Configure Alert Notification

This section describes how to configure alerts to execute an automated action (such as sending an email alert). To setup alert notification you select the event you want to notify on and then select the action to execute.

You set alerts to execute notifications based on the following events:

By default, a .bat script is executed for new alerts and on the first severity change for an alert. The script, by default, is not configured to execute an automated action. However, you can uncomment a line in the script that prints alert data to standard output. Or, you can modify the script to execute an automated action (such as sending an email alert). The following is a sample output from the alert command script:

----- Alert command script executed: DOMAINNAME=MYMON-1, ALERTNAME=someAlert, ALERTINDEX=alertIndex1~alertIndex2, ALERTID=1075, ALERTSEVERITY=2, ALERTTEXT=High Alert Limit exceeded current value: 100.0 limit: 80.0 #####

To configure Alert Notification:

  1. Open the RTView Configuration Application, select Alerts (in the navigation tree) and then the Alerts tab.

  2. Toggle on Enable Alert Notifications and select the Notification Platform type (Windows or Unix).

  3. Select an alert event that you want to notify on by clicking config_alertNotific00001.jpg next to the option.

  4. Alert Event Options

  5. Select the alert action(s) you want to execute.

  6. Alert Action Options


    Run a Script



    Execute Java Code



    Add Email Notification



    Send SNMP Trap



    Run Command String



    Conditional Filter


    You can choose multiple actions.

  7. Click icon_saveOk.gif to close the dialog and icon_save.gif (in title bar) to save your changes.

  8. Some alert notification actions require additional setup as described in the dialog for each action. See the descriptions of each action below for details on the dialogs and additional setup for each action.

  9. Click cui_requires_restart.gif to apply changes.