RTView KM Defs

This display shows the Key Metrics definitions for all CI Types. For details, see Available KM Metrics and Alerts .



Fields and Data

This display includes:


RTView Key Metrics Definitions

This table provides Key Metrics definitions for all CI Types.




The component type.




The name of the cache that contains the Key Metric.




The name used for this Key Metric in the Metric Name column of Key Metric displays.




The name of the cache column that contains this Key Metric.




The name of the alert associated with this Key Metric. When blank, the Key Metric is not configured for inclusion in Key Metric displays.




The calculation used for the Threshold % value. The base value is calculated as the percent of the Key Metric value between 0 and the ALARMLEVEL of the associated alert. If the CalcMode is blank, this value is used. If the CalcMode is:

  • exp, the value is adjusted so that lower values are diminished. Typically, this is used for memory metrics.

  • inverse, the value is calculated in reverse of the standard thresholds. This is used when the associated alert is a low threshold alert.

  • invpct, the value is calculated in reverse of the standard threshold and is assumed to be percent and therefore a value between 0 and 100. This is used when the associated alert is a low threshold alert against a percent.

  • log, a logarithmic algorithm is applied.




The Key Metric level. Level 0 KMs are always displayed. Level 1 KMs are displayed is Show More Metrics is selected.