
This section describes the rtvservers.dat configuration file which is used to manage your RTView Enterprise deployment and RTView Enterprise processes. This section includes:

The rtvservers.dat text file contains one or more RTView Enterprise configurations. An RTView Enterprise configuration is a group of servers that should be started together. For example, the configuration might include any of the following: a Data Server, Historian, HSQLDB database, and a Display Server (for a Web Deployment). The rtvservers.dat file is used when the following scripts are executed:

Single Configuration File

The following rtvservers.dat file, located in your project directory, contains a single RTView Enterprise configuration, named default.

default . dataserver rundata

default . historian runhist -ds

default . displayserver rundisp -ds

default . database rundb

Note: The last line in the rtvservers.dat file must end with a new line, or be followed by a blank line.

In this example, to start the default configuration type: start_rtv default or start_rtv all. To start a single server in the configuration, type start_rtv <Configuration Name> <Server Name>. For example: start_rtv default displayserver.

Each line has the following format consisting of four fields:

<Configuration Name> <Project Settings Directory Location> <Property Filter Identifying the Server> <Command>

<Configuration Name>

The name of the RTView Enterprise configuration (default in this example).

<Project Settings Directory Location>

The RTView Enterprise project settings directory location, relative to the location of the rtvservers.dat file (., the current directory, in this example).

<Property Filter Identifying the Server>

The property filter that identifies the server, which is the property filter under which the server’s JMX port is defined. By default, this is the server name, such as dataserver, displayserver and historian.


The script used to start the process. Valid values are:

  • rundata: Starts the Data Server.

  • runhist: Starts the Historian.

  • rundisp: Starts the Display Server.

  • rundb: Starts the HSQLDB Database.

Multiple Configuration File

When multiple configurations are specified in the rtvservers.dat file and they have different project settings directory locations, the all argument processes all the configurations. However, if the configurations have the same project settings directory locations, the all argument processes only the first configuration as the others are considered alternative configurations. Alternative configurations allow you to alternate between two configurations for a single RTView Enterprise deployment.

For example, the following rtvservers.dat file, located in your project directory/servers directory, contains two configurations, bwmon and emsmon. Note that the project settings directory locations differ (./bwmon and ./emsmon, respectively).

bwmon ./bwmon dataserver rundata

bwmon ./bwmon historian runhist -ds

bwmon ./bwmon displayserver rundisp -ds


emsmon ./emsmon dataserver rundata

emsmon ./emsmon historian runhist -ds

emsmon ./emsmon displayserver rundisp –ds

Because the project settings directory locations differ, you can use type start_rtv all to start both configurations. To start only the bwmon configuration, type: start_rtv bwmon. To start a single server in the bwmon configuration, type start_rtv <Configuration Name> <Server Name>. For example: start_rtv bwmon displayserver.