Alert Configuration for Component - HTML

Use the Alert Configuration for Component display to see, modify and refine alert threshold settings for a particular alert. A trend graph traces the history of the relevant metric for this alert so you can adjust thresholds in real-time. You can also modify alert thresholds, add an override alert and toggle ON or OFF h_button_ToggleOnOff00406.gif both global and override alerts.

Access the Alert Configuration for Component display by clicking h_button_Admin00407.gif in the Alert Detail for Component display.

The bottom half of the display provides a Metric History trend graph which traces the performance metric pertaining to the alert. You can hover over the trend graph to see the values at a particular time. You can specify the time range for the trend graph and view data based on a log scale, which enables visualization on a logarithmic scale and should be used when the range in your data is very broad.

You must be logged in as rtvalertmgr or rtvadmin to modify alerts.
