This describes the HTML version of the Alerts Table which can be found under the Alerts tab.
Use this display to track and manage all alerts that have occurred in the system, where:
One or more alerts exceeded their ALARM LEVEL threshold in the table row |
One or more alerts exceeded their WARNING LEVEL threshold in the table row |
You can search, filter, sort and choose columns to include by clicking a column header icon (located to the right of each column label) and selecting Filter, Sort Ascending, Sort Descending or Columns. Use the Ack'd and Cleared drop-downs to filter the table by those columns. Right-click on a table cell to Export to Excel or Copy Cell Value. Use Ctrl + click or Shift + arrow to select multiple alerts. To investigate, select one alert and click:
to open the Component Alert Detail display to get details about that particular alert instance as it specifically applies to the associated CI.
to see utilization conditions for the CI associated with the alert during the seconds (minutes, hours or days) leading up to the alert being executed in a summary display.
With one or more alerts selected, you can click Own to set the alert(s) owner field, Ack to acknowledge the alert(s), Unack to clear the acknowledgement on previously acknowledged alert(s) and Comment to add a comment to the alert(s).
You must be logged in as rtvalertmgr or rtvadmin to perform the Own, Ack, Unack, or Comment actions. Otherwise, you get an error dialog.