All Caches displays present high-level cache performance metrics for the cluster. Use the All Caches displays to quickly assess total utilization metrics for all caches in the cluster.
All Caches Heatmap: Heatmap of caches by service where size represents Units and color represents Total Gets%.
Storage Nodes Cache Map: Heatmap of memory usage on storage nodes by service where size represents Units and color represents Units Used%.
Current Size Chart: Bar chart/table sorted by caches with largest size displays current size/capacity metrics.
Current Activity Chart: Bar chart/table sorted by caches with greatest activity displays current activity metrics.
Heatmap of cache size and activity organized by service: Size = Number of Units or Objects, Color = Percent of Total Gets.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Chart |
Toggle between heatmap view and chart view. |
Service |
Select a service to display. |
% |
Set the activity percentage that maps to the maximum color value. Percentages greater than this value map to the maximum color value. |
Use Objects Instead of Units |
Select to use Objects instead of Units for heatmap cell sizing and mouseover tool-tips. |
Log Scale (Activity) |
Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given process node; a darker shade is a larger value. The value of the Metric is displayed over the specified History for all process nodes in the selected Service. |
Storage Nodes: History Heatmap of Service Metric |
Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given storage node; a darker shade is a larger value. The value of the Metric is displayed over the specified History for all storage nodes in the selected Service. |
Cache Labels |
Select to display cache labels. |
Cumulative |
Select to show cumulative statistics for each cache. |
Heatmap of Caches organized by Service/Cache |
Activity heatmap where the activity metric is TotalGets. The levels of this heatmap are Service>Cache. The size of the cells is based on Units. The size of aggregate cells is based on the sum of the Units used by its component cells. The color of the cache cells is based on TotalGets. |
Heatmap of memory usage on all storage nodes organized by service: Size = Number of Units, Color = Percent of Units Used.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Host to Show |
Select a host to display. |
Memory Used% |
Set the memory used percentage that maps to the maximum color value. Percentages greater than this value map to the maximum color value. |
Service |
Select a service to display, or select All Services. NOTE: When you select a specific service, only data for nodes running that service is displayed. This enables you to view services that only run on a subset of nodes. |
Ignore High Units |
Select to remove High Units from calculations. This results in all caches having 100% units used. The color of cache cells represents units used instead of percent Units used when this option is selected. |
Log Scale |
Enable to use a logarithmic scale for the Y axis. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data. |
Cell Borders |
Select to display heatmap cell borders. |
Node Labels |
Select to display node labels. |
Heatmap of Nodes organized by Service/Cache |
A heatmap of memory usage. The levels of this heatmap are Host>Node>Service>Cache. The size of the cells is based on Units. The size of aggregate cells is based on the sum of the Units used by its component cells. The color of cache cells is based on the percent of Units used unless Ignore High Units is selected. |
Toggle between bar chart and table views that present the latest values of total objects and total nits for each cache in the selected service.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Table |
Toggle between chart view and table view. |
Service |
Select a service to display. |
Front |
Select for front tier, deselect for back tier. |
Cache Count |
Number of caches in the selected server. This is not available in the Table view. |
Current Size Chart |
Total Objects in each Cache summed over all Storage Nodes. This is the default view. Toggle between totals for Object Count and Units Used. Click the Table to view Current Size Table. Objects shows the total number of objects in this cache (Object Count). Units shows the highest number of units before evictions occur. Ignore High Units removes High Units bars from view. |
Current Size Table
Totals for each Cache over all Storage Nodes. Click Chart to view Current Size Chart. shortCacheName Abbreviated name of cache tier Front or back Objects Total number of objects in this cache Units Total number of units (typically bytes) in this cache LowUnits Low limit for cache evictions HighUnits Highest number of units before evictions occur Service Name of selected service(s). Name Full name of cache |
Toggle between bar chart and table views that present the latest values for activity metrics for each cache in the selected service.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Table |
Toggle between chart view and table view. |
Service |
Select a service to display. |
Front |
Select for front tier, deselect for back tier. |
Cache Count |
Number of caches in the selected server. This is not available in the Table view. |
Cumulative |
Select to show cumulative statistics for each node since the start of the node. |
Current Activity Chart |
Totals for Cache summed over all Storage Nodes. This is the default view. Toggle to Table view. Sort by: Objects shows the total number of objects in this cache (Object Count). Units shows the highest number of units before evictions occur. Ignore High Units removes High Units bars from view. |
Current Activity Table
Totals for each Cache over all Storage Nodes. Toggle to Chart view. Sort by: Cache Abbreviated name of cache tier Front or back Hits Total number of successful gets Misses Total number of failed gets Gets Total requests for data from this cache Puts Total data stores into this cache Hit% Ratio of hits to gets Service Service Name Cache Full Name Full name of cache |