
These displays allow you to view the current and historical metrics for clients configured on a VPN. Displays in this View are:

Clients Table

View VPN clients configured on all brokers, a single broker, all VPNs or a single VPN. Each table row is a different VPN client connection. Use the drop-down menus to show All, Expired or Unexpired clients as well as All, Internal or Primary clients (processes that run on the broker under the Solace OS). Enter a string for Filter Client Name to show only clients with this string in their name.

By default, a subset of available metrics is shown. Use More Columns/Less Columns to toggle to the complete set of metrics available (and back to the subset).

This display is populated by two caches, SolClientsStats and SolClients. SolClientsStats provides most of the data. SolClients provides the static data. If the SolClients cache encounters an issue the static fields in this display are blank.

Search by clicking the right side of a column heading/Filter to open the Search, Sort and Choose Columns dialog:


Double-click a row to drill down and investigate in the Client Summary display.




Lists the name of the selected broker.



Lists the name of the selected VPN.


Client Name

The name of the client.


Alert Level

The maximum level of alerts in the row:

red_indicator_light00100.gif Red indicates that one or more metrics exceeded their ALARM LEVEL threshold.

yellow_indicator_light00101.gif Yellow indicates that one or more metrics exceeded their WARNING LEVEL threshold.

green_indicator_light00102.gif Green indicates that no metrics have exceeded their alert thresholds.


Alert Count

Total number of alerts for the client.


Slow Subscriber

This check box will be checked if the client consistently fails to consume their messages at the offered rate (which causes their egress queues to fill up).


Total Egress Flows

The total number of outgoing flows.


Total Ingress Flows

The total number of incoming flows.



The total number of subscriptions.



Subscription Msgs Rcvd

The total number of messages received from subscriptions.


Subscription Msgs Sent

The total number of messages sent from subscriptions.




Lists the type of alert.



Lists the amount of time the client has been up and running.


Client ID

Lists the client ID.


Client UserName

Lists the user name for the client.


Client Address

The IP Address of the client.


Client Profile

The client profile that is assigned to the client.


ACL Profile

The access control list profile to which the client is assigned.



Lists a description of the client.



Lists the platform of the client.


Software Version

The version of the platform.


Total Flows Out

The total number of outbound message flows for the client.


Total Flows In

The total number of inbound message flows for the client.


# Subscriptions

The number of subscribers connected to the client.


Add Sub Msgs Rcvd

The number of Add Subscription messages received.


Add Sub Msgs Sent

The number of Add Subscription Messages sent.


Already Exists Msgs Sent

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Assured Ctrl Msgs Rcvd

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Assured Ctrl Msgs Sent

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Total Client Msgs Rcvd

The total number of messages received by the client.


Total Client Msgs Sent

The total number of messages sent by the client.


Total Client Bytes Rcvd

The total number of bytes contained within the messages received by the client.


Total Client Bytes Sent

The total number of bytes contained within the messages sent by the client.


Total Client Msgs Rcvd/sec

The total number of messages received per second by the client.


Total Client Msgs Sent/sec

The total number of messages sent per second by the client.


Total Client Bytes Rcvd/sec

The total number of bytes contained within the messages received per second by the client.


Total Client Bytes Sent/sec

The total number of bytes contained within the messages sent per second by the client.


Ctl Bytes Rcvd

The number of control data bytes received by the client.


CTL Bytes Sent

The number of control data bytes sent by the client.


Ctl Msgs Rcvd

The number of control data messages received by the client.


Ctl Msgs Sent

The number of control data messages sent by the client.


Client Data Bytes Rcvd

The number of bytes contained within the data messages received by the client.


Client Data Bytes Sent

The number of bytes contained within the data messages sent by the client.


Client Data Msgs Rcvd

The number of data messages received by the client.


Client Data Msgs Sent

The number of data messages sent by the client.


Client Direct Msgs Rcvd

The number of direct messages received by the client.


Client Direct Msgs Sent

The number of direct messages sent by the client.


Client Direct Bytes Rcvd

The number of bytes contained within direct messages received by the client.


Client Direct Bytes Sent

The number of bytes contained within direct messages sent by the client.


Client Direct Msgs Rcvd/sec

The number of direct messages received per second by the client.


Client Direct Msgs Sent/sec

The number of direct messages sent per second by the client.


Client Direct Bytes Rcvd/sec

The number of bytes contained within the messages received per second by the client.


Client Direct Bytes Sent/sec

The number of bytes contained within the messages sent per second by the client.


Client NonPersistent Msgs Rcvd

The number of non-persistent messages received by the client.


Client NonPersistent Msgs Sent

The number of non-persistent messages sent by the client.


Client NonPersistent Bytes Rcvd

The number of bytes contained within the non-persistent messages received by the client.


Client NonPersistent Bytes Sent

The number of bytes contained within the non-persistent messages sent by the client.


Client NonPersistent Msgs Rcvd/sec

The number of non-persistent messages received per second by the client.


Client NonPersistent Msgs Sent/sec

The number of non-persistent messages sent per second by the client.


Client NonPersistent Bytes Rcvd/sec

The number of bytes contained within the non-persistent messages received per second by the client


Client NonPersistent Bytes Sent/sec

The number of bytes contained within the non-persistent messages sent per second by the client


Client Persistent Msgs Rcvd

The number of persistent messages received by the client.


Client Persistent Msgs Sent

The number of persistent messages sent by the client.


Client Persistent Bytes Rcvd

The number of bytes contained within the persistent messages received by the client.


Client Persistent Bytes Sent

The number of bytes contained within the persistent messages sent by the client.


Client Persistent Msgs Rcvd/sec

The number of persistent messages received per second by the client.


Client Persistent Msgs Sent/sec

The number of persistent messages sent per second by the client.


Client Persistent Bytes Rcvd/sec

The number of bytes contained within the persistent messages received per second by the client.


Client Persistent Bytes Sent/sec

The number of bytes contained within the persistent messages sent per second by the client.


Denied Dup Clients

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Denied Subscribe Permission

The number of denied subscription requests due to improper permissions.


Denied Subscribe Topic-ACL

The number of denied subscriptions to topics due to the fact that the client requesting was not on the Access Control List.


Denied Unsubscribe Permission

The number of denied unsubscribe requests due to improper permissions.


Denied Unsubscribe Topic-ACL

The number of denied unsubscribe requests to topics due to the fact that the client requesting was not on the Access Control List.


DTO Msgs Rcvd

The number of Deliver-To-One messages received by the client.


Egress Compressed Bytes

The number of compressed bytes contained within outgoing messages.


Ingress Compressed Bytes

The number of compressed bytes contained within incoming messages.


Total Ingress Discards

The total number of discarded incoming messages.


Total Egress Discards

The total number of discarded outgoing messages.


Total Ingress Discards/sec

The total number of discarded incoming messages per second.


Total Egress Discards/sec

The total number of discarded outgoing messages per second.


Keepalive Msgs Rcvd

The number of Keepalive messages received by the client.


Keepalive Msgs Sent

The number of Keepalive messages sent by the client.


Large Msgs Rcvd

The number of large messages received by the client.


Login Msgs Rcvd

The number of login message received by the client.


Max Exceeded Msgs Sent

The number of responses sent by the client informing the connected broker(s) that the number of the message(s) sent exceeded the maximum allowed.


Not Enough Space Msgs Sent

The number of responses sent by the client informing the connected broker(s) that the size of the message(s) sent exceeded the maximum allowable size, or that the message caused the client’s Local Spool Quota to exceed the maximum amount of space.


Not Found Msgs Sent

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Parse Error on Add Msgs Sent

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Parse Error on Remove Msgs Sent

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Remove Subscription Msgs Rcvd

The number of remove subscription requests received by the client.


Remove Subscription Msgs Sent

The number of remove subscription requests sent by the client.


Subscribe Client Not Found

The number of subscription requests for clients that were not found.


Unsubscribe Client Not Found

The number of unsubscribe requests for clients that were not found.


Update Msgs Rcvd

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Update Msgs Sent

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.



When checked, performance data about the client has not been received within the time specified.



The date and time the row of data was last updated.

Client Summary

View current and historical performance and utilization metrics for a single VPN client.

Select a broker, VPN and client from the drop-down menus. You can view the Client Type, the User Name, the Client ID, the associated Platform, the current Up Time, and additional information specific to the client. You can also view the total number of incoming and outgoing messages, as well as the number of incoming and outgoing persistent, non-persistent, direct, and discarded messages.

You can hover over the metric cards to see more performance metrics and also drill down to see even more detail by clicking on them.

The bottom half of the display provides current and historical performance metrics for the selected broker. The trend graph traces the performance metric you select: Ingress Flows or Egress Flows.

You can hover over the trend graph to see the values at a particular time. You can specify the time range for the trend graph and view data based on a log scale, which enables visualization on a logarithmic scale and should be used when the range in your data is very broad.

This display is populated by two caches, SolClientsStats and SolClients. SolClientsStats provides most of the data. SolClients provides the static data. If the SolClients cache encounters an issue the graphic elements that have no data are replaced with N/A.



Inbound Client Msgs /sec

The number of incoming client messages per second.


Outbound Client Msgs /sec

The number of outgoing client messages per second.


Ingress Discarded Msgs /sec

The number of discarded ingress messages per second.


Egress Discarded Msgs /sec

The number of discarded egress messages per second.


Inbound Client KB/sec

The amount of incoming data from the client in KBs per second.


Outbound Client KB/sec

The amount of outgoing data for the client in KBs per second.

Trend Graphs

Traces the sum of message processing for the selected client.

  • Total In Msgs/sec: The number of incoming messages (per second) for the client.

  • Dir-In Msgs/sec: The number of incoming direct messages (per second) for the client.

  • Persistent In Msgs/sec: The number of incoming persistent messages (per second) for the client.

  • Non Persistent In Msgs/sec: The number of incoming non-persistent messages (per second) for the client.


Log Scale

Select to enable a logarithmic scale. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data.


Time Settings

By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range, click the Time Settings cld_clockButton00103.gif and either:

  • choose a Time range from 5 Minutes to 7 Days in the drop-down menu.

  • specify begin/end dates using the calendar cld_calendarButton00104.gif.

  • specify begin/end time using the clock cld_clockButton00105.gif .


Toggle forward/backward in the trend graph per the period you choose (from the Time range drop-down menu) using arrows cld_time_settingsArrows00107.gif.

Restore settings to current time by selecting now cld_time_settingsNow00108.gif.





The description of the client.



When checked, performance data about the broker has not been received within the time specified.


Client Profile

The client profile that is assigned to the client.


Total Ingress Flows

The number of inflows coming to the client.


Persistent Msgs In/sec

The number of persistent incoming messages per second.


Persistent Msgs Out/sec

The number of persistent outgoing messages per second.


Last Update

The date and time of the last data update.



The number of critical alerts / warning alerts which also opens the Alerts Table.


Non Persistent Msgs In/sec

The number of non-persistent incoming messages per second.


NonPersistent Msgs Out/sec

The number of non-persistent outgoing messages per second.



If the VPN’s Local Status is Up, this field displays the length of time that the VPN has been up and running.



The client’s user name.


Direct In Msgs /sec

The number of non-persistent incoming messages per second.


Direct Out Msgs /sec

The number of non-persistent outgoing messages per second.