The following properties are available for the Monitor.
jmxsampleperiod |
Specifies the time interval, in milliseconds, used for polling MBean attributes and operations executed in data attachments if no poll interval is specified in the data attachment. The default is 10000 (10 seconds). The jmxsampleperiod property can be used to balance the overhead of requesting the data with the latency of the results. To avoid overloading systems, request data at a rate no faster than it can be produced by the system being monitored. See the Metrics Administration display to see the total time taken to obtain the JMX data. For details about using the jmxsampleperiod property when configuring node expiration modes, see Node Expiration Mode Substitutions. Because the Default Poll Interval is superseded by the General Update Period, the amount of time elapsed between MBean polls might be longer than the value entered. For example, if the General Update Period is 2000 milliseconds and the Default Poll Interval is 5000 milliseconds, MBean attributes and operations are polled every six seconds. |
Specifies a cache definition file. To load several cache definition files this property can be specified multiple times. New properties do not override previous values, they instead add one more file to the list. Example: |
sl.rtview.cmd_line |
Specifies options on the command line. When a new instance of this property is specified, the pre-existing values are not overridden. New properties concatenate its value to the command line. You can specify any valid command line option with a few exceptions. For example, you cannot add a new properties file with -properties, or add a property filter with -propfilter from within a property file. Example: |
sl.rtview.dataserver |
Specifies the default Data Server to connect to. This setting must match the Data Server port setting specified for the property. The default is //localhost:3278. Example: This property can also specify a named Data Server to connect to. The port used must match the port specified in the Data Server we are to connect to. Example: sl.rtview.dataserver=name=MISCMON-LOCAL;connect=//localhost:10123 |
sl.rtview.dataserver.port |
Specifies the Data Server port for client connections. This setting must match the data client connection port setting specified for the property. The default is 3278. Example: |
Specifies the data source to enable. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.charlimit |
Specifies the maximum number of characters per table column for the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database. The default is 255. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.compactiontimerinterval |
Specifies how often, in seconds, the aggregation engine checks for data to aggregate in the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database. The default is 5. Data aggregation reduces the amount of aged data stored in the Historian cache table. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.compactionverbose |
Specifies for the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database whether and how to output to the console. The default is 0. There are three options: 0 - No information is output to the console. 1 - Summary information is output to the console. 2 - Debug-level information is output to the console. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.driver |
Specifies the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database. Not enabled, by default. Use this property to change the default HSQLDB database (used for evaluation purposes) to a production Historian database. Example: sl.rtview.historian.driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver NOTE: To enable the database, uncomment this property in the file. |
sl.rtview.historian.index_history_tables |
Specifies whether to add indices when creating tables in the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database. true adds indices and false does not add indices. The default is true. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.noreset |
Specifies whether to clear the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database tables before storing new data. true does not clear the tables and false does clear the tables. The default is true. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.password |
Specifies the password for accessing the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database. When no characters are entered (for example, the password is blank, which is also a valid password. Valid values are according to the database engine. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.verbose |
Specifies whether to print a line to the console for each record that is stored in the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database. true prints a line for each record and false does not. The default is false. Example: |
sl.rtview.historian.url |
Specifies the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database URL. Not enabled, by default. Use this property to change the default HSQLDB database (used for evaluation purposes) to a production database. Example: sl.rtview.historian.url=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost:9099/rtvhistory NOTE: To enable the database, uncomment this property in the file. |
sl.rtview.historian.username |
Specifies the Historian (RTVHISTORY) database user login password. Not enabled, by default. Valid values are according to the database engine. Example: sl.rtview.historian.username=sa |
sl.rtview.jmx.jmx_minreconnecttime |
Specifies the amount of time that elapses, in seconds, before JMX attempts to reconnect. Default is 30. Example: sl.rtview.jmx.jmx_minreconnecttime=30 |
sl.rtview.jvm |
Specifies command line options for the Java Virtual Machine. For example, to allocate additional heap memory. Examples: NOTE: With the use of propfilters, Java applications can have different JVM configurations. |
sl.rtview.sql.dbretry |
Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, between attempts to reconnect to the database. The default is 40000. Example: sl.rtview.sql.dbretry=40000 |
sl.rtview.stylesheet |
Specifies a list of RTView Style definition files that determine the appearance of RTView displays (text sizes, fonts, colors and so forth). The default is rtv_darkstyles,rtv_flat. Example: sl.rtview.stylesheet=rtv_darkstyles,rtv_flat |
sl.rtview.sub |
Specifies to use a substitution. For details, see Substitutions. Example: sl.rtview.sub=$alertActionScript:my_alert_actions |