The Alert Action Audit Trail display shows all user actions concerning alert management, including the name of the user who performed the action, the time the action was performed and what the action was. This display can help managers of the RTView Enterprise solution determine how and when user interactions have impacted the alert system and help manage users so that best practices for alert handling are maintained.
Fields and Data This display includes: |
Action Audit Conn OK |
The Alert Action database connection availability.
Time_Stamp |
The time the action was performed. |
User |
The log in name of the user who performed the action. |
Action_Type |
The type of action which was performed. |
Action |
The action which was performed. |
Target |
The alert ID on which the action was performed. |
Value |
Any value associated with the alert action. |
Alert_Name |
The name of the alert on which the action was performed. |
Alert_Index |
The index of the alert which identifies its source. |