This section describes the format for Monitor properties in the file. All properties have the prefix sl.rtview which is followed by a property name = value pair: sl.rtview.<property_name>=:<value>. For example, to specify the Data Server port number globally:
Filters are available to apply limit the scope to which a property is applied. Filters precede the sl.rtview property prefix followed by a period (.): <property_filter>.sl.rtview.<property_name>=:<value>.
For example, to specify the Data Server port number to only proxy clients, we use the proxyclient filter:
The following Monitor property filters are predefined and apply automatically depending on what tool is being executed:
Filter |
Description |
agentsender |
Applies the property to the Agent sender Data Server. For example: |
collector |
Applies the property to the Data Collection Server. For example: |
dataserver |
Applies the property to the Data Server. For example: |
displayserver |
Applies the property to the Display Server. For example: |
historian |
Applies the property to the Historian. For example: |
maincollector |
This property filter applies to RTView EM installations. Applies the property to the main Data Collection Server. For example: |
mainreceiver |
This property filter applies to RTView EM installations. Applies the property to the Agent main receiver Data Server. For example: |
proxyclient |
Applies the property to the proxy client. For example: |
You can define your own property filters and use them as prefixes in your properties files. To select a property filter on the command line use the -propfilter argument. For example, to apply the AlertCollector filter: -propfilter: AlertCollector