All Nodes displays present high-level node performance metrics for the cluster. Use the All Nodes displays to quickly assess total utilization metrics for all nodes in the cluster.
All Nodes by Type/Host/Memory: Heatmap of caches by service where size represents Max Memory and color represents percent of Memory Used.
All Nodes CPU: Heatmap shows CPU utilization for all nodes in the cluster.
All Nodes Grid View: Grid view showing information about all nodes.
Communication Issues: Bar chart displays current communication issues for all nodes.
All Nodes - Detail: Table shows current detailed statistics for all nodes.
Invocation Service Detail: Table shows invocation service detail for all nodes.
Heatmap of nodes organized by Type and Host: Size = Max Memory, Color = Percent of Memory Used.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Nodes Type |
Select the type of node to display: Storage Nodes, Process Nodes or All Types. |
Memory Used% |
Set the memory used percentage that maps to the maximum color value. Percentages greater than this value map to the maximum color value. |
Heatmap of Nodes organized by Type/Host |
A heatmap of memory usage per host. |
Heatmap shows CPU utilization for all nodes in the cluster organized by Type and Host: Size = Max Memory, Color = Percent of CPU Used.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Node Type |
Select the type of node to display: Storage Nodes, Process Nodes or All Types. |
CPU Used% |
Set the CPU used percentage that maps to the maximum color value. Percentages greater than this value map to the maximum color value. |
Heatmap of Nodes organized by Type/Host |
A heatmap of CPU usage per host. |
This display shows a grid view of all of the nodes in the selected Node Type.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Node Type |
Select the type of node to display: Storage Nodes, Process Nodes or All Types. |
Host |
Select a host to display. |
Heatmap of Nodes organized by Type/Host |
A heatmap of CPU usage per host. |
The following icon is shown for each node in the cluster:
The icon describes the node:
Location (StoreNode04.VMXP-7) A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:
Id (4)
Host name or IP (vmpx-7)
Max megabytes (247)
Messages queued (0)
Meter and label indicating the percent of memory utilization(12.1%)
For storage nodes, the following are also shown (in the lower right portion of the icon):
Number of supported caches (13),
Number of objects (32,944)
Amount of memory used (8,935 K).
This display presents detail information about communication issues by node or group. Both bar charts show the same data as the Packet Detail table. Click on a bar in either chart to drill down to the Node Summary display for that node.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Node Count |
Number of nodes in the cluster. |
Packets Repeated Recently |
Total number of repeated packets since the last update. The update rate is set by the Reporting Period. |
Resent Recently |
Total number or resent packets since the last update. The update rate is set by the Reporting Period. |
Reporting Period |
Select period varying from 30 Seconds to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. |
Sort By |
Select Packets Sent, Packets Received, Sent Failure Rate or Received Failure Rate. |
Sent Failure Rate/Received Failure Rate by Node/Group |
Packets failed to be sent by each node. Packets failed to be received by each node. |
Packets Sent/Received by Node/Group |
Packets sent by each node. Packets received by each node. |
This display presents detailed information about each node. This display includes information from the Coherence ClusterNodeMBean for both storage and processing nodes. Select a node in the All Node Data table to drill down to the Node Summary display for that node.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Node Type |
Select the type of nodes for which to display data: Storage Nodes, Process Nodes or All Types. |
Host |
Select the host for which to display data, or select All Hosts. |
Node Count |
Number of nodes for which data is currently displayed. |
Total Avail MB |
Total available memory of all nodes in the cluster. |
Max |
Total max memory of all nodes in the cluster. |
All Node Types (MBean Detail Data)
Location A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:
Id The short member id that uniquely identifies this member.
Avail MB The amount of available memory for this node in MB.
Max MB The maximum amount of memory for this node in MB.
Pkts Sent The cumulative number of packets sent by this node since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta The number of packets sent by this node since the last update.
Pkts Rcvd The cumulative number of packets received by this node since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta The number of packets received by this node since the last update.
Pkts Rptd The cumulative number of duplicate packets received by this node since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta The number of duplicate packets received by this node since the last update.
Pkts Resent The cumulative number of packets resent by this node since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta The number of packets resent by this node since the last update.
Timestamp The date and time (in cluster time) that this member joined the cluster.
Pub Succ Rate The publisher success rate for this node since the node statistics were last reset. Publisher success rate is a ratio of the number of packets successfully delivered in a first attempt to the total number of sent packets. A failure count is incremented when there is no ACK received within a timeout period. It could be caused by either very high network latency or a high packet drop rate.
Rec Succ Rate The receiver success rate for this node since the node statistics were last reset. Receiver success rate is a ratio of the number of packets successfully acknowledged in a first attempt to the total number of received packets. A failure count is incremented when a re-delivery of previously received packet is detected. It could be caused by either very high inbound network latency or lost ACK packets.
Member The member name for this node.
Machine The machine name for this node.
Rack The rack name for this node.
Site The site name for this node.
Process The process name for this node.
Uni Addr The unicast address. This is the IP address of the node's DatagramSocket for point-to-point communication.
Uni Port The unicast port. This is the port of the node's DatagramSocket for point-to-point communication.
RoleName The role name for this node.
ProductEdition The product edition this node is running. Possible values are: Standard Edition (SE), Enterprise Edition (EE), Grid Edition (GE).
Send Queue The number of packets currently scheduled for delivery, including packets sent and still awaiting acknowledgment. Packets that do not receive an acknowledgment within the ResendDelay interval are automatically resent.
Packet Transmission Totals
Pkts Sent - Total cumulative packets sent by all nodes in the cluster since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta - Total packets sent by all nodes in the cluster since the last update.
Pkts Rcvd - Total cumulative packets received by all nodes in the cluster since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta - Total packets received by all nodes in the cluster since the last update.
Pkts Rptd - Total cumulative packets repeated by all nodes in the cluster since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta - Total packets repeated by all nodes in the cluster since the last update.
Pkts Resent - Total cumulative packets resent by all nodes in the cluster since the node statistics were last reset.
Delta - Total packets resent by all nodes in the cluster since the last update.
This display presents detailed information about invocation services. The data displayed here is queried from the Coherence ServiceMBean filtered to only display services of type Invocation. Click on a node in the table to drill down to the Node Summary display for that node.
Cluster |
Select a cluster to display. |
Host |
Select the host for which to display data, or select All Hosts. |
Invocation Service Information
Location A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:
name The name of the invocation service.
Running Indicates that the invocation service is running when checked.
CPU% The percent (%) of CPU used by the node.
Messages The number of messages issued by the service to the node in a given time period.
Delta The number of messages received by the node since the last update.
Requests The number of requests issued by the service to the node in a given time period.
Delta The number of requests received by the node since the last update.
RequestAverageDuration The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual synchronous request issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.
RequestMaxDuration The maximum duration (in milliseconds) of a synchronous request issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.
RequestPendingCount The number of pending synchronous requests issued by the service.
RequestPendingDuration The duration (in milliseconds) of the oldest pending synchronous request issued by the service.
RequestTimeoutCount The total number of timed-out requests since the last time the statistics were reset.
RequestTimeoutMillis The default timeout value in milliseconds for requests that can be timed-out (e.g. implement the interface), but do not explicitly specify the request timeout value.
TaskAverageDuration The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual task execution.
TaskBacklog The size of the backlog queue that holds tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the service pool threads.
TaskCount The total number of executed tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.
TaskHungCount The total number of currently executing hung tasks.
TaskHungDuration The longest currently executing hung task duration in milliseconds.
TaskHungTaskId The id of the of the longest currently executing hung task.
TaskHungThresholdMillis The amount of time in milliseconds that a task can execute before it is considered hung. Note that a posted task that has not yet started is never considered as hung.
TaskMaxBacklog The maximum size of the backlog queue since the last time the statistics were reset.
TaskTimeoutCount The total number of timed-out tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.
TaskTimeoutMillis The default timeout value in milliseconds for tasks that can be timed-out (e.g. implement the interface), but do not explicitly specify the task execution timeout value.
ThreadAbandonedCount The number of abandoned threads from the service thread pool. A thread is abandoned and replaced with a new thread if it executes a task for a period of time longer than execution timeout and all attempts to interrupt it fail.
ThreadAverageActiveCount The average number of active (not idle) threads in the service thread pool since the last time the statistics were reset.
ThreadCount The number of threads in the service thread pool.
ThreadIdleCount The number of currently idle threads in the service thread pool.
HostName Name of the host machine on which the service resides.
Throughput The amount of data (in kilobytes) that is transferred by the service to the node.