Alert Administration - HTML

This describes the HTML version of the Alert Administration display which can be found under the Admin tab.

The Alert Administration display allows administrators to enable/disable alerts and manage alert thresholds. The table describes the global settings for all alerts on the system.

You can set the Delay time (the number of seconds that must pass before an alert is triggered, where 0 sets it to immediately execute).

You can set the Warning Level which executes a single warning alert when the number of seconds specified here is exceeded. To set the warning to occur sooner, reduce the Warning Level value. To set the warning to occur later, increase the Warning Level value.

You can set the Alarm Level which executes a single alarm alert when the number of seconds specified here is exceeded. To set the alarm to occur sooner, reduce the Alarm Level value. To set the alarm to occur later, increase the Alarm Level value.

Note: For low value-based alerts (an alert that executes based on a value going below a certain threshold), to set the alarm to occur sooner you increase the Alarm Level value. To set the alarm to occur later, reduce the Alarm Level value.

You can apply alert thresholds globally or as an override. Setting override alerts allows you to set thresholds for a subset of your resources, or for a single resource (for example, a single server). Override alerts are useful if the majority of your resources require the same threshold setting, but there are a few resources that require a different threshold setting. For example, you might not usually be concerned with execution time at a process level, but perhaps certain processes are critical. In this case, you can apply alert thresholds to each process individually. See below for instructions.

You can filter, sort and choose columns to include by clicking a column header icon (located to the right of each column label) and selecting Filter, Sort Ascending, Sort Descending or Columns. Use the Ack'd and Cleared drop-downs to filter the table by those columns. Right-click on a table cell to Export to Excel.

To set thresholds and enable a global alert:

Select an alert and, under Settings for alert (in the lower portion of the screen), modify settings for the alert Delay, Warning Level and/or Alarm Level and Save Settings. With that alert selected, check the Alert Enabled box under Settings for alert (in the lower portion of the screen) and Save Settings. The Alert Enabled box (next to the selected alert) is now checked.

To set thresholds and enable an override alert:

To set an override alert, select an alert and click Override Settings to open the Alert Overrides Admin display.





See Alert Overrides Administration - HTML for additional details.