CMDB Admin

Use this display to setup, view or modify your Service Data Model (CMDB), including: adding, renaming, deleting or merging your CMDB hierarchical elements (Owners, Areas, Groups or Services), associating CIs with Services and assigning or modifying CI attributes (such as Criticality). Only users logged in with the admin or super roles can apply changes in this display.

This display requires administrator permissions.

The CI List for Selected Service (upper) table lists the CIs that are associated with the Service selected (from the Service drop-down menu).

The Available Components (lower) table is not part of the CMDB. The Available Components table lists all available CIs for the CI Type (selected from the Selected CI Type drop-down menu) that are in your RTView Enterprise system--whether or not they are in the CMDB. Filter this list using the CIName Filter field.

You add CIs to the CMDB by associating them with an Owner, Area, Group, and Service. To do so, select the CI Type from the Selected CI Type drop-down menu, choose one or more CIs from the Available Components table, then click Add CI.

It is not necessary to restart the Configuration Server after making changes to the Service Data Model using the CMDB Admin display.

Creating a new Service, Group, Area or Owner:
Select the CI Type from the Selected CI Type drop-down menu, choose one or more CIs from the Available Components table, then click Add CI To.... Assign a new or existing Owner, Area, Group or Service, review your entries and click OK. Your changes are visible in drop-down menus and displays.

Associating CIs with a Service:
This option is useful when you want to define which CIs are to be monitored for Services. CIs can be associated with more than one Service, Group, Area or Owner. Select the Owner, Area, Group and Service to which you want to associate one or more CIs using the drop-down menus. The CI List Table (the upper table) populates with all CIs already associated with the Owner, Area, Group and Service you select. Select the CI Type of the CI(s) you want to associate. The Available Components table (the lower table) populates with all CIs that are categorized as that CI Type. Select one or more CIs in the Available Components table, set the Criticality and other optional assignments using the drop-down menus (on the right). Click Add CI to associate the CI(s) with the Service. A row is added for each associated CI to the CI List Table. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

Renaming a Service, Group, Area or Owner:
This option is useful when, for example, a new Owner is replacing a retiring Owner, a name is misspelled or a more relevant name is required. Select the relevant Owner, Area, Group or Service using the drop-down menus, then click the corresponding Manage (Owner, Area, Group or Service) option for what you are renaming. The Manage (Owner, Area, Group or Service) dialog opens. In the Manage (Owner, Area, Group or Service) dialog, type the new name in the New Name field, click Rename and OK. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

Deleting a Service, Group, Area or Owner:
This option is useful when, for example, an Owner, Area, Group or Service and all the CIs associated with it are not relevant in your RTView Enterprise system. When you delete a Service, Group, Area or Owner everything underneath it (lower CMDB levels and associated CIs) is also removed from the CMDB database and displays. Select the relevant Owner, Area, Group or Service using the drop-down menus, then click the corresponding Manage (Owner, Area, Group or Service) option for what you are deleting. The Manage (Owner, Area, Group or Service) dialog opens. In the Manage (Owner, Area, Group or Service) dialog click Delete and OK. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

Important: There is no option to undo a deletion from the CMDB. To restore a deletion you must recreate the Owner, Area, Group or Service and the CIs must be re-associated.

Moving a Service, Group or Area:
This option is useful when, for example, an Area belongs under a different Owner, a Group belongs under a different Area or a Service belongs under a different Group. When you move a Service, Group or Area (Owners cannot be moved) everything underneath it (lower CMDB levels and associated CIs) moves with it. Select the Area, Group or Service you want to move using the drop-down menus, then click the relevant Manage (Area, Group or Service) option for what you are moving. The Manage (Area, Group or Service) dialog opens. In the Manage (Area, Group or Service) dialog, select the new Owner, Area, Group or Service to move to from the New (Area, Group or Service) drop-down menus, click Move and OK. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

Merging Services, Groups, Areas or Owners:
This option is useful when, for example, an existing Owner is taking over for a retiring Owner. When you merge a Service, Group, Area or Owner its name changes to that of the target Service, Group, Area or Owner, and everything underneath it (lower CMDB levels and associated CIs) goes with it. Select the Area, Group or Service you want to merge using the drop-down menus, then click the relevant Manage (Area, Group or Service) option for what you are merging. The Manage (Area, Group or Service) dialog opens. In the Manage (Area, Group or Service) dialog, select an existing Owner, Area, Group or Service to merge to in the New Name field, click Merge and OK. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

Deleting a CI:
Select a CI from the CI List Table, click Delete and OK. The CI is removed from the CMDB database and displays. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

Applying Criticality value to multiple CIs:
In the CI List Table select a CI that has the Criticality value you want to apply to all CIs in the CI List Table, click Update Criticality like selected CI and OK. The Criticality column for all CIs is updated. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

Changing CI attributes
In the CI List Table select the CI you want to modify attributes for, use the Environment, Region, SiteName, Criticality, City, Country and OSType drop-down menus to apply attributes, then click Update and OK. The CI List Table is updated. Your changes are visible in the drop-down menus and displays.

By default, the Owner named Infrastructure is created. Infrastructure organizes all available CIs collected through all Data Servers configured under RTView EM by technology. This default organization can be disabled if needed.




Fields and Data

This display includes:



Select an Owner to filter by. The Owner selected populates the Area, Group and Service drop-down menus.



Manage Owner

Opens a dialog that enables you to Delete, Rename or Merge the Owner.

Delete removes the Owner from the CMDB database as well as all CMDB data and CIs associated with the Owner.

Rename Changes all records for the Owner to a new name. Rename is disabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Merge Changes all records for the Owner to a different, already existing name in the CMDB. Merge is enabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Note: You cannot move Owners.



Select an Area to filter by. The Area selected populates the Group and Service drop-down menus.



Manage Area

Opens a dialog that enables you to Delete, Rename or Merge the Area.

Delete removes the Area from the CMDB database as well as all CMDB data and CIs associated with the Area.

Rename Changes all records for the Area to a new name. Rename is disabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Merge Changes all records for the Area to a different, already existing name in the CMDB. Merge is enabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Move Changes all records for the Area to a different, already existing name in the CMDB that you choose from the New Area drop-down menu.



Select a Group to filter by. The Group selected populates the Service drop-down menu.



Manage Group

Opens a dialog that enables you to Delete, Rename or Merge the Group.

Delete removes the Group from the CMDB database as well as all CMDB data and CIs associated with the Group.

Rename Changes all records for the Group to a new name. Rename is disabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Merge Changes all records for the Group to a different, already existing name in the CMDB. Merge is enabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Move Changes all records for the Group to a different, already existing name in the CMDB that you choose from the New Group drop-down menu.



Select a Service to edit, then click Update.



Manage Service

Opens a dialog that enables you to Delete, Rename or Merge the Service.

Delete removes the Service from the CMDB database as well as all CMDB data and CIs associated with the Service.

Rename Changes all records for the Service to a new name. Rename is disabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Merge Changes all records for the Service to a different, already existing name in the CMDB. Merge is enabled when the name you are typing in the text box already exists in the CMDB.

Move Changes all records for the Service to a different, already existing name in the CMDB that you choose from the New Service drop-down menu.


CI List Table

This table lists all CIs associated with the selected Service. Each table row is a different CI. Select a CI to see its attributes in the drop-down menus at the right of the table. Use the OSType, Region, SiteName, Criticality, City and Country drop-down assign attributes, then click Update. To associate CIs with the Service, select one or more CIs from the Available Components table, then click Add CI (to associate the CI(s) with the selected Service.) or Add CI To... (to create a new Service and associate the CI(s) with it).




The type of CI. For example, server or application.



A CI name.



The importance level of the CI in your organization. Values range from A to E, where A is the highest Criticality and E is the lowest Criticality (with equally spaced intermediate values). This value is used to calculate the Alert Impact (maximum Alert Severity multiplied by the maximum Criticality equals Alert Impact).

Criticality values are listed in the Component Views - CI Service Table display. Criticality values are also shown in heatmaps and tables.




The name of the Region for the CI.




The name of the Environment for the CI.




The name of the Site for the CI.




The operating system on the CI.




The name of the City for the CI.




The name of the Country for the CI.


Update Criticality like selected CI

Updates the Criticality attribute assigned to all CIs in the CI List table to match the selected CI level.



Select or type the Environment for the CI selected in the CI List Table, or the CI selected in the Available Components and added into the CI List Table.



Select or type the region for the CI selected in the CI List Table, or the CI selected in the Available Components and added into the CI List Table.



Select or type the site name for the CI selected in the CI List Table, or the CI selected in the Available Components and added into the CI List Table.



Specify the importance level of a Service or a CI for your organization. Select a Service or a CI and set the Criticality value from A to E, where A is the highest Criticality and E is the lowest Criticality (with equally spaced intermediate values). This value is used to calculate Alert Impact (maximum Alert Severity multiplied by the maximum Criticality equals Alert Impact).

Criticality values are listed in the Component Views - CI Service Table display. Criticality values are also shown in heatmaps and tables.



Select or type the country for the CI selected in the CI List Table, or the CI selected in the Available Components and added into the CI List Table.



Select or type the operating system for the CI selected in the CI List Table, or the CI selected in the Available Components and added into the CI List Table.



Updates the CI selected in the CI List Table with attributes selected from the drop-down menus (on the right).



Removes the selected CI from the CMDB database.


Available Components Table

This table lists all available CIs in your RTView Enterprise system whether they are in the CMDB or not. Each row in the table is a different CI (for example, a server or a process). Select one or more CIs to associate with the currently selected Service, then click Add CI (to associate the CI(s) with the selected Service.) or Add CI To... (to create a new Service and associate the CI(s) with it).



Selected CI Type

Select the type of CI to include in the Available Components table. All CIs of this type are listed. A CI can be associated with multiple Services.



CIName Filter

Enter a string to filter the list of available components.




Check to enable Regex filtering.



Add CI

Associates the CI selected in the Available Components table with the selected Service, and applies the attributes selected from the drop-down menus (on the right) to the CI.

To associate a CI with the currently selected Service, select a CI from the Available Components table, use the drop-down menus on the right (Environ, Region, SiteName, etc.) to modify attributes for the CI, click Add CI and then click Update. The CI appears in the CI List Table.



Add CI To...

Creates a new Service and associates the selected CI with it.

To create a new Service and associate a CI with it, select a CI from the Available Components table, use the drop-down menus on the right (Environ, Region, SiteName, etc.) to modify attributes for the CI, click Add CI To..., enter the name of the new Service, then click Update. The new Service is added to the list of Services and the CI appears in the CI List Table.