View alert states at the component-level per Service, manage alerts, obtain component details such as the number of active alerts for the component, which operating system the component uses and the Data Server associated with the component.
Use this display to monitor a Service in a specific Group or Environment anywhere in your organization, and determine whether a component is malfunctioning.
The table lists all components for a selected Service. Each row in the table is a different CI (configurable item or component). Each CI can have multiple alerts. Click a row to view details in the lower table about any alerts associated with the CI.
Use the available drop-down menus or right-click to filter data shown in the display. Click Sort to order column data. Double-click a row to drill-down to a summary page describing information relevant to this CI. This action can also be performed by selecting (a single click) on a row and selecting the Go to CI button.
Note: The “Up” Arrow () opens the most recently viewed display under Multi Area Service Views. For example, if the last viewed display under Multi Area Service Views was Services CI Type Summary, then clicking
opens the Services CI Type Summary display.
Row Color Code: Tables with colored rows indicate the following: |
Filter By: Use the available drop-down menus to filter data shown in the table. The display might include these filtering options: |
Owner: Choose an Owner to see metrics in the heatmap for Areas associated with that Owner. Area: Choose an Area to see metrics in the heatmap for Groups associated with that Area and Owner. Group: Choose a Group to see metrics in the heatmap for Services associated with that Group, Area and Owner. Service: Choose a Service to see metrics in the heatmap for Environments associated with that Service, Group, Area and Owner. Env: Choose an Environment to see metrics in the heatmap for Environments associated with that Service, Group, Area and Owner. |
Fields and Data This display includes: |
Service Name |
The name of the selected Service. |
Criticality |
The Criticality (rank of importance) specified in the Service Data Model (CMDB) by your administrator. Criticality values are listed in the Component Views / CI Service Table display, which range from A to E, where A is the highest Criticality. This value is used to determine the value for Alert Impact. |
CI Count |
The total number of configurable items in the display. |
CI Table for Selected Environment This table lists all CIs for the selected Environment. Each row in the table is a CI. Each CI can have multiple alerts. Click a row to view details about any alerts associated with the CI in the lower table. Double-click a row to drill-down to a summary page describing information relevant to this CI. This action can also be performed by selecting (a single click) on a row and selecting the Go to CI button. |
CI Type Filter |
Select a CI Type to display in the table or select All CI Types. |
Go to CI |
Drill-down to a summary page describing information relevant to this CI. |
CIType |
The type of CI. |
Quality |
Shows whether performance metrics are being received from the CI:
Severity |
Shows the most critical alert state for the selected CI:
Alerts |
The number of currently active alerts for the selected CI. |
Region |
The name of the Region for the CI. |
SiteName |
The name of the Site for the CI. |
OSType |
The operating system currently running on the CI. |
City |
The name of the City for the CI. |
Country |
The name of the Country for the CI. |
Data Server |
The name of the Data Server with which the CI is associated. |
Selected CI |
Shows the CI Type selected in the upper table. |
All |
Shows all active alerts for all CIs associated with the CI Type selected. |
Alerts Table This table lists all open, unsuppressed alerts associated with the selection in the upper table. Each row in the table is a different active alert. Select one or more rows, right-click to open the Alert popup menu and choose an action to perform on the alert(s): Details, Own, Suppress, Close, Annotate or Options. Use the sort
Own |
Click to assign an Owner for the selected alert(s). This button is only visible to users with Administrator privileges. This button is disabled when you select a gray row. |
Suppress |
Click to suppress the selected alert(s). This button is only visible to users with Administrator privileges. This button is disabled when you select a gray row. |
Close |
Click to close the selected alert(s). This button is only visible to users with Administrator privileges. This button is disabled when you select a gray row. |
Details |
Select an alert, right-click and choose Alert/Details to open the Alert Detail window and view alert details. Or, double-click an alert to open the Alert Detail window. |
Annotate |
Select one or more alerts, right-click and choose Alert/Annotate to open the Set Owner and Comments dialog and enter comments or change alert owner. |
Options |
Select an alert, right-click and choose Alert/Options to open the Alert Options dialog. This dialog is provided for customizing your own alert options. |
First Occ |
The date and time the alert first occurred. |
Last Occ |
The date and time the alert last occurred. |
Count |
The number of times the alert was generated. |
Sup |
When checked, the alert has been suppressed by a user. |
Owner |
The named owner assigned by the administrator. |
Alert Name |
The name of the alert. |
Primary Service |
The name of the Service with which the alert is associated. |
CI |
The CI alert source. |
Alert Text |
Description of the alert. |
AlertClass |
An optional alert field which can be used when integrating with other alerting systems. |
CompID |
An optional alert field which can be used when integrating with other alerting systems. |
TicketID |
An optional alert field which can be used when integrating with other alerting systems. |
TicketGroup |
An optional alert field which can be used when integrating with other alerting systems. |