Optional Diagram Display Customizations

This section includes:

Edit Diagrams in the Display Builder

To manually edit your generated diagram, use the Display Builder to open the diagram in the RTViewEnterprise/emsample/servers/central directory.  

Note: If you created a custom diagram background display as described in Customize the Diagram Background Display, use the name of that file instead of rtv_diagram_cache in the instructions below. Run the Display Builder in the RTViewEnterprise/emsample/servers/central directory as follows (where diagramName is the name of the diagram you want to modify):

runb_appmon –sub:$diagramName:diagramName rtv_diagram_cache

Edit the diagram and save the display as rtv_diagram_cache_diagramName, replacing the diagramName with the name of your diagram. Update the corresponding navigation tree entry to use the new display name.

Important: Do NOT to save these changes to rtv_diagram_cache.rtv or these nodes will show up in all of your diagrams.

When you view this diagram, any saved diagram nodes and links that are no longer in the diagram definition will be removed and any new nodes in the diagram definition will be added to the bottom left corner. You need to position those new nodes by hand in the Display Builder. The Properties from the database will be applied to diagram nodes that were saved in the Display Builder. The diagram will still be positioned in the Display Viewer according to the alignment and margin Diagram Properties when the window is resized. However, for diagrams where wrapDiagram is set to true, the diagram will not be re-wrapped to fit the available space.

Customize the Diagram Background Display

To create a custom version of the diagram background display, open rtv_diagram_cache.rtv in the Display Builder from the central directory of your EM project as follows:

runb_appmon rtv_diagram_cache

Modify the display and save it under a new name in the central directory. The name must start with rtv_diagram. When adding diagram displays to the navigation tree as described in Add Diagrams to your Project, use the name of this file instead of rtv_diagram_cache.

When modifying the display, use the following guidelines:

Customize the Diagram Database

Diagram definitions are stored in the DIAGRAM database. By default, an HSQLDB database is used. Schemas for all supported databases are provided in RTVAPM_HOME\dg\dbconfig. To change to another supported database, use the schema for your database to create the diagram tables and add this property to the central properties file for your project (central.properties in emsample) replacing the user name, password, URL and driver with the appropriate information for your database:

ConfigCollector.sl.rtview.sql.sqldb=DIAGRAMS sa - jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9099/rtvdiagram org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver - false true