You can permanently save all of the custom settings made to the grid, including filtering, sorting, column size (width), column order, column visibility, and column locking. This is done by opening any column menu, clicking Settings, and then clicking Save All:
The grid's settings are written as an item in the browser's local storage. The item's value is a string containing the grid's settings. The item uses a unique key comprised of the URL path name, the display name, and the table's RTView object name. If the Thin Client's login feature is enabled, the key will also include the username and role, so different settings can be saved for each user and role for a grid on any given display, in the same browser and host.
If you save the grid settings and navigate away from the display or close the browser, then the next time you return to the display in the same browser the settings are retrieved from the browser's local storage and applied to the grid. The browser's local storage items are persistent, so the grid settings are preserved if the browser is closed and reopened or if the host system is restarted.
Note that each browser has its own local storage on each host. The local storage items are not shared between browsers on the same host or on different hosts. So, if a user logs in as Joe with role = admin, in Internet Explorer on host H1, and saves grid settings for display X, then those grid settings are restored each time a user logs in as Joe, role admin, on host H1 and opens display X in Internet Explorer. But if all the same is true except that the browser is Chrome, then the settings saved in Internet Explorer are not applied. Or if the user is Joe and role is admin and the browser is IE and the display is X, but the host system is H2 not H1, then the grid settings saved on H1 are not applied.
You can delete the grid's item from local storage by clicking Settings> Clear All in any column menu. This permanently deletes the saved settings for the grid and returns the grid to the state defined in the display file.