracle. See the Release Notes for RE-36310 and RE-36581 for details on how to enable and use those displays, substituting MySQL for Oracle as appropriate. The SQL syntax for creating these tables can be found under rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig\create_solmon_history-tables_mysql.sql
RE-36480: Connections Used % added to VPN table
The utilization percentage of connections (Connections Used %) has been included into the Solace VPN Table, all metrics option.
RE-36500: Spool utilization trends added to VPN Summary
New trends for monitoring the spool utilization at the VPN level have been added to the VPN Summary trend. Under the new "Spool Msgs" option of the VPN Summary trend graph drop-down are provided trends of the number of spooled messages, the spool utilization in MB and the high water mark in MB. This enhancement requires the update of the SOL_VPN table to include these metrics in history. The sql sentences for each of our supported database platform are the following: Oracle: ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD ("avg-spool-msg-size-in-kb" REAL, "cur-spool-usage-in-mb" REAL, "high-water-mark-in-mb" REAL) MySQL : ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD "avg-spool-msg-size-in-kb" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD "cur-spool-usage-in-mb" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD "high-water-mark-in-mb" DOUBLE; SQLServer ALTER TABLE [SOL_VPN] ADD [avg-spool-msg-size-in-kb] FLOAT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_VPN] ADD [cur-spool-usage-in-mb] FLOAT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_VPN] ADD [high-water-mark-in-mb] FLOAT; DB2: ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD "avg-spool-msg-size-in-kb" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD "cur-spool-usage-in-mb" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD "high-water-mark-in-mb" DOUBLE;
RE-36513: New Solace alert SolEndpointSuffixedHasSpoolMsgs
A new alert named SolEndpointSuffixedHasSpoolMsgs has been created to track endpoints ending with .DMQ, .ERROR, .BACKOUT, and .DO suffixes. This alert will execute when those endpoints have at least one message spooled. The endings that are alerted against can be edited in the Configuration Application under Solace > Data Collection > Endpoint Filter. The value of this property can be seen in the Alert Description under the Alert Administration table
RE-36514: New collector scripts
New scripts to run the Data Collector from within Solace PubSub+ Monitor Data Collector have been added to the top-level bin directory. A Data Collector is a Data Server configured to forward monitoring metrics to the primary Data Server. The collector script uses the project at projects\rtview-server, but does not start Tomcat or other processes in the rtview-server project. To configure the target Data Server(s) and broker connections in the Data Collector, run first with the (-eval) script, and configure the project as you would a Data Server. Be sure to update the target(s) on the Data Server > Collector tab. After you are satisfied with the configuration of your project, execute and start the Data Collector using the script.
RE-36527: Calculation of spool memory utilization, used for SolEndpointSpoolMemoryUtilHigh, improved
The percentage calculation of spool memory utilization has been improved. To this end, the SolEndpoints cache now has a new column quota-in-MB and spool-memory-hwm-util-percent in SolEndpoints is now the percentage of high-water-mark-in-mb relative to quota-in-mb. This metric drives the alert SolEndpointSpoolMemoryUtilHigh.
RE-36528: Corrected calculation of metric driving SolEndpointSpoolMemoryUtilHigh alert
The calculation of the percentage driving the SolEndpointSpoolMemoryUtilHigh alert has been corrected. The percentage is now calculated from the allocated spool quota of each endpoint.
RE-36532: New Solace alert SolEndpointBoundIdle
A new alert named SolEndpointBoundIdle has been created to alert against idle endpoints not consuming spooled messages. This alert will execute when an endpoint has at least one bind, spooled messages, and no egress rate.
RE-36543: New Solace alert SolEndpointQuotaUtilExceeded
A new alert, SolEndpointQuotaUtilExceeded, has been added. This alert will execute when the endpoint has a bind, an egress rate, and the percentage of quota spooled has been reached. The default percentages are 10 (warning level) and 15 (alert level).
RE-36548: New filter to exclude clients and endpoints from displays/alerts
New properties to filter out unwanted clients, topics and queues have been included. These properties are defaulted to pass all Clients and Topics and filter out all Queues started with the #P2P/QTMP/ prefix. These default values can be changed through the Configuration Application under Solace>Data Collection Tab, contained on the Filter Out Regular Expressions section. The configuration items matching the entered expressions will not be stored into their associated caches and therefore will not be available for monitoring.
RE-36549: Added Egress Flow metrics to Broker Capacity displays
Egress Flows metric added in RE-36396 has been added to the Broker Capacity dashboards. The Broker Capacity Table and Summary dashboards were rearranged so that ingress and egress metrics of the same type could be placed consecutively.
RE-36550: New VPN Capacity displays
New capacity dashboards at the VPN level have been added to the Solace PubSub+ Monitor. These dashboards are included under the VPN Capacity menu tab. This enhancement has added a new database table SOL_VPN_CAPACITY_EXT, which is available from the .sql files under rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig. Database storage of these metrics, which power many of the trends in the VPN Capacity > Trends display, is disabled by default. It can be enabled by checking 'All VPN Capacity Stats' under the Solace > Data Storage tab in the Configuration Application. Additionally a new metric has been added to the SolVpns history. The SQL sentences to update existing table scheme are: DB2 / MySQL : ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD "connections-util-percent" DOUBLE; SyBase: ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD ("connections-util-percent" FLOAT) SQLServer ALTER TABLE [SOL_VPN] ADD [connections-util-percent] FLOAT; Oracle: ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ADD ("connections-util-percent" REAL)
RE-36551: Cloud Brokers added to Broker Spool Table
The SolApplianceMessageSpool cache now includes Solace-managed Cloud Brokers. These brokers are now listed in the Message Spool Table, and the Broker Summary display correctly renders the trend lines for the Flows tab.
RE-36557: SolMsgRouterNotConnected alert now suppresses downstream alerts
The SolMsgRouterNotConnected alert has been enhanced to prevent lower level alerts from executing when this alert is triggered. By default this alert has been enabled and will execute when Solace Brokers do not respond to SEMP V1 monitoring requests. The enhancement will suppress VPN, Bridge, and Endpoint alerts from being executed for the Solace Broker that executed the alert. If SolMsgRouterNotConnected alert is disabled, all enabled alerts will execute as normal - they will not be suppressed. This functionality does not alter the behavior of high availability alerts.
RE-36565: Allow configuration of historyTableName and compactionRules for SolVpnTotals cache
The optional SolVpnTotals cache supports the Solace Message Volume displays. The following features have been added for that cache. 1) The name of the database table associated with the SolVpnTotals cache is SOL_VPN_TOTALS. In prior releases, that name could not be changed. With this release, SOL_VPN_TOTALS is the default but a different name can be specified by adding a custom property. For example to specify a table name of PROD_VPN_TOTALS, add this custom property: Name: sl.rtview.sub Value: $SOL_VPN_TOTALS_TABLE:PROD_VPN_TOTALS Filter: collector Comment: database table name for historical data from SolVpnTotals cache If you want to use this feature and your database has an existing table named SOL_VPN_TOTALS with historical data that you want to keep, ask your db admin to rename SOL_VPN_TOTALS table to your new customized name. A table name should contain only letters, numbers, and underscores. 2) The compaction rule of the SolVpnTotals cache is set to '30d -;9M 1d' to keep 30 days of hourly totals and 9 months of daily totals, in its database table. This supports the various combinations of time buckets and time ranges available on the Message Volume History display. If you want the database table to retain data for longer than 9 months, for archival purposes, you can add a custom property with a longer retention period for daily totals. For example, to keep daily totals for 1 year rather than 9 months, add the following custom property: Name: sl.rtview.sub Value: $SOL_VPN_TOTALS_COMPACTION:'30d -;1y 1d' Filter: collector Comment: keep daily totals from SolVpnTotals cache for 1 year Please note: - The text after the : specifies the compaction rule for the SolVpnTotals cache - The default rule is '30d -;9M 1d' - The rule must be enclosed in single quotes (not double quotes or backquotes) - Only the 9M portion of the rule should be changed, to keep data for more than 9 months. For example specify 1y for 1 year. No other part of the rule should be changed, and the spaces and semicolon must be kept. If you make changes other than as described above, the time range and accuracy of the Message Volume History display could be impacted. If you specify a retention period longer than 9 months, the maximum time range available on the Message Volume History display will still be 9 months. You will need to use another query tool to view data older than that. Also keep in mind that the database table will grow larger if the retention period is longer.
RE-36568: SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY historian errors
Previously the toggle to disable storage of "Message Broker Capacity Stats" did not correct disable storage of historical data to the SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY database table. Additionally, with some brokers, data inserts to SOl_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY would generate errors about invalid data type. Both bugs have been fixed.
RE-36581: Bridge Message Volume displays added
Two new displays are available for viewing Solace message volumes by Bridge. The display navigation tree has two new items under Solace > Bridges, labelled "Message Volume" and "Message Vol History", to open those displays. [Note that the new displays are similar to the existing displays for viewing message volumes by Broker/VPN. In prior releases, those displays were opened via the Solace Message Volume entry in the nav tree. That entry has been removed in this release and those displays are now found under the Solace Brokers entry, as items labelled "Message Volume" and "Message Vol History"]. On the new "Message Volume History by Bridge" display, the user can select the following: - Broker, VPN, and Bridge name(s) of interest, using specific names or patterns with * as wildcard - a time bucket between 1 hour and 1 month - a time range between 1 day and 9 months (depending on the selected time bucket) - an option to display the rows for the top N totals only, or all rows The selected options are used to construct a "Group By" query to be performed on the RTVHISTORY database. Each row in the result will contain a column for the time stamp of the corresponding time bucket, Broker name, VPN name, and Bridge name, followed by the totals of messages sent, messages received, bytes sent, and bytes received for that Bridge during that time bucket. The new displays for bridge message volumes are supported only on systems where the RTView Historian is used with Oracle or MySQL. Also, additional configuration is required to enable the related RTView cache and Oracle database table, described below. Steps to enable the new displays: 1) Create a database table named SOL_BRIDGE_TOTALS, with two indexes. Syntax can be found under $RTVAPM_HOME/rtvapm/solmon/dbconfig, in either create_solmon_history_tables_oracle.sql or create_solmon_history_tables_mysql.sql 2) In the config (rtvadmin) UI select the Solace Data Server. Then on the General/CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab, add the following custom property: Name: sl.rtview.cache.config Value: sol_cache_bridge_totals.rtv Filter: collector Comment: add caches to support displays for Solace Bridge message volume This will add a cache named SolBridgeTotals to the system. For each unique broker, vpn and bridge combination, the cache stores hourly totals of messages sent, messages received, bytes sent, and bytes received. The Historian stores the hourly totals in the SOL_BRIDGE_TOTALS database table. After 30 days, the Historian compacts them into daily totals and keeps those for 9 months. NOTE: If you have not already set your the Historian database to an Oracle or MySQL database connection, do so now under Databases. If you are using RTView Enterprise, this should be done in your RTView DataServer for Solace, not in RTView Central. 3) Restart the Solace Data Server and (in an EM deployment) the Central Data Server. In the monitor UI, the Solace > Bridges item on the navigation tree will contain two new items labelled "Message Volume" and "Message Vol History". Click on the ""Message Volume" item to open the new "Message Volume by Bridge" display. It contains a table with one row for each broker, vpn, and bridge with columns containing hourly totals of Messages Sent, Messages Received, Bytes Sent, and Bytes Received. The totals are computed for the previous hour, so the table may be empty for as long as one hour after startup! Double click on a row in the "Message Volume by Bridge" display to open the new "Message Volume History by Bridge" display. The table on that display makes SQL queries on the SOL_BRIDGE_TOTALS database table, for the selected broker(s), vpn(s), bridge(s) using the time bucket size and time range selected, as described above. Of course, the new database table will be empty initially, so data for each of the selectable time ranges (1 day, 7 days, 1 month, etc) won't be available until the system has been configured and collecting data for that amount of time. Depending on the options selected by the user, the query result can be large and may take some time to complete. Queries involving only a few Broker, VPN, and bridge combinations and a short time range will be smaller and faster than those involving many combinations and longer time ranges. Choosing a value other than ALL for the Top option (e.g. Top = 10) will make a query that returns only the rows with the top 10 total messages sent and received, and may give a faster response. For performance reasons each query result is limited to 100k rows. The user can right click on the table in the "Message Volume History by Bridge" display and select 'Copy query string' from the popup menu. This will copy the SQL query string to the clipboard which can be useful for executing the same query in an external tool such as Oracle sqlplus. As mentioned earlier, the name of the database table associated with the SolBridgeTotals cache is SOL_BRIDGE_TOTALS, by default. A different name can be specified by adding a custom property. For example to specify a table name of BRDG_TOTALS, add this custom property: Name: sl.rtview.sub Value: $SOL_BRIDGE_TOTALS_TABLE:BRDG_TOTALS Filter: collector Comment: database table name for historical data from SolBridgeTotals cache
RE-36585: New alert for Unacknowledged Messages
A new alert named SolEndpointUnackMsgsHigh has been added to detect when Solace Queues contain delivered unacknowledged messages. The default thresholds have been set to 1 and 10 for warning and alarm levels, respectively. By default, this alert is disabled.
RE-36591: Client metrics storage to database can be enabled
Previously the toggle to enable storage of "Clients" did not correctly enable storage of historical data to the SOL_CLIENT database table. This has been fixed.
RE-36592: New alert for a user with too many open connections to a VPN
A new alert called SolVpnUsernameConnectionsHigh has been added to detect when a user has too many open connections to a VPN, as this can impact all other users. The alert is a VPN-level alert which indicates in the alert text the client user name with too many open connections.
Version 6.3.1 Release Notes
RE-36351: New mechanisms added for alert engine disabling
Two mechanisms for enabling and disabling the alert engine of a data server have been added. 1) An "Alert Engine Admin" item has been added the Admin tab in the html ui. It opens a display that allows an administrator to enable or disable the alert engine on each data server. The display contains a table with one row for each data server. In an rtview-central deployment, the user can select one or more rows in the table and then click the Enable / Disable Alert Engine buttons below the table. In a standalone deployment, there is only one row in the table so the user can simply click the button without selecting the row. After clicking the Enable or Disable button a confirmation dialog appears. If the user clicks OK, a command to enable/disable alerting is sent to the selected data servers. The display should update within 5 seconds or so to show the new status in the Alert Engine Enabled column. 2) A sample rtview app has been added to rtvapm\sampleapps\alertenabler. Once built and configured, this app can be used via a cron job or Windows Scheduler to enable and/or disable the alert engine on a schedule. Refer to rtvapm\sampleapps\alertenabler\README.txt for more information. Note that disabling the alert engine on a data server does not clear existing alerts, it simply halts any further alert processing on that server. No new alerts will be generated by that server until its alert engine is re-enabled. When a data server is restarted, its alert engine is always re-enabled.
RE-36355: Alert commands can now be restricted to browser tabs with current login
The rtvquery servlet now supports a property to prevent CSRF attacks targeting RTView commands. To enable this feature, change this line in EMCommandAuth=false to this: EMCommandAuth=true This restricts execution of commands to browser tabs in which the monitor UI is loaded and the user has the rtvadmin or rtvalertmgr role. Requests from other browser tabs are rejected, with 401 status (if unauthorized user) or with 403 (if missing UI's xsrf token).
RE-36431: Corrected MIB file for EM alert notification via snmp
The file rtvapm/common/lib/SL-RTVIEW-EM-MIB.txt has been changed to specify the correct OID for the rtviewAlert trap sent by EM for alert notification via SNMP. The correct OID is . and that is now specified in the file. (Previously an incorrect OID of . was specified in the file).
RE-36394: Optional button to open current display in an alternate deployment
An optional "Alt" button has been added to the monitor UI. The Alt button can be configured to open the current display in another browser tab, but using the base URL for an alternate deployment of the monitor. For example, the button could be configured on a production deployment of the monitor to open the same display in a UAT deployment of the monitor, or vice versa. By default the Alt button is invisible and disabled. When enabled, the Alt button appears at the end of the tab strip, after the Custom button, or after the Admin button if the Custom button is not enabled. NOTE: The Alt button requires that Custom Displays be enabled in your product license. The Alt button can be enabled and its label, icon, tooltip, and base URL assigned by creating a JSON file named alt.json, in the directory projects/custom/display. An example of the alt.json contents are as follows: { "label": "UAT", "tooltip": "Open this display on UAT", "icon": "fa-flask", "baseURL": "http://uat_host:8068/rtview-central/" } The label and baseURL fields are required. The tooltip and icon fields are optional. If specified, the icon field must be the name of a free Fontawesome icon, as listed here: When the Alt button is clicked by the user for the first time in a browser instance, the user will need to login to the alternate site in the new tab, and may need to use the browser's back arrow to open the desired display. Afterwards the expected display will open in the other tab with no additional user steps required.
RE-36346: Remove netty library from distribution
The third party Netty library has been removed from the product. It was previously under rtvapm\common\lib\ext
RE-36377: Updated jackson libraries to 2.14.2
The Solution Package for TIBCO FTL and the deliverable for TIBCO RTView for TIBCO ActiveSpaces have been updated to use v2.14.2 of the Jackson libraries. Previously these used v2.11.0 The Solution Package for Solace Monitor and the deliverable for Solace PubSub Monitor have been updated to use v2.14.2 of the Jackson libraries. Previously these used v2.11.0
RE-36459: Bundled Apache Tomcat updated to 8.5.87
The bundled Apache Tomcat has been updated to 8.5.87.
RE-32250: Custom property to hide SSL truststore and keystore passwords in process list
SSL credentials (assigned on the Security tab of the config UI) appear in plain text in the output of the ps and jps commands. If required by security audits, this can be prevented by adding a custom property as follows: Name: sl.rtview.jvm Value: -Drtv.hidesslprops=true Comment: hide ssl properties in ps/jps output The custom property should be configured on each data server on which SSL Credentials have been configured.
RE-36233: HTML UI report generator
A report generation tool is now available in RTView Enterprise. The reporter automatically creates screenshots of displays, as specified in a configuration file. The reporter can also export data from tables on displays to Excel spreadsheets. After generating screenshot and spreadsheet files, the reporter can create a zip file from those files and email it to a list of recipients. The reporter is distributed as a Windows executable and requires a Windows system with Chrome or Microsoft Edge installed. It can be downloaded from http(s)://server:port//rtview-reporter, where server:port is the same as in the URL that opens the Monitor UI in your deployment. The download incudes a user guide and an example configuration file.
RE-36319: After an upgrade the HTML UI may still show the old version string
After an upgrade the Monitor UI would sometimes show the old RTView version string, read from the browser cache rather than from the web server. This has been fixed.
RE-36356: Improved security for admin displays
For improved security the following displays have been moved from assets/packages/common to assets/packages/admin: Alert Administration (rtv_alerts_admin_table.html) Alert Overrides Admin (rtv_alerts_admin_overrides.html) Component Alert Configuration (rtv_alerts_admin_detail.html) CMDB Admin (rtv_cmdb_admin.html, rtview-central only) Any existing browser bookmarks to those displays should be updated or recreated.
Platform Support
RE-36322: Support for Oracle Java 17 and OpenJDK 17
Oracle Java 17 and OpenJDK 17 are now supported. Note that Java 17 can be used with the previous release with the following workarounds: - Users who wish to use the Send Email command must download and add to classpath jakarta.activation-1.2.2.jar - Before using the Display Builder, users must add the following to the RTV_JAVAOPTS environment variable: -Djide.defaultStyle=1 LIMITATIONS RTView running with Java 17 may not be able to monitor technologies that themselves do not support Java 17. This includes, but may not be limited to: VMWare Oracle WebLogic IBM WebSphere
RE-36331: Support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022
Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 have been added to the list of supported platforms.
RE-36450: New script and -hardkill option for stopping RTView
A new script,, has been added to the rtvapm/common/bin directory. This script can be useful in situations where an RTView process has become so bogged down that it does not receive the normal jmx termination command. The script uses the linux command "kill -9" to hard terminate RTView server processes, the RTView Host Agent, and the Apache Tomcat that is bundled with some RTView products. The default behavior will be to prompt for confirmation, but users can use "-f" option with to force execution. Additionally, the scripts for RTView Enterprise and Solace PubSub+ Monitor will now accept a new argument "-hardkill [n]", to execute as the final step of The optional 'n' is the number of seconds to delay before executing If 'n' is not specified, will wait 65 seconds after normal process shutdown is performed. This long duration is recommended because the normal termination method can take up to 60 seconds to cleanly terminate all threads. Note that will kill all RTView server processes on the system, not just those within the installation you are running it from. For example, if you are running RTViewCentral and an RTViewDataServerX installation on the same system, will terminate both RTView Central Servers and the RTView DataServer. If you do not wish for to terminate the RTView-bundled Apache Tomcat nor RTView Host Agent, you can comment out those lines in rtvapm/common/bin/
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-36310: New Message Volume displays
A display for viewing Solace message volume history, aggregated by sum in selectable time "buckets", has been added to the Solace Monitor. On the Solace Message Volume History display, the user can select the following: - Broker and VPN name(s) of interest, using specific names or patterns with * as wildcard - a time bucket between 1 hour and 1 month - a time range between 1 day and 9 months (depending on the selected time bucket) - an option to display the rows for the top N totals only, or all rows - an option to aggregate the totals by Broker + VPN, or by Broker only The selected options are used to construct a "Group By" query to be performed on the RTVHISTORY database in Oracle. Each row in the result will contain a column for the time stamp of the corresponding time bucket, the Broker name, the VPN name (if Group by Broker only is not selected), followed by the totals of messages sent, messages received, bytes sent, and bytes received for that Broker and VPN during that time bucket. The new display is supported only on systems where the RTView Historian is used with Oracle. Also, additional configuration is required to enable the related RTView cache and Oracle database table, described below. Steps to enable the new display: 1) Create a database table named SOL_VPN_TOTALS, with two indexes. Here is the syntax for Oracle: CREATE TABLE "SOL_VPN_TOTALS" ("time_stamp" TIMESTAMP, "Connection" VARCHAR(100), "vpn-name" VARCHAR(100), "total-cl-msgs-sent" REAL, "total-cl-msgs-rcvd" REAL, "total-cl-bytes-sent" REAL, "total-cl-bytes-rcvd" REAL) TABLESPACE "USERS" PCTFREE 10 INITRANS 1 MAXTRANS 255 STORAGE ( INITIAL 64K BUFFER_POOL DEFAULT) LOGGING NOCOMPRESS; CREATE INDEX "rtvts_sol_vpn_msg_totals" ON "SOL_VPN_TOTALS" ("time_stamp"); CREATE INDEX "rtvpk_sol_vpn_msg_totals" ON "SOL_VPN_TOTALS" ("Connection","vpn-name","time_stamp"); Note: The CREATE TABLE command is also in $RTVAPM_HOME/rtvapm/solmon/dbconfig/create_solmon_history_tables_oracle.sql 2) In the config (rtvadmin) UI select the Solace Data Server. Then on the General/CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab, add the following custom property: Name: sl.rtview.cache.config Value: sol_cache_vpn_totals.rtv Filter: collector Comment: add caches to support time-bucket displays for Solace VPN message totals This will add a cache named SolVpnTotals to the system. For each unique broker and vpn, the cache stores hourly totals of messages sent, messages received, bytes sent, and bytes received. The Historian stores the hourly totals in the SOL_VPN_TOTALS database table. After 30 days, the Historian compacts them into daily totals and keeps those for 9 months. 3) Restart the Solace Data Server and (in an EM deployment) the Central Data Server. In the monitor UI, the navigation tree on the Components tab will have a new item labelled Solace > Solace Message Volume. The new Solace Message Volume display contains a table with one row for each broker, with columns containing hourly totals of Messages Sent, Messages Received, Bytes Sent, and Bytes Received. The totals are computed for the previous hour, so the table may be empty for as long as one hour after startup! Double click on a row in the Solace Message Volume display to open the Message Volume History display. The table on that display makes SQL queries on the SOL_VPN_TOTALS database table, for the selected broker(s), vpn(s), using the time bucket size and time range selected, as described above. Of course, the new database table will be empty initially, so data for each of the selectable time ranges (1 day, 7 days, 1 month, etc) won't be available until the system has been configured and collecting data for that amount of time. Depending on the options selected by the user, the query result can be large and may take some time to complete. Queries involving only a few Broker + VPN combinations and a short time range will be smaller and faster than those involving many combinations and longer time ranges. Choosing a value other than ALL for the Top option (e.g. Top = 10) will make a query that returns only the rows with the top 10 total messages sent and received, and may give a faster response. For performance reasons each query result is limited to 100k rows. The user can right click on the table in the Message Volume History display and select 'Copy query string' from the popup menu. This will copy the SQL query string to the clipboard which can be useful for executing the same query in an external tool such as Oracle sqlplus.
RE-36333: SAAS brokers again appear in Broker Table
In version 6.2 a bug was introduced where SAAS (cloud service) brokers could not be connected to, and so would not appear in the Brokers table if filtered by Unexpired Only. This has been fixed.
RE-36337: Secure broker connection improvement
Previously, secure broker connections could not be established without the presence of one non-secure connection. This is no longer the case.
RE-36350: Spool Message Usage now calculated correctly
Previously, under certain circumstances the spool message usage value was incorrectly calculated. This is no longer the case
RE-36367: Unused cache SolVpnCapacity definition removed
The unused cache SolVpnCapacity definition and its associated cache schema have been removed to avoid confusion.
RE-36372: New utilization metrics added to VPN table
New seven VPN-level metrics, residing in the SolVpns cache, have been included into the VPN Table dashboard, when the More Columns option has been enabled: Connections SMF Used % (connections-smf-util-percent) Connections Web Used % (connections-web-util-percent) Connections Rest IN Used % (connections-rest-incoming-util-percent) Connections MQTT Used % (connections-mqtt-util-percent) Connections AMQP Used % (connections-amqp-util-percent) Connections Rest OUT Used % (connections-rest-outgoing-util-percent) Connections Subscriptions Used % (subscriptions-util-percent) These metrics are associated to seven corresponding VPN-level alerts for capacity analysis. These alerts are: SolVpnSmfConnectionCountUtilHigh SolVpnWebConnectionCountUtilHigh SolVpnRestInConnectionCountUtilHigh SolVpnMqttConnectionCountUtilHigh SolVpnAmqpConnectionCountUtilHigh SolVpnRestOutConnectionCountUtilHigh SolVpnSubscriptionsUtilHigh. These alerts will trigger when there percentage of utilization is above the threshold, which has been set by default for all alerts to 85% to produce a high alert, and to 70% to produce a warning alert. LIMITATION: At this time, only non-Cloud Brokers are supported.
RE-36392: New alert SolBridgeIngressEgressRatesUnbalanced
A new alert named SolBridgeIngressEgressRatesUnbalanced has been added. This alert detects whether the disparity between the bridge egress and ingress message rates exceeds 20 percent during 30 minutes. This situation would indicate there is a congestion issue due to incorrect message consumption. These metrics reside in the SolBridgeStats cache. These metrics are total-cl-msgs-rcvd-per-sec (Ingress Msgs/s) and total-cl-msgs-sent-per-sec (Egress Msgs/s). In Solace notation, these metrics correspond to cur-ingress-rate-per-sec and cur-egress-rate-per-sec, respectively.
RE-36425: New VPN-level endpoint utilization metric and alert
A new VPN-level metric has been included into the VPN Table dashboard: Endpoint Used %. It can be seen also in the _SolVpnConf cache as endpoint-util-percent. This metric is associated to a corresponding VPN-level alert for capacity analysis: SolVpnEndpointCountUtilHigh, which will trigger when the percentage of utilization is above the threshold, which has been set by default to 85% to produce a high alert, and to 70% to produce a warning alert.
Version 6.2.0 Release Notes
RE-36299: Apache Tomcat updated to 8.5.77
The bundled Apache Tomcat has been updated to v8.5.77
RE-36301: Fixed: cannot login after logging out
A problem has been fixed in the monitor UI that prevented the user from logging in after logging out, without first clearing the browser cache.
RE-34591: New upgrade_rtv scripts
Scripts have been added to simplify the process of upgrading to a newer version. They should be run at the command line in an initialized command window (ie, after rtvapm_init has been executed). Existing projects, custom alerts, custom displays, custom caches, Apache Tomcat configuration (if applicable), and permanent licenses will be imported from an older version specified by the user. USAGE: upgrade_rtv.[sh|bat] old-install [old-tomcat] [new-tomcat] If upgrading RTViewCentral or SolacePubSubMonitor, Apache Tomcat configuration will be copied. SL-supplied Tomcat will be used unless both old-tomcat and new-tomcat are given as arguments. If upgrading RTViewDataserver, old-tomcat can be given as argument and the DataServer's war files will be rebuilt and installed in the specified Tomcat (SL-supplied or otherwise). If new-tomcat is also given its configuration will be updated from old-tomcat. LIMITATIONS: - Changes outside of the projects directory will not be retained, so users are reminded to not make edits to configuration files under the rtvapm directory. - The scripts do not interface with any databases. Users who are still utilizing the evaluation HSQLDB databases will need to copy or recreate their tables. Customers who are using product databases should not need to take any additional steps since the imported project will persist their existing database connections. If there are any changes required in the database tables, they will be provided in the Manual Upgrade Steps (for changes to existing tables) that print at the end of the script or in the Release Notes (for new tables). - Configuration for an LDAP setup is also not migrated by the upgrade_rtv script. - Upgrading an RTViewDataCollector deliverable is not supported, but users can upgrade from an old RTViewDataCollector installation to a new RTViewDataServer installation. See RE-36300 for more information on how to run a DataServer as a DataCollector
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-35068: Broker Capacity Table and cache have been enhanced.
The Broker Capacity Table / Cache has been enhanced with additional metrics / columns and history for certain utilization metrics. The SolApplianceCapacity cache has been enhanced with a set of metrics / columns that show the High Water Mark ( HWM) value as a percentage of the configured maximum available value for a set of metrics. The new columns have a hwm-pct-of-max suffix, and have (internal) column names of connections-hwm-pct-of-max cur-spool-hwm-pct-of-max spool-files-hwm-pct-of-max qt-subscriptions-hwm-pct-of-max ingress-flow-hwm-pct-of-max transactd-session-hwm-pct-of-max The new columns appear in the Broker Capacity Table on the right with the following column headers (the More Columns toggle must be switched on to view: Connections HWM % of Max Current Spool HWM % of Max Spool Files HWM % of Max Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used HWM % of Max Ingress Flow Count HWM % of Max Transacted Sessions HWM % of Max The SolApplianceCapacity cache has had history added for the following utilization columns connections-used-per-cent cur-spool-usage-per-cent spool-files-total-used-pct qt-subscriptions-used-per-cent ingress-flow-count-per-cent transactd-session-cnt-util-pct The history columns are stored in the new SOL_APPLIANCE_CAPACITY database table. The rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig\create_solmon_history_files_*.sql files contain the SQL instructions to create the new table. This database table is persisted (stored by the historian in the history database) by default. This can be overridden on the Data Storage Tab of the Solace Solution Package Page of the config UI using the "Message Broker Capacity Stats" switch.
RE-36244: Alerts now suppressed for Replication Standby Broker VPNs
To avoid false positives, VPN's configured as a Replication service in standby mode are now excluded as candidates for alerting. Those alerts affected are those that start with SolVPN, SolClient, SolBridge, and SolEndpoint. This list includes alerts associated with the VPN directly as well as those alerts that indirectly reference the VPN (e.g. Endpoint and Client alerts that have the VPN as part of their alert index).
RE-36251: Five new Utilization alerts
Added 5 new alerts that trigger on Utilization as compared to the Configured Maximum. SolMsgRouterPendingMsgsUtilHigh - The %age utilization of pending message count limits for this message router is high. SolVpnConnectionCountUtilHigh - The %age utilization of VPN Connection count limits for this VPN is high. SolVpnSpoolMemoryUtilHigh - The %age utilization of System memory for spooling by this VPN is high SolEndpointSpoolMemoryUtilHigh - The (current) %age utilization of System memory for spooling by this (Endpoint) Queue is high. SolEndpointSpoolMemoryHWMUtilHigh - The HWM (High Water Mark) %age utilization of System memory for spooling by this (Endpoint) Queue is high.
RE-36286: SolEndpointNoBridgeClient Alert now alerts on queues associated with a Bridge
The SolEndpointNoBridgeClient alert now alerts for queues associated with a bridge that have a bind-count of zero This is reflected in the updated Alert description "There are no binds for the Solace Endpoint (Queue) associated with a Bridge (bind-count is zero)." Queues associated with bridges may be seen in the new SolBridgeQueues cache
RE-36302: Column order rearranged in Table displays
The Column order in the following Solace Table displays have been changed: Brokers VPNs Bridges Endpoints Broker Capacity
Version 6.1.2 Release Notes
Data Server
RE-36282: Upgraded log4j from 1.2 to 2.17.1
The version of Apache Log4j used by RTView has been upgraded from version 1.2 to 2.17.1. Although there were no known security issues in version 1.2 that affected RTView, it is no longer aupported by Apache. This upgrade does not affect how Log4j is used by RTView or any of its options related to Log4j. However, the syntax used in a Log4j properties file was changed extensively by Apache in version 2. The file distributed with RTView has been changed to use the version 2 syntax. If, in previous RTView versions, you customized that file or specified your own custom log4j properties file (e.g. using the "log4jprops" option), you'll need to remake those customization using the version 2 syntax. If RTView detects that a log4j properties file with version 1 syntax, the properties file is ignored and RTView logs this message: Ignoring: [filename], log4j v1 syntax is no longer supported. An RTView Enterprise. Solace PubSub Monitor, or TIBCO RTView for X deployment will then attempt to use RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf/ An RTVIew Core deployment will then attempt to use RTV_HOME/lib/ If those files also contain Log4j version 1 syntax, logging will be disabled. ===================================== In an RTView Enterprise. Solace PubSub Monitor, or TIBCO RTView for X deployments: As mentioned above, the default Log4j properties file is and is found in the projects folder and also in RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf. In addition, the default config behavior has been changed: In this release by default messages are appended to the existing logs/X.log file ((where X is "dataserver", or "historian", etc depending on the name of the server) until it reaches a size of 50MB. Then it is renamed to X.log.N (where N = 1 - 9) and a new empty X.log file is created. So at any time the logs directory may contain X.log (newest, up to 50MB in size), and X.log.N where N = 1 - 9, each approx 50 MB, where 1 is the oldest and 9 is the newest. Once N = 9 is reached, on the next rollover X.log.1 is deleted and each remaining X.log.N is renamed to X.log.N-1. As in previous releases, you may customize the in the projects folder but should not change the version in RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf. However, note that the default Log4j properties described above is different and more sophisticated than the default in prior releases (which simply discarded the previous log file at startup, but put no limit on how large the log file could grow). The new default behavior is more likely to be useful in production deployments, so customization may not be needed. ==================== In an RTView Core deployment The default Log4j properties file is and is found in RTV_HOME/lib. It enables a "Rolling File Appender" that logs messages to a file named rtview.log. When the file reaches 10MB in size it is renamed to [app].log.1 and a new [app].log file is opened. A "Console Appender" is also enabled that logs messages to the application's console window (stdout), if any. Note that log4j is disabled by default in rtview core, as in prior releases.
RE-36284: Apache Tomcat updated to 8.5.75
The version of Apache Tomcat bundled with RTView has been updated to v8.5.75.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-36279: Corrected statspump scripts to work with Java 11
The rtvapm/solmon/bin/statspump scripts now have jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar on classpath, which allows them to work with Java 11.
RE-36283: Updated Log4j2 libraries used by Solace Event Module
The log4j libraries used by the Solace Event Module have been updated to v2.17.1
Version 6.1.1 Release Notes
RE-35539: Update Jetty to 9.4.44
The version of Jetty has been upgraded from 9.4.19 to 9.4.44. Users should not see any change in behavior.
RE-36219: Bundled Apache Tomcat updated to 8.5.72
The bundled Apache Tomcat has been upgraded to v8.5.72
RE-36262: Update commons-fileupload.jar to v1.4
The external library commons-fileupload-1.2.jar has been replaced with commons-fileupload-1.4.jar to address a security vulnerability. This library is used by the rtvpost servlet.
RE-36265: Remove iText libraries from gmsjext.jar
The external libraries used for creating PDF reports from RTView displays have been removed from gmsjext.jar and For products that still include Classic displays (RTView Core, RTView Enterprise, and some standalone monitors), these libraries are packaged in gmsjextpdf.jar and Users of these products who do not need to use PDF export functionality can remove these two files from rtview\lib, as the iText libraries can trigger security audit software. Note that iText functionality is not utilized by RTView in a way that can expose the vulnerability, so there is no genuine security risk present. See the PAL entry for RE-26625 for more information.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-36255: Solace Syslog Events table drill down corrected
The column ID has been added to the Solace Syslog Events Table display, to prevent a problem with drilldown to the Syslog Event Details. That column is initially hidden, but can be made visible by the user.
Version 6.1.0 Release Notes
RE-36090: Customization licensed
In previous releases, custom displays, alerts and caches were not licensed. Custom displays, alerts and caches now require a license KEY for editing and runtime.
RE-36195: Update to latest Apache Tomcat (8.5.69)
The bundled Apache Tomcat has been upgraded to v8.5.69
RE-36241: Upgrade notes available in installation
A new file README_upgrade.txt is now available inside the top-level installation directory, that describes required manual upgrade steps. This file will also be available on the RTView documentation hub.
RE-36220: Removed "DevTools failed to load source map" errors in js console
In previous releases, three error messages starting with "DevTools failed to load source map" appeared in the browser's javascript console when the html UI was first opened. This has been fixed.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-32863: Additional Table Columns included in the Solace CSPF Neighbors Table display
Additional Table Columns have been added to the Solace CSPF Neighbors Table display. They are: Ingress Msgs/s Ingress Bytes/s Total Received Msgs Total Received Bytes Total Ingress Discards
RE-36022: Unreferenced Caches removed
The unreferenced caches SolMonitorBrokers and SolVpnCaches have been removed from the product
RE-36065: Solace Appliances label errors fixed
Incorrect use of "Total" in some Solace Appliance column labels was corrected.
RE-36243: Solace Broker Fan Speed alert behavior adjusted
The SolMsgRouterFanSensorCheckFailed alert was changed as follows: - low warning disabled - deadband set to 2343 With those changes the low alert will be triggered when the fan speed drops below the low alert level (2657) and will be cleared when it exceeds 5000. This behavior matches the broker's on board fan speed alert behavior. Note that the alert deadband property is not visible on the alert admin page. So if the end user changes the low alert level to X, the alert will not be cleared until the fan speed reaches X + 2343. Changing that behavior on a deployed system would involve manual edits to the sol_alertdefs.rtv file. In light of that, the description for SolMsgRouterFanSensorCheckFailed was also changed to the following: The speed of one or more fans is low. (The default alert settings match the broker factory settings and should not be changed)
Custom Display Designer
RE-34708: New "Enable Extended Time Range" option on custom trend chart
A new option "Enable Extended Time Range" is available when configuring a trend chart on a custom display. When the option is deselected (the default), the chart is optimized for plotting short term history with a maximum range of 7 days and is updated with current data if the time range includes it. When the option is selected, the chart is optimized for plotting long term history with a maximum range of 1 year and does not update with current data. To take advantage of the extended time range feature, the chart must plot data from a cache that stores history for more than 7 days. By default, the history range for a Solution Package cache is 2 weeks. That can be extended by configuring the Compaction Rules field in the Configuration Application DATA STORAGE tab for the Solution Package that contains the cache. When a large time range is selected, large data sets may be applied to the chart. To avoid sluggish performance when that occurs, the chart checks if multiple points would be plotted at the same x (time) location on the screen and plots a single point with the average y value of those data values, instead of a point for each value. This is indicated on the chart's mouseover tooltip, which shows the start and end times that correspond to the computed average value of a data point, rather than the usual single time value. For example the tooltip would display these times "May 14 08:40:00 ~ May 14 08:50:00" for a point that represents an average computed for that 10 minute period. If you zoom in on the trace by dragging, the time range shown in the tooltip will get smaller. Eventually if you zoom in far enough, the tooltip will show a single timestamp, indicating that the chart is now displaying the original, individual data values, not averages. As you zoom in, you may also notice that the trace lines become more jagged, as the smoothing effects of the averaging diminish.
RE-34919: Color scheme support for charts in CDD
The CDD has been enhanced to support color schemes on all chart objects. You can choose from a set of predefined color schemes or define your own. Color schemes are applied to traces in the trend chart, bars in the bar chart and wedges in the pie chart.
RE-34920: New ability to change the Trace Opacity in Trend Graphs
The trend graph object in the CDD has been enhanced to support setting the opacity percent of the area below each trace line. To set the opacity, go into the Value dialog for the trend graph, click on the Select Columns tab and adjust the Trace Opacity value for each trace. The default opacity is 50%.
RE-34921: New Stack Trace feature for Trend Graphs
The CDD has been enhanced with a new Stack Traces option for the Trend Charts. Select Do Not Stack to disable stacking. Select Stack Values to draw each point added to the point on the trace after it at the same time stamp. Select Stack Percents to fill the plot area and draw each point as a relative percentage to all the points at the same time stamp. Note that the stacking only applies to traces on the same axis.
RE-35423: New Wrap Text option for table cells
A new Wrap Text option has been added to the Table in the CDD. When enabled cell values that are too long to display are wrapped instead of clipped.
RE-35444: New Hide Column option for tables
A new Hide Column property has been added to table columns in the CDD. If selected, the column is hidden in the table, but still available for use in Drill Down Substitutions.
RE-35474: Removed format option from CDD dialog for trend graph
In previous releases, the CDD incorrectly showed a Format option for columns displayed in a trend graph. This option has been removed as the trend graph does not support custom number formatting. All numbers are displayed as doubles with 2 decimal places.
RE-35483: List Filter added to the Filter Panel
The CDD has been enhanced to support a List Filter in the Filter Panel. The List Filter is a single drop down menu that can be used to filter other objects in the display. It can be populated with data from a cache or you can enter the list manually. Click the ? in the Filter Panel section of the CDD for more information.
RE-35930: Pie chart added to CDD
The CDD has been enhanced with a Pie Chart object. The Pie Chart can show a single column or single row of numeric data. Details are described in the Main Object Panel help text in the CDD.
RE-35931: Bar chart added to CDD
The CDD has been enhanced with a Bar Chart object. The Bar object displays numerical data as one or more groups of bars. Details are described in the Main Object Panel help text in the CDD.
RE-35934: Labels added to main panel in CDD
The CDD has been enhanced to support 2 new label objects in the main panel. The Value Label object displays a label followed by a value. The Label object displays text that can either be a cache metric or a constant.
RE-35940: Added sparklines option to metric card
The Top and Bottom Metric Panels in the CDD have been enhanced. A new "Display as Sparkline" option has been added to numeric columns that are configured for history. When selected, the value will show in a spark line instead of a label. This option requires that the value has a cache filter and no functions, and is only supported if the Background Style of the Metric Panel is set to Card.
RE-35991: New Row Layout option for Main Object Panel
The CDD has been enhanced to support a new Row Layout option for the Main Object Panel. Previously, only Column Layout was supported, where the objects in the main panel were laid out in a single column where each object took with entire width of the column. In the Row Layout, objects are laid out in a single row which wraps if the window is too narrow to display all of the objects. This layout has the limitation that when the browser window is resized to be shorter after the display is loaded, the objects are not made shorter to fit the new window size. To work around this, reload the display after resizing the window.
RE-35995: Trend Graphics: Only show caches for which there are historical columns
The CDD has been enhanced to filter the list of available caches for Trend Graphs to only show those which have at least one historical numeric column.
RE-35997: Support column order for Sort function
The sort function in the CDD has been enhanced to support sort column order.
RE-36020: Drill down dialog now limits Variable Values to columns used in object
In previous releases, the drill down dialog would allow you to select invalid columns for Variable Values. This has been fixed.
Version 6.0.1 Release Notes
RE-36029: Fixed rows with duplicate index values in cache current table
A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused two rows with the same index values to appear in the current table of a cache. Typically this occurred if a row with an empty string in each of its index columns was added to the cache, and later that row expired and was deleted.
Custom Display Designer
RE-34816: CDD should not allow variable names that start with a number
In previous releases, the CDD incorrectly allowed users to enter a Variable to Set value that started with a number. This has been fixed.
RE-36019: Filter by pattern function bug in CDD fixed
In previous releases, the CDD had a bug that prevented editing a Value containing a Filter By Pattern function with a comma in the Pattern argument. This has been fixed.
RE-36067: Fixed bug editing value containing 'Total' function
In previous releases, the CDD had a bug that prevented editing a Value containing a Total function followed by another function. This has been fixed.
RE-36102: CDD cache preview no longer fails for caches not mapped to a citype
In previous releases, the preview window in the CDD failed to show data for some caches. This has been fixed.
Version 6.0.0 Release Notes
RE-35499: Browser now loads Configuration Application when mime-type checking enabled
A problem has been fixed in the rtvadmin Config UI which prevented it from loading if the web server enables strict MIME-type checking (i.e. if the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header is set).
Custom Alert Designer
RE-35397: Custom Alert Designer (CAD)
RTView Enterprise and Solace PubSub Monitor have been enhance to support user defined custom alerts. To access the Custom Alert Designer, go into the Configuration Application and click the customize alerts (bell) button on the data server hosting the metric(s) on which you want to alert. Click on the Help (?) button in each section for help on that section.
Custom Display Designer
RE-34929: Trend graphs with different selectors now working
In previous releases, there was a bug in custom displays with multiple trend graphs. In the case where both trend graphs were configured with selectors, only the selector for the last graph worked. This has been fixed.
RE-35232: CDD no longer fails to save when heatmap has size column set
In previous releases, the CDD failed to save heatmap displays where the Set Size from this Column was enabled for any column. This has been fixed.
RE-35236: Larger per-trace max point count supported on custom displays
On custom displays with trend charts, the limit of 3200 points per trace has been removed. This will allow longer time ranges of data to be plotted on custom displays. To avoid sluggish performance, the following optimization is used when more than 3200 data values are applied to a trace: In cases where multiple points would be plotted at the same x (time) location on the screen, a single point with the average y value of those data values is plotted instead. This is indicated on the chart's mouseover tooltip, which shows the start and end times that corresponds to the computed average value of a data point, rather than the usual single time value. For example the tooltip would display these times "Nov 14 08:40:00 ~ Nov 14 08:50:00" for a point that represents an average computed for that 10 minute period. If you zoom in on the trace by dragging, the time range shown in the tooltip will get smaller. Eventually if you zoom in far enough, the tooltip will show a single timestamp, indicating that the chart is now displaying the original, individual data values, not averages. As you zoom in, you may also notice that the trace lines become more jagged, as the smoothing effects of the averaging diminish.
RE-35630: Invalid caches removed from COMMON list in Custom Display Designer
The following cache have have been removed from the COMMON category in Custom Display Designer: RtvAlertStatsByService RtvAlertStatsByArea RtvCmdbServiceTable RtvCmdbGroupTable RtvCmdbAreaTable RtvCmdbOwnerTable RtvCITypeDefs RtvCITypeCacheMap RtvCITypeAlertMap RtvAlertMapByCI RtvAlertSourceStats RtvAlertStatsByCI RtvAlertStatsByCIAndAlertGroup RtvCacheMapByCI RtvCacheMapByCIType JmxStatsTotals Existing displays built against these caches will continue to work but can no longer be edited in the CDD.
RE-35416: Reworked DataCache into custom cache data source
The DataCache package has been refactored to support defining connections for custom caches. Customers using the preview release of the DataCache package should contact Technical Support for assistance in upgrading.
RE-35418: Enhanced cache schemaTable to take a string
The cache schemaTable property will now accept a string value containing column name;type pairs separated by semicolon, name1;type1;name2;type2 ... Note that a semicolon is expected between each name and type, and also between pairs. A column name may contain spaces and colons but not semicolons. The valid column types are: string, int, long, double, float, boolean, date For example: Employee ID;int;First Name;string;Last Name;string;Age;int;Offsite;boolean The schemaTable can still be attached to a data table, as in all prior releases. Existing caches that are configured in that manner will not be affected by this enhancement and do not need to be reconfigured.
Data Historian
RE-35634: Average is now default for condense/compact GroupBy calc on numeric columns
If primary compaction is enabled on a cache and the cache's condenseRowsGroupBy property omits any numeric data columns, the default calculation applied to those numeric columns is now "average". The same holds for secondary compaction and compactionGroupBy. In previous releases, the default GroupBy calculation for numeric columns was "sum", which was incorrect and caused confusing trace lines on trend charts.
RE-35671: Historian compaction no longer stops if database connection drops
A problem has been fixed in the historian where the compaction thread was terminated because of a NullPointerException thrown if the database connection was lost, preventing any subsequent compaction until the historian was restarted.
RE-35486: Third party software notices migrated to in-product file
Third Party Software notices and licenses have been made available from within the product download as LICENSES_party.txt.
RE-35912: Apache Tomcat updated to v8.5.65
The bundled Apache Tomcat has been upgraded to v8.5.65
RE-34506: Trend graphs no longer change size when selector changes
In previous releases, displays containing a trend graphs sometimes resized incorrectly such that the trend graph partially obscured other objects on the display. This has been fixed.
Platform Support
RE-34366: Support for Java 11
The Monitor now supports Java 11, including the OpenJDK and AdoptOpenJDK implementations.
RE-34576: Support added for MySQL 8.0
MySQL 8.0 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise Central Servers. Official support for MySQL 5.5 has been removed.
RE-34747: Support for Oracle 19
Oracle 19 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise Central Servers. Support for older versions of Oracle has been deprecated.
RE-35426: Red Hat enterprise Linux 8.x supported
RTView now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x. Support for 6.x has been deprecated.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-34069: Solmon dynamic broker connection removal enhanced
The Solace monitoring internals have been enhanced with respect to handing the dynamic removal of broker connections. Previously, under certain circumstances, errors such as those below could arise due to the dynamic removal of broker connections. This no longer occurs. Examples: WARN Poll_Thread_00014 - Couldn't push message onto broadcast topic: PUMP StatsPumpMessage ERROR Poll_Thread_00035 - Could not enqueue a message on LOCAL_MGMT Message Bus to 'localhost', VPN='<SELF>*', factory='SdtMapFactory', for Broker 'solDemo-a': Message on topic '#STATS/SYSTEM/solace/VERSION'
RE-35307: Sparklines added to Solace displays
New sparkline cards have been added to some displays in the Solace monitoring package, showing recent history of the most relevant metrics.
RE-35441: SolGuaranteedMsgingHbaLinkDown alert refined
The SolGuaranteedMsgingHbaLinkDown alert has been adjusted to only take into account state (for brokers that are configured for Guaranteed Messaging). Previously it took into account both state and operational-state.
RE-35933: New alert SolBrokerHbaLinkDown
A new Alert SolBrokerHbaLinkDown has been created to alert when the state of an HBA Fibre-Channel link is Down.
Version 5.3.2 Release Notes
RE-34588: Updates to external libraries used by Configuration Application and CDD
The libraries used by the Configuration Application and CDD were updated to the following versions: - angularjs 1.8.0 - angular-material 1.2.1 - jquery 3.5.1 - bootstrap 4.5.2 - angular-material-icons 0.7.1
RE-34996: Apache Tomcat updated to v8.5.59
The version of Apache Tomcat that is bundled has been updated to v8.5.59 (was 8.5.56).
RE-34995: Updated HTML UI to jQuery v3.5.1
The version of the jQuery library in the html ui has been updated to 3.5.1. This is a minor change from the previous version, 3.4.1.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-34595: Secondary HA dataserver no longer polls Solace brokers when in standby mode
Previously, under certain circumstances, a HA (High availability) dataserver, configured to be the secondary/backup data server would poll Solace brokers when in standby mode. This is no longer the case.
RE-35055: Single Endpoint Summary display Spool Msgs trends display correctly
Previously, under certain circumstances the Spool Msgs trends in the Single Endpoint Summary display, did not display correctly. This is no longer the case
Version 5.3.1 Release Notes
RE-34829: Fixed problem in alert notification configuration
In previous releases, email alert notifications with hard returns in the email body were sometimes formatted incorrectly by the Configuration Application. This resulted in the email notification failing to execute. This has been fixed.
RE-35046: Menu icon missing from columns on Alerts tab
The menu icon is no longer missing from columns on Alerts tab.
RE-27347: Avoid timeout on filtered query for nonexistent or empty cache table
The rtvquery servlet now promptly returns an error response for a filtered query that specifies a nonexistent cache, or an empty cache table, or a nonexistent filter column name. In prior releases, such a query would return a timeout error after 15 seconds, causing delays in other valid queries made from the same display.
RE-34809: Server.xml file can now use encrypted password
RTView now provides a mechanism to encrypt connection passwords being used with LDAP integration. The connection password may be encoded using the RTView utility encode_string as follows: In an initialized command window use the following command to get the encoded password: encode_string encoder2 <password> Example: $ encode_string encoder2 admin encrypted value: 8i559a5na87c83526n052 Edit server.xml and use the encoded password as the value of the connectionPassword property. connectionName="CN=Admin,CN=Users,DC=mycompany,DC=com" connectionPassword="8i559a5na87c83526n052" When Tomcat is started the connection password will be decrypted and used along with the connection name to bind to the directory and locate the user who is attempting to log in
RE-27347: Avoid timeout on filtered query for nonexistent or empty cache table
The rtvquery servlet now promptly returns an error response for a filtered query that specifies a nonexistent cache, or an empty cache table, or a nonexistent filter column name. In prior releases, such a query would return a timeout error after 15 seconds, causing delays in other valid queries made from the same display.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-34748: Solace Cloud instances no longer fail to connect
Previously, under certain circumstances, Solace Cloud instances would fail to connect, This is no longer the case.
RE-34812: Historical Data for Solace Broker Memory Trends now persisted correctly
Previously, under certain circumstances to the Historical Data for Solace Broker Memory Trends would be persisted with incorrect values. This is no longer the case.
Version 5.3.0 Release Notes
RE-30986: Alert Overrides: Allow adding overrides filtering out indexes by pattern
The Alert Overrides Admin display now allows multiple selection in the table. Multiple rows can be selected to create/edit/remove overrides to many rows at once. NOTE: Even if RTViewCentral is version 5.3 or above, multiple selection will not work against RTViewDataServer installations older than 5.3. The Alert Overrides Admin display now contains a pattern/RegEx filter to manage the contents of the table. The search string or RegEx is applied against the concatenation of all indexes shown in the table. That means a pattern or RegEx can be designed to search on all the index columns at once. For instance, rows containing 'conn1' in the first index and 'abc' in the second index can be found with the pattern '*conn1*abc*' or the RegEx 'conn1.+abc'.
RE-32861: Reduced PK_alertdef key index size for SQL Server
The VARCHAR limit of the ALERTINDEX column for the ALERT_LEVELS database table has been lowered from 2000 to 700 for SQL Server, which has a maximum key length of 900 for clustered indexes.
RE-33825: Enhanced alert interface to allow override for duration period
Alerting has been enhanced to support overriding the alert duration time per alert index. In previous releases, this was only settable at the top level of the alert and applied to all indexes. With this enhancement, each index can be assigned a different duration. To override the duration for an alert index, select the alert in the Alert Administration page and click on Override. For alert indexes that were overridden in previous releases before duration override was supported, the override duration is set to -1. This value indicates that the index will use the top level alert duration. Even if RTViewCentral is version 5.3 or above, duration overrides will not work against RTViewDataServer installations older than 5.3.
RE-33399: Added controls for securing data server connections using ssl without certs to the Configuration Application
The Security tab in the Configuration Application has been enhanced to include options for securing the client and receiver ports via SSL. When enabled, these ports are secured via SSL and all data is encrypted using an anonymous cipher. However, no certificate is used to perform SSL authentication and therefore the client and server do not verify each other's identities. RTViewCentral does not open a receiver port and therefore only has the option to secure the client port.
RE-34048: New Custom Display Designer (CDD)
RTViewCentral and SolacePubSubMonitor have been enhanced to include the Custom Display Designer (CDD). The CDD allows you to quickly design and deploy custom displays with your monitor. To access the CDD, open the RTView Configuration Application and click on the CUSTOM DISPLAYS button at the top. In the CDD, click on the help (?) button above the Display List for information on how to get started.
RE-34516: Support for user defined custom alerts
RTView was enhanced to support user defined custom alerts against any single solution package metric. Alerts are defined in json files located in projects\custom\alerts. See the documentation for details.
RE-30829: LDAP integration supported
RTView Enterprise and Solace PubSub+ Monitor now include integration between the HTML UI using Tomcat and an LDAP directory. When a user logs into RTView it is located in the directory and authenticated using the given password. Users can be located by a direct name-to-DN association or by searching for a specified attribute. You can search using the credentials of the given user or supply a connectionName and connectionPassword and search using those credentials. Once authenticated, the user is associated with an RTView role according to the entries in a configuration file.
RE-33169: Updated jackson libraries to 2.11.0
The Solution Package for TIBCO FTL has been updated to use v2.11.0 of the Jackson libraries. Previously this solution package used v2.9.9 The Solution Package for Solace Monitor and the deliverable for Solace PubSub Monitor have been updated to use v2.11.0 of the Jackson libraries. Previously this deliverable used v2.9.9
RE-33880: Updated apache tomcat to 8.5.56
The bundled version of Apache Tomcat has been updated to v8.5.56 (was 8.5.41)
Platform Support
RE-33550: Added support for AdoptOpenJDK 8
RTView now supports AdoptOpenJDK 8
RE-33660: Support added for MS SQL Server 2019
RTView now supports using MS SQL Server 2019 for storing historical data, as well as the alert and central configuration database tables for RTView Enterprise and the standalone Monitoring products. The Solution Package for MS SQL Server now also supports monitoring MS SQL Server 2019. Note that the user account used in the connection string must have the View Server State permission assigned to them in the server properties. See your MS SQL Server documentation for more information on this setting. NOTE: SQL Server 2008 and 2014 are no longer officially supported.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
RE-31555: Solace Monitor now comes with required JAXB jars to run under Java 9+
Previously Solace Monitor would not run under Java 9+, due to the removal of JAXB from the default java runtime. This is no longer the case due to the addition of the required JAXB runtime to the Solace Monitor.
RE-31853: "OS Version" field added to Broker Provisioning Display
The field "OS Version" has been added to the Broker Provisioning display.
RE-33054: Spaces in the Broker connection string no longer prevents alert overrides
Previously a space in a connection name would prevent the user from configuring an alert override against that connection. This has been fixed.
RE-33479: Fixed bar graphs in Broker Capacity Summary
On the Broker Capacity summary page the bar graphs for Ingress/Egress Msgs/s and Ingress/Egress Bytes/s now show percentages relative to the corresponding high-water mark value.
RE-33966: Changed names of Egress columns for Solace Broker Table
In the Solace Brokers Table the following columns have been renamed; Total Sent Discards to Total Egress Discards Sent Discarded Msgs/S to Egress Discarded Msgs/s
RE-34015: Default Max Heap Size for Solace monitoring deliverables has been increased to 4 Gigabytes
The Default Max Heap Size for the Solace Dataserver has been increased to 4 Gigabytes. This applies to both the SolacePubSubMonitor and RTViewDataServerSolace.
RE-34035: Corrected values for some columns in Broker Capacity table
The following columns in the Broker Capacity table now have correct values: Ingress Flow Count % Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used % Current Spool Usage % Connections Used %
RE-34042: Unused "max-ingress/egress" columns removed
The following columns have been removed from the Message Router Capacity Table: Ingress\nMsgs/sec Max Egress\nMsgs/sec Max Ingress\nBytes/sec Max Egress\nBytes/sec Max Ingress\nMsgs/sec % Egress\nMsgs/sec % Ingress\nBytes/sec % Egress\nBytes/sec % Ingress\nMsgs/sec HWM % Egress\nMsgs/sec HWM % Ingress\nBytes/sec HWM % Egress\nBytes/sec HWM % The following fields have been removed from the classic Message Router Capacity Summary display in the % Utilization (current/HWM) section: Egress Msgs/s Ingress Bytes/s Egress Bytes/s Transacted Sessions
RE-34085: Solace SEMP Schemas now loaded from brokers that support that capability
In previous versions, connections would fail for brokers with a later schema version that the most recent supported version in the release. Now with the ability to query schemas from the brokers themselves, this is no longer the case
RE-34316: Bridges Icon now opens connection to Solace Broker when systems have multiple IPs
In previous versions, the "Launch Pub Sub Manager" label on a Solace Broke Icon in the Bridges Diagram display may not have opened a connection to the Solace Broker in an environment where multiple IPs were in use. This is no longer the case.
RE-34345: Support added for broker schema SEMP v9.5
Solace SEMPv1 schemas for Solace Appliance and SW Broker with version 9.5 have been included.
RE-34351: Solace Clients summary page now shows both Client and ACL profiles
On the Solace Brokers Clients Table the column "Profile" has been renamed to "Client Profile". On the Clients Summary both "Client Profile" and "ACL Profile" are now available.
RE-34371: Toolbar enhancements to Bridges Diagram and CSPF Neighbors Diagram displays
Two enhancements have been made to the Bridges Diagram and the CSPF Neighbors Diagram displays. 1) The "alert pill" at the top right corner of the display is now functional. On the Bridges diagram, it now shows the number of alerts with category of Bridge, On the Neighbors diagram, it now shows the number of alerts with category of Appliance, Appliance-Pair, VPN, ApplianceCapacity, Client, Bridge, or Endpoint. On either diagram, a click on the alert pill will navigate to the Alerts Table by Component display with the filter set to the aforementioned category or categories. In previous versions, the alert pill always read "No Alerts" and a click navigated to the component alert display but with with filter incorrectly set to filter out all alerts. 2) The toolbar at the top of the diagram now supports several additional features, described below. View Options: (Globe icon): Toggle the visibility of the overview panel. (+ icon): Zoom in on the diagram by 25% (- icon): Zoom out on the diagram by 25% The overview on/off option is pesistent for a browser session. For example if you toggle the overview on it will remain on even if you navigate to another display and then back to the diagram later. The zoom level is not persistent, it is reset to 100% each time you navigate to a the diagram display. Neither the overview toggle or the zoom level are saved with the diagram layout options (described below). Layout Options: (Layout dropdown list): Select a layout type to apply to the diagram. A brief description of each type is given in the paragraph below. You can also click and drag the nodes to lay them out manually. (Recycle icon): Apply the selected layout type. This is useful to restore the layout after clicking and dragging the nodes, e.g. if you want to start over. (Horiz tree icon): Use a horizontal flow (applies to tree and graph layout only). (Vert tree icon): Use a vertical flow (applies to tree and graph layout only). (Save icon): Save the layout options including the positions of any manually moved nodes to the local browser storage. This will be used instead of the default layout whenever you view this diagram in the browser where it was saved. (Reload icon): Restore the layout options in the toolbar to the locally saved layout if there is one, otherwise to the selected layout. (Trashcan icon): Delete the locally saved layout options, if any. The tree and graph layouts are useful on diagrams where the flow (links) between nodes go mostly in one direction, from one or more root nodes to child nodes, then to grandchild nodes, etc. The graph layout attempts to keep the nodes arranged neatly in rows or columns, the tree layout will pack the nodes more closely together. The net layout can be useful for diagrams where the flow between nodes goes in multiple directions. The circle layout can be useful for diagrams where the flow is mostly in one direction but where there are also links from the deepest child nodes back to top level nodes. Another minor change in this version is that the black outline has been removed from the nodes. Otherwise, the node and link appearance and coloring is unchanged from previous releases.
RE-34424: Added "CPU Cores" metric to the Solace Brokers Table display
The "CPU Cores" metric has been to the Solace Brokers Table display This metric is retrieved by the "show system" SEMP request. UPDATE NOTE: This SEMP request has been added to the supplied pollers_sl.xml and groups_sl.xml files. Users may need to merge these updates with any changed versions of these files.
RE-34425: Solace Syslog Event Summary Display has been added
A Solace Syslog Event Summary Display has been added to display the contents of a Syslog Event. A Syslog Event can be selected from the Solace Syslog Events Table, and drilled down to in the Solace Syslog Event Summary
RE-34434: Corrected alert descriptions of SolClientInboundByteRateHigh and SolClientInboundMsgRateHigh
The descriptions for the following alerts have been corrected to say "inbound" instead of "outbound" SolClientInboundByteRateHigh SolClientInboundMsgRateHigh
Version 5.2.1 Release Notes
23877: Deliverable renamed to SolacePubSubMonitor
The Solace PubSub+ Monitor deliverable has been refactored in the following ways 1) The file name is now SolacePubSubMonitor instead of RTViewSolaceMonitor 2) projects/rtvservers.dat has been replaced by a unique rtvservers.dat within each project directory 3) rtvapm/solmon/webapps and rtvapm/rtvmgr/webapps include a copy of all servlets that can be used to rebuild the servlets under apache*/webapps 4) libraries, scripts, and configuration files relating to unused components have been removed to reduce file size 5) an Amazon EC2 image is no longer being provided 6) the RTView Manager dashboard has been updated to a new HTML UI. The new UI is available at: http://HOST:8068/rtview-manager 7) the bin/stop_servers.[bat/sh scripts] now require the use of the -eval argument to stop any HSQLDB database servers that were started by using the -eval argument with bin/start_servers.[bat/sh]
23611: Clear button added to Alerts tab
A button labeled "Clear" has been added to the row of buttons near the top of the Alerts tab, A click on the button will set the Cleared flag on the selected alert(s). The button is enabled if one or more alerts are selected which are not already cleared, otherwise it is disabled.
24225: Ease of use enhancements for Alert notifications
A drop-down list of $alertValues was added to the Subject and Body fields of the email alert notification dialog in the Configuration Application.
24385: Changes to alert notification Java Commands were not saved the first time
A change was made to ensure that alert notifications using the default Java type do not contain blank entries in the properties file.
24654: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with 20,000+ alerts
A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused the data server to throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, and then grow unresponsive, when removing rows from a cache table.
23789: Support Secure Connections to Solace in Configuration Application
The Configuration Application has been enhanced to support connections to secure Solace Brokers. For connections to Cloud Brokers, use an https url in the Connection dialog. For connections to non-Cloud Brokers, turn on the SSL Connection toggle in the Connection dialog. Then go to the Security tab and fill in the SSL Credentials section with the appropriate truststore and truststore password values for your Brokers.
24266: Display server tab removed from Configuration Application for some products
The Configuration Application for SolacePubSubMonitor and TIB_rtview-as Monitor have been enhanced to remove the Display Server tab as it is not used by those products.
24285: Merge memory and jmx jvm arguments instead of appending them
The jvm argument handling has been enhanced to produce a simpler command line output. In previous releases, both the default and the project specific values for the following jvm arguments were included in the command line: -Xmx -Xms* This did not cause any functional changes as the last (right-most) value in the command line takes precedence. However, it made the command output confusing to users who were trying to determine which jvm argument values were in use based on the process command. The jvm argument handling has been enhanced so that only one value (previously, the right-most value) is output for the above jvm arguments.
24334: Added soleventmodule configuration to Config UI
The Configuration Application for Solace has been enhanced to include the Solace Event Module configuration. In previous releases, this configuration was read from the rtvapm/solmon/soleventmodule/config/ files. Those properties are now stored in the project properties. Upgrade Notes Upgrading customers will not need to do anything to transfer their properties from the old file to the project properties. During upgrade, copy your old into the rtvapm/solmon/soleventmodule/config/ directory in the new installation, then run as usual. The first time the Configuration Application is used, these properties will be tranfered over to the project properties. After that, the file will no longer be used.
24394: Improved wording of Solace PubSub+ Event Broker toggle in Config UI
Text describing the Solace PubSub+ Event Broker as service toggle in the Configuration Application was enhanced for clarity.
24537: soleventmodule moved to projects\rtview-server\
The rtvapm\soleventmodule\config\ file, which controls the logging settings for the SolEventModule, is now included under the projects\rtview-server directory and has been renamed to In previous releases, this file was only available under rtvapm\soleventmodule\config and users were instructed to modify it there. As of this release, changes to the SolEventModule logging must be configured in the projects\rtview-server\ file, not in rtvapm\soleventmodule\config\ This was done as part of a larger project to make upgrading easier in version 5.0+ by limiting user changes to files under the projects directory. Upgrade Notes For upward compatibility, if the projects\rtview-server\ file is not found, the rtvapm\soleventmodule\config\ file will be used instead. However, users upgrading from previous versions who have modified the logging settings should apply their logging changes to the file in projects\rtview-server in order to make it easier to upgrade to future releases.
24538: copied to projects
The file, which controls the logging settings, is now included under the projects directory. In previous releases, this file was only available under rtvapm\common\conf and users were instructed to modify it there or to copy it to their project directory. As of this release, changes to the logging must be configured in the projects\ file, not in rtvapm\common\conf\ This was done as part of a larger project to make upgrading easier in version 5.0+ by limiting user changes to files under the projects directory. Upgrade Notes For upward compatibility, if the projects\ file is not found, the rtvapm\common\conf\ file will be used instead. However, users upgrading from previous versions who have modified the logging settings should apply their logging changes to the file in projects instead of the copy under rtvapm\common\conf in order to make it easier to upgrade to future releases.
24551: Enhanced update_wars with option to secure rtvquery servlet
If the update_wars scripts are called with the new argument "-secure" then the rtvquery war will be updated with security enabled. (A version of the web.xml file with the security section uncommented will be used).
24648: Restore scroll position after closing dialog in Config UI
The Configuration Application has been enhanced to restore the scroll position after opening a dialog on the following pages: - Alerts - Databases - Security - Apache Kafka CONNECTIONS - Solace CONNECTIONS
24688: Default text now editable in Configuration Application
The behavior of the default value in text entry fields in the Configuration Application has been enhanced. Text entry fields that are set to the default value show the default value in gray to indicate that it is the default. When you click on it, the text now becomes editable to make editing default values easier. To return to the default, delete the edited text.
24796: Enhanced sample app for editing properties
The sample application for editing properties (rtvapm/sampleapps/propeditor) has been enhanced for ease of use. The host, port and path variables can now be set from environment variable and the installation process has been simplified. See the README.txt in the sample application's directory for more details.
23816: Added getExtendedSolEventAlertInfo to example custom command
The custom java command handler for alert notifications has been enhanced to include an example of how to get additional information about SolEventModule alerts from the SolEventModuleAlerts cache. To enable this sample code: 1. Edit projects\custom\src\com\sl\rtvapm\custom\ to uncomment the if statement that calls getEventModuleInfo at the end of the outputAlertNotification method and also uncomment the getEventModuleInfo method. 2. Edit projects\custom\src\make_all.bat or to add RTVAPM_HOME/rtvapm/solmon/lib/rtvapm_solmon.jar to the CP 3. Run make_all.bat or to rebuild the jar 4. In the RTView Configuration, configure your alert notifications to execute a java command - this will generate a message in the data server log file for each alert notification. For SolEventModule alerts, there will be a second message containing the information from the corresponding row in the SolEventModuleAlerts cache.
24425: Removed HSQLDB runtime error
A spurious "unable to getSchema" error generated by the HSQLDB database has been suppressed.
24576: RTView Manager application refreshed
The RTView Manager application in SolacePubSubMonitor and RTViewCentral has been updated as follows: 1. The classic user interface has been replaced with the html user interface. The url is now host:port/rtview-manager and it requires login. You can login as rtvadmin (rtvadmin) or rtvuser (rtvuser). 2. In SolacePubSubMonitor, connections to components that are no longer included in the deliverable have been removed. 3. In SolacePubSubMonitor, the RTView Manager used to share a database and rtvservers.dat script with the solace monitor. It now has it's own database and rtvservers.dat script. 4. In RTViewCentral, the rtvservers.dat file has changed and custom_setup.bat and have been added. Upgrade Notes ============ The rtview-manager directory is not typically customized in RTViewCentral or SolacePubSubMonitor. In the case where this directory was customized, upgrading users should re-apply their changes to the new rtview-manager project and not just override the directory with the old version of the rtview-manager directory.
24115: Support form-based auth in HTML UIs
The user login mechanism has been enhanced: 1) The login prompt now uses a page with product branding, rather than the generic popup window. 2) The user can now logout without closing the browser. The appearance of the top banner on the login page varies by product: - For rtview-central and rtview-manager, the banner is dark blue and contains the SL logo and text "RTView© Login" - For rtview-*-rtvadmin (Config UI), the banner is dark blue and contains the SL logo and text "RTView© Project Configuration - Login" - For Tibco-branded UIs (rtview-emsmon, rtview-bwmon, rtview-tdgmon), the banner is medium blue and contains the text "TIBCO(tm) RTView©" - For rtview-solmon, the banner is a black-gray gradient and contains the Solace logo and text "PubSub+ Monitor" In all cases the browser tab title is simply "Login" with no favicon. Logout is performed by clicking on the user name in the top right corner of the UI and then confirming in a popup window. After logging out, a page appears containing the text "Logged out" and a link to return to the login page. Note that closing the browser tab does not perform a logout, so navigating to the UI in another tab afterwards in the same browser will not result in a login prompt. This is by design. If the UI is deployed using tomcat, and if you log in to the rtview UI (e.g. rtview-central) in one tab as rtvuser and then open the configuration tool (e.g. rtview-central-rtvadmin) in a second tab, you'll see the following: You don't have the required role to view this page. Click here to login as a different user. This occurs because the configuration tool requires the rtvadmin role. If you click the link, you'll be logged out in all tabs and can then log back in as a user with the rtvadmin role.
Components Displays
24512: Small version of Solace Brokers Table has no Expired column
The expired flag and time stamp columns have been added to the reduced version of the All Brokers Table.
24514: Improved visibility of button to hide navigation panel
The background color of the "<<" button in bottom left corner of the UI (which hides the navigation panel) is now a darker gray color than the nav panel's background, to make it more obvious when it overlaps with items in the navigation tree.
RTView Core Functionality
24450: Deprecate support for Sybase database
RTView no longer supports Sybase database.
24604: Format the alert text to at most 2 decimal digits
The Alert Text in the Alert Table has been enhanced to format decimal values to 2 decimal digits.
24756: Log message when alert table limit is exceeded
The alert engine was enhanced to print a warning when the alert count limit is exceeded. In previous releases this warning was only printed when logging was enabled.
Data Historian
24767: Improved Historian insertDataIntoDbTable performance for prepared statements
The performance of the historian has been improved. It now performs commits on batches of inserts, as defined by the historian's cache_size property, rather than one commit per insert. This reduces overhead in some databases. Also, in verbose mode a message is logged for each such commit as follows: ... committing the following number of records from cache: <N>, msec = M This matches the behavior of the historian before prepared statements were supported in release 4.2.
24768: Historian continues writing to database after connection is lost and restored
A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused the historian to stop storing data after the database connection was lost and then restored.
Data Sources
24707: New database ping feature added to SQL data source
An option named "dbping" has been added to the SQL data source. It can be used to specify a simple SQL query to be run periodically on a specified database connection. This is intended to keep the database connection alive on systems where idle connections are closed, for example by a firewall between the host running RTView and the database server's host. Typically a simple database vendor-specific query would be used for this purpose. For example: Oracle: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL SQL Server: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SYSOBJECTS MySQL: SELECT 1 The dbping option is specified in an RTView properties file as follows: sl.rtview.sql.dbping=name=N;interval=I;query=Q where: N = the database connection name (required) I = ping interval in seconds (optional, default = 300) Q = sql query for ping (required) For example: sl.rtview.sql.dbping name=MyOracleDB;interval=600;query=SELECT 1 FROM DUAL As with all periodic sql queries in RTView, the query is not guaranteed to be performed at the exact interval specified but within a few seconds. In RTView Enterprise, the dbping property can be added on the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab of the Configuration Application. For example, the following could be specified for use on the RTView history database connection for an Oracle database: Name: sl.rtview.sql.dbping Value: name=RTVHISTORY;interval=600;query=select 1 from DUAL Filter: dataserver
24706: Pinger feature added to rtvquery servlet
The rtvquery servlet will now ping the data server after 5 minutes of inactivity. (The connection is inactive when no web clients are actively sending queries to the servlet). The ping is intended to keep the servlet's connection to the data server alive on systems where idle connections are automatically closed, for example by a firewall between the host running tomcat and the data server's host. If the interval needs to be changed, add the following property to the file: PingerIntervalSec=N where N is the desired interval in seconds, or 0 (zero) to disable the ping feature.
RTView Manager
24484: Upgraded Tomcat caches to support Tomcat 7 and 8, drop support for Tomcat 6
The Tomcat caches have been enhanced to support monitoring Tomcat 8 and to drop support for Tomcat 6. The following columns in the TomcatWebModuleStats and TomcatWebModuleTotals caches are not supported for Tomcat 8. They will show 0 for Tomcat 8 connections, but will show correct data for Tomcat 7: desiredEntryAccessRatio maxAllocateIterations spareNotFoundEntries The state column in the TomcatWebModuleStats and TomcatWebModuleTotals caches is not supported for Tomcat 7 or 8, but was left in for upward compatibility. It will always show a value of 1. The xmlNamespaceAware column was removed from the TomcatHostInfo cache and the bufferSize and maxSpareThreads columns were removed from the TomcatConnectorInfo cache. These columns are not supported for Tomcat 7 or 8 and removing them will not impact upward compatibility.
22858: Classpath fields now check if path ends with .jar before adding /*
The Configuration Application has been enhance to handle .jar file names in the Classpath Directory fields for all solution packages. In previous releases, these were incorrectly used as directory names.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
24861: Increased precision of some columns in Broker Capacity table
The number of decimal places has been increased for the following columns in the Broker Capacity table: Ingress Flow Count % Ingress Flow Count HWM % Spool Files Used % Spool Files Used HWM %
24077: VARCHAR limits in "name" columns increased in database schemas
The VARCHAR limits of "name" columns in the database schemas have been increased from 100 to 255 to allow more flexibility with long names. Users do not need to make any changes to their existing database records.
24106: Force VPN name when adding a cloud connection
Solace PubSub+ Cloud broker connections now require the use of a VPN name.
24116: Dynamic connection updates via rest API now supported for StatsPump DS
The StatsPump data collection now supports updating connection properties via rest api. A sample application that shows how to use the rest api is available under rtvapm\sampleapps\propeditor. See the README.txt in that directory for instructions on using the rest api. You can also refer to the "Property Editor REST API" section of the User Guide for more details. LIMITATION: Connections that are removed will not consistently display as Expired in all displays, particularly the Brokers and Capacity screens. Removed items will be reliably deleted in all screens according to the configured Delete Time.
24158: SolEventModule typo for BLACKLIST
Previously there was a bug filtering events and alerts by the priority of BLACKLIST. This has been fixed.
24318: SolGuaranteedMsgingNoMsgSpoolAdActive improvements
The SolGuaranteedMsgingNoMsgSpoolAdActive alert has been fixed to be associated per Message Router. This alert will now be triggered on the two brokers that are redundancy configured as an HA pair when the operational status of their message spool is not AD-Active on any of the two brokers. This alert now correctly has a CI Type, and drilling down on this alert will load the Solace Broker Spool Table.
24322: Platform now collected correctly for all SEMP versions
Platform is now being correctly gathered for all supported SolOS versions.
24341: Msg ingress/egress alerts switched from %utilization to Msg/s
SolMsgRouterMsgEgressUtilHigh and SolMsgRouterMsgIngressUtilHigh alerts have been removed from the list of available alerts, as they incorrectly assumed a hardcoded maximum value in order to compute a percentage of utilization. Two new alerts, SolBrokerEgressMsgRateHigh and SolBrokerIngressMsgRateHigh, have been introduced to alert on the ingress and egress message rates. The units of these two new alerts are messages per second. Upgrade Notes: - To remove the unused alerts from the Alert Admin page, remove all entries for SolMsgRouterMsgEgressUtilHigh and SolMsgRouterMsgIngressUtilHigh from the ALERTDEFS ALERTLEVELS database table. Configure thresholds and overrides for the new alerts in the Alert Administration. - If you have enabled alert persistence, remove SolMsgRouterMsgEgressUtilHigh and SolMsgRouterMsgIngressUtilHigh from the ALERT_PERSIST_TABLE and ALERT_PERSIST_TABLE_CENTRAL or you will see errors about these alerts in the log file at startup. Also note that if you have stored alert history, the old alert will be in the alert history. It is up to user discretion whether to keep the old alerts in history or not.
24391: New alerts for redundancy misconfiguration and activity status change (deprecates SolHAPairFailoverDetected)
SolBrokerRedundancyDown and SolBrokerRedundancyActivityStatusChanged alerts have been implemented to detect redundancy misconfiguration and changes in the activity state of brokers configured for redundancy. These alerts will be only executed for brokers that are detected as being configured for redundancy due to either the existence of its mate router name or because they have been explicitly defined as configured for redundancy. Explicitly defining brokers as being redundancy configured is only required when the monitor has not succeeded on detecting the brokers as configured for redundancy. To verify whether the monitor has detected all brokers configured for redundancy correctly, go to the Admin > Cache Table display and select the _SolBrokerRedundancy cache in the upper table. Verify in the lower table of this display that all brokers redundancy configured have the IsHABroker flag checked. If that is not the case, you need to specify the mate router name in the redundancy configuration of each broker. The SolBrokerRedundancyDown alert verifies that redundancy is configured properly by checking whether Redundancy Mode, Redundancy Status and Configuration Status are valid. That is, the Redundancy Modes is either Active/Active or Active/Standby, the Redundancy Status is Up and the redundancy Configuration Status is Enabled. If any of these conditions is not met, then an alarm alert will be raised with the following alert text: "<hostname> is not properly configured for redundancy or redundancy is down. Redundancy Status: <a> Configuration Status: <b>", where <hostname> is the hostname of the offending broker and <a> and <b> are the current Redundancy Status and Configuration Status of the broker respectively. The SolBrokerRedundancyActivityStatusChanged alert checks whether the previous state of the Active-Standby Role, the Activity Status of the Primary Virtual Router and the Activity Status of the Backup Virtual Router is different from the current state. If they are different, that implies a change in the state of the redundancy status occurred and a warning alert will be triggered. As soon as the previous and the current redundancy state is stabilized, the warning alert will be automatically cleared, indicating in the alert text the current and previous states being detected. The warning alert contains the following text: "<hostname> has changed its redundancy activity state. There might be untracked intermediate states from the ones that have been detected. Current state: <A> Previous state: <B>", where <A> and <B> are the concatenation of active-standby-role, primary-status-activity, and backup-status-activity separated by the character "-" for current and previous states. Best Practices & Troubleshooting * It's possible to have multiple SolBrokerRedundancyActivityStatusChanged warning alerts when failing over if intermediate states have been collected. For instance, if the changes from Local Active to Local Inactive to Shutdown are detected, then two SolBrokerRedundancyActivityStatusChanged warning alerts will be executed in this broker and will have two warnings from one broker and one from the other broker if the intermediate state on the second broker was not gathered due to polling interval being longer than the time the broker changes its redundancy state. If you only want one warning alert per broker per failover operation, the recommended action is to increase the duration of the alert. This value will vary depending on data collection latency and is system dependent. On the other hand, if you need to keep track of all intermediate states of the failover operation, then you should decrease the polling interval for the show redundancy detail poller. This is not recommended as might overflow the data collector with requests that cannot be successfully completed or preventing sending other monitoring data regarding other aspects of the broker due to the existence of requests too-often repeated. * Due to SolBrokerRedundancyActivityStatusChanged warning alert being a transient alert which will be automatically cleared when the redundancy status is stabilized, enabling both alerts is recommended as SolBrokerRedundancyDown can stay uncleared if manual intervention for fixing redundancy misconfiguration or non-functioning is required.
24404: SolMsgRouterTranSessionCntUtilHigh no longer using a deprecated metric
SolMsgRouterTranSessionCntUtilHigh previously used a deprecated metric from Solace. It now uses the result of: (Transaction-sessions-used/Max-transaction-sessions) * 100
24443: Replaced Pending Messages by Spooled Messages across displays
"Pending Messages" labels across all Solace PubSub+ monitor displays have been renamed to "Spooled Messages."
24455: New SEMP schemas (9.3+)
The SEMP schemes for 9.3 and 9.3.1 versions have been included.
24461: Solace Config UI no longer allows creation of incorrectly formatted connections
Enhancements have been made to the Solace connections dialog in the Configuration Application to ensure that all required fields have data entered before the connection can be saved.
24464: Client integer metrics changed to long
Integer client metrics have been updated to long type. To update these metrics in their corresponding tables in history, execute the following "alter table" SQL sentences. Work with your database administrator on the optimal way to make these changes. DB2/HSQLDB ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" ALTER COLUMN "ingress-flow-count" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" ALTER COLUMN "queue-topic-subscriptions-used" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" ALTER COLUMN "spool-files-total-used" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" ALTER COLUMN "transacted-sessions-used" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ALTER COLUMN "num-messages-spooled" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ALTER COLUMN"total-clients-connected" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_ENDPOINT" ALTER COLUMN "num-messages-spooled" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ALTER COLUMN "connections" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ALTER COLUMN "total-unique-subscriptions" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" ALTER COLUMN"num-messages-spooled" SET DATA TYPE BIGINT; MySQL ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" MODIFY "ingress-flow-count" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" MODIFY "queue-topic-subscriptions-used" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" MODIFY "spool-files-total-used" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL" MODIFY "transacted-sessions-used" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" MODIFY "num-messages-spooled" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" MODIFY "total-clients-connected" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_ENDPOINT" MODIFY "num-messages-spooled" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" MODIFY "connections" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" MODIFY "total-unique-subscriptions" BIGINT; ALTER TABLE "SOL_VPN" MODIFY "num-messages-spooled" BIGINT; SQL Server ALTER TABLE [SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL] ALTER COLUMN [ingress-flow-count] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL] ALTER COLUMN [queue-topic-subscriptions-used] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL] ALTER COLUMN [spool-files-total-used] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_MESSAGE_SPOOL] ALTER COLUMN [transacted-sessions-used] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_APPLIANCE] ALTER COLUMN [num-messages-spooled] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_APPLIANCE] ALTER COLUMN [total-clients-connected] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_ENDPOINT] ALTER COLUMN [num-messages-spooled] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_VPN] ALTER COLUMN [connections] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_VPN] ALTER COLUMN [total-unique-subscriptions] BIGINT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_VPN] ALTER COLUMN [num-messages-spooled] BIGINT;
24469: Support filtering by Topic Endpoint or by Queues
A new drop down for filtering out Solace Queues and Topic Endpoints has been added to the Endpoints Table display.
24474: Include hostname in 'Alert Text' field of SolMsgRouterNotConnected
The SolMsgRouterNotConnected alert now includes the hostname in the alert text.
24499: Fixed missing Provisioning info for hardware brokers
A bug in displaying the hardware provisioning details (Chassis serial number, BIOS version) for hardware message routers has been fixed. Due to the changes made on the SEMP schemas for software brokers, the hardware information will show blank for software brokers. For additional information, refer to Solace documentation.
24508: 'Client Summary' page now showing correct values
Fixed a bug in the collection of client metrics. With the fix, the Single Client Summary will display correctly activity in trends as well as provide the metrics from the last update period in the case the Client went down. To identify whether the Client is still generating activity and the data collection is proceeding normally, verify the Expired field of the Client is false. Otherwise, when Expired is true, the data provided in the display will reflect the metrics delivered from the last update time, when the information was successfully collected. Notice that trends might not show any activity with current preset time of 15 min when the Client stopped earlier to this time frame. To detect whether the transient activity of the Client was registered properly, extend the time range of the trends in the Client Summary display to a broader period.
24518: Addressed collision of Topic Endpoint and Queue Endpoint with same name
The SolEndpoints and SolEndpointStats have been fixed to account for Queue and Topic Endpoints with the same name. If that case occurs, then the Queue name will remain the same and the suffix "-TE" will be concatenated to the Topic Endpoint name to resolve the similarity. This will only take effect when the Queue and the Topic Endpoint belong to the same broker and VPN. No upgrading instructions are required.
24520: SolSparseMsgSpool alert now accounts for disk space utilization
Fixed a bug in the execution of the SolSparseMsgSpool alert. With the fix, this alert will trigger a warning alert (Severity 1) when the active disk partition usage is above 30% and the ratio between disk utilization and current persistent utilization is larger than 3. Further reading about this condition can be reached from Solace’s site, Section on diagnosing the sparse message spool file condition at:
24522: Calculated rates in Broker displays no longer zero when collected with Stats Pump
Fixed a bug in the calculation of client rates for direct, persistent, and non-persistent messages, and bytes received and sent. The fixed metrics are: cl-direct-bytes-rcvd cl-direct-bytes-sent cl-direct-msgs-rcvd cl-direct-msgs-rcvd-per-sec cl-direct-msgs-sent cl-direct-msgs-sent-per-sec cl-non-prst-bytes-rcvd cl-non-prst-bytes-sent cl-non-prst-msgs-rcvd cl-non-prst-msgs-rcvd-per-sec cl-non-prst-msgs-sent cl-non-prst-msgs-sent-per-sec cl-prst-bytes-rcvd cl-prst-bytes-sent cl-prst-msgs-rcvd cl-prst-msgs-rcvd-per-sec cl-prst-msgs-sent cl-prst-msgs-sent-per-sec egress-compression-ratio ingress-compression-ratio tcp-fast-retransmit-sent total-cl-bytes-rcvd total-cl-bytes-sent total-cl-msgs-rcvd total-cl-msgs-rcvd-per-sec total-cl-msgs-sent total-cl-msgs-sent-per-sec total-clients total-clients-connected total-egress-discards total-egress-discards-per-sec total-ingress-discards total-ingress-discards-per-sec cl-direct-bytes-rcvd-per-sec cl-direct-bytes-sent-per-sec cl-non-prst-bytes-rcvd-per-sec cl-non-prst-bytes-sent-per-sec cl-prst-bytes-rcvd-per-sec cl-prst-bytes-sent-per-sec total-cl-bytes-rcvd-per-sec total-cl-bytes-sent-per-sec avg-egress-byte-per-min avg-egress-comp-per-min avg-egress-per-min avg-egress-ssl-per-min avg-egress-uncomp-per-min avg-ingress-byte-per-min avg-ingress-comp-per-min avg-ingress-per-min avg-ingress-ssl-per-min avg-ingress-uncomp-per-min current-egress-byte-per-sec current-egress-comp-per-sec current-egress-per-sec current-egress-ssl-per-sec current-egress-uncomp-per-sec current-ingress-byte-per-sec current-ingress-comp-per-sec current-ingress-per-sec current-ingress-ssl-per-sec current-ingress-uncomp-per-sec egress-comp-bytes egress-ssl-bytes egress-uncomp-bytes ingress-comp-bytes ingress-ssl-bytes ingress-uncomp-bytes
24525: Brokers now appearing in Brokers Table when both NOT_RUNNING and FAILURE statuses are present
Fixed a bug that preventing some Solace Brokers from appearing in in the Solace Brokers Table. The issue was related to the variations in the failure code returned by different SEMP versions. For debugging purposes, a new set of auxiliary caches have been introduced. Each of these auxiliary caches provides a self-explanatory flag indicating one Broker condition.. The list of auxiliary caches and the flags supported is the following: 1. _SolBrokerSystemHardwareRaw (IsSoftwareBroker flag) 2. _SolBrokersConnected (Connected flag) 3. _SolBrokersEndpoints (HasEndpoints flag) 4. _SolBrokerBridges (HasBridges flag)) 5. _SolBrokerRedundancy (IsHABroker flag) 6. _SolBrokerClientStatsRaw (HasClients flag) 7. _SolBrokerVpns (HasVPNs flag)
24558: Differentiate unexpired endpoints in the 'Broker Summary' page
The Solace Broker Summary display has been enhanced to show Unexpired / Total Endpoints instead of only the Total Endpoints.
24585: Use defaults if group_sl.xml and poller_sl.xml not in project directory
In previous releases, the Data Server monitoring Solace PubSUb+ crashed if the pollers_sl.xml and groups_sl.xml files were missing from the project directory. This has been fixed. If these files are missing, the defaults are used instead.
24606: Reduced polling rate of StatsPump to 30 seconds
We changed the mandatory poller update rates in the StatsPump from 5 to 30 seconds. As part of this change, a JVM heap dump will now be generated in the case of an OutOfMemory error.
24612: Remove HA pair specification from Solace Connection properties
The Solace connections have been enhanced to remove the HA connection type. HA connections from previous versions will automatically be split into 2 standalone connections. The primary server from the HA connection will use the same name as the HA connection. The backup server from the HA connection will use the same name as the HA connection with a -B appended.
24634: Blank brokers aren't listed in All Brokers Table
Fix a bug preventing Solace Brokers that did not have endpoints from being listed in the All Brokers Table display.
24639: Hardware metrics now correctly reporting for older schemas
A bug in the directory structures of the supported SEMP schemas was causing information (BIOS version, chassis product number, chassis revision, and chassis serial.) about some Solace Hardware Message Routers running older schemas (< 9.3) to be missing. This has been fixed.
24643: Capacity metrics adjusted to not use default values as a benchmark
The following estimates that were used to compute percentages of utilization for capacity displays have been deleted: qt-subscriptions-max max-ingress-per-sec max-egress-per-sec max-ingress-byte-per-sec max-egress-byte-per-sec Similarly, the spool disk size is now being collected from the 'show message-spool detail' SEMP request. LIMITATION On the Broker Capacity Summary display, Egress and Ingress Bytes/s, and Egress and Ingress Msgs/s, now appear in tooltips as the actual rates and not the percentage of utilization calculated from an estimated maximum rate. This change causes the bars on the Broker Capacity Summary display, which expect a value of 0 to 100, to be visually misleading.
24667: Corrected endpoints column in the "Solace Broker Table" page
The current number of endpoints per Solace broker in the Brokers Table display is now correct.
24671: SolSparseMessageSpoolFile alert improved to account for boundary conditions
The SolSparseMessageSpoolFile alert has been adjusted to use a different metric to compute the sparse ratio. The metric current-persist-usage-mb has been replaced by current-disk-usage. Moreover, the metrics involved in this alert have been converted from long to double to account for reduced spool utilization that can deliver a ratio above 3 but are below 1MB and therefore missed when the metrics are converted from blocks to MB.
24716: Corrected invalid sample soleventmodule filters
The SolaceEventModule contains several sample Alert Filters. The System + VPN - VPN Resource Util filter previously used invalid wildcard XPath syntax: severityCode>=5, scope='CLIENT', eventName='VPN_RDP_RC_CONN_DOWN', eventName='VPN_RDP_RC_DOWN', eventName='VPN_RDP_RDP_DOWN', scope='VPN' and (eventName='*_HIGH' or eventName='*EXCEED' or eventName='EXCEEDED') This has been updated to use correct XPath 1.0 syntax: severityCode>=5, scope='CLIENT',eventName='VPN_RDP_RC_CONN_DOWN', eventName='VPN_RDP_RC_DOWN', eventName='VPN_RDP_RDP_DOWN', scope='VPN' and (substring(eventName,string-length(eventName)-4)='_HIGH' or substring(eventName,string-length(eventName)-6)='_EXCEED' or substring(eventName,string-length(eventName)-8)='_EXCEEDED')
24735: StatsPump datasource performance optimized
The Solace PubSub+ Monitor's datasource has been enhanced to reduce contention and improve throughput of messages from the statspump, leading to better GC (Garbage Collection) behavior and performance in the "consumer - producer" relationship between statspump and the datasource. It has also been enhanced to tune individual statspump parameters by means of system properties (that can be set as custom properties in the Configuration UI for the data server). STATS_PUMP.MISSED_SEMP_POLL_LIMIT STATS_PUMP.MAX_POLLER_RUN_LIMIT_FACTOR STATS_PUMP.HOSTNAME_POLLER_INTERVAL_SEC STATS_PUMP.REDUNDANCY_POLLER_INTERVAL_SEC STATS_PUMP.VPN_DETAIL_POLLER_INTERVAL_SEC STATS_PUMP.MSG_SPOOL_POLLER_INTERVAL_SEC STATS_PUMP.REACHABLE_POLLER_INTERVAL_SEC STATS_PUMP.BLOCKING_QUEUE_TOTAL_CAPACITY Reducing the Queue Size, controlled by the STATS_PUMP.BLOCKING_QUEUE_TOTAL_CAPACITY system property has been found to be beneficial in reducing memory usage and GC issues. For example, setting the property sl.rtview.jvm to the value -DSTATS_PUMP.BLOCKING_QUEUE_TOTAL_CAPACITY=1000 with the filter collector via the config UI would reduce the internal queue length to 1000 and result in the following entry in the
24741: SolMsgRouterSwapUsedHigh alert now disabled for hardware appliances
SolMsgRouterSwapUsedHigh alert is now exclusively enabled for SW Brokers and it will not execute for HW Brokers.
24742: Blank brokers now appear in the brokers table
A bug that prevented brokers from appearing in the All Brokers Table display when they were all blank brokers (no clients, bridges, vpns and endpoints) has been fixed.
24747: SolMsgRouterSubscriptionUtilHigh alert refined for queue subscription utilization
The SolMsgRouterSubscriptionUtilHigh alert has been reworked to compute the percentage of queue topic subscription utilization from the max-queue-topic-subscriptions configured value of each broker instead of using a global maximum estimated value. The max-queue-topic-subscriptions is obtained from 'show message-spool detail' SEMPv1 request. The following table column names have been changed: Message Router Capacity Table Old: Queue / Topic Subscriptions Used Queue / Topic Subscriptions Used % Queue / Topic Subscriptions Used HWM % Subscriptions HWM Transacted Sessions % Utilization Transacted Sessions HWM % Utiliztion New: Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used Topic Subscriptionson Queue Used % Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used HWM % Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used HWM Transacted Sessions Used % Transacted Sessions Used HWM % Message Spool Table Old: Queue/Topic Subscriptions Used Max Queue/Topic Subscriptions New: Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used Max Topic Subscriptions on Queue
24757: SolGuaranteedMsgingHbaLinkDown alert fixed
Fixed a bug in the firing of the SolGuaranteedMsgingHbaLinkDown alert. it should now correctly be triggered.
24759: SolGuaranteedMsgingMatePortDown alert now supports both HW and SW brokers
SolGuaranteedMsgingMatePortDown alert has been reworked to account for HW and SW Solace Brokers. The alert will execute when the broker is configured for Guaranteed Messaging and the ADB Link to Mate is down. Initially this alert used "show hardware details" to obtain the information regarding the mate link however this command is not supported on SW Brokers from SEMPv1 8.13 onwards. Limitation: This alert will not clear until a failover occurs.
24762: Updated event definitions for
The Solace Event Module has been updated to work with the syslog messages from the Solace release.
24765: SEMP v9.4 schemas
Solace SEMPv1 schemas for Solace Appliance and SW Broker with version 9.4.0 have been included.
24774: Byte ingress/egress alerts switched from %utilization to Byte/s
SolMsgRouterByteEgressUtilHigh and SolMsgRouterByteIngressUtilHigh alerts have been removed from the list of available alerts, as they incorrectly assumed a hardcoded maximum value in order to compute a percentage of utilization. Two new alerts, SolBrokerEgressByteRateHigh and SolBrokerIngressByteRateHigh, have been introduced to alert on the ingress and egress message rates. The units of these two new alerts are messages per second. Upgrade Notes: - To remove the unused alerts from the Alert Admin page, remove all entries for SolMsgRouterByteEgressUtilHigh and SolMsgRouterByteIngressUtilHigh from the ALERTDEFS ALERTLEVELS database table. Configure thresholds and overrides for the new alerts in the Alert Administration. - If you have enabled alert persistence, remove SolMsgRouterByteEgressUtilHigh and SolMsgRouterByteIngressUtilHigh from the ALERT_PERSIST_TABLE and ALERT_PERSIST_TABLE_CENTRAL or you will see errors about these alerts in the log file at startup. Also note that if you have stored alert history, the old alert will be in the alert history. It is up to user discretion whether to keep the old alerts in history or not.
24778: Syslog alerts created/cleared at the same time no longer reappear
In previous releases, Cleared SolEventModule alerts were sometime regenerated. This has been fixed.
24789: Caches now have consistent delete behavior
Information on Appliances that are no longer monitored will now be removed from the displays after a user specified delay. Prior to the advent of dynamic (appliance) connections, Appliance caches did not need delete behavior, as Appliance connections were only added at startup for a given dataserver run. With the advent of dynamic connections, (appliance) connections may be added and removed at run-time. The consistent application of delete behavior ensures that (current) cache rows will be removed after the Delete Time has passed since the last data update. Removing an appliance connection will stop its associated data from updating and thus will be removed from caches after the Delete Time has passed since the last data update. Thus information on Appliances that are no longer monitored will be removed from the displays. The Delete Time can be specified in the Config UI The Delete Time should be longer than the expiry time. LIMITATION: Connections that are removed will not consistently display as Expired in all displays, particularly the Brokers and Capacity screens. Removed connections will be reliably deleted from all screens according to the configured Delete Time.
24797: Solace Event Module - Additional Fields are no longer parsed incorrectly
In previous releases of the Solace Event Module, the Additional Fields values were parsed incorrectly. This has been fixed.
24806: in sol_allvpns_heatmap.html, every choice for "Show" dropdown shows all the VPNs
The "show expired/unexpired" dropdown on the VPNs Heatmap display now correctly selects expired or unexpired VPNs
24812: Corrected column name for "Client Control Msgs Sent"
In the Solace Broker Clients Table there were two columns named "Client Control Msgs Rcvd". The second one has been corrected to "Client Control Msgs Sent".
24814: Increased precision of "Transacted Sessions Util %" in Broker Capacity Table
Columns "Transacted Sessions Util %" and "Transacted Sessions HWM Util %" in the Broker Capacity Table are now displayed with 4 decimal places
24815: Corrected Connection Max value in Brokers Table and Broker Capacity Table
The Max Client Connections values in the Brokers Table and the Connections Max values in Broker Capacity Table now correctly reflect the configured value for an appliance.
24817: Spool-disk-size column in Broker Capacity Table corrected
The column Spool Disk Allocated in the Broker Capacity Table has been renamed to Spool Size Max MB and is now displaying correct data.
24818: Removed Reserved columns from Broker Capacity Table
The following columns have been removed from the Broker Capacity Table: Connections Reserved Subscriptions Reserved Spool Reserved
24819: [Solace Event Module ] Reduced logging level of non-critical message parsing and regex errors
The logging for the Solace Event Module has been enhanced to reduce the logging level for the following errors: - Failed to create/enqueue message... This message is printed to the log when the event module receives a message that is not a syslog message. Since only syslog messages are supported in the event module, these messages are discarded. In previous releases, this was logged at the error level along with a stack trace. It is now logged at the debug level since it is not a critical error. - Failed to match regex, additional fields for message will be empty... This message is printed when the additional fields of the syslog message cannot be parsed due to an unexpected message format or an unexpected character in one of the additional fields. This error does not prevent the message from getting into the SolEventModuleEvents cache. This error may or may not impact alerting on this message. In previous releases, this was logged at the error level. It is now logged at the warn level.
24821: Corrections to metric used for Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used HWM %
The column Topic Subscriptions on Queue Used HWM % in the Broker Capacity table no longer shows incorrect zero values.
24843: Broker Capacity table Spool Size Max MB corrected
The Spool Size Max MB column now returns more accurate information. Also, the following columns in the Broker Capacity table: Cur Spool Usage MB Current Spool Usage HWM have been renamed to: Current Spool Usage MB Current Spool Usage MB HWM
24847: Current Spool Usage HWM % no longer zero in Broker Capacity Table
In the Broker Capacity table the column Current Spool Usage HWM % no longer shows zero values even when the corresponding Current Spool Usage % has data.
24860: Memory usage for state storage used by DELTA functions in solmon is now set to expire
The DELTA functions store internal state to perform their necessary calculations. Previously state was stored for all unique indices encountered. Now stored state is expired (and thus reclaimed) after they have not been updated for a period. The period matches that of the deletion period of the caches they populate. Thus their total memory usage is bounded in a manner similar to the current rows of the caches they populate.
Version 5.1.3 Release Notes
24280: Error msg "rtvconfig.hostmon.xml not found" removed
In previous releases, some dataserver.log files would contain the following error message at startup INFO main - [rtview] ERROR: GmsRtViewXmlDs – rtvconfig.hostmon.xml not found. This error message was benign and did not indicate a functional problem. It has been removed.
24236: Allow users to see cleared alerts from any time in the past
A simple Alert History Table display has been added to the Components tab at Other/Common/Alerts/Alert History Table. This new table enables the user to see previously cleared alerts in a table.
Components Displays
23651: Click and Drag on heatmap no longer performs fake "zoom"
In previous releases, dragging the mouse across a heatmap and then releasing would cause the "Reset zoom" button to appear in the top left corner of the heatmap even though no zoom was actually performed. This has been fixed.
23989: Overview top 10 graph should always show 0-100% on x axis for CPU %
In the Package Overview displays, the top 10 graph now uses a fixed range of 0 to 100 when viewing a CPU% metric.
24041: Expired column moved to the right
Columns in tables have been rearranged to move Expired and Time Stamp to the far right.
24091: Export to Excel feature now works with Edge browser.
The Export to Excel feature on tables now works in MS Edge browser.
RTView Core Functionality
Data Server
24393: Fix deadlock condition in rtvquery
A problem in the rtvquery servlet has been fixed which could cause the servlet to hang with a deadlock. However this was only observed during shutdown of the app server (tomcat).
24219: Upgrade from jetty 9.4.14 to 9.4.19
The version of jetty has been updated from 9.4.14 to 9.4.19. Users should not see any difference in behavior.
Solution Package for Solace PubSub+
23444: Improve responsiveness of Solace PubSub+ monitoring
The responsiveness of Solace PubSub+ monitoring has been improved in the case where Solace connections to PubSub+ Cloud brokers are processing large data sets.
23701: Solace Bridge diagram - connect to SolAdmin now working for SEMP v9
Right clicking router icons in the Bridges Diagram allows the user to launch the associated PubSub+ Manager. This functionality was broken for routers running newer SEMP versions, and has now been fixed.
24138: Improved calculation of SolMsgRouterSpoolUtilization alert
The calculation of the SolMsgRouterSpoolUtilization has been fixed to be computed as the percentage of spool memory consumed by all endpoints in the broker against the maximum spool memory assigned to the broker itself overall. If the maximum spool memory assigned to the broker varies from the sum of the spool memory assigned for each VPN, then the percentage of this alert might not be triggered correctly. To fix that, the user should manually ensure that the sum of all message VPN maximum spool usage is less or equal to the overall broker maximum spool usage. The reasons to allow that the maximum spool memory assigned to the broker can differ from the total assigned to the VPNs are the following: 1. It would be a painful for users to adjust all (or at least more than one) message VPN’s max spool usage setting when they really only wanted to increase it for one message VPN. 2. Creating a new message VPN would mean the user having to adjust this configured setting on other Message VPN. 3. Avoid artificially limiting the spool size of message VPNs if it is unlikely that several VPNs would ever be near the max spool usage assigned to the broker. This allows users the option to configure the broker to make the most of the underlying storage resources if the associated application behavior is unlikely to cause the overall message-spool allocation to be exceeded.
24159: SolClientSlowSubscriber misconfiguration fixed
A bug that prevented the SolClientSlowSubscriber alert from firing has been fixed.
24162: Alert and metrics to compute SolSparseMessageSpoolFile fixed
The collection of the metrics being used to compute the SolSparseMessageSpoolFile alert has been fixed.
24169: Support setting the maximum memory for the SolEventModule
The RTViewSolaceMonitor and RTViewDataServerSolace have been enhanced to support setting the maximum memory for the SolEventModule. The default is 512M. To set the maximum memory for the SolEventModule, add it to the end of the -soleventmodule command line as follows: -soleventmodule:1024M Replacing 1024M with the maximum memory you would like to use. This must not be set to a value smaller than 512M or to a value higher than the resources allocated for your jvm. This value is passed into the -Xmx Java command line and should use syntax appropriate to that argument which is a number followed by a unit. Valid units are k (kilobyte), m(megabyte), g(gigabyte). If no unit is specified, the number is assumed to be bytes.
24195: Improved handling of loss of connectivity to brokers
Previously connection threads to the HTTP data source could silently stop, causing healthy broker's to appear as Expired. This has been fixed. In conjunction to this fix, a new alert, SolMsgBrokerExpired, has been created to indicate when the monitoring data collection has stopped abruptly. Use this alert in conjunction with the SolMsgBrokerNotConnected alert, or in replacement of it if you don't need to be notified of lack of connectivity when the Solace Monitor starts up.
24224: Use physical-memory-usage-percent provided metric instead of calculated memory-used-percent
The physical and subscription memory used percentages have been enhanced to account for the values provided by Solace.
24304: Ease of use improvements for editing Solace PubSub+ connections.
The Configuration Application now ensures that new standalone Solace connections use the required host:port format.
24314: Replaced SolMsgRouterFailoverDetected with SolHAPairFailoverDetected
The SolHAPairFailoverDetected alert has replaced the SolMsgRouterFailoverDetected. This alert has as indexes the connection strings of the two HA brokers on an Active/Standby or Active/Active redundancy configurations. The condition for this alert to be executed is the following: (primary-status-activity == “Local Active� AND backup-status-activity2 == “Mate Active�) OR (backup-status-activity == “Mate Active� AND primary-status-activity2 == “Local Active�) Limitation: This alert requires that the hostnames and node names of the HA Group must be identical.
24315: Support use of user-supplied SEMP schemas
To simplify the update of the SEMP schemas when they are missing, schemas have been moved outside the data source jar. If the SEMP schemas that are required for connecting to a Solace Broker are missing, the Broker will not appear in the Broker Table of the PubSub+ Monitor and the log from the dataserver under projects\rtview-server\logs directory will show the following exception: “… java.lang.IllegalStateException: Have not loaded schemas for 'soltr/9_0VMR'. Ensure schema version looks like 'soltr/x_y'. Call loadSchemas() first, or import new schema files…� To solve the problem, you should download the schemas from the Solace Customer Portal ( where you as a customer have access to download Solace products as well as the SEMP schemas from any supported release (either Software or Appliance Brokers). Be aware that the SEMP schemas from Software and Appliance Brokers even from the same version might differ. Therefore, verify that the downloaded files for either Software or Appliance Brokers are uniquely identified. To include the newly downloaded SEMP schemas follow these steps: 1) cd to the ‘resources’ directory (yourProjectDir/rtvapm/solmon/lib/ext/resources) and create a separate directory for the SEMP schema version to include. 2) Copy the two schema files into the newly created directory 3) Stop/start PubSub+ Monitor, Solace Data Server or Collector and verify whether the missing Broker appears connected and data is being collected properly. 4) Finally, verify the dataserver.log file no longer shows the missing schema error. Contact SL Technical Support if you have issues downloading or adding these files to the product.
24319: XPath functions fixed in
In previous releases, xpath functions in the following properties did not work and caused a parsing exception: ALERT_WHITELST ALERT_BLACKLIST EVENTWRITER_WHITELST EVENTWRITER_BLACKLIST This has been fixed. XPath functions that return true/false can now be used. Additionally, the typo in the ALERT_WHITELST and EVENTWRITER_WHITELST property names was confusing and has been fixed. Those property names have been changed to ALERT_WHITELIST and EVENTWRITER_WHITELIST. For upward compatibility, if the new property names are not found in the file, the old properties names will be used.
24320: Raised alert level from warning (yellow) to alarm (red) for three alerts
The severity level of the following alerts has been raised to "alarm" level: SolGuaranteedMsgingHbaLinkDown SolGuaranteedMsgingMatePortDown SolGuaranteedMsgingNoMsgSpoolAdActive
24321: Included Solace PSG Password Utility scripts
The scripts to execute the Solace PSG Utility have been added. This tool is used for adding the connection properties to InfluxDB with an encrypted password. To use the tool, open a command prompt or terminal and initialize it: cd <install_dir>/rtvapm> . ./ **IMPORTANT - do not omit the leading dot in this step** or cd <install_dir>\rtvapm> rtvapm_init.bat and then cd to rtvapm\solmon\bin directory and execute: pwd-utility[.bat] <yourPwdString> the following message will appear: Solace PSG Password Generation Utility v0.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------------------- This program encrypts passwords for storage in application property files. The encrypted password is: 'yourEncryptedString' (without the quotes). You may use this value in the password field in configuration property files.
24323: Update jackson libraries from 2.8.4 to 2.9.9
The Jackson libraries used with the Solace PubSub+ monitor have been updated from version 2.8.4 to version 2.9.9.
24336: Soleventmodule: Empty filters shouldn't trigger syntax error messages
In previous releases, setting the following filter properties in to blank did not work and generated an error: ALERT_WHITELST ALERT_BLACKLIST EVENTWRITER_WHITELST EVENTWRITER_BLACKLIST This has been fixed.
24355: Improved support for monitoring of Backup and Monitoring brokers
A bug that prevented that Solace Backup Message Routers from populating correctly to the Solace PubSub+ Monitor has been fixed. This fix also allows monitoring of Solace PubSub+ Brokers that are partially configured.
24362: SolBridgeStats data collection for statds connections fixed
A bug that prevented data from being stored into the SolBridgeStats cache has been fixed.
24363: soleventmodule now correctly creates alerts when recommended actions contains a hard return
In previous releases, the soleventmodule events that have hard returns in the Recommended Actions failed to generate alerts due to a json parsing error. This has been fixed.
24364: Count of spooled messages should match across Broker, VPN, and Endpoint displays
Previously the number of spooled messages per VPN did not match the sum of the spooled messages across all endpoints of the same VPN. This has been fixed.
24383: Integrated "show redundancy group" query
The information from the "show redundancy group" command of the Solace CLI has been included. The SolRedundantBrokers and SolMonitorBrokers caches are now storing the information from this request.
Version 5.1.0 Release Notes
23814: Clean up webapps directory in bundled apache Tomcat
In the previous release, the webapps directory of the bundled Apache Tomcat contained extraneous RTView demo .war files. These have been removed.
23834: Export to Excel sometimes fails
The export to Excel feature now works reliably on tables in the rtview-central and rtview-solmon UIs
23189: Included my_alert_actions scripts in all projects
RTView has been enhanced to include the my_alert_actions scripts in all project directories for ease of use.
23844: Enhance alert notification configuration.
Alert Notifications have been enhanced to support several new actions and a better configuration interface. For each notification, you can select one or more of the following actions: 1. Execute Script - This wil exectue the my_alert_actions*.bat/sh scripts in the project directory. This is the same action that was used in the previous releases when a notification was enabled. 2. Execute Java Method- This will execute a custom java command. 3. Send Email - This will send an email to one or more recipients. 4. Send SNMP Trap - This will issue an SNMP trap as described in RTVAPM_HOME\common\lib\SL-RTVIEW-EM-MIB.txt. 5. Other - This will execute any command supported by our core product. 6. Conditional - This will allow you to execute different commands based on values in the alert. For example, you could email Jvm alerts to the system administrator and Ems alerts to the TIBCO administrator. The user interface in the Configuration Application has also been enhanced with better descriptions of additional configuration needed for the selected actions. Upgrade Notes In previous releases, any notification other than executing the my_alert_actions scripts had to be configured on the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab of the Configuration Application. If you are running a project configured with a previous release that has alert notifications defined in the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab, they will continue to work as they did before with no changes. However, if you want to use the new Alert Notification configuration page, you will need to first delete the CUSTOM PROPERTIES for alert notifications, then recreate them in the Alert Notification page. Otherwise, the CUSTOM PROPERTIES will override the settings in the Alert Notification page.
24078: Alert Renotification interval default value corrected
In previous releases, the Renotification Interval in the Configuration Application incorrectly listed the default value as 300 seconds. This has been fixed. The default is now set to 0. Users must set it to a value greater than 0 in order to issue renotifications.
23641: Support for updating properties via rest api
RTView has been enhanced with a rest api for editing solution package properties. This is to support the following use cases: 1. Importing an initial set of connections into the Configuration Application. This is useful in the case where there are a lot of connections and adding them via the Configuration Application ui will be too time consuming. Once the connections are imported using the rest api, all further editing can be done in the Configuration Application. 2. Dynamic updating of connections via automated process. These connections will only be updated via the automated process and will not be included in the Configuration Application. Connections will be applied without requiring a restart of the data server. Solace and TIBCO Enterprise Message Service properties are editable in the new rest api. Other solution packages properties will be added soon. A sample application has been added to all deliverables that shows how to use the rest api under rtvapm\sampleapps\propeditor. See the README.txt in that directory for instructions on using the rest api.
23886: Fixed bug effecting dynamic update of connection definitions
An issue that prevented connection definitions from being dynamically updated has been fixed.
23941: Can now restart data server without changing configuration
Servers can now be restarted from the Projects page even if no changes have been made that require a restart.
24032: Configuration Application updated to handle new Solace data acquisition.
The solace connection dialog in the Config UI now supports HA pairs and is also able to use the stats pump connection for non-cloud vmr's.
Display Server
24123: Support 'nosniff' header in thin client in IE11
A problem has been fixed which prevented the thin client Classic UI from rendering displays correctly in IE11 when the web server set the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header. No other supported browsers were affected by this issue. Site administrators may configure a web server to send the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header for security reasons. With this fix the thin client is not affected by the presence or absence of that header, which is the correct behavior. A related note for Tomcat users: In standalone Tomcat, the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header is set by enabling the httpHeaderSecurity filter in tomcat's conf/web.xml file. By default, that filter also sets the X-Frame-Options:DENY response header. That setting will disable the thin client even with the fix described in this release note. To avoid that problem, tomcat should be configured to set the X-Frame-Options response header to SAMEORIGIN rather than DENY, to allow pages hosted by the same tomcat instance (only) to load thin client displays in iframes. So to set X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff and X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN, the httpHeaderSecurity filter should be configured as follows intomcat's conf/web.xml file: <filter> <filter-name>httpHeaderSecurity</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.HttpHeaderSecurityFilter</filter-class> <async-supported>true</async-supported> <init-param> <!-- allow use in iframe on pages with same origin --> <param-name>antiClickJackingOption</param-name> <param-value>SAMEORIGIN</param-value> </init-param> </filter>
23737: Version now available from HTML UI
Users can now see the version of RTView from the HTML UI by clicking on the product name at the top left.
24040: Update bundled Apache Tomcat 8.5.x to 8.5.41
The version of the bundled Apache Tomcat has been updated to 8.5.41 (previous was 8.5.35).
23624: Configuration Application now catches Data Server's memory sizes without a unit (e.g., m or g)
In the Configuration Application, the Data Server's initial memory and max memory fields now have additional error checking to help ensure that only valid values are saved.
24099: Displays now support dynamically changing CIs
Additions and deletions of elements are now reflected in the filter drop-downs of all Component Displays. By default, lists update once per minute.
23594: Added "status_servers.bat/.sh" convenience scripts
The following scripts have been added: RTViewCentral\bin\status_servers.bat RTViewCentral\bin\ RTViewDataCollectorSP\status_collector.bat RTViewDataCollectorSP\ RTViewDataServerSP\status_server.bat RTViewDataServerSP\ RTViewSolaceMonitor\bin\status_servers.bat RTViewSolaceMonitor\bin\
Solution Package
23792: Allow user to rename rtview-solmon.war
The update_wars.bat/sh scripts for the Solace PubSub+ monitor, under projects/rtview-server, now include the creation of the HTML UI servlet (default name rtview-solmon.war).
23825: New filter defaults for SolaceEventModule
The SolaceEventModule configuration has been enhanced with improved defaults for the alert and event filters in RTVAPM_HOME\solmon\soleventmodule\ Additionally, several commented out sample filters have been added for different monitoring scenarios.
23962: New statspump data source for Solace.
The Solace Stats Pump Data Source has been integrated into the RTView Solace Monitor. This new data source supports HA Broker Pairs and multi-threaded SEMP XML response parsing which improves Data Server performance. The Solace Stats Pump Data Source is used by default in the RTView Configuration Application. Cloud Brokers are the only type of Solace Brokers that are using exclusively the HTTP Data Source.
23963: Output Solace SEMP data to Influx DB
The Solace monitor has been enhanced to send monitoring data to InfluxDB. The configuration requires edition of the file, located in the project directory, to define the list of metrics to store in Influx DB and the IP address and port of the InfluxDB platform to store the data. Please refer to the documentation for the specific configuration steps.
23964: Output Solace SEMP data from Solace Stats Pump to a Solace Broker
The Solace Stats Pump can be configured to execute in isolation and send monitoring data from multiple Brokers to a designated Broker. This configuration will not downgrade the performance of the monitored Brokers if the Broker that will receive the monitoring data is exclusively doing this task. The steps to configure Solace Stats Pump to send monitoring data to a Solace Broker are the following: - Define the Solace Brokers to be monitored by editing the file appliance_config_demo.xml - Define the monitoring data to be polled by editing the file pollers_sl.xml - Define the poller groups that will be used by editing the file groups_sl.xml See the Solace documentation for further reference on how to configure Stats Pump for sending monitoring data to a Solace Broker.
23983: Removed calculated rates from SolVpns cache
Calculated rates from SoVpns cache have been replaced by the metrics delivered by Solace. The SOL_VPNS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.
23985: User and some event-driven boolean metrics added to SolClients cache
User and boolean fields associated with one-show events have been added to Solace Client metrics. These booleans are: eliding-enabled, large-message-event-raised, max-eliding-topics-raised, message-too-big-event-raised, parse-error-event-raised
23994: Topic and Queue Rates added to the SolEndpointStats cache
Requests for message flow from Solace Topics and Queues have been added. These requests query all available Endpoints at once without the need of requesting this information per Endpoint.
23998: Added os-physical-interface to SolApplianceInterfaces cache
The os-physical-interface for each Broker Interface has been introduced into the SolApplianceInterfaces cache. This metric will be exposed in the Solace Interface Summary display from the Solace Monitor.
24015: New broker and endpoint alerts
The following new alerts have been added to the Solace monitor: - SolBrokerNoValidDestination alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there exist currently invalid destinations in the broker. (Delta of discard-nodest is non-zero). - SolBrokerNoQueueFound alert, which which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are discarded queues in the broker. (Delta of discard-queue-not-found is non-zero). - SolEndpointNoBridgeClient alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when no binds for the Solace Endpoint exist (bind-count is zero). - SolBrokerNoSubscriptionMatch alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are no current subscription matches (Delta of no-subscription-match is non-zero). - SolEndpointNoBridgeTopic alert, which will be triggered as an alarm alert when there are no topics subscribed to the Queue (topic-subscription-count is zero). Limitation of SolBrokerNoValidDestination, SolBrokerNoQueueFound and SolBrokerNoSubscriptionMatch Alerts: The request XML is a system level request. The cloud logon credentials will not have permission to execute this request, so this alert will not be executed for Cloud Brokers.
24033: Not clearable event module alerts now clear after expiration time
In the previous release, SolEventModule alerts that were based on non-clearable events sometimes did not clear. This has been fixed.
24055: Replaced calculated rates from SolBridgeStats cache with Solace provided rates
Calculated rates from SolBridgeStats cache have been replaced by the metrics delivered by Solace. The SOL_BRIDGE_STATS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.
24056: Replaced delta/rate calculated metrics with Solace provided CSPF rates
The calculated rates for Solace CSPF Neighbors have been replaced by Solace calculated rates. The SOL_CSPF_NEIGHBOR table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.
24057: Rename calculated rates from SolClientStats cache with those from Solace
Calculated rates from SolClientStats cache have been replaced by the metrics delivered by Solace. The SOL_CLIENT_STATS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.
24060: Calculated rates in SolVpns cache replaced by those provided by Solace
Calculated rates from SoVpns cache have been removed except for the total ingress/egress discard rates. The SOL_VPNS table from history should be dropped and recreated with the appropriate table create sql sentence you can locate in the rtvapm\solmon\dbconfig directory.
24082: Solace event module no longer reporting regex errors
In previous releases, the soleventmodule sometimes threw parsing errors on the following syslog messages: CLIENT_CLIENT_BIND_SUCCESS SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_CLOSED SYSTEM_AUTHENTICATION_SESSION_OPENED This has been fixed.
24090: Ingress/egress message rates added to Endpoint Summary
Endpoint summary display has been enhanced with history of ingress/egress message rates.
24185: Support for HA Solace Brokers
Support for adding HA Pairs has been introduced. Using the Configuration Application, specify the URL, port, and credentials for the Primary and Backup Brokers. Two rows in the broker table for each broker will be added. Note that the Backup Broker will be identified by having the string "-standby" concatenated to the connection string.
24186: Solace Event Module can be used as sole source of monitoring data
The Solace PubSub+ monitor can be configured to run with all data being provided via the Solace Event Module; without connection properties being configured to Solace Brokers. See the RTView Solace Monitor documentation for a complete description of the configuration steps of the Solace Event Module.
24192: New standby filter selection list added to Solace Broker table and heatmap
An 'Show Standby' selection list has been added to filter the table and heatmap of Solace Brokers.
24193: Solace Broker Environmental Sensors should only show data from a single broker
The Solace Broker Sensors display now enforces selection of a single Broker.
23222: Build with Java 1.8 + drop support for Java 1.7
RTView is now built with Java 1.8 Java 1.7 is no longer supported.
23671: New Syslog Event alerts
Three new alerts for Solace monitor for monitoring Syslog Events for the scopes SYSTEM, VPN, and CLIENT have been implemented. These alerts are named: SolEventModuleBrokerAlert SolEventModuleVpnAlert SolEventModuleClientAlert ... and require the Solace Event Module being configured and running. These alerts handle simultaneously Clearable and Non-Clearable Syslog Events. See TN23693 for details on how the Solace Event Module is configured and executed in the Solace Monitor.
23373: Improved error reporting when persistence database doesn't have correct schema
The Alert Engine has been enhanced to provide expected column information in the case where the Alert Persistence database table does not contain the correct schema.
22526: Enlarged font for help text in Config UI
The font size for help text throughout the ConfigUI has been enlarged to make reading easier.
23346: Refresh prompt added to avoid "invalid project not editable" error
The Configuration Application will now show a message asking the user to refresh when it encounters difficulty connecting to a server after that Data Server (or Data Collector) has been restarted.
23364: Support added for searching connections
Searching and sorting functionality has been added to all connection lists.
23391: History Storage - Keys field removed from MySQL configuration
The History Storage Keys field on the DATA STORAGE tab of the config ui was removed.
23674: Editing existing connection no longer results in a new duplicate connection
Previously editing existing connections could accidentally created clones. This has been fixed.
23686: Solace branding changes in Config UI
The Solace Configuration Application pages have been updated to reflect current Solace branding.
23720: config UI mangles alert notification properties when saving; causes them to fail
In previous releases the alert notification properties were not saved correctly by the Configuration Application in the following deliverables: BWMonitor / TIB_rtview-bw EMSMonitor / TIB_rtview-ems RTViewSolaceMonitor This has been fixed.
Data Historian
23504: Historian now detects lost database connection when using prepared statements
Previously, under certain circumstances, the Historian would not detect lost database connections when using prepared statements. This is no longer the case.
Data Sources
SQL Data Source
23500: Duplicate database connection errors no longer printed to log file
The error reporting for failed database connection attempts has been enhanced. Previously, an error was printed to the console for each failed connection attempt. Now, an error is reported for the first failed connection attempt and no more output is generated until a success message is printed when the connection succeeds. The connection error is only printed again the first time we fail to reconnect after a successful connection is lost. This change applies both to the GmsRtViewSqlDs connections and to the Historian connection to the RTVHISTORY database.
23220: jetty updated to 9.4.14
The version of Jetty used by EM to host web applications has been upgraded to Jetty version 9.4.14. In addition, the temp directory used by Jetty has been changed. Previously, the directory was used, but files were not always removed from this directory. Now, Jetty creates a temp sub-directory in the directory where the data server is running. This temp directory is deleted on shutdown.
23560: Data Cache package added to the Solace Monitor
The Solace Monitor has been enhanced to the include the DataCache package. It is used to collect data via http from a javascript application such as NodeJs. Rest Endpoints (urls) are provided to allow the posting of data to caches, and the creation, deletion and replacement of caches.
23640: Servlet file names changed
The names of the war files distributed with RTView have been changed as per the table below. This means the URLs used with the corresponding RTView servlets must be changed. For example: Old: http://localhost:10070/rtvcentral/ http://localhost:10070/rtvcentral_rtvadmin/ New: http://localhost:10070/rtview-central-classic/ http://localhost:10070/rtview-central-rtvadmin/ Note that the thin client war which was named <package>.war is now named <package>-classic.war and the new HTML UI war will be named <package>.war. The servlet renames for the independent, single-technology monitoring products are listed below. bwmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-bwmon-rtvadmin.war bwmon_rtvquery.war rtview-bwmon-rtvquery.war bwmon_rtvdata.war rtview-bwmon-rtvdata.war bwmon_rtvpost.war rtview-bwmon-rtvpost.war bwmon_rtvagent.war rtview-bwmon-rtvagent.war bw6mon_rtvadmin.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvadmin.war bw6mon_rtvquery.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvquery.war bw6mon_rtvdata.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvdata.war bw6mon_rtvpost.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvpost.war bw6mon_rtvagent.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvagent.war emsmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-emsmon-rtvadmin.war emsmon_rtvquery.war rtview-emsmon-rtvquery.war emsmon_rtvdata.war rtview-emsmon-rtvdata.war emsmon_rtvpost.war rtview-emsmon-rtvpost.war emsmon_rtvagent.war rtview-emsmon-rtvagent.war tbemon_rtvadmin.war rtview-tbemon-rtvadmin.war tbemon_rtvquery.war rtview-tbemon-rtvquery.war tbemon_rtvdata.war rtview-tbemon-rtvdata.war tbemon_rtvpost.war rtview-tbemon-rtvpost.war tbemon_rtvagent.war rtview-tbemon-rtvagent.war rtview#solmon rtview-solmon.war rtview#solmon_manager.war N/A (deprecated) rtview#solmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-solmon-rtvadmin.war rtview#solmon_rtvquery.war rtview-solmon-rtvquery.war rtview#solmon_rtvdata.war rtview-solmon-rtvdata.war rtview#solmon_rtvpost.war rtview-solmon-rtvpost.war rtview#solmon_rtvagent.war rtview-solmon-rtvagent.war rtview#rtvmgr_manager.war rtview-manager-classic.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvadmin.war rtview-manager-rtvadmin.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvquery.war rtview-manager-rtvquery.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvdata.war rtview-manager-rtvdata.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvpost.war rtview-manager-rtvpost.war rtview#rtvmgr_rtvagent.war rtview-manager-rtvagent.war
23687: New user names added to the thin client
The default thin client login has been enhanced to support the following new users: user = rtvadmin, password = rtvadmin, role = admin user = rtvuser, password = rtvuser, role = read-only user = rtvalertmgr, password = rtvalertmgr, role = event The previously supported default users (admin, demo) are still supported for the thin client in RTViewCentral, but the new login must be used for the beta Enterprise Edition user interface. In RTViewSolaceMonitor, the new login must be used.
23706: Updated Solace Monitor interface
The navigation of the RTView Solace Monitor has been updated. On larger screens the page now contains a horizontal menu bar with three tabs described below. On smaller screens, the horizontal menu bar is replaced by a vertical menu whose visibility is toggled by clicking the menu icon in the upper right corner of the page. The Displays tab is used to view the Solace displays in the main panel, selected from the navigation tree in the left panel. The Alerts tab is used to view and manage alerts. The Admin tab is used to administer alerts and to view cache contents directly. This tab is accessible only for users that have admin privileges (user accounts with the rtvadmin role). The use of each tab is described below in more detail. The navigation tree in the left panel on the Displays and Admin tabs can be hidden by clicking the "<<" button in the bottom left corner, and then made visible again by clicking the ">>" button. In many cases a click or double click on an object in a display can be used to drilldown to a related display. After such a drilldown, the corresponding item in the navigation tree will be highlighted. The user's navigation through the displays is recorded in the browser history, and the browser's back and next buttons can be used to traverse that history. There is no logout button in the UI. Once a user has logged in, that user remains logged in until the browser window is closed. Closing just the browser tab that contains the UI will not log the user out, the browser itself must be closed. 1) Displays tab: Use this tab to view the Solace Monitor displays. Displays can be selected from the navigation tree in the left panel or by drilling down from one display to another. 2) Alerts Tab: - Use the dropdowns labelled Ack'd and Cleared to filter the table according to the contents of the Ack and Clr columns. - A single click on a row in the table selects the alert. Use Ctrl + click to select multiple alerts. - A double click on a table row simply selects the row, the same as a single click. It does not trigger a drilldown. - With one or more alerts selected, the buttons above the table can be used to: Own: set the alert(s) owner field Ack: acknowledge the alert(s) Unack: clear the acknowledgement on previously acknowledged alert(s) Comment: add a comment to the alert(s) Details: drilldown to the alert detail display CI: drilldown to the CI display that corresponds to the alert, if any. The user must have the rtvalertmgr or the rtvadmin role to perform the Own, Ack, Unack, or Comment actions. If not, an error dialog will appear when the user clicks any of those buttons. 3) Admin tab: - The Alert Administration display allows an administrator to manage alert definitions, by setting thresholds, duration and enabling/disabling them. Use the Override Settings button to define thresholds that are specific to individual items or groups of items. - The Cache Table display is for browsing the raw content of the caches. This low-level option can be useful to identify the source of the problem when the displays are not showing the expected data.
RTView Core Functionality
23373: Improved error reporting when persistence database doesn't have correct schema
The Alert Engine has been enhanced to provide expected column information in the case where the Alert Persistence database table does not contain the correct schema.
Data Historian
23504: Historian now detects lost database connection when using prepared statements
Previously, under certain circumstances, the Historian would not detect lost database connections when using prepared statements. This is no longer the case.
Data Server
23491: Options added to rtvquery for how to output NaN
The rtvquery servlet has new options for specifying how values of NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity should appear in the response. The new options are infval, and neginfval, and nanval. infval: The value to use for +Infinity neginfval: The value to use for -Infinity nanval: The value to use for NaN, and for +Infinity if infval is not specified, and for -Infinity if neginf is not specified. These options are recognized only if the nanok option is set to true (nanok=true) and if the requested format is json (fmt=json). These options can be useful if the rtvquery response will be parsed by 3rd party apps that expect specific strings for those values. For example, if a parser expects the string "null" for values of NaN and +/-Infinity, the following options should be used: http://somehost/rtvquery/cache/MyCache/current?fmt=json&nanok=true&nanval="null" Note that the quotes around null are required to make it a valid JSON string. Or, for a parser that expects zero for NaN and +/-Infinity: http://somehost/rtvquery/cache/MyCache/current?fmt=json&nanok=true&nanval=0 Or, for a parser that expects zero for NaN, 99999 for +Infinity, and -99999 for -Infinity http://somehost/rtvquery/cache/MyCache/current?fmt=json&nanok=true&nanval=0&infval=99999&neginfval=-99999 If none of the new options is specified, then the behavior is the same as in previous releases: That is, if nanok = true, then NaN appears as "NaN" in the response, +Infinity appears as "Infinity", and -Infinity as "-Infinity". If nanok = false or is not specified, then NaN, +Infinity,and -Infinity all appear as "" (an empty string) in the response.
23220: jetty updated to 9.4.14
The version of Jetty used by EM to host web applications has been upgraded to Jetty version 9.4.14. In addition, the temp directory used by Jetty has been changed. Previously, the directory was used, but files were not always removed from this directory. Now, Jetty creates a temp sub-directory in the directory where the data server is running. This temp directory is deleted on shutdown.
18806: Support secure JMX with start and stop and status scripts
The start_rtv, stop_rtv and status_rtv scripts have been enhanced so as to work with RTView servers whose JMX ports have been secured either with username and password or with SSL. You give the scripts the necessary information about credentials and they manage authentication with the server. In the first case the necessary information is username and password. In the second case it is client KeyStore and TrustStore locations and their corresponding passwords. This information can be given to the scripts in two ways: via command-line arguments, and via properties placed in any property file used by the server. Username and password may be specified via command-line arguments as follows: -jmxuser:... -jmxpass:... Or by properties as follows: sl.rtview.jmxremote.username=... sl.rtview.jmxremote.password=.... Client KeyStore and TrustStore files and passwords may be specified as follows: -sslkeystore:... -sslkeystorepass:... -ssltruststore:... -ssltruststorepass:... Or by properties as follows: sl.rtview.ssl.client.keyStore=... sl.rtview.ssl.client.keyStorePassword=... sl.rtview.ssl.client.trustStore=... sl.rtview.ssl.client.trustStorePassword=.... You may encrypt the passwords in your properties files by using the command-line tool "encode_string", for example encode_string encoder2 password This will give you an encrypted value for "password" you may use in your properties.
23204: update_wars scripts now support command-line arguments
The update_wars scripts in all deliverables have been improved as follows: 1. The name, host, and portprefix are declared in variables at the top of the script for easy editing. 2. Those three variables may be passed into the scripts on the command-line, e.g. my-appname my-hostname 99 3. You may use "?" or "help" to get a usage message, e.g. > help Usage: [appname [host [portprefix]]] Defaults: rtview-bwmon localhost 33 4. You may edit other variables at the stop of the scripts to set properties for HA (high-availability). Set HA_HOST to the hostname of the backup data server. Set HA_DISPLAYHOST to the hostname of the backup display server. Set HA_FAILBACK to true to automatically reconnect to the primary display server.
23416: JMX port conflicts reported by start scripts
The start_rtv scripts, when checking for port conflicts before starting a server, will now detect if a port conflict is caused by another RTView server, and will identify that server by its RTVAPM_HOME. For example: ...start_rtv.bat: another dataserver running with JMX port 3268 under C:\rtview\RTViewDataServer\rtvapm If the port conflict is caused by a non-RTView process the message will be like this: ...start_rtv.bat: JMX port 3268 in use by PID 1234 In either case the script will include this advice: Warning: server not started, port conflict To avoid port conflicts, run your start script with the -portprefix: command line argument to change the first 2 digits of all your server ports. To persist these port changes, change the port prefix in the Configuration Application or use the -saveportprefix: command line argument. See the documentation for more information.
23431: Start scripts no longer fail on windows if there are spaces in the install directory
The scripts used to start and stop rtview servers on Windows would fail if the product were installed in a directory with spaces in the name (e.g. "test directory"). This has been fixed.
23467: Fixed portprefix command line bugs
Two problems with the -portprefix option have been corrected. It will now emit correct args for the single-solution monitoring products, and it will not incorrectly emit args for central servers.
Solution Package
Host Infrastructure
23048: Fixed incorrect info in hostbase file
This Host Solution Package property is obsolete: $hostAgentDomain:myDomain For SL Host agents, the domain name is set in the agent's file.
23683: Corrections/additions to rtvHostAgent
The default port that the Host Agent sends to has been changed from 3972 to 3272, the new default listen port for RTView DataServers. For user convenience, information about optional command line arguments, that can override some properties in, has been added to the README.txt and comments.
23258: Improved drill down behavior of Solace Neighbors topology diagram
The CSPF Neighbors Topology diagram has been fixed and now allows drill down to the CSPF Neighbor Table filtered by the selected Message Router when one double clicks on a Message Router with neighbors. Otherwise, the CSPF Neighbor table will show all neighbors from all Message Routers.
23265: HSQLDB database now only started with -eval flag
The starting of HSQLDB has been parameterized with command line flag in the scripts for starting RTView processes. For evaluation purposes append the -eval command line: start_servers.bat -eval or -eval which will execute HSQLDB for ease of use in evaluation situations. When one of the supported SQL databases is configured, the script should be started without any command line appended.
23536: Data queries improved to work with heavily loaded router
The RTView Solace Data Source has been improved to incorporate paging on all high volume SEMP requests. These improved queries are for Clients, Endpoints (Queues and Topics) and VPNs.
23630: Bind-requests removed from SolClients cache
The metric bind-requests has been removed from the SolClients cache and accordingly from the Clients Table and Client Summary.
23675: Display Server UI removed from Solace Monitor
The RTView Display Server UI for the Solace Monitor has been deprecated. Users should continue to use the newer HTML 5 UI that was added in the previous release.
23690: Brokers Table no longer empty when collecting data from cloud brokers
The VPN information from the Solace Cloud Brokers has been raised to the Brokers displays to avoid misleading empty displays due to the limited characteristics of their functionality.
23722: New Solace Sparse Message Spool Files alert
A new alert SolSparseMessageSpoolFile, for detecting the existence of sparse message spool files, has been implemented. This alert will be triggered when the Disk Space Utilization is above 30% and the ratio of Disk Space in MB and Spool Usage in MB is above 3. Look at the Recommended Actions Section from for details on how to solve this situation.
23729: Support for Syslog messages changed
Solace solution package support for Syslog messages has changed. The previously supported Syslog connections and displays are no longer available. Solace Syslog messages are now handled by the Solace Event Module. The new Syslog display is availabe in the RTViewSolaceMonitor and in the beta Enterprise Edition monitor. It is not available with Enterprise Monitor (thin client). Users with existing Solace projects from previous releases that contain Syslog connections will need to migrate their Syslog connection information to the Solace Event Module.
23766: New metrics to calculate SolSparseMessageSpoolFile alert
The Disk Space Usage in MB and the Spool Usage in MB metrics have been added to the SolApplianceMessageSpool cache. These metrics will be used to calculate the condition for triggering the SolSparseMessageSpoolFile alert.
Version 4.2.0 Release Notes
23135: Fixed bug with removing vpn from Solace connection
In the previous release, it was not possible to remove all Solace vpn's from the connections dialog. This has been fixed.
23140: New Connection icon no longer disappears from Configuration Application after toggling tabs on SYSLOG connections.
The Solace Add Syslog Connection ('+') button now always appears as expected.
23187: IE 11 Compatibility mode is now recognized as not supported
IE 11 Compatibility mode is now flagged as being unsupported for the Configuration Application.
Data Historian
22195: RTView Historian now uses PreparedStatements
The Historian now uses PreparedStatements for repeated SQL Queries against the historian database - For raw data insert - For data compaction - For retention deletion Previously the historian used literal SQL queries with unique timestamps.
Data Server
23210: Improved error reporting for start_rtv.bat/sh scripts
The start_rtv scripts have been enhanced to report possible port conflicts before trying to start a server, and to report if a server is not actually started due to some other cause (e.g. expired license key). if a server's data and/or JMX port is already in use by another process, start_rtv will report e.g.: dataserver: JMX port xxx in use by PID yyy dataserver: Data port xxx in use by PID yyy If the server fails to start for some other reason, start_rtv will report e.g.: dataserver: Executing rundata -propfilter:receiver dataserver: ... was not started, check log file.
23211: Message now shown in dataserver console when Java is not available.
The scripts which start servers have been improved to give a clear indication if the java command is not available. If java(.exe) is not found on the PATH but JAVA_HOME is defined, the scripts will add JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH and try again. If JAVA_HOME is not defined or java(.exe) cannot be found in JAVA_HOME, the scripts will fail with the error "java not found on PATH and JAVA_HOME not defined or not valid." On Windows this will be followed by a pause and "Press any key to continue".
23064: Configuration Application now displaying proper warning after failing to write property.
An alert dialog has been added to display any warning msgs that follow a successful save.
23177: Renamed project directories in RTViewSolaceMonitor
The project directory names have been changed: RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\solmon -> RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\rtview-server RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\rtvmgr-> RTViewSolaceMonitor\projects\rtvmgr-server
RTView Core Functionality
Data Historian
22195: RTView Historian now uses PreparedStatements
The Historian now uses PreparedStatements for repeated SQL Queries against the historian database - For raw data insert - For data compaction - For retention deletion Previously the historian used literal SQL queries with unique timestamps.
Data Server
23211: Message now shown in dataserver console when Java is not available.
The scripts which start servers have been improved to give a clear indication if the java command is not available. If java(.exe) is not found on the PATH but JAVA_HOME is defined, the scripts will add JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH and try again. If JAVA_HOME is not defined or java(.exe) cannot be found in JAVA_HOME, the scripts will fail with the error "java not found on PATH and JAVA_HOME not defined or not valid." On Windows this will be followed by a pause and "Press any key to continue".
23032: New validate_install.bat/sh script
A new script has been added to the RTView distributions to validate the RTView installation. It will verify the environment and directory structure and on Unix it will also fix file permissions and file formats as required. The script is validate_install.bat/sh. It is used in a command prompt or terminal window by changing to the toplevel/rtvapm directory and typing "validate_install(.sh)". On Unix, if file permissions or formats are fixed, the script will print a count of the files fixed. Additionally, if invoked with the argument "-v" (verbose) it will list the names of the files fixed. Examples: Validating installation in /opt/rtview/RTViewSolaceMonitor ... Java installation correct. ... rtvapm installation correct. ... file permissions correct. ... file formats correct. Validating installation in C:\rtview\RTViewDataServerKafka ... Java installation correct. ... rtvapm installation correct.
Solution Package
23037: Table Displays now present subset of available data, with a toggle to view full data
To improve ease of location of metrics in the tabular displays of the RTView Solace Monitor, these displays have been enhanced to show a limited set of metrics by default. If the user needs the full set of metrics in the tables, a toggle element in the form of the hyperlink is present. This feature will improve usability and assist users on toggling between tables showing all available metrics for the corresponding monitoring item or a limited set of the most outstanding metrics. Affected display are: All Msg Routers Table, All VPN's Table, All Clients Table, CSPF Neighbors, All Bridges Table, All End points Table, Message Router Capacity Table.
23060: Two new automated topology views for CSPF Neighbors and Bridges
Two new automated topology views for CSPF Neighbors and Bridges have been added to the RTView Solace Monitor. The first display allow users to see the topology view of their CSPF Neighbor Message Routers, showing which Servers are active and which Message Routers connected to each other. The second display allow users to see the topology view of their Bridges, showing the bridge connectivity as arrows between VPNs from the same or different Message Routers. LIMITATIONS - Only the Chrome browser is supported - Clicking on objects in the Bridges topology diagram will allow users to drill down, but this functionality is not currently supported for the Neighbors toplogy diagram.
23173: Physical memory used percentage and subscription memory used percentage added to SOL_APPLIANCE database table
Two new message router metrics have been added to the history of the SolAppliances cache: physical memory used percentage and subscription memory used percentage. These metrics are shown in the Message Router Summary display in the fourth metric card and under the trend tab titled "Memory". Users will need to update the table structure of the SOL_APPLIANCE historian table by executing the following alter table SQL sentences in your selected database administrative tool: Oracle: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD ("memory-used-percent" REAL , "subscript-mem-used-percent" REAL); DB2: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "memory-used-percent" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "subscript-mem-used-percent" DOUBLE; SyBase: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "memory-used-percent" FLOAT NULL, "subscript-mem-used-percent" FLOAT NULL; MySQL: ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "memory-used-percent" DOUBLE; ALTER TABLE "SOL_APPLIANCE" ADD "subscript-mem-used-percent" DOUBLE; SQLServer: ALTER TABLE [SOL_APPLIANCE] ADD [memory-used-percent] FLOAT; ALTER TABLE [SOL_APPLIANCE] ADD [subscript-mem-used-percent] FLOAT;
Version 4.1.0 Release Notes
22843: Configuration Application added to RTView Monitor for Solace
The Solace Monitor has been enhanced to include the Configuration Application which is available at the following url: http://localhost:8068/rtview/solmon_rtvadmin The login is rtvadmin/rtvadmin. The Configuration Application can be used to setup connections and poll rates and configure history.
22891: Configuration Application now uses basic authentication instead of digest
In the previous release, the Configuration Application used Digest authentication which cause occasional problems with the login dialog coming up repeatedly when single sign on was not enabled in the app server. It has been modified to use BASIC authentication instead which does not require single sign on. Basic authentication sends the username and password as a base64-encoded string. This a public encoding scheme and is therefore not secure unless https is used. If you are concerned about keeping the login credentials of the Configuration Application secure, you should deploy it using https which will secure all data including the login credentials.
22892: New Restart Data Server option added to configuration application
The RTView Configuration Application has been enhanced with a button to restart a Solution Package data server. This button is available whenever there are unapplied changes. To restart a solution package data server: 1. Make some configuration changes and click SAVE to save them. 2. A Restart button will appear in the top right corner of the page. When you click the Restart button, you will be taken back to the top level page. The data server for the solution package project will exit, then start back up with the changes applied. The button is also available on the top level page if you want to restart your data server later. There is a delay of 10 seconds between the shutdown of the server and the restart in order to allow system resources to be released by the exising process. It may take several more seconds before Configuration Application and other clients reconnect to the data server. Note that this process only restarts the data server. Settings for the display server or historian processes will not be applied until those processes are restarted using the scripts. They cannot be restarted from the Configuration Application.
22794: New user interface for RTView Monitor for Solace
RTView Monitor for Solace UI has been updated. To reach the new UI, open a browser window and redirect to: YourHost:8068/rtview/solmon where YourHost is the host name or IP address where the RTView Monitor for Solace Monitor was installed.
22796: Added Tomcat security for RTView Monitor for Solace
Tomcat digest security has been added to RTView Monitor for Solace.
RTView Core Functionality
22853: rtvpost servlet added to Jetty
RTView Enteprise Monitor html server feature has been enhanced to include the %RTV_HOME%\servlets\rtvpost\rtvpost.war servlet in Jetty.
Solution Package
22721: Support Solace Cloud Edition
Support for Solace Cloud Edition has been added. Connections can be defined using the RTView Configuration Application.
22787: Wrong metric name in renaming function will generate a wrong zero value
A typo on the name of the spool message size in MB metric for topic endpoints was preventing the correct value to be collected. This typo has been fixed and now the spool message size in MB for topic endpoints is collected properly. Also, several typos on client bridge received bytes metrics have been removed which prevented the correct values to be stored in the SolBridges cache. Now the client received total, data, persistent, non persistent, and direct bytes are stored properly into the cache.
22789: Collect SEMP version automatically to avoid configuration problems
As of Solace VMR version 8.7+ and Solace Appliance version 8.3+, it is no longer required to include a SEMP version string in connection properties. See For earlier versions of Solace VMR and Solace Appliance, the SEMP version string should be entered in connection properties. Not using the proper SEMP version string would impair the collection of monitoring metrics. See RTView Solace Solution Package documentation for a description to determine the SEMP version string in your Solace Message Router and to enter this value in your connection properties.
22799: Full EM deployment no longer an alterative deployment option
The RTView Monitor for Solace no longer contains the option to run a full RTView Enterprise Monitor deployment. The URLs for RTView Monitor for Solace are the following: - SOLMON UI: host:8068/rtview/solmon Username: solmon Password: solmonpw - SOLMON Configuration Application: host:8068/rtview/solmon_rtvadmin Username: rtvadmin Password: rtvadmin - SOLMON Alert Manager UI: host:8068/rtview/solmon_manager Username: solmon Password: solmonpw - RTVMGR UI: host:8068/rtview/rtvmgr_manager Username: solmon Password: solmonpw
Version 3.8.0 Release Notes
22053: EM property handling has been enhanced
In previous releases, sender properties could be overriden by project properties unintentionally. In order to address this, the EM property handling has been enhanced to give precedence to the properties that use the sender property filter for processes that are run with the sender property filter.
22069: Port inconsistencies fixed in multiple solution packages
The following solution packages were set to use an incorrect port in rtvagent.war to communicate with the dataserver: acwmon mqmon mysqlmon ocmon syslog These have been corrected.
21919: $rtvTimeZoneOffset substitution has been removed from emcommon and emreference
The $rtvTimeZoneOffset substitution has been removed from emsample\conf\ This substitution is not used in any standard EM displays. Customers who have created custom displays for use with EM, should check to see if they have used that substitution and if so, add it to their project properties.
21983: Fixed an issue with .war file creation
Previously some solution packages could not be built from scratch in a deliverable using the make_wars_package.bat script, due to a file missing from the package library. This has been fixed. The effected solution packages are: Solution Package for Amazon Cloudwatch (acwmon) Solution Package for VMWare (vmwmon) Solution Package for TIBCO ActiveSpaces (tasmon)
RTView Core Functionality
Data Historian
21921: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 now supported
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 are now supported as databases for use with the Data Historian, provided that the latest JDBC driver is used (sqljdbc41.jar with Java 1.7, sqljdbc42.jar with Java 1.8).
Display Server
21909: Tomcat logs no longer produce gratuitous rtvCleanup errors
In previous releases the following error message appeared in the Tomcat log at shutdown, for each deployed copy of the rtvdisplay servlet: "SEVERE: The web application [/rtvdisplay] appears to have started a thread named [rtvCleanup] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak." Starting with this release, the error message should be seen less often in the log file, although it may still appear occasionally. In any case, there is no danger of a memory leak when tomcat is shutdown.
21990: Fixed a vulnerability in the thin client
An XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in the thin client login.jsp file has been fixed.
21996: Fixed an issue with thin client resizing
In previous releases, after a display is resized by the thin client to fit the browser window, the black border around the default button (if any) was drawn in the button's original position, rather than the button's new position. This is fixed.
Object Library
21045: Misconfigured table objects no longer cause javascript exceptions in the thin client
A bug in the thin client has been fixed which could cause a javascript exception if the columnFormat on a table object was misconfigured to specify a format for a string column, and a backslash character appeared in the column.
22049: EM enhanced to automatically read local files
EM applications have been enhanced to automatically read if it exists in the directory where they were started. If does not exist, no error is printed. Upgrade Notes: If you are upgrading from a previous version and your project contains a file, be aware that this file will be used even if it is not specified on the command line. To avoid this, rename or remove your file.
Solution Package
21815: Message Router drop down enhanced to show availability of message routers
The Message Router drop down has been enhanced to indicate the availability of the Message Router. When the Message Router is disconnected, the connection name contains the string [?] appended to indicate the quality state: "No Data". When the Message Router has expired, the connection name contains the string [X] appended to indicate the quality state: "Lost Data". No string is appended to the connection name if the Message Router has no monitoring issues.
21886: Removed unnecessary link in Message Routers navigation tab
The link to the CSPF Neighbors has been removed from the Message Routers navigation tab.
21997: Multiple improvements made to some SOLMON displays
To avoid having the SOLMON Client displays blank when there is an error in the SEMP request that populates the SolClients cache, an improvement in our displays has been introduced to show the data available mainly from the SolClientStats cache and leave the SolClients cache as a secondary source of data. As a result, the All Clients Table can show the data coming from the available SolClientStats cache. The missing columns that are primarily static strings will be blank in this display. In regard the Clients Summary, a quality measurement of the available data is being performed so the display shows the existing data and hides the graphical elements for which we don't have available current data. If the data is Expired, the background of this display is shown grey with the string "[X]" appended to the Client name in the drop down. Finally, the background of the display will be shown as light red and the Alert State grayed out if there is no client available.
22036: Properties related to SOLMON history tables moved to conf directory
The properties that enable/disable the SOLMON history tables have been moved from the file to the file located in the conf directory. To change the default settings, follow the instructions provided in the second file.
Version 3.7.0 Release Notes
21836: MySQL now provided via Docker Hub
For the convenience of users who utilize Docker, the slcorp repo on Docker Hub now includes an image of MySQL Database configured to work with RTView. This container only works with Docker 1.10 and later. See rtvapm/containers/docker/mysql-rtview/README.txt for more information.
Drill Down
21887: Fixed an issue with navtrees
In previous releases, when drilling down from within a display to another display in the navtree, the tree selection sometimes failed to update correctly. This happened in the case where there were multiple navtree items for the same display with different subs and the user drilled down to that display from within another display. This has been fixed.
RTView Core Functionality
21924: Fixed an issue with disabling event alerts
In previous releases, disabling event alerts was sometimes ignored due to a bug that was introduced in RTView Classic 6.7.0, RTView EM 3.2.0. This has been fixed.
21672: Builder enhanced to remember dialog window sizes and positions
The Display Builder has been enhanced to automatically save and restore the size and location of the following dialogs: - Open (File->Open) - Save (File->Save/Save-As) - Function Results (Function Dialog->Result Button) The Tools->Reset Window Layout menu option and the -resetlayout command line option restore the size and location of these windows in addition to the other windows that were previously reset.
Builder - Property Dialogs
15582: Japanese label for "Update Mode" property now shown on certain dialogs
Previously, the Japanese label for "Update Mode" property was not shown on certain polled ds attach to data dialogs when running on a Japanese OS. The English label was used instead. This is no longer the case. Affected dialogs include the custom polledds and polledds2 example data sources, and the http rest data source
Data Server
21898: Fixed an issue with rtvquery returning errors on valid query strings
In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would sometimes return an error of "No data received before timeout, query may be invalid" for a specific, valid cache query string, on every attempt. The servlet needed to be restarted to clear the error. This has been fixed.
Display Server
21906: Thin client enhanced to check user role access on each request
In prior releases, after a user had logged into the thin client, the user could manually enter a specific URL in the same browser instance and possibly view data from rtview displays to which the user's role should have denied access. This is fixed.
21908: Enhanced display server with option to limit access to specific panel files
The display server now supports a "permitpanel" option to specify the panel layout files that the server will read. A panel layout for the thin client is requested from the display server with a URL parameter as follows: panels.jsp?file=X where X is the name of the panel layout file that the server should read. By default, the display server will attempt to read any filename on the server that is specified by the URL parameter. If the file is a valid panel layout file, the thin client will use it. But if the file does not exist, a "no such file" error is displayed in the browser, and if the file exists but does not contain the expected layout information, a "no panels found" error is displayed in the browser. The permitpanel option allows you to specify the file(s) which the display server will read in response to a panels.jsp request. Requests from panels.jsp for any other files are rejected with a "Permission denied" error shown in the browser, regardless of whether the file exists or not, and the server will not attempt to read such files. The option may be specified multiple times to allow access to multiple panel files. Command-line example: run_displayserver -permitpanel:PANELS.ini -permitpanel:layout.xml DISPLAYSERVER.ini example: permitpanel PANELS.ini permitpanel layout.xml In addition, the display server supports another new option to prevent attempts to load remote files, as follows: -permitfile:LOCAL_ONLY If that option is specified any rtv or image files that are referenced by URL will not be read and the server will log a message similar to the following: non-local file read permission denied: http://host/somefile
21912: Fixed phishing vulnerabilities in thin client
In prior releases, it was possible to create phishing URLs which appeared to be directed at the rtview thin client but would redirect the user to another site, or download and possibly execute a file. These vulnerabilities have been fixed.
Platform Support
21871: Support for Java 1.6 dropped
RTView is now built with Java 1.7. Java 1.6 is no longer supported.
Version 3.6.0 Release Notes
21748: Fixed an issue where Unix data servers sometimes failed to shut down
In previous releases, using stop_rtv on Unix platforms to stop a TIBCO solution package data server process sometimes failed due to a spurious rvd process. This has been fixed.
21846: New RTView Monitor for Solace - AMI option
RTView Monitor for Solace is now available pre-installed on an Amazon EC2 Amazon Machine Image (AMI) running Amazon Linux. It comes pre-installed with a 30-day license, and is configured to start all RTView processes and supporting services on restart. The AMI includes the following application stack for convenience of quick deployment. Please refer to /home/ec2-user/amibase/MANIFEST.txt for the full version info: Oracle Java 8 Node Docker MySQL 5.7 (via Docker) for storage of historical data rtvHostAgent (via Docker) for providing host metrics to RTVMGR cadvisor-rtview (via Docker) for providing docker metrics to RTVMGR The scripts used to create the docker containers are included in named subdirectories under /home/ec2-user/amibase, to be used as templates if you wish to recreate the containers with your preferred configuration. The MySQL database data is stored external to the docker container at /home/ec2-user/amibase/mysql/DATA. Initial Setup: You may gain access to the community rtvsolmon-VERSION-YYYYMMDD-community AMI via, at We recommend starting with an instance from the t2 family, sized according to the number of Solace appliances you are monitoring. Depending on how much archival data you wish to store in the database, you may wish to increase your disk size past the default 8 GB of the AMI. After creating an instance from the rtvsolmon-VERSION-YYYYMMDD-community AMI, you will need to SSH to your instance to add the connection properties for your Solace appliance(s) to /home/ec2-user/RTViewSolaceMonitor/em-solmon/servers/solmon/ Please see the User Guide for full details.
21205: Thin client table objects are now rendered as HTML5
The table objects in the EM thin client have been enhanced to provide improved filtering, sorting, and other interactive features. See the release note for 20185 for a detailed description of the new table features.
21813: Fixed an issue with group objects and wrapped diagrams
In the previous release, if the first object in a wrapped diagram was defined to be included in a group, it was not included in the group object. This has been fixed.
21739: Enhanced the All JVMs Heatmap display with a Source drop down
A drop down for Source has been added to the All JVMs heatmap display.
21740: Enhanced the All JVMs Table display with a Source drop down
A drop down for Source has been added to the All JVMs Table display.
21754: Fixed an issue preventing JVM Runtime data collection
A bug that prevented collection of JVM Runtime data from several versions of Java (6, 7 and 8 versions) has been fixed.
21792: Enhanced the All JVMs Table display with more columns
PID, Host Name, Current Heap, and Used Heap have been added to the All JVMs Table display.
21793: Enhanced the All JVMs Heatmap display
The All JVMs Heatmap display from RTVMGR Solution Package has been enhanced to include PID, Current Heap, and Used Heap. The last two metrics are also included in the Metric drop down.
21838: Enhanced RTVMGR in SOLMON Bundle
The RTVMGR configuration has been enhanced in RTView Monitor for Solace. It now includes monitoring for a MySQL Database, as well as Host and Docker metrics. For users of the RTView Monitor for Solace AMI version, all connection properties populate these displays have been pre-configured in the standard file and do not require further configuration. Users of the On Premise version will not see data in the Host or MySQL displays unless they choose to configure these.
RTView Core Functionality
21795: Fixed an issue where the Cleared Reason for an alert was incorrect
In prevous releases, the Cleared Reason was sometimes incorrect after an alert was disabled and re-enabled. This has been fixed.
Data Historian
21699: Enhanced Historian compaction to avoid long delays
The Historian smooth compaction code no longer performs a row count. This prevents long delays during smoothing by avoiding Select Count(*) calls.
Display Server
21772: Extra-bold font in Firefox fixed
In the previous release, objects using font index 7 (sans-serif bold) would appear extra bold in some versions of Firefox if the display server was configured to use the extended font feature with arimob.ttf assigned to font 7. This has been fixed.
21853: Fixed an issue with small numbers not updating to zero in the thin client
In previous releases, the value displayed in an obj_rect_ilv object would not change if the previous value was greater than zero and less than one, and a value of zero was applied. This problem occurred only in the thin client and is now fixed.
21714: Added Unix scripts to create .war files for a given solution package
The script has been added to the rtvapm distribution. Like make_package_wars.bat, it is used to create an initial set of war files for a given solution package. The war files are created in the <package>/webapps directory. After they are created, update_wars.bat/sh should be run to update them with the correct port numbers. The scripts should be run from the <package>/webapps directory. They take the package name as argument, e.g. " bwmon".
21771: Fixed an issue where ports were misidentified
The rtvapm start/stop/status scripts, when testing the ports of a given server, would incorrectly identify a port as "taken" whose number contained the server's number with a leading or trailing digit. (For example finding 33675 in use and saying 3675 is taken.) This has been corrected.
Solution Package
21697: Fixed an issue preventing Tomcat from stopping cleanly
A bug that prevented Tomcat from stopping cleanly on UNIX and Linux systems has been fixed. The CATALINA_PID variable is now defined in the Tomcat script for these systems. Also, the script requirement of JAVA_HOME being set in the environment has been changed to require Java available in the PATH. This change will allow starting RTView processes at startup before the user environment has been set.
21786: All Endpoints Table display enhanced with two new check boxes
Two new check boxes to filter by Expired and Down have been added to the All Endpoints Table display.
21787: All VPNs Table display enhanced with two new check boxes
Two new check boxes to filter by Expired and Disabled have been added to the All VPNs Table display.
21788: All Clients Table display enhanced with two new check boxes
The All Clients Table display has been enhanced by adding two check boxes to filter by Expired and Internal. By default, Expired and Disabled check boxes are unchecked, meaning that only non-expired of the Primary Type Clients are shown. When checked, all Clients, expired and non-expired as well as Primary and Internal will be respectively shown.
21789: All CSPF Neighbors Table display enhanced with two new check boxes
Two new check boxes for State Ok and Expired have been added to the All CSPF Neighbors Table display. By default both check boxes are unchecked, meaning that all non-expired CSPF Neighbors are shown. When Ok is checked, only CSPF Neighbors with State=Ok are shown. When Expired is checked all CSPF Neighbors, expired and non-expired are shown in the table.
21790: All Bridges Table display enhanced with two new check boxes
Two new check boxes for "Disabled" and "Expired" have been added to the All Bridges Table display. By default the "Expired" check box is unchecked, meaning that only non-expired Bridges are shown, and the "Disabled" check box is checked, which shows all Bridges regardless of their Admin State. When "Disabled" is unchecked, only enabled Bridges with Admin State=Enabled are shown. When "Expired" is checked, all expired Bridges are shown in the table, in addition to the non-expired Bridges.
21799: CSPF cache enhanced with Ingress/Egress metrics
Ingress and Egress metrics for CSPF Neighbor Msg Routers have been added.
21800: New CSPF Ingress/Egress metrics are now available
Ingress/Egress metrics for CSPF Neighbor Msg Routers have been stored in history from the CSPH Neighbor cache. The table creation SQL statement for supported platforms is located in solmon/dbconfig directory. The name of the table is SOL_CSPF_NEIGHBOR. By default, data is being stored in history for this table. To disable storage of historical data, edit the file and uncomment the following property:$SOL_CSPF_NEIGHBOR_TABLE:''
21801: SolAppliances cache enhanced with two new metrics
Two new metrics have been included in the SolAppliances cache. Host Address and Connected. The later keeps track of the connection state of the Msg Router.
21803: Message Router Summary display enhanced with Host Address
The Host Address has been added to the header of the Msg Router Summary display.
21804: EM enhanced with a new alert
A new alert,SolMsgRouterNotConnected, has been added. This alert will be executed when the Msg Router is not ready for collecting monitoring data.
21807: SOLMON tables functionality enhanced
All tabular displays now select a row by single clicking and drill down to the corresponding summary by double clicking. The enhanced displays are the following: - Message Routers->All Message Routers Table - Neighbors-> CSPH Neigbors Table - VPNs->All VPNs Table - Clients->All Clients Table - Bridges-> All Bridges Table - Endpoints-> All Endpoints Table - Capacity Analysis-> All Msg Routers Capacity
21808: All Msg Routers Heatmap display has been enhanced
Two check boxes, "Connected" and "Expired", have been added to the All Msg Routers Heatmap display.
21809: Enhanced some displays to correctly align their contents
The Msg Router and the Capacity displays for the corresponding menu tags have been enhanced to correctly align their contents.
21810: Enhanced EM with a new page for CSPF Neighbors
The CSPF Neighbor Msg Router displays have been organised under a new menu tab named Neighbors.
21812: Msg Router VPN Activity display has been enhanced
The Msg Router VPN Activity display has been enhanced to show the most active VPNs sorted by Client Connections, Ingress/Egress bytes / sec and Pending Msgs. The number of VPNs shown is adjusted to the height of the window.
21814: EM enhanced with new metrics
In Msgs /sec and Out Msgs / sec have been added to the SOLMON-MSGROUTER CI Type as Key Metrics.
21817: Trend Value precision is now one decimal value in Client Summary display
The precision of the trend values has been changed to one decimal value in the Client Summary display.
21827: Enhanced EM by standardizing colors across multiple displays
The following displays have been improved to follow RTView EM standards on color trends: - Message Router Capacity Summary - Message Router Capacity Trends - Single Message Router Summary - Single Bridge Summary - Single Client Summary - Single Endpoint Summary - Single VPN Summary