TIBCO® RTView® for TIBCO ActiveSpaces®
Release Notes

Version 7.1.2 Release Notes


RE-29608: Ease of use enhancements for Alert notifications

A drop-down list of $alertValues was added to the Subject and Body fields of the email alert notification dialog in the Configuration Application.

RE-32360: Format the alert text to at most 2 decimal digits

The Alert Text in the Alert Table has been enhanced to format decimal values to 2 decimal digits.

RE-32861: Reduced PK_alertdef key index size for SQL Server

The VARCHAR limit of the ALERTINDEX column for the ALERT_LEVELS database table has been lowered from 2000 to 700 for SQL Server, which has a maximum key length of 900 for clustered indexes.

RE-33047: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with 20,000+ alerts

A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused the data server to throw an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, and then grow unresponsive, when removing rows from a cache table.

RE-33593: Log message when alert table limit is exceeded

The alert engine was enhanced to print a warning when the alert count limit is exceeded. In previous releases this warning was only printed when logging was enabled.

RE-33825: Enhanced alert interface to allow override for duration period

Alerting has been enhanced to support overriding the alert duration time per alert index. In previous releases, this was only settable at the top level of the alert and applied to all indexes. With this enhancement, each index can be assigned a different duration. To override the duration for an alert index, select the alert in the Alert Administration page and click on Override. For alert indexes that were overridden in previous releases before duration override was supported, the override duration is set to -1. This value indicates that the index will use the top level alert duration. Even if RTViewCentral is version 5.3 or above, duration overrides will not work against RTViewDataServer installations older than 5.3.

RE-33901: Alert event type now transmitted in SNMP alert notifications

SNMP alert notifications have been enhanced to include a new field named rtviewAlertNotifType. This contains one of the following strings which identifies the notification type: NEW_ALERT CLEARED_ALERT RENOTIFY_ON_TIMER FIRST_SEV_CHANGE Upgrade Notes ============ The MIB definition in rtvapm\common\lib\SL-RTVIEW-EM-MIB.txt has changed to include the new field. If you are upgrading from a previous release that sent snmp notifications, you will need to update the MIB in your snmp receiver.

RE-34829: Fixed problem in alert notification configuration

In previous releases, email alert notifications with hard returns in the email body were sometimes formatted incorrectly by the Configuration Application. This resulted in the email notification failing to execute. This has been fixed.

RE-36351: New mechanisms added for alert engine disabling

Two mechanisms for enabling and disabling the alert engine of a data server have been added. 1) An "Alert Engine Admin" item has been added the Admin tab in the html ui. It opens a display that allows an administrator to enable or disable the alert engine on each data server. The display contains a table with one row for each data server. In an rtview-central deployment, the user can select one or more rows in the table and then click the Enable / Disable Alert Engine buttons below the table. In a standalone deployment, there is only one row in the table so the user can simply click the button without selecting the row. After clicking the Enable or Disable button a confirmation dialog appears. If the user clicks OK, a command to enable/disable alerting is sent to the selected data servers. The display should update within 5 seconds or so to show the new status in the Alert Engine Enabled column. 2) A sample rtview app has been added to rtvapm\sampleapps\alertenabler. Once built and configured, this app can be used via a cron job or Windows Scheduler to enable and/or disable the alert engine on a schedule. Refer to rtvapm\sampleapps\alertenabler\README.txt for more information. Note that disabling the alert engine on a data server does not clear existing alerts, it simply halts any further alert processing on that server. No new alerts will be generated by that server until its alert engine is re-enabled. When a data server is restarted, its alert engine is always re-enabled.

RE-36355: Alert commands can now be restricted to browser tabs with current login

The rtvquery servlet now supports a property to prevent CSRF attacks targeting RTView commands. To enable this feature, change this line in rtvquery.properties: EMCommandAuth=false to this: EMCommandAuth=true This restricts execution of commands to browser tabs in which the monitor UI is loaded and the user has the rtvadmin or rtvalertmgr role. Requests from other browser tabs are rejected, with 401 status (if unauthorized user) or with 403 (if missing UI's xsrf token).

RE-36431: Corrected MIB file for EM alert notification via snmp

The file rtvapm/common/lib/SL-RTVIEW-EM-MIB.txt has been changed to specify the correct OID for the rtviewAlert trap sent by EM for alert notification via SNMP. The correct OID is . and that is now specified in the file. (Previously an incorrect OID of . was specified in the file).


RE-30986: Alert Overrides: Allow adding overrides filtering out indexes by pattern

The Alert Overrides Admin display in the HTML UI now allows multiple selection in the table. Multiple rows can be selected to create/edit/remove overrides to many rows at once. NOTE: Even if RTViewCentral is version 5.3 or above, multiple selection will not work against RTViewDataServer installations older than 5.3. The Alert Overrides Admin display now contains a pattern/RegEx filter to manage the contents of the table. The search string or RegEx is applied against the concatenation of all indexes shown in the table. That means a pattern or RegEx can be designed to search on all the index columns at once. For instance, rows containing 'conn1' in the first index and 'abc' in the second index can be found with the pattern '*conn1*abc*' or the RegEx 'conn1.+abc'.


RE-22622: Classpath fields now check if path ends with .jar before adding /*

The Configuration Application has been enhance to handle .jar file names in the Classpath Directory fields for all solution packages. In previous releases, these were incorrectly used as directory names.

RE-30470: Display server tab removed from Configuration Application for some products

The Configuration Application for SolacePubSubMonitor and TIB_rtview-as Monitor have been enhanced to remove the Display Server tab as it is not used by those products.

RE-31106: Fixed errors in Configuration Application for TIBCO ActiveSpaces (4.1+)

In the Configuration Application, the Solution Package for TIBCO Active Spaces (4.1+) did not correctly set the default values, nor did changes to its fields enable the Save button. These issues have been fixed.

RE-31177: Changes to alert notification Java Commands were not saved the first time

A change was made to ensure that alert notifications using the default Java type do not contain blank entries in the properties file.

RE-33050: Restore scroll position after closing dialog in Config UI

The Configuration Application has been enhanced to restore the scroll position after opening a dialog on the following pages: - Alerts - Databases - Security - Apache Kafka CONNECTIONS - Solace CONNECTIONS

RE-33399: Added controls for securing data server connections using ssl without certs to the Configuration Application

The Security tab in the Configuration Application has been enhanced to include options for securing the client and receiver ports via SSL. When enabled, these ports are secured via SSL and all data is encrypted using an anonymous cipher. However, no certificate is used to perform SSL authentication and therefore the client and server do not verify each other's identities. RTViewCentral does not open a receiver port and therefore only has the option to secure the client port.

RE-33402: Default text now editable in Configuration Application

The behavior of the default value in text entry fields in the Configuration Application has been enhanced. Text entry fields that are set to the default value show the default value in gray to indicate that it is the default. When you click on it, the text now becomes editable to make editing default values easier. To return to the default, delete the edited text.

RE-35499: Browser now loads Configuration Application when mime-type checking enabled

A problem has been fixed in the rtvadmin Config UI which prevented it from loading if the web server enables strict MIME-type checking (i.e. if the X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header is set).

Data Historian

RE-2595: Historian now creates table dynamically when other catalog/schema has table of same name

Previously, under certain circumstances, the historian would not correctly dynamically create tables for historical data. With a JDBC driver jar that supports Java 1.7+ and implements Connection.getSchema() for the database in use, this is no longer the case. Note: if you cannot obtain a JDBC driver jar that supports Java 1.7+ and implements Connection.getSchema() for the database in use, using the provided SQL scripts to create tables for a SP (Solution Pack), removes the need for the historian to dynamically create tables.

RE-33654: Historian continues writing to database after connection is lost and restored

A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused the historian to stop storing data after the database connection was lost and then restored.

RE-33655: Improved Historian insertDataIntoDbTable performance for prepared statements

The performance of the historian has been improved. It now performs commits on batches of inserts, as defined by the historian's cache_size property, rather than one commit per insert. This reduces overhead in some databases. Also, in verbose mode a message is logged for each such commit as follows: ... committing the following number of records from cache: <N>, msec = M This matches the behavior of the historian before prepared statements were supported in release 4.2.

RE-35671: Historian compaction no longer stops if database connection drops

A problem has been fixed in the historian where the compaction thread was terminated because of a NullPointerException thrown if the database connection was lost, preventing any subsequent compaction until the historian was restarted.

Data Sources

RE-33476: New database ping feature added to SQL data source

An option named "dbping" has been added to the SQL data source. It can be used to specify a simple SQL query to be run periodically on a specified database connection. This is intended to keep the database connection alive on systems where idle connections are closed, for example by a firewall between the host running RTView and the database server's host. Typically a simple database vendor-specific query would be used for this purpose. For example: Oracle: SELECT 1 FROM DUAL SQL Server: SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SYSOBJECTS MySQL: SELECT 1 The dbping option can be enabled in the OPTIONS.ini file as follows: dbping name=N;interval=I;query=Q N = the database connection name (required) I = ping interval in seconds (optional, default = 300) Q = sql query for ping (required) For example: dbping name=MyOracleDB;interval=120;query=SELECT 1 FROM DUAL As with all periodic sql queries in RTView, the query is not guaranteed to be performed at the exact interval specified but within a few seconds. For deployments which use RTView properties files, the dbping option is specified as follows: sl.rtview.sql.dbping=name=N;interval=I;query=Q where: N = the database connection name (required) I = ping interval in seconds (optional, default = 300) Q = sql query for ping (required) For example: sl.rtview.sql.dbping name=MyOracleDB;interval=600;query=SELECT 1 FROM DUAL In RTView Enterprise and TIBCO RTView monitors, the dbping property can be added on the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab of the Configuration Application. For example, the following could be specified for use on the RTView history database connection for an Oracle database: Name: sl.rtview.sql.dbping Value: name=RTVHISTORY;interval=600;query=select 1 from DUAL Filter: dataserver

Display Server

RE-36318: Corrected unnecessary rebuild of table object on first update

In prior releases, the thin client would sometimes rebuild a table object unnecessarily, shortly after the display was loaded. This could cause the table's scrollbars, column sizes, etc to revert to their initial states if the user had changed them in the meantime. This problem has been fixed.


RE-31851: sl.log4j.properties copied to projects

The sl.log4j.properties file, which controls the logging settings, is now included under the projects directory. In previous releases, this file was only available under rtvapm\common\conf and users were instructed to modify it there or to copy it to their project directory. As of this release, changes to the logging must be configured in the projects\sl.log4j.properties file, not in rtvapm\common\conf\sl.log4j.properties. This was done as part of a larger project to make upgrading easier in version 5.0+ by limiting user changes to files under the projects directory. Upgrade Notes For upward compatibility, if the projects\sl.log4j.properties file is not found, the rtvapm\common\conf\sl.log4j.properties file will be used instead. However, users upgrading from previous versions who have modified the logging settings should apply their logging changes to the sl.log4j.properties file in projects instead of the copy under rtvapm\common\conf in order to make it easier to upgrade to future releases.

RE-34588: Updates to external libraries used by Configuration Application and CDD

The libraries used by the Configuration Application and CDD were updated to the following versions: - angularjs 1.8.0 - angular-material 1.2.1 - jquery 3.5.1 - bootstrap 4.5.2 - angular-material-icons 0.7.1

RE-34995: Updated HTML UI to jQuery v3.5.1

The version of the jQuery library in the html ui has been updated to 3.5.1. This is a minor change from the previous version, 3.4.1.

RE-35486: Third party software notices migrated to in-product file

Third Party Software notices and licenses have been made available from within the product download as LICENSES_party.txt.

RE-35747: jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar added to common\lib\ext

All RTView applications now include jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar on the classpath, to support functionality deprecated between Java 8 and Java 11. Previously this library was only referenced by the Solace monitoring applications

RE-36265: Remove iText libraries from gmsjext.jar

The external libraries used for creating PDF reports from RTView displays have been removed from gmsjext.jar and ext_jars.zip. For products that still include Classic displays (RTView Core, RTView Enterprise, and some standalone monitors), these libraries are packaged in gmsjextpdf.jar and ext_jars_pdf.zip. The external libraries used for PDF export capability, iText and iTextAsian, can trigger security warnings due to a High Severity CVE (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2017-9096) which "might allow remote attackers to conduct XML external entity attacks via a crafted PDF". These libraries do not pose a genuine security risk as they are used within RTView. The only PDFs that are handled by iText in RTView are those generated from customer displays, and therefor there is no mechanism to exploit the vulnerability with a "crafted PDF". Users who do not need to use the PDF export or reporting capability, and who would like to remove any library that raises alarms in a security scan, can remove gmsjextpdf.jar from the lib directory.

RE-36282: Upgraded log4j from 1.2 to 2.17.1

The version of Apache Log4j used by RTView has been upgraded from version 1.2 to 2.17.1. Although there were no known security issues in version 1.2 that affected RTView, it is no longer aupported by Apache. This upgrade does not affect how Log4j is used by RTView or any of its options related to Log4j. However, the syntax used in a Log4j properties file was changed extensively by Apache in version 2. The sl.log4j.properties file distributed with RTView has been changed to use the version 2 syntax. If, in previous RTView versions, you customized that file or specified your own custom log4j properties file (e.g. using the "log4jprops" option), you'll need to remake those customization using the version 2 syntax. If RTView detects that a log4j properties file with version 1 syntax, the properties file is ignored and RTView logs this message: Ignoring: [filename], log4j v1 syntax is no longer supported. An RTView Enterprise. Solace PubSub Monitor, or TIBCO RTView for X deployment will then attempt to use RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf/sl.log4j.properties. An RTVIew Core deployment will then attempt to use RTV_HOME/lib/sl.log4j.properties. If those files also contain Log4j version 1 syntax, logging will be disabled. ===================================== In an RTView Enterprise. Solace PubSub Monitor, or TIBCO RTView for X deployments: As mentioned above, the default Log4j properties file is sl.log4j.properties and is found in the projects folder and also in RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf. In addition, the default config behavior has been changed: In this release by default messages are appended to the existing logs/X.log file ((where X is "dataserver", or "historian", etc depending on the name of the server) until it reaches a size of 50MB. Then it is renamed to X.log.N (where N = 1 - 9) and a new empty X.log file is created. So at any time the logs directory may contain X.log (newest, up to 50MB in size), and X.log.N where N = 1 - 9, each approx 50 MB, where 1 is the oldest and 9 is the newest. Once N = 9 is reached, on the next rollover X.log.1 is deleted and each remaining X.log.N is renamed to X.log.N-1. As in previous releases, you may customize the sl.log4j.properties in the projects folder but should not change the version in RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf. However, note that the default Log4j properties described above is different and more sophisticated than the default in prior releases (which simply discarded the previous log file at startup, but put no limit on how large the log file could grow). The new default behavior is more likely to be useful in production deployments, so customization may not be needed. ==================== In an RTView Core deployment The default Log4j properties file is sl.log4j.properties and is found in RTV_HOME/lib. It enables a "Rolling File Appender" that logs messages to a file named rtview.log. When the file reaches 10MB in size it is renamed to [app].log.1 and a new [app].log file is opened. A "Console Appender" is also enabled that logs messages to the application's console window (stdout), if any. Note that log4j is disabled by default in rtview core, as in prior releases.

RE-36312: Added jakarta.activation-1.2.2.jar to support Send Email command with Java 9+

The jakarta.activation-1.2.2 libraries have been added to the distribution to replace functionality that was removed from Java 9 and later. This functionality is required for the Send Email command

RE-36377: Updated jackson libraries to 2.14.2

The Solution Package for TIBCO FTL and the deliverable for TIBCO RTView for TIBCO ActiveSpaces have been updated to use v2.14.2 of the Jackson libraries. Previously these used v2.11.0 The Solution Package for Solace Monitor and the deliverable for Solace PubSub Monitor have been updated to use v2.14.2 of the Jackson libraries. Previously these used v2.11.0

RE-36469: Update Jetty to 9.4.51

The version of Jetty has been upgraded from 9.4.44 to 9.4.51. Users should not see any change in behavior.


RE-29684: Support form-based auth in HTML UIs

The user login mechanism has been enhanced: 1) The login prompt now uses a page with product branding, rather than the generic popup window. 2) The user can now logout without closing the browser. The appearance of the top banner on the login page varies by product: - For rtview-central and rtview-manager, the banner is dark blue and contains the SL logo and text "RTView© Login" - For rtview-*-rtvadmin (Config UI), the banner is dark blue and contains the SL logo and text "RTView© Project Configuration - Login" - For Tibco-branded UIs (rtview-emsmon, rtview-bwmon, rtview-tdgmon), the banner is medium blue and contains the text "TIBCO(tm) RTView©" - For rtview-solmon, the banner is a black-gray gradient and contains the Solace logo and text "PubSub+ Monitor" In all cases the browser tab title is simply "Login" with no favicon. Logout is performed by clicking on the user name in the top right corner of the UI and then confirming in a popup window. After logging out, a page appears containing the text "Logged out" and a link to return to the login page. Note that closing the browser tab does not perform a logout, so navigating to the UI in another tab afterwards in the same browser will not result in a login prompt. This is by design. If the UI is deployed using tomcat, and if you log in to the rtview UI (e.g. rtview-central) in one tab as rtvuser and then open the configuration tool (e.g. rtview-central-rtvadmin) in a second tab, you'll see the following: You don't have the required role to view this page. Click here to login as a different user. This occurs because the configuration tool requires the rtvadmin role. If you click the link, you'll be logged out in all tabs and can then log back in as a user with the rtvadmin role.

RE-30560: Merge memory and jmx jvm arguments instead of appending them

The jvm argument handling has been enhanced to produce a simpler command line output. In previous releases, both the default and the project specific values for the following jvm arguments were included in the command line: -Xmx -Xms -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote.* This did not cause any functional changes as the last (right-most) value in the command line takes precedence. However, it made the command output confusing to users who were trying to determine which jvm argument values were in use based on the process command. The jvm argument handling has been enhanced so that only one value (previously, the right-most value) is output for the above jvm arguments.

RE-31757: Improved visibility of button to hide navigation panel

The background color of the "<<" button in bottom left corner of the UI (which hides the navigation panel) is now a darker gray color than the nav panel's background, to make it more obvious when it overlaps with items in the navigation tree.

RE-32250: Custom property to hide SSL truststore and keystore passwords in process list

SSL credentials (assigned on the Security tab of the config UI) appear in plain text in the output of the ps and jps commands. If required by security audits, this can be prevented by adding a custom property as follows: Name: sl.rtview.jvm Value: -Drtv.hidesslprops=true Comment: hide ssl properties in ps/jps output The custom property should be configured on each data server on which SSL Credentials have been configured.

RE-33545: Added export to excel and copy cell value options to common cache viewer

The common cache viewer has been enhanced to support Export to Excel and Copy Cell Value options on the table. The common cache viewer is hosted in Jetty at http://localhost:XX70/common where XX is the port prefix for your data server.

RE-34506: Trend graphs no longer change size when selector changes

In previous releases, displays containing a trend graphs sometimes resized incorrectly such that the trend graph partially obscured other objects on the display. This has been fixed.

RE-35238: Verify JAVA_HOME valid and print a clear error in the console and leaves console open

If the java executable is not found, because 1. java is not on the path, or 2. JAVA_HOME is not defined or not valid, or 3. java is on the path or JAVA_HOME is defined and valid but the java executable is not found for some other reason, then the various start scripts (start servers, start server, start_collector etc.) will print the following message, and if on Windows pause: "ERROR: java not found. Ensure that Java is installed and include the location of java in your PATH or set your JAVA_HOME to your Java installation." If the java version is less than the minimum required version then the various start scripts (start servers, start server, start_collector etc.) will print the following message, and if on Windows pause: "ERROR: found java version 7, minimum required is version 8."

RE-36220: Removed "DevTools failed to load source map" errors in js console

In previous releases, three error messages starting with "DevTools failed to load source map" appeared in the browser's javascript console when the html UI was first opened. This has been fixed.

RE-36356: Improved security for admin displays

For improved security the following displays have been moved from assets/packages/common to assets/packages/admin: Alert Administration (rtv_alerts_admin_table.html) Alert Overrides Admin (rtv_alerts_admin_overrides.html) Component Alert Configuration (rtv_alerts_admin_detail.html) CMDB Admin (rtv_cmdb_admin.html, rtview-central only) Any existing browser bookmarks to those displays should be updated or recreated.

Platform Support

RE-31501: Deprecate support for Sybase database

RTView no longer supports Sybase database.

RE-33550: Added support for AdoptOpenJDK 8

RTView now supports AdoptOpenJDK 8

RE-33660: Support added for MS SQL Server 2019

MS SQL Server 2019 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise Central Servers. SQL Server 2008 and 2014 are no longer officially supported. The Solution Package for MS SQL Server now also supports monitoring MS SQL Server 2019. Note that the user account used in the connection string must have the View Server State permission assigned to them in the server properties. See your MS SQL Server documentation for more information on this setting.

RE-34366: Support for Java 11

The Monitor now supports Java 11, including the OpenJDK and AdoptOpenJDK implementations.

RE-34576: Support added for MySQL 8.0

MySQL 8.0 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise Central Servers. Official support for MySQL 5.5 has been removed.

RE-34747: Support for Oracle 19

Oracle 19 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise Central Servers. Support for older versions of Oracle has been deprecated.

RE-34852: Drop support for Solaris 10

Solaris 10 is no longer supported

RE-34854: Drop support for Windows 8

Windows 8 is no longer supported.

RE-34855: Drop support for IBM AIX

The IBM AIX platform is no longer supported.

RE-35426: Red Hat enterprise Linux 8.x supported

RTView now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x. Support for 6.x has been deprecated.

RE-36323: Support for Oracle Java 17 and OpenJDK 17

Oracle Java 17 and OpenJDK 17 are now supported.

RE-36331: Support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022

Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 have been added to the list of supported platforms.


RE-31879: Enhanced update_wars with option to secure rtvquery servlet

If the update_wars scripts are called with the new argument "-secure" then the rtvquery war will be updated with security enabled. (A version of the web.xml file with the security section uncommented will be used).


RE-27347: Avoid timeout on filtered query for nonexistent or empty cache table

The rtvquery servlet now promptly returns an error response for a filtered query that specifies a nonexistent cache, or an empty cache table, or a nonexistent filter column name. In prior releases, such a query would return a timeout error after 15 seconds, causing delays in other valid queries made from the same display.

RE-31179: Fix deadlock condition in rtvquery

A problem in the rtvquery servlet has been fixed which could cause the servlet to hang with a deadlock. However this was only observed during shutdown of the app server (tomcat).

RE-33475: Pinger feature added to rtvquery servlet

The rtvquery servlet will now ping the data server after 5 minutes of inactivity. (The connection is inactive when no web clients are actively sending queries to the servlet). The ping is intended to keep the servlet's connection to the data server alive on systems where idle connections are automatically closed, for example by a firewall between the host running tomcat and the data server's host. If the interval needs to be changed, add the following property to the rtvquery.properties file: PingerIntervalSec=N where N is the desired interval in seconds, or 0 (zero) to disable the ping feature.

Solution Package for TIBCO ActiveSpaces

RE-31564: Key Metric TdgRealm/Delta CPU now points to correct metric column

The ActiveSpaces key metrics for Realm CPU and Memory were not associated with the correct metrics and thus would not display correctly in the key metrics displays. This has been corrected. Also the Realm CPU key metric has been renamed from "Delta CPUJ" to "CPU"

RE-32024: ActiveSpaces package decimal places made consistent

All metric cards now use a consistent decimal format (two decimal places).

RE-32026: Fixed cache mismatch in collector

In a sender-receiver deployment, the summary page trends in the receiver did not match those in the sender. This has been corrected.

RE-36380: Invalid connection interferes with population of tdgRealm cache and Grid Displays

Previously, an invalid connection in the TDGMON connection list could prevent the tdgRealm cache (and Grid Displays) from showing the full list of valid connections. This has been addressed. Additionally, when the Data Server attempts to connect to an FTL Realm Server as specified in the configuration, each attempt will be tried a total of three times, and if not successful will display error messages like 2023-01-18 17:50:44.195 [rtview] TftlListener: ERROR: Realm server not found: Failed to connect to port1010: Connection refused 2023-01-18 17:50:44.195 [rtview] TftlDsAdapter: ERROR: Unable to connect to realm Realm3(

Solution Package for TIBCO FTL

RE-25022: TFTL_ADVISORY history storage removed

The TFTL_ADVISORY history table storage has been removed from the TftlAdvisory data cache.

RE-30989: Connection to FTL server that is not active can fill up logs with errors

If the dataserver failed to connect to a specified FTL server the log would show repeated errors of the form GetNodeCopyset: java.lang.IllegalStateException: This is not a JSON Object. This has been corrected.

RE-31359: TftlMetrics cache no longer saves history or writes it to the database

The TFTL_METRIC history table storage has been removed from the database configuration.

TIBCO, TIBCO Hawk, TIBCO Rendezvous, and TIBCO Enterprise Message Service are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of TIBCO Software Inc. in the United States and other countries. They are mentioned in this document for identification purposes only.
TIBCO® RTView® for TIBCO BusinessEvents® contains components licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.
SL, SL-GMS, GMS, RTView, SL Corporation, and the SL logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sherrill-Lubinski Corporation in the United States and other countries. Copyright © 1998-2013 Sherrill-Lubinski Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

JMS, JMX and Java are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries. They are mentioned in this document for identification purposes only.