
These displays list data for one or more endpoints configured on a VPN. Displays in this View are:

Endpoints Table

View all endpoints configured on a VPN. Each row in the table lists the details for a specific endpoint.

By default, a subset of available metrics is shown. Use More Columns/Less Columns to toggle to the complete set of metrics available (and back to the subset).

Select a broker and VPN from the drop-down menus. Filter the table using the Show Ingress Config Status Down Only check-box checkbox00123.gif, use the Show drop-down menu to include All, Expired or Unexpired and use the Type drop-down menu to see All, Queues Only or Topic Endpoint Only.

When queue and topic from the same broker and VPN share the same name, -TE is appended to the topic name.

Search by clicking the right side of a column heading/Filter to open the Search, Sort and Choose Columns dialog:


You can click a column header to sort column data in numerical or alphabetical order, or double-click a row to drill down and investigate in the Endpoint Summary display.




Select All brokers or a particular broker.



Select All VPNs or a particular VPN.


Show Ingress Config Status Down Only

When checked, only shows endpoints configured on a VPN that currently have this status.



Select to show All, Expired or Unexpired endpoints configured on the VPN(s).



Select to show All, Queues Only or Topic Endpoint Only on the VPN(s).


Filter Endpoint Name:

Enter a string to limit list in the table.



The number of rows currently in the table.



The name of the VPN.



The name of the endpoint.


Alert Level

The current alert severity in the row.

red_indicator_light00125.gif Red indicates that one or more metrics exceeded their ALARM LEVEL threshold.

yellow_indicator_light00126.gif Yellow indicates that one or more metrics exceeded their WARNING LEVEL threshold.

green_indicator_light00127.gif Green indicates that no metrics have exceeded their alert thresholds.


Alert Count

The total number of active alerts for the endpoint.


Bind Count

The total number of binds connected to the endpoint.


Endpoint Type

The type of endpoint (either queue or topic).



Displays whether or not the endpoint is durable (checked) or non-durable (unchecked). Durable endpoints remain after an broker restart and are automatically restored as part of an broker’s backup and restoration process.


In Config Status

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Out Config Status

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.



Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Access Type

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Spooled Messages

The total number of spooled messages on the endpoint.


Spool Usage (MB)

The total spool usage consumed on the endpoint (in megabytes).


High Water Mark (MB)

The highest level of spool usage on the endpoint (in megabytes).


In Selector

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Out Selector

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.



When checked, performance data about the endpoint has not been received within the time specified.


Time Stamp

The date and time the row of data was last updated.

Endpoint Summary

This display allows you to view endpoint information, message data, and a trend graph for spooled messages for a specific endpoint configured on a VPN. Choose a broker, a VPN, and an endpoint from the drop-down menus, and use the Time Settings to “zoom-in” or “zoom-out” on a specific time frame in the trend graph.

This display is provided by default and should be used if you do not want to collect message spool data for specific VPNs. However, if you do want to configure message spool monitoring for specific VPNs, then you should use the Single Endpoint Summary Rates display instead, which is not included in the navigation tree by default.



Spooled Messages

The total number of spooled messages on the endpoint.


Spool Usage (MB)

The current spool usage consumed on the endpoint (in megabytes).


Spool Memory HWM MB

Refer to Solace documentation for more information



When true, performance data about the endpoint has not been received within the time specified.



Displays whether or not the endpoint is durable (checked) or non-durable (unchecked). Durable endpoints remain after an broker restart and are automatically restored as part of an broker’s backup and restoration process.


Bind Count

The total number of binds connected to the endpoint.

Trend Graphs

Traces the sum of metrics for the endpoint.

  • Spooled Msgs: The amount of spooled messages, in megabytes.

  • Cur Spool Usage: The amount of space used by spooled messages, in megabytes.


Log Scale

Select to enable a logarithmic scale. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data.


Base at Zero

Select to use zero (0) as the Y axis minimum for all graph traces.


Time Settings

By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range, click the Time Settings cld_clockButton00128.gif and either:

  • choose a Time range from 5 Minutes to 7 Days in the drop-down menu.

  • specify begin/end dates using the calendar cld_calendarButton00129.gif.

  • specify begin/end time using the clock cld_clockButton00130.gif .


Toggle forward/backward in the trend graph per the period you choose (from the Time range drop-down menu) using arrows cld_time_settingsArrows00132.gif.

Restore settings to current time by selecting now cld_time_settingsNow00133.gif.




Endpoint Type

The type of endpoint.


Egress Config Status

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Egress Selector Present

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Last Update

The date and time of the last data update.



The number of critical alerts / warning alerts which also opens the Alerts Table.


Access Type

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.


Ingress Config Status

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.



Ingress Selector Present

Refer to Solace documentation for more information.