OC Administration

These displays allow you to manage your Oracle Coherence metrics, nodes and caches. Some of these displays might be read-only depending on your login credentials.

OC Metrics Administration

This display allows various statistics to be reset, so that cumulative data can be visualized more meaningfully. It is read-only unless you are logged in as admin or super.





Select a cluster to display.


The name of the JMX connection used to access the cluster data.

Reset Service Statistics

Click to reset the cumulative counts of the service statistics.

Reset Cache Statistics

Click to reset the cumulative counts of the cache statistics.

Reset Node Statistics

Click to reset the cumulative counts of the node statistics.

Reset Connection Statistics

Click to reset the cumulative counts of the connection statistics.

   Total MBeans Queried

Node MBeans    Total number of node MBeans queried.

Service MBeans    Total number of service MBeans queried.

Cache MBeans    Total number of cache MBeans queried.

Storage MBeans    Total number of storage MBeans queried.

JVM Platform MBeans    Total number of JVM platform MBeans queried.

Total    Total number of MBeans queried.

RTView Memory Utilization for Metrics History

By default, the Oracle Coherence Monitor stores several hours of data using in-memory tables.

Cache Metrics, # Rows     The number of table rows used by the Monitor to store cache metrics data.

Cache Metrics, Memory Used (KB)    The amount of memory (KB) used by the Monitor to store cache metrics data.

Node Metrics, # Rows    The number of table rows used by the Monitor to store node metrics data.

Node Metrics, Memory Used (KB)    The amount of memory (KB) used by the Monitor to store node metrics data.

Cluster MBean Servers


Click to open the Cluster MBean Servers display which lists the currently detected remote JMX management enabled MBean Servers in the selected cluster. If your MBean server goes down, use this display to find and choose a different available MBean server.

Total RTView JMX Query Time

Traces the t otal amount of time, in milliseconds, to query the monitoring MBeans from Coherence.

Time Range

Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00189.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00191.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00192.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.


Cluster MBean Servers

Access this display using the Cluster MBean Servers button in the OC Metrics Administration display.

View a list of URLs for all currently detected remote JMX management enabled MBean Servers in a cluster. Information displayed includes the hostname and IP address of the cluster node, and the port used for remote JMX management.





Select a cluster to display.


The name of the JMX connection used to access the cluster data.


The unique identifier for the MBean Server.


The name of the host for the MBean Server.


The IP address for the MBean Server.


The port number for the MBean Server.


A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as: member_name.machine.rack.site.


A list of JVM arguments in the Runtime JMX MBean's InputArguments attribute.


When checked, this connection is expired due to inactivity.

Management Settings

This display is read-only unless you are logged in as admin or super.





Select a cluster to display.

JMX Connection

The name of the JMX connection used to access the cluster data.

JMX Management Settings

Refresh Policy:

Select a refresh policy from the drop-down list.

refresh-expired    Each MBean will be refreshed from the remote node when it is accessed and the expiry delay has passed from the last refresh (same functionality as in pre-3.4 Coherence releases. This option is the default setting and is best used when MBeans are accessed in a random pattern.

refresh-ahead    MBeans are refreshed before they are requested based on prior usage patterns after the expiry delay has passed, reducing latency of management information with a minor increase in network consumption. This option is best when MBeans are accessed in a repetitive/programmatic pattern.

refresh-behind    Each MBean will be refreshed after the data is accessed, ensuring optimal response time. However, note that the information returned will be offset by the last refresh time.

refresh-onquery    Select this option if the refresh-on-query MBeanServer is configured.


Expiry Delay:

Duration (in milliseconds) that the MBeanServer will keep a remote model snapshot before refreshing.


Refresh on Query:

Specifies whether or not the refresh-on-query MBeanServer is configured. If so, then set the RefreshPolicy to refresh-onquery.


Refresh Time    The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.

Refresh Count*    The total number of snapshots retrieved since the statistics were last reset.

Refresh Excess Count    The number of times the MBean server predictively refreshed information and the information was not accessed. Delta values show the change in the counts within the most recent JMX retrieval period.

Refresh Timeout Count*    The number of times this management node has timed out while attempting to refresh remote MBean attributes.

Refresh Prediction Count*    The number of times the MBeanServer used a predictive (refresh-behind, refresh-ahead, refresh-onquery) algorithm to refresh MBean information.

Node Administration

This display allows the user to view and change settings for individual Nodes. It is read-only unless you are logged in as super. Click on the desired Node to select that Node. Change the data item in the bottom half of the display and press Return to make the change. All data on this display is queried from and set on the Coherence ClusterNodeMBean.





Select a cluster to display.

JMX Connection

The name of the JMX connection used to access the cluster data.

Current Settings for All Nodes

Location    A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as: member_name.machine.rack.site.

BufferPublishSize    The buffer size of the unicast datagram socket used by the Publisher, measured in the number of packets. Changing this value at runtime is an inherently unsafe operation that will pause all network communications and may result in the termination of all cluster services.

BufferReceiveSize    The buffer size of the unicast datagram socket used by the Receiver, measured in the number of packets. Changing this value at runtime is an inherently unsafe operation that will pause all network communications and may result in the termination of all cluster services.

BurstCount    The maximum number of packets to send without pausing. Anything less than one (e.g. zero) means no limit.

BurstDelay    The number of milliseconds to pause between bursts. Anything less than one (e.g. zero) is treated as one millisecond.

MulticastThreshold    The percentage (0 to 100) of the servers in the cluster that a packet will be sent to, above which the packet will be multicasted and below which it will be unicasted.

ResendDelay    The minimum number of milliseconds that a packet will remain queued in the Publisher`s re-send queue before it is resent to the recipient(s) if the packet has not been acknowledged. Setting this value too low can overflow the network with unnecessary repetitions. Setting the value too high can increase the overall latency by delaying the re-sends of dropped packets. Additionally, change of this value may need to be accompanied by a change in SendAckDelay value.

SendAckDelay    The minimum number of milliseconds between the queueing of an Ack packet and the sending of the same. This value should be not more then a half of the ResendDelay value

TrafficJamCount    The maximum total number of packets in the send and resend queues that forces the publisher to pause client threads. Zero means no limit.

TrafficJamDelay    The number of milliseconds to pause client threads when a traffic jam condition has been reached. Anything less than one (e.g. zero) is treated as one millisecond.

LoggingLevel    Specifies which logged messages will be output to the log destination. Valid values are non-negative integers or -1 to disable all logger output.

LoggingLimit    The maximum number of characters that the logger daemon will process from the message queue before discarding all remaining messages in the queue. Valid values are integers in the range [0...]. Zero implies no limit.

LoggingFormat    Specifies how messages will be formatted before being passed to the log destination

LoggingDestination    The output device used by the logging system. Valid values are stdout, stderr, jdk, log4j, or a file name.

nodeld    The short Member id that uniquely identifies the Member at this point in time and does not change for the life of this Member.

ProcessName    A configured name that should be the same for Members that are in the same process (JVM), and different for Members that are in different processes. If not explicitly provided, for processes running with JRE 1.5 or higher the name will be calculated internally as the Name attribute of the system RuntimeMXBean, which normally represents the process identifier (PID).

Selected Node(s)

Lists the nodes selected in the table.

Select All Nodes

Click to select all nodes.

Shutdown Node

Stop all the clustered services running at this node (controlled shutdown). The management of this node will node be available until the node is restarted (manually or by programming).

Ensure Cache Service

Ensure that a CacheService for the specified cache runs at the cluster node represented by this MBean. This method will use the configurable cache factory to find out which cache service to start if necessary. Return value indicates the service name; null if a match could not be found.

Ensure Invocation

Ensure that an InvocationService with the specified name runs at the cluster node represented by this MBean.

Cache Administration

This display allows the user to view and change settings for individual caches. It is read-only unless you are logged in as super. Click on the desired cache to select that cache. Change the data item in the bottom half of the display and press Return to make the change. The data on this display is queried from and set on the Coherence CacheMBean.





Select a cluster to display.


Select the service to display.


Select the cache to display.


Select for front tier, deselect for back tier.

Current Settings for all Nodes on Selected Cache

Location    A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:  member_name.machine.rack.site.

LowUnits    The number of units to which the cache will shrink when it prunes. This is often referred to as a `low water mark` of the cache.

HighUnits    The limit of the cache size measured in units. The cache will prune itself automatically once it reaches its maximum unit level. This is often referred to as the `high water mark` of the cache.

BatchFactor    The BatchFactor attribute is used to calculate the `soft-ripe` time for write-behind queue entries. A queue entry is considered to be `ripe` for a write operation if it has been in the write-behind queue for no less than the QueueDelay interval. The `soft-ripe` time is the point in time prior to the actual `ripe` time after which an entry will be included in a batched asynchronous write operation to the CacheStore (along with all other `ripe` and `soft-ripe` entries). This attribute is only applicable if asynchronous writes are enabled (for example, the value of the QueueDelay attribute is greater than zero) and the CacheStore implements the storeAll() method. The value of the element is expressed as a percentage of the QueueDelay interval. Valid values are doubles in the interval [0.0, 1.0].

ExpiryFactor    The time-to-live for cache entries in milliseconds. Value of zero indicates that the automatic expiry is disabled. Change of this attribute will not affect already-scheduled expiry of existing entries.

FlushDelay    The number of milliseconds between cache flushes. Value of zero indicates that the cache will never flush.

QueueDelay    The number of seconds that an entry added to a write-behind queue will sit in the queue before being stored via a CacheStore. Applicable only for WRITE-BEHIND persistence type.

RefreshFactor    The RefreshFactor attribute is used to calculate the `soft-expiration` time for cache entries. Soft-expiration is the point in time prior to the actual expiration after which any access request for an entry will schedule an asynchronous load request for the entry. This attribute is only applicable for a ReadWriteBackingMap which has an internal LocalCache with scheduled automatic expiration. The value of this element is expressed as a percentage of the internal LocalCache expiration interval. Valid values are doubles in the interval[0.0, 1.0]. If zero, refresh-ahead scheduling will be disabled.

Requeue Threshold    The maximum size of the write-behind queue for which failed CacheStore write operations are requeued. If zero, the write-behind requeueing will be disabled. Applicable only for WRITE-BEHIND persistence type.

nodeld    The node ID.

Selected Node(s)

Lists the nodes selected in the table.

Select All Nodes

Click to select all nodes in the table.

RTView Cache Tables

View data that RTView is capturing and maintaining. Drill down and view details of RTView Cache Tables. Use this data for debugging. This display is typically used for troubleshooting with Technical Support.

Choose a cache table from the upper table to see cached data.





This display shows details about the Solution Package version and data sources available to your system.
