The purpose of this section is to verify that your Monitor configuration (performed in earlier sections of this documentation) is operating properly before performing a full Web deployment.
These instructions assume you have a project directory, as described in Quick Start. The file is located in your project directory.
On Windows, use the standalone Monitor to test data acquisition from the cluster. For details about start_rtv, see Monitor Scripts.
Navigate to the projects\mysample directory of the Monitor installation directory.
Start the HSQLDB database by typing:
start_rtv default database
A command prompt window appears for the HSQLDB database.
Start the Viewer by typing:
start_rtv viewer -console
A command prompt window appears, followed by the Monitor application.
Inspect the messages that appear in the command prompt window for errors.
If there are no errors, the Cluster Overview display appears. Your Monitor configuration is operating properly. It takes at least two JMX retrieval cycles to obtain data and fully populate the displays. Proceed to full deployment as described in the section Starting the Monitor.
If there are errors they appear in the command prompt window, or display fields remain empty. Proceed to the next Step.
Perform the following steps:
Note the errors that occurred.
Terminate the Monitor.
Modify the configuration files as needed.
Restart the Monitor.
Repeat Steps 2 – 5 as needed to resolve any data acquisition issues.
Proceed to Starting the Monitor.
For details about start_rtv, see Monitor Scripts.
Navigate to the mysample directory.
Example: cd projects/mysample
Example: default database
Check the HSQLDB log file for errors. Example without errors:
cat hsqldb.log
[Thread[main,5,main]]: checkRunning(false) entered
[Thread[main,5,main]]: checkRunning(false) exited
Startup sequence initiated from main() method
Loaded properties from [/home/m/SLTest/rtvoc_55c1/projects/myocm/]
Initiating startup sequence...
Server socket opened successfully in 8 ms.
Database [index=0, id=0, db=file:DATA/alertdefs, alias=alertdefs] opened sucessfully in 452 ms.
Database [index=1, id=1, db=file:DATA/rtvhistory, alias=rtvhistory] opened sucessfully in 878 ms.
Startup sequence completed in 1341 ms.
2009-11-20 11:16:56.800 HSQLDB server 1.8.0 is online
To close normally, connect and execute SHUTDOWN SQL
From command line, use [Ctrl]+[C] to abort abruptly
Start the Data Server.
Example: default dataserver
Carefully inspect the Data Server log file, logs/dataserver.log, for Monitor and Coherence errors.
NOTE: Coherence can produce a large number of long messages making errors difficult to notice. Common errors at this stage are "class not found" errors due to missing JAR files, and incorrect or blocked ports.
If there are no errors, proceed to Starting the Monitor.
If there are errors proceed to Step 8.
Terminate the Data Server and correct any configuration errors found.
Example: default dataserver
Repeat steps 6 – 8 as needed until the Data Server output produces no errors.
Terminate the data server and HSQLDB and use “ps –ef | grep hsqldb” to find the HSQLDB process.