Configure Alert Filters

This section describes how to configure the Custom Filter drop-down menu which is used for creating custom, user-defined filters in the Alert Views - RTView Alerts Table display. This configuration is optional.

When custom filters are defined for the logged in user, a Custom Filter drop-down menu is added to the Alert Views - RTView Cache Table display (in the upper right portion of the display).


The Custom Filter drop-down menu is a predefined list of standard filters that are applied to the Alert Views - RTView Alerts Table. All filters that are supported by the controls at the top of the Alert Views - RTView Alerts Table display can be used to define the Custom Filter drop-down menu.

When you select a custom filter, the filter controls at the top of the display then reflect that custom filter's settings, as well as the data in the table. For example, let us say you define a custom filter named All Suppressed Jvm Critical Alerts that filters the table to show only Suppressed and Critical alerts with Jvm in the Alert Name field. When you select this custom filter the Field Filter is then set to Alert Name, the Search Text field is then set to Jvm, the Warning check-box is then deselected and the Suppressed check-boxes is selected, and the table is then filtered accordingly. If the filter fields change such that the filter no longer matches the selected custom filter, the custom filter selection is cleared.

The Custom Filter drop-down menu contains all filter options that are specified for the logged in user. The Custom Filter drop-down menu only appears in the Alert Views - RTView Alerts Table display if at least one custom filter is defined for that user.

You configure the Custom Filter drop-down menu by creating one or more custom filters. To create the filter you add a table row to the CUSTOM_ALERT_FILTERS table in the ALERTDEFS database. You define the custom filter per user with match criteria for each of the filter controls in the Alert Views - RTView Alerts Table display. See the schemas in the RTVAPM_HOME\common\dbconfig directory for the correct schema to use for your database.

Note: The CUSTOM_ALERT_FILTERS table was added to the ALERTDEFS database in version 1.3.0. Users upgrading from previous versions must add this table to the ALERTDEFS database.

To configure Alert Filters

Add a row for each custom filter to the CUSTOM_ALERT_FILTERS table, located in the ALERTDEFS database. The following are the available table columns you can define, all of which are of type String.

Column Name



Specifies the name of the user who can use this filter. This must correspond to the value specified for the User in the RTView Enterprise login.


Specifies the name of the filter. This value is used in the Custom Filter drop-down menu.


Specifies the name of the column in the Alerts Table to filter on. This corresponds to the value in the Field Filter drop-down menu in the display. This must be the actual column name, which is sometimes different than the displayed column name. Valid values are blank, Time, Last Update Time, Count, ID, Cleared, Acknowledged, Owner, Alert Name, Primary Service, CIName, CIType, Alert Index, Alert Text, Severity, Source, Cleared Reason, AlertClass, CompID, TicketID, TicketGroup and any other custom columns you added to the RTView Alerts Table. A <blank> value indicates this filter should not be used. Note: If you specified an RTView Alerts Table columns list, you can use any values from the RTView Alerts Table columns list.


Specifies the value in the rtvAlertDynFilter column must equal. This corresponds to the Search Text field in the display.


Specifies whether to use Regex for the rtvAlertDynFilter and rtvAlertDynTextFilter filters, where 1 is use to Regex and 0 is NOT to use Regex. This corresponds to the RegEx check-box in the display.


Specifies to filter on the Cleared column. This corresponds to the All/Open/Closed radio buttons in the display. Valid values are:

  • false shows only open alerts

  • true shows only closed alerts

  • * (asterisk) shows both


Specifies to filter on the Suppressed column. This corresponds to the Suppressed check-box in the display. Valid values are:

  • false shows only unsuppressed alerts

  • true shows only suppressed alerts

  • * (asterisk) shows both


Specifies to filter on the Owner column. This corresponds to the Owner Filter drop-down menu in the display. Valid values are:

  • <blank> shows alerts that are not owned as well as the logged in user name (which corresponds to the Owned by Me drop-down menu selection)

  • * (asterisk) shows owned and not owned alerts


Specifies to filter on warning alerts. That is, where the alert Severity is equal to 1. Valid values are:

  • 1 shows warning alerts

  • <blank> does NOT show warning alerts


Specifies to filter on critical alerts. That is, where the alert Severity is equal to 2 or 3. Valid values are:

  • 2 shows critical alerts

  • 3 shows critical alerts

  • <blank> does NOT show critical alerts


Specifies to filter on the CMDB owner. This corresponds to the Owner value in the CMDB Filter field. Valid values are:

  • the name of an owner from your CMDB which shows only alerts for that owner

  • * (asterisk) which does NOT filter by CMDB owner

  • <blank> shows only alerts without an owner


Specifies to filter on the CMDB area. This corresponds to the area value in the CMDB Filter field. Valid values are:

  • the name of an area from your CMDB which shows only alerts for that area

  • * (asterisk) which does NOT filter by CMDB area


Specifies to filter on the CMDB group. This corresponds to the Group value in the CMDB Filter field. Valid values are:

  • the name of a group from your CMDB which shows only alerts for that group

  • * (asterisk) which does NOT filter by CMDB group


Specifies to filter on the CMDB service. This corresponds to the Service value in the CMDB Filter field. Valid values are:

  • the name of a service from your CMDB which shows only alerts for that service

  • * (asterisk) which does NOT filter by CMDB service


Specifies to filter on the CMDB environment. This corresponds to the Environment value in the CMDB Filter field. Valid values are:

  • the name of an environment from your CMDB which shows only alerts for that environment

  • * (asterisk) which does NOT filter by CMDB environment