Alert Detail Table

Use this display to track and manage all alerts that have occurred in the system, add comments, acknowledge or assign Owners to alerts.

Each row in the table is a different active alert. Select one or more rows, right-click and choose Alert to see all actions that you can perform on the selected alert(s). Choose Alert / Set Filter Field to apply the selected cell data to the Field Filter and Search Text fields. Or enter filter criteria directly in the Field Filter and Search Text fields. Click Clear to clear the Field Filter and Search Text fields. Click Sort sort_table_icon.gif to order column data.




Row Color Code:

Tables with colored rows indicate the following:


red_indicator_light00199.gif Red indicates that one or more alerts exceeded their ALARM LEVEL threshold in the table row.

yellow_indicator_light00200.gif Yellow indicates that one or more alerts exceeded their WARNING LEVEL threshold in the table row.

green_indicator_light00201.gif Green indicates that no alerts exceeded their WARNING or ALARM LEVEL threshold in the table row.

Fields and Data

This display includes:


Alert Name Filter

Select from a list of alert types or select All Alert Types. Filters limit display content and drop down menu selections to only those items that pass through the selected filter's criteria. Therefore if no items match the filter, you may see nothing in a given display and may not have any options available in the drop-down menu(s).

NOTE: Filter selection is disabled on drill down summary displays.


Show Critical Alerts Only

If selected, only currently critical alerts are shown in the table. Otherwise, all active alerts are shown in the table.


Show Cleared Alerts

If selected, cleared alerts are shown in the table.


Alert Text Filter

Enter all or part of the Alert Text to view specific alerts. For example, High selects and displays all alerts that include High in the Alert Text. NOTE: Wild card characters are supported.


Owner Filter

Select the alert Owner to show alerts for in the table.




Shows alerts for all Owners in the table: Not Owned and Owned By Me alerts.


Not Owned

Shows only alerts without Owners in the table.


Owned By Me

Shows only alerts for the current user in the table.


Show Acknowledged Alerts

If selected, acknowledged alerts are shown in the table.



Total number of alerts.



Number of critical alerts.



Total number of alerts that are currently in a warning state.


Alert Settings Conn OK

The Alert Server connection state:

red_indicator_light00202.gif Disconnected.

green_indicator_light00203.gif Connected.


Alerts Table

This table lists all active alerts for the current filters.




The time (Java format) that the alert was activated.



A unique string identifier assigned to each activated alert.



When checked, this typically indicates that the alert has been resolved. An alert is automatically cleared when the value being monitored no longer in the alert threshold.



When checked, this typically indicates that the alert is being addressed.



The named owner assigned by the administrator.


Alert Name

The name of the alert. For a list of all alerts, see Alert Administration.


Alert Index

The IP address and port number for the source (application, server, and so forth) associated with the alert.


Alert Text

Descriptive text about the alert.



The severity of the alert:

0 = Normal

1 = Warning / Yellow

2 = Alarm / Red

The color for the alert severity is shown by the row in the alert table.



Name of RTView Data Server sending this data (or localhost).


Selected Alerts

Lists the alerts selected in the table.



Acknowledge One Alert

Select one alert from the Current Alerts table and click to acknowledge.



Acknowledge Multiple Alerts

Select one or more alerts from the Current Alerts table and click to acknowledge.



Set Owner and Comments

Select one or more alerts from the Current Alerts table and click to open the Set Owner and Comments dialog.



See Details

Select an alert from the Current Alerts table and click to open the Set Owner and Comments dialog.

These displays enable you to set alert thresholds, observe how alerts are managed, and view internal data gathered and stored by RTView (used for troubleshooting with SL Technical Support). Some of these displays may be read-only depending on your login. Displays in this View are: