Verify HA Setup

Verify failover and failback configurations by looking for the following in the log files:

Note: If the PRIMARYHOST and/or BACKUPHOST environment variable(s) is/are not set, you will get the following error in the log files and HA will be disabled:

ERROR: Disabling HA because the PRIMARYHOST and/or BACKUPHOST environment variable is not set.

Primary Data Server Log File

[rtview] Starting as primary HA data server accessible via //primaryhostname:4178,//backuphostname:4178
[rtview] DataServerHA: connected to backuphostname:4178
[rtview] DataServerHA: run as primary server, backuphostname:4178 has lower priority than this server
[rtview] leaving standby mode

Backup Data Server Log File

[rtview] Starting as backup HA data server accessible via //primaryhostname:4178,//backuphostname:4178
rtview] entering standby mode
after failover (primary data server exits)
[rtview] DataServerHA: error receiving message: Connection reset (primaryhostname:4178)
[rtview] DataServerHA: becoming primary server, lost connection to primary server primaryhostname:4178
[rtview] leaving standby mode
after failback (primary data server comes back up)
[rtview] DataServerHA: resigning as primary server, got standby directive from other server primaryhostname:4178
[rtview] connected to primaryhostname:4178
[rtview] entering standby mode

Primary Historian Log File

[rtview] Starting as primary HA historian paired with backup historian at <backuphostname>:4122 
[rtview] ServerGroup: status of member <backuphostname>:4122 : primary, priority= 1, started=Wed Nov 14 12:56:01 PST 2018
[rtview] ServerGroup: primary server = local
[rtview] ServerGroup: becoming primary server

Backup Historian Log File

[rtview] Starting as backaup HA histoiran paired with primary historian at <primaryhostname>:4122 
[rtview] ServerGroup: status of member <primaryhostname>:4122 : primary, priority= , started=Wed Nov 14 12:56:01 PST 2018
[rtview] ServerGroup: primary server = <primaryhostname>:4122 
after failover (primary historian exits):
[rtview] error receiving message: (primaryhostname:4122 )
[rtview] ServerGroup: disconnected from primaryhostname:4122 
[rtview] ServerGroup: primary server = local
after failback (primary historian starts back up):
[rtview] ServerGroup: status of member primaryhostname:4122 : primary, priority= 2, started= Tue Nov 20 09:12:43 PST 2018
[rtview] ServerGroup: connected to primaryhostname:4122 
[rtview] ServerGroup: primary server = primaryhostname:4122 

Primary Display Server Log File

2018-11-19 14:08:09,366 INFO  main - [rtview] Starting as primary HA display server paired with backup display server on <backuphostname>

Backup Display Server Log File

2018-11-19 14:08:09,366 INFO  main - [rtview] Starting as backup HA display server paired with primary display server on <primaryhostname>