Proxy Services

Proxy Services displays present detailed proxy server performance metrics for the cluster. Use the Proxy Services displays to quickly identify overloaded proxy services and locate the extend client connection causing the issue.

Proxy Services performance metrics include: CPU%, Requests, Request Average Duration, Request Pending Count, Task Backlog and Active Threads.

Proxy / Extend Overview

Heatmap shows performance utilization and a trend graph shows the total connections and total bytes transferred for all proxy services for the selected host or hosts.







Select a cluster for which to display data in the heatmap.



Click to open display that shows GC Duty Cycle for all the nodes in a cluster.



Select a metric for which to display data in the heatmap.



Alert Severity

The maximum level of alerts in the heatmap rectangle. Values range from 0 - 2, as indicated in the color gradient bar, where 2 is the highest Alert Severity:



Alert Count

The total number of critical and warning alerts in the heatmap rectangle. The color gradient bar, populated by the current heatmap, shows the value/color mapping. The numerical values in the gradient bar range from 0 to the maximum count of alerts in the heatmap. The middle value in the gradient bar indicates the average alert count.



Current Bytes Sent

Total number of bytes sent by the selected proxy in the time range specified.



Current Bytes Received

Total number of bytes received by the selected proxy in the time range specified.



Proxy CPU%

The average percent CPU utilization for the selected proxy.



Bytes Backlog

The number of pending bytes in the Extend outgoing queue.



Proxy Bytes Backlog

The number of pending bytes in the Proxy outgoing queue.




Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00050.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00052.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00053.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.



Total Connections

The number of extend clients connected to the selected proxy.

Proxy / Extend Connections

Table shows proxy services data, including connections, CPU usage and bytes sent and received, and a trend graph displays messages and bytes sent and received for the selected remote endpoint.

The table data is the result of joins of metric from the following Coherence MBeans: Service and ConnectionManager. For details on attributes of these MBeans go to:




Filter By:

The display might include these filtering options:



Select a cluster from the drop-down menu.


Proxy Services


A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:




The IP address of the host where the proxy service resides.



Alert Level

The maximum level of alerts in the row:

red_indicator_light00055.gif Red indicates that one or more exceeded their ALARM LEVEL threshold.

yellow_indicator_light00056.gif Yellow indicates that one or more exceeded their WARNING LEVEL threshold.

green_indicator_light00057.gif Green indicates that none have exceeded their alert thresholds.




Alert Count

The number of alerts in the row.




Indicates that the proxy service is running when selected.




The number of extend clients connected to the selected host or hosts.




The average percent CPU utilization for each proxy service in the cluster.



Bytes Sent

The number of bytes sent by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.




The number of bytes sent by the proxy service since the last data sample.




The size (in kilobytes) of the backlog queue.



Bytes Rcvd

The number of bytes received by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.




The number of bytes received by the proxy service since the last data sample.




The number of messages sent by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.




The number of messages sent by the proxy service since the last data sample.




The size of the backlog queue that holds messages scheduled to be sent by one of the proxy service pool threads.



Msgs Rcvd

The number of messages received by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.




The number of messages received by the proxy service since the last data sample.




The number of tasks performed by the proxy service since the last time the statistics were reset.




The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual synchronous request issued by the proxy service since the last time the statistics were reset.




Maximum duration (in milliseconds) of an individual proxy service request since the last time the statistics were reset.




The number of requests issued and received by the proxy service.




The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual task execution.




The size of the backlog queue that holds tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the proxy service pool threads.




The number of tasks performed by the proxy service since the last time the statistics were reset.




The total number of currently executing hung tasks.




The longest currently executing hung task duration in milliseconds.




The id of the of the longest currently executing hung task.




The duration (in milliseconds) that a proxy service task can execute before it is considered hung. Note that a posted task that has not yet started is never considered as hung.




The maximum size of the proxy service backlog queue since the last time the statistics were reset.




The total number of timed-out proxy service tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.




The number of pending proxy service requests.




The average duration (in milliseconds) that an individual proxy service request waits before being executed.




The total number of timed-out proxy service requests since the last time the statistics were reset.




The duration (in milliseconds) for a proxy service request to reach the specified timeout threshold.




The default timeout value (in milliseconds) for tasks that can be timed-out but do not explicitly specify the task execution timeout value.




The number of buffers in the incoming pool.





The number of abandoned threads from the proxy service thread pool. A thread is abandoned and replaced with a new thread if it executes a task for a period of time longer than execution timeout and all attempts to interrupt it fail.




The number of threads in the proxy service thread pool.




The number of currently idle threads in the proxy service thread pool.




The average number of proxy service active threads, not currently idle, since the last time the statistics were reset.




The average number of active (not idle) threads in the service thread pool since the last time the statistics were reset.





The average duration (in milliseconds) to perform a proxy service task since the last time the statistics were reset.




The maximum size of the backlog queue since the last time the statistics were reset.




The amount of data (in kilobytes) that is transferred by the proxy service.




The amount of data (in kilobytes) that is transferred from clients to the proxy service.




The amount of data (in kilobytes) that is transferred from the proxy service to clients.




The size (in kilobytes) of the proxy service incoming buffer pool.




The size (in kilobytes) of the proxy service outgoing buffer pool.




The number of buffers in the proxy service outgoing pool.




The unique identifier for the proxy service.




The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.




The name of the host where the proxy service resides.




A specified, unique name of the host where the proxy service resides.




The proxy service senior member id. If the proxy service is not running, it is -1.




The number of errors accumulated per second.




The shortest execution time of any process instance, in milliseconds.




The longest execution time of any process instance, in milliseconds.




The average execution time for all completed process instances, in milliseconds.




The amount of time accumulated this update cycle.




The amount of time accumulated per second.




The shortest elapsed time of any process instance, in milliseconds.




The longest elapsed time of any process instance, in milliseconds.




The average elapsed time for all completed process instances, in milliseconds.




The amount of elapsed time accumulated this update cycle.




The amount of elapsed time accumulated per second.


Selected Proxy

This field is populated by the selection made in the Proxy Services table.


Selected Endpoint

This field is populated by the selection made in the Remote Endpoint table.

Trend Graphs

Select a host from the Proxy Services table and a connection from the Remote Endpoint table. This table is populated by the selection made in the Proxy Services table.

Alert Level shows the maximum level of alerts in row:

red_indicator_light00058.gif Red indicates that one or more exceeded their ALARM LEVEL threshold.

yellow_indicator_light00059.gif Yellow indicates that one or more exceeded their WARNING LEVEL threshold.

green_indicator_light00060.gif Green indicates that none have exceeded their alert thresholds.

Msgs Received: Traces the number of messages received by the selected proxy service from the remote endpoint.

Msgs Sent: Traces the number of bytes received by the selected proxy service from the remote endpoint.

Bytes Received: Traces the rate at which the application is accumulating process execution time, in milliseconds per second.

Bytes Sent: Traces the number of executed activities per second.

All Activities Exec Time/sec: Traces the number of bytes sent by the selected proxy service to the remote endpoint.


Time Range

Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00061.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00063.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00064.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.


Proxy / Extend Detail

Table shows data for proxy services and extend client connection data, including remote endpoint, time stamp, connect time and outgoing byte backlog.




Select a cluster from the drop-down menu.

Proxy Services





A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:



The IP address of the host where the proxy service resides.



Indicates that the proxy service is running when selected.



The number of extend clients connected to the selected host or hosts.



The average percent CPU utilization for each proxy service in the cluster.


Bytes Sent

The number of bytes sent by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.



The number of bytes sent by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The size (in kilobytes) of the backlog queue.


Bytes Rcvd

The number of bytes received by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.



The number of bytes received by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The number of messages sent by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.



The number of messages sent by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The size of the backlog queue that holds messages scheduled to be sent by one of the proxy service pool threads.


Msgs Rcvd

The number of messages received by the proxy service since the proxy service joined the cluster.



The number of messages received by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The number of tasks performed by the proxy service since the last time the statistics were reset.



The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual synchronous request issued by the proxy service since the last time the statistics were reset.



Maximum duration (in milliseconds) of an individual proxy service request since the last time the statistics were reset.



The number of pending proxy service requests.



The average duration (in milliseconds) that an individual proxy service request waits before being executed.



The total number of timed-out proxy service requests since the last time the statistics were reset.



The duration (in milliseconds) for a proxy service request to reach the specified timeout threshold.



The number of requests issued and received by the proxy service.



The average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual task execution.



The size of the backlog queue that holds tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the proxy service pool threads.



The number of tasks performed by the proxy service since the last time the statistics were reset.



The total number of currently executing hung tasks.



The longest currently executing hung task duration in milliseconds.



The id of the of the longest currently executing hung task.



The duration (in milliseconds) that a proxy service task can execute before it is considered hung. Note that a posted task that has not yet started is never considered as hung.



The maximum size of the proxy service backlog queue since the last time the statistics were reset.



The total number of timed-out proxy service tasks since the last time the statistics were reset.



The default timeout value (in milliseconds) for tasks that can be timed-out but do not explicitly specify the task execution timeout value.



The number of buffers in the incoming pool.



The number of abandoned threads from the proxy service thread pool. A thread is abandoned and replaced with a new thread if it executes a task for a period of time longer than execution timeout and all attempts to interrupt it fail.



The number of threads in the proxy service thread pool.



The number of currently idle threads in the proxy service thread pool.



The average number of proxy service active threads, not currently idle, since the last time the statistics were reset.



The average number of active (not idle) threads in the service thread pool since the last time the statistics were reset.



The average duration (in milliseconds) to perform a proxy service task since the last time the statistics were reset.



The maximum size of the backlog queue since the last time the statistics were reset.



The amount of data (in kilobytes) that is transferred by the proxy service.



The amount of data (in kilobytes) that is transferred from clients to the proxy service.



The amount of data (in kilobytes) that is transferred from the proxy service to clients.



The size (in kilobytes) of the proxy service incoming buffer pool.



The size (in kilobytes) of the proxy service outgoing buffer pool.



The number of buffers in the proxy service outgoing pool.



The unique identifier for the proxy service.



The timestamp when this model was last retrieved from a corresponding node. For local servers it is the local time.



The name of the host where the proxy service resides.



A specified, unique name of the host where the proxy service resides.



The proxy service senior member id. If the proxy service is not running, it is -1.

 Extend Client Connections

Select a row from the Proxy Services table to populate client data in the table.



A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:



The IP address of the client.



The date and time (in cluster time) that this client joined the proxy service.


Connect Time (mins)

The duration (in minutes) the client has been connected to the proxy service.



The size of the backlog queue (in bytes) that holds outgoing bytes scheduled to be executed by one of the proxy service pool threads for the client.



The number of messages in the backlog queue that holds outgoing messages scheduled to be sent to the client by one of the proxy service pool threads.



The number of bytes received from the client by the proxy service since the client connected to the proxy service.



The number of bytes received from the client by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The number of bytes sent to the client by the proxy service since the client connected to the proxy service.



The number of bytes sent to the client by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The number of messages received from the client by the proxy service since the client connected to the proxy service.



The number of messages received from the client by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The number of messages sent to the client by the proxy service since the client connected to the proxy service.



The number of messages sent to the client by the proxy service since the last data sample.



The unique identifier for the extend client application.



The unique identifier for the proxy service the extend client is connected to.

Proxy Nodes History

Heatmap shows performance utilization, over time, for all proxy service nodes in the selected cluster. Use this display to assess performance, over time, for all proxy service nodes in a cluster. Analyze load distribution, check for bottlenecks and quickly identify proxy service nodes with high usage.





Select a cluster from the drop-down menu.


Select a metric from the drop-down menu.


Request Pending

The number of pending requests issued by the node.



Total number of connection for the node.


Refresh Milliseconds

The amount of time, in milliseconds, since the last data sample.


Delta Bytes Sent

Total number of bytes sent by the node since the last data sample.


Delta Bytes Rcvd

Total number of bytes received by the node since the last data sample.


Bytes Sent Per Second

Total bytes sent, per second, by the node.


Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00067.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00069.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00070.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.


 Enable MouseOver

Select this option to make details visible upon mouseover.

Log Scale

Enable to use a logarithmic scale for the Y axis. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data.

 Proxy Nodes Heatmap

Use the heatmap to view utilization trends for all Process and Storage nodes, over time, and quickly identify heavy usage, indicated by a dark color (by default, dark green). Look for a consistently dark horizontal line, which typically indicates constant high utilization. If this level of utilization is unexpected, consider performing a lower level analysis by viewing node details in the Node Summary display.

Use the mouseover tool-tip to see the node hostname and data for the selected metric.

Extend Connections History

Heatmap shows performance utilization, over time, for all extend connections in the selected cluster.





Select a cluster from the drop-down menu.


Select a metric from the drop-down menu.


Delta Bytes Sent

Total number of bytes sent by the node since the last data sample.


Delta Bytes Rcvd

Total number of bytes received by the node since the last data sample.


Delta Messages Sent

Total number of messages sent by the node since the last data sample.


Delta Messages Rcvd

Total number of messages received by the node since the last data sample.


Bytes Sent per Second

Total bytes sent, per second, by the node.


Bytes per Second

Total bytes received, per second, by the node.


Msgs Sent per Second

Total messages sent, per second, by the node.


Msgs Rcvd per Second

Total messages received, per second, by the node.


Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00073.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00075.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00076.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.


 Enable MouseOver

Select this option to make details visible upon mouseover.

Log Scale

Enable to use a logarithmic scale for the Y axis. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data.

 Proxy Nodes Heatmap

Use the heatmap to view utilization trends for all Process and Storage nodes, over time, and quickly identify heavy usage, indicated by a dark color (by default, dark green). Look for a consistently dark horizontal line, which typically indicates constant high utilization. If this level of utilization is unexpected, consider performing a lower level analysis by viewing node details in the Single Node - Summary display.

Use the mouseover tool-tip to see the node hostname and data for the selected metric.