Output Data to Solace Broker

To send monitoring data to a Solace Broker do the following. The files you edit are located in the rtvapm/solmon/bin/config directory. No other configuration steps than those provided here are needed to output monitoring data to a Solace Broker. Refer to Solace documentation for additional information about the available message formats you can choose for sending the data.

  1. Define the Solace Brokers to monitor by editing the <primary> … </primary> section of the appliance_config_demo.xml file (this adds connection properties to the monitored Solace Brokers). Add as many <primary> … </primary> sections as brokers you want to monitor.

  2. Define the Solace Broker to receive monitoring data by editing the <mgmt.-msg-bus> … </mgmt.-msg-bus> section from the appliance_config_demo.xml file. You should define the message format for the data being transmitted by choosing one of the container factories: SempXmlFragmentFactory, .JsonMapFactory or StdMapFactory for SEMP, and JSON or standard message formats respectively.

  3. If the data to be polled isn't already defined in the preconfigured XML files, or you need additional poller groups for different monitoring options, do the following:

  4. Start StatsPump as follows:

In a Windows command prompt or UNIX terminal, go to the SolacePubSubMonitor/rtvapm directory and execute rtvapm_init.bat (Windows) or rtvapm_init.sh (UNIX).

Change directory (cd) to rtvapm/solmon/bin directory and execute the following in the order provided (if you change the order it will not execute properly):

[statspump|statspump.bat] config\pollers_sl.xml config\groups_sl.xml config\appliance_config_demo.xml

You should now see published monitoring data in the receiving Solace Broker.

You have finished configuration instructions to send monitoring data to a Solace Broker!