The COMPONENTS tab organizes the monitoring information by technology or vendor and allows you to view the health state of your technology footprint without logical or service groupings. This tab also contains deep summaries and drill-downs to the subcomponents that comprise a particular technology. By default, this tab provides access to the JVM Process Views, the Tomcat Servers Views, the RTView Servers Views, and any Views included with the solution packages that you have installed.

NOTE: The COMPONENTS tab navigation tree (in left panel) has been enhanced to filter the available displays based on the solution packages that are hosted by the RTView DataServer connections enabled by your administrator. If you run a project from a previous release where the navigation tree was customized, this filter is applied in addition to any customization.

The following views are available via this tab:

There are two different ways to view the available displays: By Technology and By Vendor.

By Technology Button

The By Technology button lists the available displays by the type of technology (Application/Web Servers, Middleware, Databases, Processes, Hosts/VMs, Connectors, Other).


By Vendor Button

The By Vendor button lists the displays by vendor name (for example: TIBCO, Oracle, and IBM).
