Version 7.1.1 Release Notes
RE-27986: Enhance alert notification configuration.
Alert Notifications have been enhanced to support several new actions and a
better configuration interface. For each notification, you can select one or more
of the following actions:
1. Execute Script - This wil execute the my_alert_actions*.bat/sh scripts in the
project directory. This is the same action that was used in the previous releases
when a notification was enabled.
2. Execute Java Method- This will execute a custom java command.
3. Send Email - This will send an email to one or more recipients.
4. Send SNMP Trap - This will issue an SNMP trap as described in
5. Other - This will execute any command supported by our core product.
6. Conditional - This will allow you to execute different commands based on
values in the alert. For example, you could email Jvm alerts to the system
administrator and Ems alerts to the TIBCO administrator.
The user interface in the Configuration Application has also been enhanced with
better descriptions of additional configuration needed for the selected actions.
Upgrade Notes
In previous releases, any notification other than executing the my_alert_actions
scripts had to be configured on the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab of the Configuration
Application. If you are running a project configured with a previous release that
has alert notifications defined in the CUSTOM PROPERTIES tab, they will continue
to work as they did before with no changes. However, if you want to use the new
Alert Notification configuration page, you will need to first delete the CUSTOM
PROPERTIES for alert notifications, then recreate them in the Alert Notification
page. Otherwise, the CUSTOM PROPERTIES will override the settings in the Alert
Notification page.
RE-29208: Alert overrides with multiple indexes fixed for HTML UI
The HTML UI now supports alert overrides with multiple indexes.
RE-29608: Ease of use enhancements for Alert notifications
A drop-down list of $alertValues was added to the Subject and Body fields of the
email alert notification dialog in the Configuration Application.
RE-32360: Format the alert text to at most 2 decimal digits
The Alert Text in the Alert Table has been enhanced to format decimal values to 2
decimal digits.
RE-32861: Reduced PK_alertdef key index size for SQL Server
The VARCHAR limit of the ALERTINDEX column for the ALERT_LEVELS database table
has been lowered from 2000 to 700 for SQL Server, which has a maximum key length
of 900 for clustered indexes.
RE-33047: ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException with 20,000+ alerts
A problem has been fixed which sometimes caused the data server to throw an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, and then grow unresponsive, when removing rows
from a cache table.
RE-33593: Log message when alert table limit is exceeded
The alert engine was enhanced to print a warning when the alert count limit is
exceeded. In previous releases this warning was only printed when logging was
RE-33825: Enhanced alert interface to allow override for duration period
Alerting has been enhanced to support overriding the alert duration time per
alert index. In previous releases, this was only settable at the top level of the
alert and applied to all indexes. With this enhancement, each index can be
assigned a different duration. To override the duration for an alert index,
select the alert in the Alert Administration page and click on Override. For
alert indexes that were overridden in previous releases before duration override
was supported, the override duration is set to -1. This value indicates that the
index will use the top level alert duration.
Even if RTViewCentral is version 5.3 or above, duration overrides will not work
against RTViewDataServer installations older than 5.3.
RE-33901: Alert event type now transmitted in RTVE SNMP alert notifications
SNMP alert notifications have been enhanced to include a new field named
rtviewAlertNotifType. This contains one of the following strings which identifies
the notification type:
Upgrade Notes
The MIB definition in rtvapm\common\lib\SL-RTVIEW-EM-MIB.txt has changed to
include the new field. If you are upgrading from a previous release that sent
snmp notifications, you will need to update the MIB in your snmp receiver.
RE-34829: Fixed problem in alert notification configuration
In previous releases, email alert notifications with hard returns in the email
body were sometimes formatted incorrectly by the Configuration Application. This
resulted in the email notification failing to execute. This has been fixed.
RE-36351: New mechanisms added for alert engine disabling
Two mechanisms for enabling and disabling the alert engine of a data server have
been added.
1) An "Alert Engine Admin" item has been added the Admin tab in the html ui. It
opens a display that allows an administrator to enable or disable the alert
engine on each data server.
The display contains a table with one row for each data server. In an
rtview-central deployment, the user can select one or more rows in the table and
then click the Enable / Disable Alert Engine buttons below the table. In a
standalone deployment, there is only one row in the table so the user can simply
click the button without selecting the row.
After clicking the Enable or Disable button a confirmation dialog appears. If the
user clicks OK, a command to enable/disable alerting is sent to the selected data
servers. The display should update within 5 seconds or so to show the new status
in the Alert Engine Enabled column.
2) A sample rtview app has been added to rtvapm\sampleapps\alertenabler. Once
built and configured, this app can be used via a cron job or Windows Scheduler to
enable and/or disable the alert engine on a schedule. Refer to
rtvapm\sampleapps\alertenabler\README.txt for more information.
Note that disabling the alert engine on a data server does not clear existing
alerts, it simply halts any further alert processing on that server. No new
alerts will be generated by that server until its alert engine is re-enabled.
When a data server is restarted, its alert engine is always re-enabled.
RE-36355: Alert commands can now be restricted to browser tabs with current login
The rtvquery servlet now supports a property to prevent CSRF attacks targeting
RTView commands. To enable this feature, change this line in
to this:
This restricts execution of commands to browser tabs in which the monitor UI is
loaded and the user has the rtvadmin or rtvalertmgr role. Requests from other
browser tabs are rejected, with 401 status (if unauthorized user) or with 403 (if
missing UI's xsrf token).
RE-30986: Alert Overrides: Allow adding overrides filtering out indexes by pattern
The Alert Overrides Admin display in the HTML UI now allows multiple selection in
the table. Multiple rows can be selected to create/edit/remove overrides to many
rows at once.
NOTE: Even if RTViewCentral is version 5.3 or above, multiple selection will not
work against RTViewDataServer installations older than 5.3.
The Alert Overrides Admin display now contains a pattern/RegEx filter to manage
the contents of the table. The search string or RegEx is applied against the
concatenation of all indexes shown in the table. That means a pattern or RegEx
can be designed to search on all the index columns at once.
For instance, rows containing 'conn1' in the first index and 'abc' in the second
index can be found with the pattern '*conn1*abc*' or the RegEx 'conn1.+abc'.
RE-22622: Classpath fields now check if path ends with .jar before adding /*
The Configuration Application has been enhance to handle .jar file names in the
Classpath Directory fields for all solution packages. In previous releases, these
were incorrectly used as directory names.
RE-27038: Configuration Application now catches Data Server's memory sizes without a unit (e.g., m or g)
In the Configuration Application, the Data Server's initial memory and max memory
fields now have additional error checking to help ensure that only valid values
are saved.
RE-28753: Can now restart data server without changing configuration
Servers can now be restarted from the Projects page even if no changes have been
made that require a restart.
RE-29414: Alert Renotification interval default value corrected
In previous releases, the Renotification Interval in the Configuration
Application incorrectly listed the default value as 300 seconds. This has been
fixed. The default is now set to 0. Users must set it to a value greater than 0
in order to issue renotifications.
RE-31177: Changes to alert notification Java Commands were not saved the first time
A change was made to ensure that alert notifications using the default Java type
do not contain blank entries in the properties file.
RE-33399: Added controls for securing data server connections using ssl without certs to the Configuration Application
The Security tab in the Configuration Application has been enhanced to include
options for securing the client and receiver ports via SSL. When enabled, these
ports are secured via SSL and all data is encrypted using an anonymous cipher.
However, no certificate is used to perform SSL authentication and therefore the
client and server do not verify each other's identities.
RTViewCentral does not open a receiver port and therefore only has the option to
secure the client port.
RE-33402: Default text now editable in Configuration Application
The behavior of the default value in text entry fields in the Configuration
Application has been enhanced. Text entry fields that are set to the default
value show the default value in gray to indicate that it is the default. When you
click on it, the text now becomes editable to make editing default values easier.
To return to the default, delete the edited text.
RE-35499: Browser now loads Configuration Application when mime-type checking enabled
A problem has been fixed in the rtvadmin Config UI which prevented it from
loading if the web server enables strict MIME-type checking (i.e. if the
X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header is set).
Data Historian
RE-2595: Historian now creates table dynamically when other catalog/schema has table of same name
Previously, under certain circumstances, the historian would not correctly
dynamically create tables for historical data. With a JDBC driver jar that
supports Java 1.7+ and implements Connection.getSchema() for the database in use,
this is no longer the case.
Note: if you cannot obtain a JDBC driver jar that supports Java 1.7+ and
implements Connection.getSchema() for the database in use, using the provided SQL
scripts to create tables for a SP (Solution Pack), removes the need for the
historian to dynamically create tables.
RE-33655: Improved Historian insertDataIntoDbTable performance for prepared statements
The performance of the historian has been improved. It now performs commits on
batches of inserts, as defined by the historian's cache_size property, rather
than one commit per insert. This reduces overhead in some databases.
Also, in verbose mode a message is logged for each such commit as follows:
... committing the following number of records from cache: <N>, msec = M
This matches the behavior of the historian before prepared statements were
supported in release 4.2.
RE-35671: Historian compaction no longer stops if database connection drops
A problem has been fixed in the historian where the compaction thread was
terminated because of a NullPointerException thrown if the database connection
was lost, preventing any subsequent compaction until the historian was restarted.
Data Sources
RE-36285: Deprecate gmsjlog4jds and gmsjsplunkds.jar
The following Data Sources have deprecated, as they had dependencies on Log4j
version 1, which has also been deprecated:
Display Server
RE-29708: Support 'nosniff' header in thin client in IE11
A problem has been fixed which prevented the thin client Classic UI from
rendering displays correctly in IE11 when the web server set the
X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header. No other supported browsers were
affected by this issue.
Site administrators may configure a web server to send the
X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header for security reasons. With this
fix the thin client is not affected by the presence or absence of that header,
which is the correct behavior.
A related note for Tomcat users: In standalone Tomcat, the
X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff response header is set by enabling the
httpHeaderSecurity filter in tomcat's conf/web.xml file. By default, that filter
also sets the X-Frame-Options:DENY response header. That setting will disable the
thin client even with the fix described in this release note. To avoid that
problem, tomcat should be configured to set the X-Frame-Options response header
to SAMEORIGIN rather than DENY, to allow pages hosted by the same tomcat instance
(only) to load thin client displays in iframes. So to set
X-Content-Type-Options:nosniff and X-Frame-Options:SAMEORIGIN, the
httpHeaderSecurity filter should be configured as follows intomcat's conf/web.xml
<init-param> <!-- allow use in iframe on pages with same origin -->
RE-36318: Corrected unnecessary rebuild of table object on first update
In prior releases, the thin client would sometimes rebuild a table object
unnecessarily, shortly after the display was loaded. This could cause the table's
scrollbars, column sizes, etc to revert to their initial states if the user had
changed them in the meantime. This problem has been fixed.
RE-22449: HTML UI and Configuration Application now display primary product version
Previously the configuration utility About dialog displayed the version for the
underlying RTView version, rather than the main product version. This has been
RE-23605: Restructure of stand-alone monitoring product deliverables
The directory structure and scripts of the following products have been modified:
The new directory structure is as follows:
- rtvapm
- projects
- custom
- rtview-server
- start_server.bat/sh
- stop_server.bat/sh
- status_server.bat/sh
There are several differences from the previous versions:
1. To start, stop or check status of your monitor, use the scripts in the top
level directory instead of running start_rtv, stop_rtv and status_rtv in the
project directory.
2. The project directory is projects\rtview-server. Do not rename this directory
as the top level scripts point to it.
3. The war files for the monitor are located in projects\rtview-server.
4. There were previously separate monitors for BusinessWorks 5 and 6. These have
been combined into a single monitor running with port prefix 33. If you are only
running one version of BusinessWorks, you can remove the one you are not using
from the monitor.
Users upgrading projects from the previous version must do the following:
1. Copy *.properties and *.properties.json from your old project directory to the
projects\rtview-server directory.
2. If you modified the rtvservers.dat in your old project, make the same changes
to projects\rtview-server\rtvservers.dat
3. If you are not using jetty, deploy the .war files from projects\rtview-server
to your application server.
4. If you are using Jetty, open and in
a text editor and replace "../../webapps/" with "./" in all war file paths in
both files. If upgrading a project that used the bw6mon war files, also change
bw6mon to bwmon in the war file names. This step does not apply to
RTViewOCMonitor users as it does not support Jetty.
5. Use the top level start/stop/status scripts to start, stop and check the
status of your monitor processes.
6.There were previously separate monitors for BusinessWorks 5 and 6. These have
been combined into a single monitor running on port prefix 33. You will now
access the monitor for both at http://localhost:3370/rtview-bwmon if you are
using jetty.
7. Optionally follow the directions to remove the version of BusinessWorks that
you are not using from the monitor.
How to Remove BusinessWorks 5 or 6 from the Monitor
1. To remove displays from the classic (thin client) user interface, open
projects\rtview-server\bwmon_navtree.xml in a text editor. Delete the nodes for
the version of BusinessWorks that you don't want to see. The nodes that start
with BW are for BusinessWorks 6 and the nodes that start with BW5 are for
BusinessWorks 5. Save the file.
2. To remove displays from the html user interface, cd to the
projects\rtview-server directory in a terminal or command prompt and type the
jar -xvf rtview-bwmon.war setup.js
3. open setup.js in a text editor and edit the window.EM_PACKAGE_LIST array to
remove either bwmon (for BusinessWorks 5) or bw6mon (for BusinessWorks 6). save
the file.
4. type jar -uf rtview-bwmon.war setup.js
5. Run the Monitor.
6. Open the Configuration Application at
7. Click on the TIBCO RTView for TIBCO BusinessWorks project
8. In the left Navigation Panel, click on the pencil button to bring up the
Solution Packages dialog. In the Solution Packages dialog. deselect the version
of BusinessWorks that you are not using and click SAVE to close the dialog. Click
SAVE in the top left, then click RESTART SERVERS.
RE-27649: Version now available from HTML UI
Users can now see the version of RTView from the HTML UI by clicking on the
product name at the top left.
RE-28956: Path to custom directory now consistent across all RTView deliverables
The RTViewDataServer project has been enhanced to include the custom directory in
projects\custom. This directory contains sample custom function, command, app and
rtview handlers. The custom command handler contains an outputAlertNotification
method that can be optionally be executed for alert notifications.
The custom directory in the following deliverables has been moved to
TIBCO RTView for Enterprise Message Service
TIBCO RTView for TIBCO BusinessWorks
TIBCO RTView for TIBCO BusinessEvents
RTView for Oracle Coherence
RE-31851: copied to projects
The file, which controls the logging settings, is now
included under the projects directory. In previous releases, this file was only
available under rtvapm\common\conf and users were instructed to modify it there
or to copy it to their project directory. As of this release, changes to the
logging must be configured in the projects\ file, not in
This was done as part of a larger project to make upgrading easier in version
5.0+ by limiting user changes to files under the projects directory.
Upgrade Notes
For upward compatibility, if the projects\ file is not found,
the rtvapm\common\conf\ file will be used instead. However,
users upgrading from previous versions who have modified the logging settings
should apply their logging changes to the file in projects
instead of the copy under rtvapm\common\conf in order to make it easier to
upgrade to future releases.
RE-34995: Updated HTML UI to jQuery v3.5.1
The version of the jQuery library in the html ui has been updated to 3.5.1. This
is a minor change from the previous version, 3.4.1.
RE-35486: Third party software notices migrated to in-product file
Third Party Software notices and licenses have been made available from within
the product download as LICENSES_party.txt.
RE-35539: Update Jetty to 9.4.44
The version of Jetty has been upgraded from 9.4.19 to 9.4.44. Users should not
see any change in behavior.
RE-35747: jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar added to common\lib\ext
All RTView applications now include jaxb-api-2.3.1.jar on the classpath, to
support functionality deprecated between Java 8 and Java 11. Previously this
library was only referenced by the Solace monitoring applications
RE-36265: Remove iText libraries from gmsjext.jar
The external libraries used for creating PDF reports from RTView displays have
been removed from gmsjext.jar and
For products that still include Classic displays (RTView Core, RTView Enterprise,
and some standalone monitors), these libraries are packaged in gmsjextpdf.jar and
The external libraries used for PDF export capability, iText and iTextAsian, can
trigger security warnings due to a High Severity CVE
( which "might allow
remote attackers to conduct XML external entity attacks via a crafted PDF".
These libraries do not pose a genuine security risk as they are used within
RTView. The only PDFs that are handled by iText in RTView are those generated
from customer displays, and therefor there is no mechanism to exploit the
vulnerability with a "crafted PDF".
Users who do not need to use the PDF export or reporting capability, and who
would like to remove any library that raises alarms in a security scan, can
remove gmsjextpdf.jar from the lib directory.
RE-36282: Upgraded log4j from 1.2 to 2.17.1
The version of Apache Log4j used by RTView has been upgraded from version 1.2 to
2.17.1. Although there were no known security issues in version 1.2 that affected
RTView, it is no longer aupported by Apache.
This upgrade does not affect how Log4j is used by RTView or any of its options
related to Log4j. However, the syntax used in a Log4j properties file was changed
extensively by Apache in version 2. The file distributed with
RTView has been changed to use the version 2 syntax. If, in previous RTView
versions, you customized that file or specified your own custom log4j properties
file (e.g. using the "log4jprops" option), you'll need to remake those
customization using the version 2 syntax.
If RTView detects that a log4j properties file with version 1 syntax, the
properties file is ignored and RTView logs this message:
Ignoring: [filename], log4j v1 syntax is no longer supported.
An RTView Enterprise. Solace PubSub Monitor, or TIBCO RTView for X deployment
will then attempt to use RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf/
An RTVIew Core deployment will then attempt to use
If those files also contain Log4j version 1 syntax, logging will be disabled.
In an RTView Enterprise. Solace PubSub Monitor, or TIBCO RTView for X
As mentioned above, the default Log4j properties file is and
is found in the projects folder and also in RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf. In addition,
the default config behavior has been changed: In this release by default messages
are appended to the existing logs/X.log file ((where X is "dataserver", or
"historian", etc depending on the name of the server) until it reaches a size of
50MB. Then it is renamed to X.log.N (where N = 1 - 9) and a new empty X.log file
is created. So at any time the logs directory may contain X.log (newest, up to
50MB in size), and X.log.N where N = 1 - 9, each approx 50 MB, where 1 is the
oldest and 9 is the newest. Once N = 9 is reached, on the next rollover X.log.1
is deleted and each remaining X.log.N is renamed to X.log.N-1.
As in previous releases, you may customize the in the
projects folder but should not change the version in RTVAPM_HOME/common/conf.
However, note that the default Log4j properties described above is different and
more sophisticated than the default in prior releases (which simply discarded the
previous log file at startup, but put no limit on how large the log file could
grow). The new default behavior is more likely to be useful in production
deployments, so customization may not be needed.
In an RTView Core deployment
The default Log4j properties file is and is found in
RTV_HOME/lib. It enables a "Rolling File Appender" that logs messages to a file
named rtview.log. When the file reaches 10MB in size it is renamed to [app].log.1
and a new [app].log file is opened. A "Console Appender" is also enabled that
logs messages to the application's console window (stdout), if any. Note that
log4j is disabled by default in rtview core, as in prior releases.
RE-36312: Added jakarta.activation-1.2.2.jar to support Send Email command with Java 9+
The jakarta.activation-1.2.2 libraries have been added to the distribution to
replace functionality that was removed from Java 9 and later. This functionality
is required for the Send Email command
RE-29159: Expired column moved to the right
Columns in tables have been rearranged to move Expired and Time Stamp to the far
RE-29684: Support form-based auth in HTML UIs
The user login mechanism has been enhanced:
1) The login prompt now uses a page with product branding, rather than the
generic popup window.
2) The user can now logout without closing the browser.
The appearance of the top banner on the login page varies by product:
- For rtview-central and rtview-manager, the banner is dark blue and contains the
SL logo and text "RTView© Login"
- For rtview-*-rtvadmin (Config UI), the banner is dark blue and contains the SL
logo and text "RTView© Project Configuration - Login"
- For Tibco-branded UIs (rtview-emsmon, rtview-bwmon, rtview-tdgmon), the banner
is medium blue and contains the text "TIBCO(tm) RTView©"
- For rtview-solmon, the banner is a black-gray gradient and contains the Solace
logo and text "PubSub+ Monitor"
In all cases the browser tab title is simply "Login" with no favicon.
Logout is performed by clicking on the user name in the top right corner of the
UI and then confirming in a popup window. After logging out, a page appears
containing the text "Logged out" and a link to return to the login page.
Note that closing the browser tab does not perform a logout, so navigating to the
UI in another tab afterwards in the same browser will not result in a login
prompt. This is by design.
If the UI is deployed using tomcat, and if you log in to the rtview UI (e.g.
rtview-central) in one tab as rtvuser and then open the configuration tool (e.g.
rtview-central-rtvadmin) in a second tab, you'll see the following:
You don't have the required role to view this page.
Click here to login as a different user.
This occurs because the configuration tool requires the rtvadmin role. If you
click the link, you'll be logged out in all tabs and can then log back in as a
user with the rtvadmin role.
RE-30560: Merge memory and jmx jvm arguments instead of appending them
The jvm argument handling has been enhanced to produce a simpler command line
output. In previous releases, both the default and the project specific values
for the following jvm arguments were included in the command line:
This did not cause any functional changes as the last (right-most) value in the
command line takes precedence. However, it made the command output confusing to
users who were trying to determine which jvm argument values were in use based on
the process command. The jvm argument handling has been enhanced so that only one
value (previously, the right-most value) is output for the above jvm arguments.
RE-31757: Improved visibility of button to hide navigation panel
The background color of the "<<" button in bottom left corner of the UI (which
hides the navigation panel) is now a darker gray color than the nav panel's
background, to make it more obvious when it overlaps with items in the navigation
RE-33545: Added export to excel and copy cell value options to common cache viewer
The common cache viewer has been enhanced to support Export to Excel and Copy
Cell Value options on the table. The common cache viewer is hosted in Jetty at
http://localhost:XX70/common where XX is the port prefix for your data server.
RE-34506: Trend graphs no longer change size when selector changes
In previous releases, displays containing a trend graphs sometimes resized
incorrectly such that the trend graph partially obscured other objects on the
display. This has been fixed.
RE-35238: Verify JAVA_HOME valid and print a clear error in the console and leaves console open
If the java executable is not found, because
1. java is not on the path, or
2. JAVA_HOME is not defined or not valid, or
3. java is on the path or JAVA_HOME is defined and valid but the java executable
is not found for some other reason,
then the various start scripts (start servers, start server, start_collector
etc.) will print the following message, and if on Windows pause:
"ERROR: java not found. Ensure that Java is installed and include the location of
java in your PATH or set your JAVA_HOME to your Java installation."
If the java version is less than the minimum required version then the various
start scripts (start servers, start server, start_collector etc.) will print the
following message, and if on Windows pause:
"ERROR: found java version 7, minimum required is version 8."
RE-36220: Removed "DevTools failed to load source map" errors in js console
In previous releases, three error messages starting with "DevTools failed to load
source map" appeared in the browser's javascript console when the html UI was
first opened. This has been fixed.
RE-36356: Improved security for admin displays
For improved security the following displays have been moved from
assets/packages/common to assets/packages/admin:
Alert Administration (rtv_alerts_admin_table.html)
Alert Overrides Admin (rtv_alerts_admin_overrides.html)
Component Alert Configuration (rtv_alerts_admin_detail.html)
CMDB Admin (rtv_cmdb_admin.html, rtview-central only)
Any existing browser bookmarks to those displays should be updated or recreated.
Platform Support
RE-29546: Export to Excel feature now works with Edge browser.
The Export to Excel feature on tables now works in MS Edge browser.
RE-31501: Deprecate support for Sybase database
RTView no longer supports Sybase database.
RE-33550: Added support for AdoptOpenJDK 8
RTView now supports AdoptOpenJDK 8
RE-33660: Support added for MS SQL Server 2019
MS SQL Server 2019 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of
historical and alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by
RTView Enterprise Central Servers.
SQL Server 2008 and 2014 are no longer officially supported.
The Solution Package for MS SQL Server now also supports monitoring MS SQL Server
2019. Note that the user account used in the connection string must have the View
Server State permission assigned to them in the server properties. See your MS
SQL Server documentation for more information on this setting.
RE-34366: Support for Java 11
The Monitor now supports Java 11, including the OpenJDK and AdoptOpenJDK
RE-34576: Support added for MySQL 8.0
MySQL 8.0 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and
alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise
Central Servers.
Official support for MySQL 5.5 has been removed.
RE-34747: Support for Oracle 19
Oracle 19 is now supported by the SQL Data Source, for storage of historical and
alert data, and for the configuration database tables used by RTView Enterprise
Central Servers.
Support for older versions of Oracle has been deprecated.
RE-34852: Drop support for Solaris 10
Solaris 10 is no longer supported
RE-34854: Drop support for Windows 8
Windows 8 is no longer supported.
RE-34855: Drop support for IBM AIX
The IBM AIX platform is no longer supported.
RE-35426: Red Hat enterprise Linux 8.x supported
RTView now supports Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.x.
Support for 6.x has been deprecated.
RE-36323: Support for Oracle Java 17 and OpenJDK 17
Oracle Java 17 and OpenJDK 17 are now supported.
RE-36331: Support for Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022
Windows 11 and Windows Server 2022 have been added to the list of supported
RE-24277: Included my_alert_actions scripts in all projects
RTView has been enhanced to include the my_alert_actions scripts in all project
directories for ease of use.
RE-31879: Enhanced update_wars with option to secure rtvquery servlet
If the update_wars scripts are called with the new argument "-secure" then the
rtvquery war will be updated with security enabled. (A version of the web.xml
file with the security section uncommented will be used).
RE-27347: Avoid timeout on filtered query for nonexistent or empty cache table
The rtvquery servlet now promptly returns an error response for a filtered query
that specifies a nonexistent cache, or an empty cache table, or a nonexistent
filter column name.
In prior releases, such a query would return a timeout error after 15 seconds,
causing delays in other valid queries made from the same display.
RE-33475: Pinger feature added to rtvquery servlet
The rtvquery servlet will now ping the data server after 5 minutes of inactivity.
(The connection is inactive when no web clients are actively sending queries to
the servlet).
The ping is intended to keep the servlet's connection to the data server alive on
systems where idle connections are automatically closed, for example by a
firewall between the host running tomcat and the data server's host.
If the interval needs to be changed, add the following property to the file:
where N is the desired interval in seconds, or 0 (zero) to disable the ping
Solution Package for TIBCO BusinessEvents
RE-36326: Support for TIBCO BE 6.x
Support for TIBCO BusinessEvents 6.x has been added. At this time that includes
versions 6.0.x, 6.1.x, and 6.2.x.
Users configuring a 6.x connection in the Configuration Application must select
the correct version from the Version drop-down field - 6.x, 6.xASG, or 6.xFTL.
The Storage Node Summary display is not expected to populate for 6.x, but remains
in the product for continued support for 5.x.
Version 7.0.0 Release Notes
23746: New HTML UI for TIBCO Business Events Monitor
A new UI is available for the TIBCO Business Events Monitor.
Using the built-in Jetty application server, the default UI is accessible at:
The new UI can be run in a separate application server, such as Apache Tomcat, by
copying rtvapm/tbemon/webapps/rtview-emsmon.war to your application server's
webapps directory.
The previous UI servlet is available as
rtvapm/tbemon/webapps/rtview-tbemon-classic.war and can be copied to an
application server of your choice. It is not enabled in Jetty by default.
Both the new and classic UI's support the following new users:
user = rtvadmin, password = rtvadmin, role = admin
user = rtvuser, password = rtvuser, role = read-only
user = rtvalertmgr, password = rtvalertmgr, role = event
On larger screens the page contains a horizontal menu bar with three tabs
described below. On smaller screens, the horizontal menu bar is replaced by a
vertical menu whose visibility is toggled by clicking the menu icon in the upper
right corner of the page.
The Displays tab is used to view the TIBCO Business Events (TBE) Monitor displays
in the main panel, selected from the navigation tree in the left panel.
The Alerts tab is used to view and manage alerts.
The Admin tab is used to administer alerts and to view cache contents directly.
This tab is accessible only for users that have admin privileges (user accounts
with the rtvadmin role).
The use of each tab is described below in more detail.
The navigation tree in the left panel on the Displays and Admin tabs can be
hidden by clicking the "<<" button in the bottom left corner, and then made
visible again by clicking the ">>" button.
In many cases a click or double click on an object in a display can be used to
drilldown to a related display. After such a drilldown, the corresponding item in
the navigation tree will be highlighted.
The user's navigation through the displays is recorded in the browser history,
and the browser's back and next buttons can be used to traverse that history.
There is no logout button in the UI. Once a user has logged in, that user remains
logged in until the browser window is closed. Closing just the browser tab that
contains the UI will not log the user out, the browser itself must be closed.
1) Displays tab:
Use this tab to view the TBE displays. Displays can be selected from the
navigation tree in the left panel or by drilling down from one display to
2) Alerts Tab:
- Use the dropdowns labelled Ack'd and Cleared to filter the table according to
the contents of the Ack and Clr columns.
- A single click on a row in the table selects the alert. Use Ctrl + click to
select multiple alerts.
- A double click on a table row simply selects the row, the same as a single
click. It does not trigger a drilldown.
- With one or more alerts selected, the buttons above the table can be used to:
Own: set the alert(s) owner field
Ack: acknowledge the alert(s)
Unack: clear the acknowledgement on previously acknowledged alert(s)
Comment: add a comment to the alert(s)
Details: drilldown to the alert detail display
CI: drilldown to the CI display that corresponds to the alert, if any.
The user must have the rtvalertmgr or the rtvadmin role to perform the Own, Ack,
Unack, or Comment actions. If not, an error dialog will appear when the user
clicks any of those buttons.
3) Admin tab:
- The Alert Administration display allows an administrator to manage alert
definitions, by setting thresholds, duration and enabling/disabling them. Use the
Override Settings button to define thresholds that are specific to individual
items or groups of items.
- The Cache Table display is for browsing the raw content of the caches. This
low-level option can be useful to identify the source of the problem when the
displays are not showing the expected data.
21863: TIBCO BE Monitor enhanced to connect to TIBCO APIX solutions
TIBCO APIX is a solution with TIBCO BE engines defined with certain rules and
events. Customers can now configure TBEMON to monitor TIBCO APIX BE engines.
To monitor an APIX BE engine you will include two new files via cache.config
Note you will need separate connections for cache and inference to a single
engine process
Include properties like the following in your runtime properties file.
asgCacheConn, asgInferConn are arbitrary but distinct names, e.g "asgcache_4456,
asginter_4456"<asgCacheConn> <hostname> <port> URL:- - -
'false'<asgInferConn> <hostname> <port> URL:- - -
'false' tbe_cache_source_be5.1_asg_cacheagent.rtv
$tbe_conn:<asgCacheConn> $tbe_cluster:<clusterName>
$tbe_conn:<asgInferConn> $tbe_cluster:<clusterName>
21795: Fixed an issue where the Cleared Reason for an alert was incorrect
In prevous releases, the Cleared Reason was sometimes incorrect after an alert
was disabled and re-enabled. This has been fixed.
21924: Fixed an issue with disabling event alerts
In previous releases, disabling event alerts was sometimes ignored due to a bug
that was introduced in RTView Classic 6.7.0, RTView EM 3.2.0. This has been
23373: Improved error reporting when persistence database doesn't have correct schema
The Alert Engine has been enhanced to provide expected column information in the
case where the Alert Persistence database table does not contain the correct
21672: Builder enhanced to remember dialog window sizes and positions
The Display Builder has been enhanced to automatically save and restore the size
and location of the following dialogs:
- Open (File->Open)
- Save (File->Save/Save-As)
- Function Results (Function Dialog->Result Button)
The Tools->Reset Window Layout menu option and the -resetlayout command line
option restore the size and location of these windows in addition to the other
windows that were previously reset.
22264: New Configuration application added
RTView EM and its specialized Monitors have been enhanced to support a
configuration application. See the documentation for more information.
22284: add rtvadmin to make_war and update_war scripts
The new rtvadmin war file, which runs the Config UI, has been added to the
make_war and update_war scripts
22298: New portprefix command line option
The RTView launcher has been enhanced with options for changing all the port
numbers used by a package. Port numbers are assigned to a package using a package
prefix and a two-digit suffix specific to the port. A complete list of suffixes
is appended. This enhancement allows you to change the port number prefix for the
server being launched. The change will apply only to that launch unless you also
specify -saveportprefix, in which case the new prefix and port numbers will be
saved to and
-portprefix:X Change all relevant ports to use prefix X by appending arguments to
the command line that will be used to launch the server.
-saveportprefix Used with -portprefix, save and If the project does not contain those files, create them
and add to the end of the command line. If the project does
contain those files modify and save them.
Note if you start a server with -portprefix, you may use the status_rtv and
stop_rtv commands with it only if you repeat the -portprefix option with those
22531: Added button to displays to access the config ui
The EM Config UI may be accessed via a "gear" icon which will appear at the right
end of the title bar. It is visible only in the thin client when the role is
22570: New HTML server enabled for Monitor
The sample projects in the following deliverables have been enhanced to run
without tomcat, using Eclipse Jetty to support running an html server in any data
server process:
- RTView TIBCO EMS Monitor
- RTView TIBCO BusinessWorks Monitor
- RTView TIBCO BusinessEvents Monitor
By default, all servlets are hosted in the data server process and can be
accessed as follows:
Where XX and spname are
- RTView TIBCO EMS Monitor - 31 \ emsmon
- RTView TIBCO BusinessWorks Monitor - 33 \ bwmon or 45 \ bw6mon
- RTView TIBCO BusinessEvents Monitor - 32 \ tbemon
The war files are still included in the deliverables and can optionally be
updated and deployed to your application server such as Tomcat. Note that to run
the Configuration Application (rtvadmin) on your application server, you must
first define at least one user with the role rtvadmin. Only rtvadmin users can
log into the Configuration Application.
When running with the html server enabled in a data server, you must always shut
down the server using the stop_rtv script. This is because the html server writes
temporary files to the directory listed in the System property.
When the data server is shutdown properly using stop_rtv, the temporary files are
deleted. If the data server is shut down using a kill command, the temporary
files are not cleared.
Eclipse Jetty is dual licensed under Apache License 2.0 and Eclipse Public
License 1.0.
Data Historian
22195: RTView Historian now uses PreparedStatements
The Historian now uses PreparedStatements for repeated SQL Queries against the
historian database
- For raw data insert
- For data compaction
- For retention deletion
Previously the historian used literal SQL queries with unique timestamps.
21921: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 now supported
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 are now supported as databases for use with
the Data Historian, provided that the latest JDBC driver is used (sqljdbc41.jar
with Java 1.7, sqljdbc42.jar with Java 1.8).
Data Server
21898: Fixed an issue with rtvquery returning errors on valid query strings
In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would sometimes return an error of "No
data received before timeout, query may be invalid" for a specific, valid cache
query string, on every attempt. The servlet needed to be restarted to clear the
error. This has been fixed.
22462: Float column values no longer garbled in rtvquery response
In the previous release, values for cache columns with type = float were garbled
in query responses from the rtvquery (REST) servlet, so the response could not be
parsed. This is fixed.
23210: Improved error reporting for start_rtv.bat/sh scripts
The start_rtv scripts have been enhanced to report possible port conflicts before
trying to start a server, and to report if a server is not actually started due
to some other cause (e.g. expired license key).
if a server's data and/or JMX port is already in use by another process,
start_rtv will report e.g.:
dataserver: JMX port xxx in use by PID yyy
dataserver: Data port xxx in use by PID yyy
If the server fails to start for some other reason, start_rtv will report e.g.:
dataserver: Executing rundata -propfilter:receiver
dataserver: ... was not started, check log file.
23211: Message now shown in dataserver console when Java is not available.
The scripts which start servers have been improved to give a clear indication if
the java command is not available.
If java(.exe) is not found on the PATH but JAVA_HOME is defined, the scripts will
add JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH and try again.
If JAVA_HOME is not defined or java(.exe) cannot be found in JAVA_HOME, the
scripts will fail with the error "java not found on PATH and JAVA_HOME not
defined or not valid." On Windows this will be followed by a pause and "Press any
key to continue".
Data Sources
Cache Data Source
21669: Enhanced caches with new trim option
An option has been added to the cache data source to remove rows periodically
from a cache's history table according to its historyTimeSpan property. By
default, that operation is performed only when new data is applied to the cache.
The new option is useful in rare cases where new data may be applied to the cache
at time intervals (e.g. 1 hour) that are longer than the cache's historyTimeSpan
(e.g. 30 minutes).
The new option can be specified on the command-line as follows:
Or in CACHEOPTIONS.ini as follows:
trimhist true
Or in an rtview properties file as follows:
If the new option is specified, the historyTimeSpan limit is checked on all
caches every 30 seconds, approximately. The new option is disabled by default. If
the new option is not specified, then the historyTimeSpan limit is only checked
when new data is applied to the cache as in all prior releases.
21689: Fixed an issue with the "Extend with SQL" cache feature
In prior releases, the "Extend with SQL" feature of the cache data source could
cause thread growth if the history database connection was undefined or
unavailable. This is now fixed.
SQL Data Source
23500: Duplicate database connection errors no longer printed to log file
The error reporting for failed database connection attempts has been enhanced.
Previously, an error was printed to the console for each failed connection
attempt. Now, an error is reported for the first failed connection attempt and no
more output is generated until a success message is printed when the connection
succeeds. The connection error is only printed again the first time we fail to
reconnect after a successful connection is lost.
This change applies both to the GmsRtViewSqlDs connections and to the Historian
connection to the RTVHISTORY database.
21748: Fixed an issue where Unix data servers sometimes failed to shut down
In previous releases, using stop_rtv on Unix platforms to stop a TIBCO solution
package data server process sometimes failed due to a spurious rvd process. This
has been fixed.
22546: Viewer support removed
The desktop viewer application is no longer supported.
Display Server
21772: Extra-bold font in Firefox fixed
In the previous release, objects using font index 7 (sans-serif bold) would
appear extra bold in some versions of Firefox if the display server was
configured to use the extended font feature with arimob.ttf assigned to font 7.
This has been fixed.
21853: Fixed an issue with small numbers not updating to zero in the thin client
In previous releases, the value displayed in an obj_rect_ilv object would not
change if the previous value was greater than zero and less than one, and a value
of zero was applied. This problem occurred only in the thin client and is now
21906: Thin client enhanced to check user role access on each request
In prior releases, after a user had logged into the thin client, the user could
manually enter a specific URL in the same browser instance and possibly view data
from rtview displays to which the user's role should have denied access. This is
21908: Enhanced display server with option to limit access to specific panel files
The display server now supports a "permitpanel" option to specify the panel
layout files that the server will read.
A panel layout for the thin client is requested from the display server with a
URL parameter as follows:
where X is the name of the panel layout file that the server should read. By
default, the display server will attempt to read any filename on the server that
is specified by the URL parameter. If the file is a valid panel layout file, the
thin client will use it. But if the file does not exist, a "no such file" error
is displayed in the browser, and if the file exists but does not contain the
expected layout information, a "no panels found" error is displayed in the
The permitpanel option allows you to specify the file(s) which the display server
will read in response to a panels.jsp request. Requests from panels.jsp for any
other files are rejected with a "Permission denied" error shown in the browser,
regardless of whether the file exists or not, and the server will not attempt to
read such files.
The option may be specified multiple times to allow access to multiple panel
Command-line example:
run_displayserver -permitpanel:PANELS.ini -permitpanel:layout.xml
DISPLAYSERVER.ini example:
permitpanel PANELS.ini
permitpanel layout.xml
In addition, the display server supports another new option to prevent attempts
to load remote files, as follows:
If that option is specified any rtv or image files that are referenced by URL
will not be read and the server will log a message similar to the following:
non-local file read permission denied: http://host/somefile
21909: Tomcat logs no longer produce gratuitous rtvCleanup errors
In previous releases the following error message appeared in the Tomcat log at
shutdown, for each deployed copy of the rtvdisplay servlet:
"SEVERE: The web application [/rtvdisplay] appears to have started a thread named
[rtvCleanup] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory
Starting with this release, the error message should be seen less often in the
log file, although it may still appear occasionally. In any case, there is no
danger of a memory leak when tomcat is shutdown.
21912: Fixed phishing vulnerabilities in thin client
In prior releases, it was possible to create phishing URLs which appeared to be
directed at the rtview thin client but would redirect the user to another site,
or download and possibly execute a file. These vulnerabilities have been fixed.
21990: Fixed a vulnerability in the thin client
An XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in the thin client login.jsp file has
been fixed.
21996: Fixed an issue with thin client resizing
In previous releases, after a display is resized by the thin client to fit the
browser window, the black border around the default button (if any) was drawn in
the button's original position, rather than the button's new position. This is
22117: Tomcat no longer throws an error if image path contains a backslash
A bug has been fixed in the thin client which would cause Tomcat 8.5+ to throw an
IllegalArgumentException if the path to an image contained a backslash.
The full exception is as follows:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request
target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986
22551: Mouseover text no longer mispositioned on scrolled thin client displays
A problem has been fixed in the thin client that caused the mouseover (tooltip)
text to be mispositioned for objects that needed to be scrolled into view.
23220: jetty updated to 9.4.14
The version of Jetty used by EM to host web applications has been upgraded to
Jetty version 9.4.14.
In addition, the temp directory used by Jetty has been changed. Previously, the directory was used, but files were not always removed from this
directory. Now, Jetty creates a temp sub-directory in the directory where the
data server is running. This temp directory is deleted on shutdown.
21205: Thin client table objects are now rendered as HTML5
The table objects in the EM thin client have been enhanced to provide improved
filtering, sorting, and other interactive features. See the release note for
20185 for a detailed description of the new table features.
22080: Command line arguments with spaces now process properly on Unix
In previous releases, quoted command line arguments with spaces did not work on
unix. This has been fixed.
23168: Extend With SQL previously not working for trends in some displays
RTView trend displays will automatically retrieve data from a database if
available and if required by the time range requested in the display.
This feature was not working correctly for a number of displays. This has been
23640: Servlet file names changed
The names of the war files distributed with RTView have been changed as per the
table below. This means the URLs used with the corresponding RTView servlets must
be changed. For example:
Note that the thin client war which was named <package>.war is now named
<package>-classic.war and the new HTML UI war will be named <package>.war.
The servlet renames for the independent, single-technology monitoring products
are listed below.
bwmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-bwmon-rtvadmin.war
bwmon_rtvquery.war rtview-bwmon-rtvquery.war
bwmon_rtvdata.war rtview-bwmon-rtvdata.war
bwmon_rtvpost.war rtview-bwmon-rtvpost.war
bwmon_rtvagent.war rtview-bwmon-rtvagent.war
bw6mon_rtvadmin.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvadmin.war
bw6mon_rtvquery.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvquery.war
bw6mon_rtvdata.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvdata.war
bw6mon_rtvpost.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvpost.war
bw6mon_rtvagent.war rtview-bw6mon-rtvagent.war
emsmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-emsmon-rtvadmin.war
emsmon_rtvquery.war rtview-emsmon-rtvquery.war
emsmon_rtvdata.war rtview-emsmon-rtvdata.war
emsmon_rtvpost.war rtview-emsmon-rtvpost.war
emsmon_rtvagent.war rtview-emsmon-rtvagent.war
tbemon_rtvadmin.war rtview-tbemon-rtvadmin.war
tbemon_rtvquery.war rtview-tbemon-rtvquery.war
tbemon_rtvdata.war rtview-tbemon-rtvdata.war
tbemon_rtvpost.war rtview-tbemon-rtvpost.war
tbemon_rtvagent.war rtview-tbemon-rtvagent.war
rtview#solmon rtview-solmon.war
rtview#solmon_manager.war N/A (deprecated)
rtview#solmon_rtvadmin.war rtview-solmon-rtvadmin.war
rtview#solmon_rtvquery.war rtview-solmon-rtvquery.war
rtview#solmon_rtvdata.war rtview-solmon-rtvdata.war
rtview#solmon_rtvpost.war rtview-solmon-rtvpost.war
rtview#solmon_rtvagent.war rtview-solmon-rtvagent.war
rtview#rtvmgr_manager.war rtview-manager-classic.war
rtview#rtvmgr_rtvadmin.war rtview-manager-rtvadmin.war
rtview#rtvmgr_rtvquery.war rtview-manager-rtvquery.war
rtview#rtvmgr_rtvdata.war rtview-manager-rtvdata.war
rtview#rtvmgr_rtvpost.war rtview-manager-rtvpost.war
rtview#rtvmgr_rtvagent.war rtview-manager-rtvagent.war
Object Library
22398: Fx Graphs now supported in 64 bit java on Windows
The Fx Graph objects are now supported in the Builder & Viewer in 64 bit versions
of Java on Windows. Previously only 32 bit java was supported.
This enhancement does not affect Linux or MacOS rtview installations. The Fx
Graph objects are still not supported in the Builder/Viewer on those platforms.
Charts (General)
22114: webChartFlag can now be set in styles sheet for bar and trend graphs
In prior releases, the webChartFlag property could not be set on obj_bargraph and
obj_trendgraph02 objects via an rtview stylesheet (.rts) file. This has been
fixed, so the following stylesheet entries will now set webChartFlag on all such
obj_trendgraph02 {
webChartFlag: 1;
obj_bargraph {
webChartFlag: 1;
Pie Charts
19863: Added support for HTML pie charts
The thin client now supports a web pie chart.
The web pie chart is a pure HTML implementation of an RTView pie chart object. In
the RTView thin client, the web pie chart provides an interactive, high
performance chart without requiring the Flash player or other browser plugin.
There is no web pie chart in the Builder palette. Instead, a new property named
webChartFlag has been added to the flex (obj_fxpie) and swing (obj_pie) pie
charts. To enable the web pie chart the user simply sets the webChartFlag
property to true (checked) on a flex or swing pie chart instance. Then, when the
display is opened in the thin client in a web compatible browser, the web pie
chart will appear in place of the flex or swing pie chart.
This feature is similar to the webChartFlag property that has been available on
the flex and swing trend graph and bar graph objects in several prior releases.
The web pie chart supports all of the major properties available in the flex and
swing pie charts. However several minor properties are not supported or have
limited support in the web pie chart. These properties are listed at the end of
this note.
In addition to the properties listed below, there are some behavioral differences
between the web pie chart and the flex/swing pie chart as follows.
1) Stretching: Unlike the swing pie chart obj_pie, the web pie chart does not
stretch to an oval shape to fill the available space. Instead the web pie chart
remains round, with its diameter determined by the smaller dimension. (The flex
pie chart is always round too).
2) Slice order: In the swing and flex pie charts the bottom edge of the first
wedge/slice, corresponding to the first row in the valueTable, is drawn at 0
degrees (that is, its bottom edge is horizontal). The slices for subsequent rows
follow in counter-clockwise order. In the web pie chart, the first slice is drawn
at 90 degrees, so its left edge is vertical. The slices for subsequent rows
follow in clockwise order.
3) Tooltip: The tooltip on the web pie chart shows the label and value for a
wedge, but does not show its computed %
4) Wedge labels (on obj_fxpie only): On obj_fxpie, wedge labels are visible
unless wedgeLabelPosition = None(0), as expected. However, the label shows only
the wedge's label, not its value or %. Also the wedgeLabelPosition values of
"Inside with Callout(3)" and "Outside(4)" give the same result as "Callout(1)" on
the html5 chart. If wedgeLabelPosition = Inside(2), some wedge labels may spill
outside of their wedge, depending on the size of the label and wedge.
The web pie chart can be enabled for all obj_fxpie (flex) instances by adding the
following rule to an rtview stylesheet (.rts) file loaded by the display server:
obj_fxpie {
webChartFlag : 1
Similarly, the web pie chart can be enabled for all obj_pie (Swing) instances by
the following rule:
obj_pie {
webChartFlag : 1
See the documentation for more information on using RTView stylesheets.
If a stylesheet is used note that the webChartFlag value can still be overridden
and set to zero (false) on individual instances.
As mentioned earlier, some chart properties are hidden in the builder if
webChartFlag is checked.
These properties of obj_fxpie are hidden if webChartFlag is checked:
These properties of obj_pie are hidden if webChartFlag is checked:
21045: Misconfigured table objects no longer cause javascript exceptions in the thin client
A bug in the thin client has been fixed which could cause a javascript exception
if the columnFormat on a table object was misconfigured to specify a format for a
string column, and a backslash character appeared in the column.
Platform Support
23222: Build with Java 1.8 + drop support for Java 1.7
RTView is now built with Java 1.8
Java 1.7 is no longer supported.
21741: Monitoring Tomcat 8.0 or 8.5 no longer produces cache function errors
A bug that caused errors in the dataserver.log file for data server's monitoring
Tomcat 8.x servers has been fixed. The errors had the following syntax:
ERROR: function <tomcatWebModuleStats04DeltaRate>, Table structure has changed;
cannot save data., type:DELTARATEROWS, file:tomcat_cache.rtv
ERROR: function <tomcatManagerStats77DeltaRate>, Table structure has changed;
cannot save data., type:DELTARATEROWS, file:tomcat_cache.rtv
RTView Core Functionality
21795: Fixed an issue where the Cleared Reason for an alert was incorrect
In prevous releases, the Cleared Reason was sometimes incorrect after an alert
was disabled and re-enabled. This has been fixed.
21924: Fixed an issue with disabling event alerts
In previous releases, disabling event alerts was sometimes ignored due to a bug
that was introduced in RTView Classic 6.7.0, RTView EM 3.2.0. This has been
23373: Improved error reporting when persistence database doesn't have correct schema
The Alert Engine has been enhanced to provide expected column information in the
case where the Alert Persistence database table does not contain the correct
21672: Builder enhanced to remember dialog window sizes and positions
The Display Builder has been enhanced to automatically save and restore the size
and location of the following dialogs:
- Open (File->Open)
- Save (File->Save/Save-As)
- Function Results (Function Dialog->Result Button)
The Tools->Reset Window Layout menu option and the -resetlayout command line
option restore the size and location of these windows in addition to the other
windows that were previously reset.
Data Historian
21921: Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 now supported
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 and 2016 are now supported as databases for use with
the Data Historian, provided that the latest JDBC driver is used (sqljdbc41.jar
with Java 1.7, sqljdbc42.jar with Java 1.8).
22195: RTView Historian now uses PreparedStatements
The Historian now uses PreparedStatements for repeated SQL Queries against the
historian database
- For raw data insert
- For data compaction
- For retention deletion
Previously the historian used literal SQL queries with unique timestamps.
Data Server
21898: Fixed an issue with rtvquery returning errors on valid query strings
In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would sometimes return an error of "No
data received before timeout, query may be invalid" for a specific, valid cache
query string, on every attempt. The servlet needed to be restarted to clear the
error. This has been fixed.
22462: Float column values no longer garbled in rtvquery response
In the previous release, values for cache columns with type = float were garbled
in query responses from the rtvquery (REST) servlet, so the response could not be
parsed. This is fixed.
23211: Message now shown in dataserver console when Java is not available.
The scripts which start servers have been improved to give a clear indication if
the java command is not available.
If java(.exe) is not found on the PATH but JAVA_HOME is defined, the scripts will
add JAVA_HOME/bin to the PATH and try again.
If JAVA_HOME is not defined or java(.exe) cannot be found in JAVA_HOME, the
scripts will fail with the error "java not found on PATH and JAVA_HOME not
defined or not valid." On Windows this will be followed by a pause and "Press any
key to continue".
Data Sources
21669: Enhanced caches with new trim option
An option has been added to the cache data source to remove rows periodically
from a cache's history table according to its historyTimeSpan property. By
default, that operation is performed only when new data is applied to the cache.
The new option is useful in rare cases where new data may be applied to the cache
at time intervals (e.g. 1 hour) that are longer than the cache's historyTimeSpan
(e.g. 30 minutes).
The new option can be specified on the command-line as follows:
Or in CACHEOPTIONS.ini as follows:
trimhist true
Or in an rtview properties file as follows:
If the new option is specified, the historyTimeSpan limit is checked on all
caches every 30 seconds, approximately. The new option is disabled by default. If
the new option is not specified, then the historyTimeSpan limit is only checked
when new data is applied to the cache as in all prior releases.
21689: Fixed an issue with the "Extend with SQL" cache feature
In prior releases, the "Extend with SQL" feature of the cache data source could
cause thread growth if the history database connection was undefined or
unavailable. This is now fixed.
23500: Duplicate database connection errors no longer printed to log file
The error reporting for failed database connection attempts has been enhanced.
Previously, an error was printed to the console for each failed connection
attempt. Now, an error is reported for the first failed connection attempt and no
more output is generated until a success message is printed when the connection
succeeds. The connection error is only printed again the first time we fail to
reconnect after a successful connection is lost.
This change applies both to the GmsRtViewSqlDs connections and to the Historian
connection to the RTVHISTORY database.
Display Server
21772: Extra-bold font in Firefox fixed
In the previous release, objects using font index 7 (sans-serif bold) would
appear extra bold in some versions of Firefox if the display server was
configured to use the extended font feature with arimob.ttf assigned to font 7.
This has been fixed.
21853: Fixed an issue with small numbers not updating to zero in the thin client
In previous releases, the value displayed in an obj_rect_ilv object would not
change if the previous value was greater than zero and less than one, and a value
of zero was applied. This problem occurred only in the thin client and is now
21906: Thin client enhanced to check user role access on each request
In prior releases, after a user had logged into the thin client, the user could
manually enter a specific URL in the same browser instance and possibly view data
from rtview displays to which the user's role should have denied access. This is
21908: Enhanced display server with option to limit access to specific panel files
The display server now supports a "permitpanel" option to specify the panel
layout files that the server will read.
A panel layout for the thin client is requested from the display server with a
URL parameter as follows:
where X is the name of the panel layout file that the server should read. By
default, the display server will attempt to read any filename on the server that
is specified by the URL parameter. If the file is a valid panel layout file, the
thin client will use it. But if the file does not exist, a "no such file" error
is displayed in the browser, and if the file exists but does not contain the
expected layout information, a "no panels found" error is displayed in the
The permitpanel option allows you to specify the file(s) which the display server
will read in response to a panels.jsp request. Requests from panels.jsp for any
other files are rejected with a "Permission denied" error shown in the browser,
regardless of whether the file exists or not, and the server will not attempt to
read such files.
The option may be specified multiple times to allow access to multiple panel
Command-line example:
run_displayserver -permitpanel:PANELS.ini -permitpanel:layout.xml
DISPLAYSERVER.ini example:
permitpanel PANELS.ini
permitpanel layout.xml
In addition, the display server supports another new option to prevent attempts
to load remote files, as follows:
If that option is specified any rtv or image files that are referenced by URL
will not be read and the server will log a message similar to the following:
non-local file read permission denied: http://host/somefile
21909: Tomcat logs no longer produce gratuitous rtvCleanup errors
In previous releases the following error message appeared in the Tomcat log at
shutdown, for each deployed copy of the rtvdisplay servlet:
"SEVERE: The web application [/rtvdisplay] appears to have started a thread named
[rtvCleanup] but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory
Starting with this release, the error message should be seen less often in the
log file, although it may still appear occasionally. In any case, there is no
danger of a memory leak when tomcat is shutdown.
21912: Fixed phishing vulnerabilities in thin client
In prior releases, it was possible to create phishing URLs which appeared to be
directed at the rtview thin client but would redirect the user to another site,
or download and possibly execute a file. These vulnerabilities have been fixed.
21990: Fixed a vulnerability in the thin client
An XSS (cross-site scripting) vulnerability in the thin client login.jsp file has
been fixed.
21996: Fixed an issue with thin client resizing
In previous releases, after a display is resized by the thin client to fit the
browser window, the black border around the default button (if any) was drawn in
the button's original position, rather than the button's new position. This is
22117: Tomcat no longer throws an error if image path contains a backslash
A bug has been fixed in the thin client which would cause Tomcat 8.5+ to throw an
IllegalArgumentException if the path to an image contained a backslash.
The full exception is as follows:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid character found in the request
target. The valid characters are defined in RFC 7230 and RFC 3986
22551: Mouseover text no longer mispositioned on scrolled thin client displays
A problem has been fixed in the thin client that caused the mouseover (tooltip)
text to be mispositioned for objects that needed to be scrolled into view.
23220: jetty updated to 9.4.14
The version of Jetty used by EM to host web applications has been upgraded to
Jetty version 9.4.14.
In addition, the temp directory used by Jetty has been changed. Previously, the directory was used, but files were not always removed from this
directory. Now, Jetty creates a temp sub-directory in the directory where the
data server is running. This temp directory is deleted on shutdown.
22080: Command line arguments with spaces now process properly on Unix
In previous releases, quoted command line arguments with spaces did not work on
unix. This has been fixed.
Object Library
19863: Added support for HTML pie charts
The thin client now supports a web pie chart.
The web pie chart is a pure HTML implementation of an RTView pie chart object. In
the RTView thin client, the web pie chart provides an interactive, high
performance chart without requiring the Flash player or other browser plugin.
There is no web pie chart in the Builder palette. Instead, a new property named
webChartFlag has been added to the flex (obj_fxpie) and swing (obj_pie) pie
charts. To enable the web pie chart the user simply sets the webChartFlag
property to true (checked) on a flex or swing pie chart instance. Then, when the
display is opened in the thin client in a web compatible browser, the web pie
chart will appear in place of the flex or swing pie chart.
This feature is similar to the webChartFlag property that has been available on
the flex and swing trend graph and bar graph objects in several prior releases.
The web pie chart supports all of the major properties available in the flex and
swing pie charts. However several minor properties are not supported or have
limited support in the web pie chart. These properties are listed at the end of
this note.
In addition to the properties listed below, there are some behavioral differences
between the web pie chart and the flex/swing pie chart as follows.
1) Stretching: Unlike the swing pie chart obj_pie, the web pie chart does not
stretch to an oval shape to fill the available space. Instead the web pie chart
remains round, with its diameter determined by the smaller dimension. (The flex
pie chart is always round too).
2) Slice order: In the swing and flex pie charts the bottom edge of the first
wedge/slice, corresponding to the first row in the valueTable, is drawn at 0
degrees (that is, its bottom edge is horizontal). The slices for subsequent rows
follow in counter-clockwise order. In the web pie chart, the first slice is drawn
at 90 degrees, so its left edge is vertical. The slices for subsequent rows
follow in clockwise order.
3) Tooltip: The tooltip on the web pie chart shows the label and value for a
wedge, but does not show its computed %
4) Wedge labels (on obj_fxpie only): On obj_fxpie, wedge labels are visible
unless wedgeLabelPosition = None(0), as expected. However, the label shows only
the wedge's label, not its value or %. Also the wedgeLabelPosition values of
"Inside with Callout(3)" and "Outside(4)" give the same result as "Callout(1)" on
the html5 chart. If wedgeLabelPosition = Inside(2), some wedge labels may spill
outside of their wedge, depending on the size of the label and wedge.
The web pie chart can be enabled for all obj_fxpie (flex) instances by adding the
following rule to an rtview stylesheet (.rts) file loaded by the display server:
obj_fxpie {
webChartFlag : 1
Similarly, the web pie chart can be enabled for all obj_pie (Swing) instances by
the following rule:
obj_pie {
webChartFlag : 1
See the documentation for more information on using RTView stylesheets.
If a stylesheet is used note that the webChartFlag value can still be overridden
and set to zero (false) on individual instances.
As mentioned earlier, some chart properties are hidden in the builder if
webChartFlag is checked.
These properties of obj_fxpie are hidden if webChartFlag is checked:
These properties of obj_pie are hidden if webChartFlag is checked:
21045: Misconfigured table objects no longer cause javascript exceptions in the thin client
A bug in the thin client has been fixed which could cause a javascript exception
if the columnFormat on a table object was misconfigured to specify a format for a
string column, and a backslash character appeared in the column.
22114: webChartFlag can now be set in styles sheet for bar and trend graphs
In prior releases, the webChartFlag property could not be set on obj_bargraph and
obj_trendgraph02 objects via an rtview stylesheet (.rts) file. This has been
fixed, so the following stylesheet entries will now set webChartFlag on all such
obj_trendgraph02 {
webChartFlag: 1;
obj_bargraph {
webChartFlag: 1;
22398: Fx Graphs now supported in 64 bit java on Windows
The Fx Graph objects are now supported in the Builder & Viewer in 64 bit versions
of Java on Windows. Previously only 32 bit java was supported.
This enhancement does not affect Linux or MacOS rtview installations. The Fx
Graph objects are still not supported in the Builder/Viewer on those platforms.
22541: Export to PDF in thin client no longer triggers server log error message
Previously, under certain circumstances, exporting a PDF, using the "Export to
PDF" option would trigger a java.lang.IllegalStateException error message in the
(display)server log (e.g. logs\displayserver.log). This is no longer the case.
22558: Ability to suppress headers and footers in generated PDF reports added
A capability to suppress headers and footers in generated PDF reports has been
added to the report generator.
This is achieved by means of adding new attributes to the report tag in the
report config xml file
The new attributes are:
which take a boolean value, and are false by default.
Not adding the attributes will have the same behavior as previously.
for a generated report with a header and footer
<report name = "plant_status">
for a generated report with no header (but with a footer)
<report name = "plant_status_no_header" no_header="true" >
for a generated report with no footer (but with a header)
<report name = "plant_status_no_footer" no_footer="true" >
for a generated report with no header and no footer
<report name = "plant_status_no_header_footer" no_header="true" no_footer="true">
22541: Export to PDF in thin client no longer triggers server log error message
Previously, under certain circumstances, exporting a PDF, using the "Export to
PDF" option would trigger a java.lang.IllegalStateException error message in the
(display)server log (e.g. logs\displayserver.log). This is no longer the case.
22558: Ability to suppress headers and footers in generated PDF reports added
A capability to suppress headers and footers in generated PDF reports has been
added to the report generator.
This is achieved by means of adding new attributes to the report tag in the
report config xml file
The new attributes are:
which take a boolean value, and are false by default.
Not adding the attributes will have the same behavior as previously.
for a generated report with a header and footer
<report name = "plant_status">
for a generated report with no header (but with a footer)
<report name = "plant_status_no_header" no_header="true" >
for a generated report with no footer (but with a header)
<report name = "plant_status_no_footer" no_footer="true" >
for a generated report with no header and no footer
<report name = "plant_status_no_header_footer" no_header="true" no_footer="true">
18806: Support secure JMX with start and stop and status scripts
The start_rtv, stop_rtv and status_rtv scripts have been enhanced so as to work
with RTView servers whose JMX ports have been secured either with username and
password or with SSL. You give the scripts the necessary information about
credentials and they manage authentication with the server.
In the first case the necessary information is username and password.
In the second case it is client KeyStore and TrustStore locations and their
corresponding passwords. This information can be given to the scripts in two
ways: via command-line arguments, and via properties placed in any property file
used by the server.
Username and password may be specified via command-line arguments as follows:
Or by properties as follows:
Client KeyStore and TrustStore files and passwords may be specified as follows:
Or by properties as follows:
You may encrypt the passwords in your properties files by using the command-line
tool "encode_string", for example
encode_string encoder2 password
This will give you an encrypted value for "password" you may use in your
21771: Fixed an issue where ports were misidentified
The rtvapm start/stop/status scripts, when testing the ports of a given server,
would incorrectly identify a port as "taken" whose number contained the server's
number with a leading or trailing digit. (For example finding 33675 in use and
saying 3675 is taken.) This has been corrected.
23204: update_wars scripts now support command-line arguments
The update_wars scripts in all deliverables have been improved as follows:
1. The name, host, and portprefix are declared in variables at the top of the
script for easy editing.
2. Those three variables may be passed into the scripts on the command-line, e.g. my-appname my-hostname 99
3. You may use "?" or "help" to get a usage message, e.g.
> help
Usage: [appname [host [portprefix]]]
Defaults: rtview-bwmon localhost 33
4. You may edit other variables at the stop of the scripts to set properties for
HA (high-availability).
Set HA_HOST to the hostname of the backup data server.
Set HA_DISPLAYHOST to the hostname of the backup display server.
Set HA_FAILBACK to true to automatically reconnect to the primary display server.
23219: hsqldb updated to 1.8.1
The version of hsqldb included has been updated to 1.8.1.
Previously when the hsqldb database was shut down with stop_rtv.bat/sh, its
console window would show multiple messages of the form
Exception in thread "HSQLDB Connection @5757c327" java.lang.NullPointerException
This has been corrected.
Note that on Windows, when shutting down the database you may see messages of the
form "database alias=alertdefs does not exist" in the hsqldb console window.
These messages may be ignored.
23416: JMX port conflicts reported by start scripts
The start_rtv scripts, when checking for port conflicts before starting a server,
will now detect if a port conflict is caused by another RTView server, and will
identify that server by its RTVAPM_HOME. For example:
...start_rtv.bat: another dataserver running with JMX port 3268 under
If the port conflict is caused by a non-RTView process the message will be like
...start_rtv.bat: JMX port 3268 in use by PID 1234
In either case the script will include this advice:
Warning: server not started, port conflict
To avoid port conflicts, run your start script with the -portprefix: command line
argument to change the first 2 digits of all your server ports.
To persist these port changes, change the port prefix in the Configuration
Application or use the -saveportprefix: command line argument. See the
documentation for more information.
23431: Start scripts no longer fail on windows if there are spaces in the install directory
The scripts used to start and stop rtview servers on Windows would fail if the
product were installed in a directory with spaces in the name (e.g. "test
directory"). This has been fixed.
23467: Fixed portprefix command line bugs
Two problems with the -portprefix option have been corrected. It will now emit
correct args for the single-solution monitoring products, and it will not
incorrectly emit args for central servers.
Solution Package
22310: Solution package README.txt files deprecated
The solution package README.txt files have been deprecated.
Information relevant to essential configuration has been migrated into the
conf\ comments, to continue to support users who prefer to set
properties manually in the properties files, rather than use the new Config UI.
Oracle Weblogic
21835: Fixed a few typos in alert descriptions
Fixed typos in the alert description of the following two alerts:
WlsServerStaleData and WlsPendingRequestCurrentHigh.
Version 3.5.0 Release Notes
Data Model
21501: Fixed performance issue due to large list of subs on RtvDisplayServerDisplays cache
A performance issue from misconfigured history on the RtvDisplayServerDisplays
cache has been fixed.
21486: New option to use cross-platform fonts
When the Display Server is running from a host operating system other than the
operating system of the client browsers, label alignment inconsistencies can
occur due to font unavailability. This is especially pronounced for a Linux
server and WIndows client scenario.
RTView EM now provides a rtvapm/rtview/lib/rtvfonts.jar that can be enabled in
the Display Server, so that the client browser will download the fonts used by
the server.
To enable this option, which is recommended for linux hosts, edit
rtvapm/common/conf/ and uncomment the following two lines:
20537: New properties to limit Display Server table cells
The Monitor has been enhanced to support 3 new properties to limit the amount of
data that is passed from the Display Server to the browser for tables. The
following properties have been added to common\conf\
cellsperpage - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be
displayed in a table object. This avoids the sluggish performance, timeouts,
and out-of-memory exceptions that might otherwise occur from processing and
transmitting all of the rows at once Table objects with more than the specified
number of cells are paged. This means that the Display Server only sends the rows
that are visible plus a few rows before and after the visible rows. As the user
scrolls, the new rows are requested from the Display Server. This results in a
small delay between the scroll action and the data showing up in the table. The
default is 20000.
cellsperexport - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be
exported for the Export to Excel and Export to HTML operations. The default is
cellsperreport - This limits the number of cells (columns*rows) that will be
exported for the Export to PDF operation. The default is 20000.
For all of the new properties, a value of less than 1000 will disable the
property. Values larger than the defaults may result in slower performance,
timeouts and/or out-of-memory exceptions when interacting with tables in displays
in the thin client.
21134: The date picker no longer generates incomplete date format.
In previous releases, the date chooser dialog in the trend graph views did not
set the end time correctly for servers that were not in the same time zone as the
client. This has been fixed.
Platform Support
20536: Support added for Red Hat Linux 7
RHEL 7 is now a supported platform for RTView.
20574: Fixed "tomcatManagerStats77DeltaRate" function error
Previously the message "ERROR: function <tomcatManagerStats77DeltaRate>, Invalid
(non-numeric) data column" would appear when Tomcat connections were not present.
This has been fixed
RTView Core Functionality
20643: New option to restrict number of characters in alert comments in the alert ds
The Alert data source has been enhanced with a new Maximum Characters Allowed in
Comments Field property to limit the number of characters it will store in the
Comments field. In previous releases, new comments were appended to the existing
contents of the Comments field with no limit on the amount of text. This caused
problems for alert persistence and alert history if the Comment field became
longer than corresponding database field could handle.
For this enhancement, the order of the comments has been reversed so that new
comments are added before existing contents in the Comments field. If the Maximum
Characters Allowed in Comments Field is greater than 0 and a new comment is added
to an alert, the content of the Comments field will be trimmed by removing
characters from the end of the contents if necessary to stay under the limit.
By default, this feature is disabled and the Comments field will grow unbounded
as new comments are added. To enable the limit, set the Maximum Characters
Allowed in Comments Field in the Alerts tab of the Application Options dialog to
a value greater than 0. You can set it using the following property:
This comment limit is be available via a data attachment to alert-commentlimit to
facilitate building a UI that will prevent users to enter comments longer than
this limit. Note that the UI text entry limit should be set to 100 characters
less than the comment limit in order to account for the time stamp, user name and
hard returns between comments.
Persisted alerts with comments from a previous versions will have mixed order on
the Comments contents. It will be oldest->newest for persisted comments, then
newest->oldest for new comments added in this and later releases. Persisted
comments from previous versions that have been persisted and are longer than the
specified Maximum Characters Allowed in Comments Field will be trimmed on
21582: Thin Client now adds scrollbars at smaller resolutions
Displays in the thin client with a minimum size and resize mode = Layout now
correctly display scrollbars at smaller resolutions.
20664: New option to exit if alert persistence is enabled but database table is unavailable
The Alert data source has been enhanced with a new property:
This property controls what happens when alert persistence is enabled but cannot
be initialized due to a database problem or configuration issue. When
exitOnPersistInitFailed is set to false (default), RTView will initialize the
alerts with persistence disabled. This is the behavior in previous releases. When
exitOnPersistInitFailed is set to true, RTView will exit after the persistence
initialization has failed without initializing the alerts.
19854: Email command no longer garbles Japanese chars in name of attached file
The Send Email command no longer garbles Japanese and other non-ascii characters
in the names of files attached to an email.
Data Historian
19992: New Smooth Compaction configuration options
New arguments have been added to customize how compaction smoothing is performed.
Run smoothing only without data being provided
Restrict the tables being smoothed to those specified
20019: Compaction smoothing no longer sets incorrect "run after" date
Previously, the smooth compaction option caused an an incorrect "run after" date
to be set for further compaction. This could result in a small portion of data
not being compacted. This has been fixed.
20067: Data retention (purging) now correctly performed after compaction/smoothing
Previously, database retention logic was incorrectly postponed after
smoothing/compaction had taken place on a table. This could result in the
retention of more data than specified in historian configuration. This has been
20159: Added option to sync up data from the history cache when historian starts
The Historian supports a new option named persistInitTimeRange which affects the
cache persistence feature.
Normally, when the cache persistence feature is enabled in the historian, the
historian begins collecting cache history data starting at the time when each
data server connects. This is adequate in most situations. The
persistInitTimeRange option can be used to specify a time range, in seconds, back
from the current time that the historian should get cache history data from the
data server. This can be useful if the historian is started sometime after the
data server, so the data server has collected cache history that hasn't been sent
to the historian. For example, if the data server was started an hour before the
historian, then the historian could be started as follows, so that it will
request an hour of cache history from the data server:
run_historian -persistCaches:true -persistInitTimeRange:3600
20187: Option to perform compaction for a time range prior to "now"
An option was added to the Historian to allow for the smoothing process to only
go back as far as a specified range in the form:
-smoothCompactionRecent:NN Where NN is '1d' or '1w'
20254: Retention-only compaction now executed correctly
Previously the historian would fail to run compaction if the Compaction Rules
consisted of a single rule that only specified a duration of Raw data (-).
This has been fixed.
20637: New option to limit length of strings from cache table stored in db
The historian has been enhanced to support a limit on the length of a string from
a cache table column that it will store in the database. If a string is longer
than the specified limit, it will be truncated to the limit before it is stored
in the database table. This can avoid SQL exceptions encountered when the length
of a string exceeds the capacity of the column's data type (for example, 4000
characters in an VARCHAR2 column in Oracle).
The limit is specified by a new property named stringColMaxLen. This can be
specified in HISTORY.ini as follows:
stringColMaxLen 3500
It can also be specified on the command line or a properties file. By default the
property has no value, so no limit is enforced.
Data Server
20596: Fixed duplication in connection error messages
A bug has been fixed which caused duplication of log messages when a client lost
its connection to a data server.
20910: RTVquery no longer hangs when the target data server re-boots
In previous releases, the rtvquery servlet would occasionally fail to respond to
queries after its target data server was restarted. This problem is fixed
Data Sources
18403: Fixed cache bug with maxNumberOfCurrentRows and blank timestampColumnName
The cache data source no longer throws a NullPointerException if a cache has
maxNumberOfCurrentRows > 0 and a blank timestampColumnName.
19563: -sqltryodbc:false is now the default RTView behavior
By default, the SQL data source will no longer attempt to make an ODBC connection
to XYZ if an sql query or command is executed that references a database XYZ but
there is no definition of XYZ in OPTIONS.ini. Instead the following error message
will appear in the console:
Undefined SQL database XYZ
To force the SQL data source to attempt an ODBC connection when an undefined
database is referenced as in prior releases, specify the following command-line
The option can also be specified in OPTIONS.ini:
sqltryodbc true
or in a properties file:
Note that RTView will still make an ODBC connection to database XYZ if it appears
in OPTIONS.ini with the odbc driver specified, regardless of the -sqltrodbc
However, note that the ODBC driver is not supported in Java 1.8 or newer. If an
ODBC connection is attempted in java 1.8 or newer, the following error messages
will appear in the console:
ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver (ODBC driver is not
available in Java 1.8 or newer)
Unable to connect to database <XYZ>:
No suitable driver found for jdbc:odbc:XYZ
19928: ODBC option removed from Builder and Historian GUI
The checkbox labeled "Use ODBC Driver" has been removed from the SQL Add Database
dialog in the Builder and also from the Database Options panel of the Historian
UI. This change was made because the JdbcOdbc driver is no longer supported by
Oracle beginning in Java 1.8 and in earlier releases it was not intended for
production use.
If an existing OPTIONS.ini or HISTORY.ini file contains a database connection
that was saved with the "Use ODBC Driver" box checked, those connections will
still work in this release if run with java < 1.8. In the new UI, such entries
will now show:
JDBC Driver Class Name : sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver
JDBC Database URL : jdbc:odbc:<dbname>
... rather than showing the checked "Use ODBC Driver" box.
But, if run with java 1.8 or newer, the following error will appear in the
console for each database that is configured to use ODBC:
ClassNotFoundException: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver (ODBC driver is not
available in Java 1.8 or newer)
20191: Prevent data with timestamp < historyTimeSpan from going to history
In prior releases, a row with a timestamp older than a cache's historyTimeSpan
could be added to the cache's history table and would not be removed until the
next update. In this release this has been fixed so that such a row is not added
to the history table in the first place.
20692: Fixed bogus timeout of sql query
A problem has been fixed in the SQL datasource which would sometimes cause a
query to fail with a bogus timeout error showing a very large and incorrect
timeout value.
20767: xml parser no longer throws exception if token >= 8192 chars
In previous releases, the JMS and XML data sources would throw an
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if an XML string token contained 8192 or more
characters and none of those characters was a space. This is fixed.
Display Server
18024: Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBounds on Grid containing more than 1 icon type
In prior releases, the display server threw an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception if
a display was opened containing an object grid configured with more than one icon
per item, and the display was not rendered in the thin client. This is fixed.
19512: Support added for audio and threshold commands in thin client
The thin client now supports the Play Audio File command and threshold commands.
In addition, a new property named valueCommandResetTrigger has been added to the
display objects that support threshold commands.
Play Audio File command:
The thin client now supports the Play Audio File command. The support for audio
file formats varies by platform, as follows.
- The Play Audio File command is not supported in Internet Explorer version 8 and
- In a desktop browser (Internet Explorer 9 or newer, Firefox, Chrome) .wav and
.mp3 files are supported. However, Internet Explorer uses the Windows Media
Player to play .wav files, which may require user confirmation or may fail due to
security settings.
- In mobile browsers (e.g. Safari on iOS) only .mp3 files are supported, and the
user must click on the "Enable Audio" button that appears in a display the first
time an audio command is executed.
- The "Beep" command is still not supported in the thin client.
Note that in the builder/viewer, only .wav files are supported by the Play Audio
File command. This has always been the case and has not changed in this release.
Threshold command:
There are four objects that support threshold commands: obj_circ2d_ilvx_ra4,
obj_rect_ilvx_ra4, obj_circ2d_ilvx_da3, and obj_rect_ilvx_da3. A threshold
command can be defined using any of the properties named value*Command on those
In this release, if the webChartFlag property is checked on an object with a
threshold command, the threshold command will be executed in a thin client
deployment when appropriate. In prior releases, threshold commands were ignored
in a thin client deployment.
If the threshold command is a supported client-side command it will be executed
in the browser. The client-side commands are: Play Audio File, Drilldown/Set
substitution, Execute Custom Command (if the custom command has a javascript
implementation), Open Browser. All other commands are executed by the display
server or (for a data source command) in the data server.
A new property named valueCommandResetTrigger was added to the objects that
support threshold commands. Typically, once a threshold command has been executed
by one of those objects because the value exceeds or equals a limit, the command
will not execute again until the value exceeds another limit. But now, if the
value of valueCommandResetTrigger property is changed, then the object's
threshold command will be executed again even if the value property has not
changed. Changing the value of valueCommandResetTrigger when the object's value
is not at or above a limit has no effect.
20237: Touchscreen PCs no longer display thin client in tablet mode
In prior releases, if the thin client was opened in a browser on a PC with a
touchscreen, items would be missing from in the right-click context menu. The
missing items includied the Drill Down, Execute Command, and Export Table to
Excel items, plus any custom menu items. This is fixed.
20582: Mouse cursor now changes appearance when hovering over composites
If a composite object has its drilldownTarget set, then in the thin client the
"hand" cursor will appear when the mouse is over the composite. This is
consistent with the behavior of other objects that have a drilldownTarget.
20621: Fixed: obj_rect_il may not draw in comp grid if webLabelFlag=1
A bug in the thin client has been fixed that sometimes caused objects with the
webLabelFlag property checked to not to be drawn if the objects were in a
composite display inside an object grid instance.
20623: Table no longer fails to populate when cellsperpage is smaller than visible cells
A bug in the display server has been fixed which sometimes caused table cells in
the thin client to always contain "..." if the cellsperpage property was set.
Typically this occurred if the cellsperpage value was small (in the range of 1000
to 2000) and a table with many columns was opened. It was unlikely to occur with
a typical cellsperpage value of 10000 or more. The problem is fixed for all
cellsperpage values. As before, a value less than 1000 is ignored.
20679: Table row selection in AW grid no longer unreliable in IE >= 10
In previous releases, when using the thin client in IE 10 and 11, after
performing a drilldown from a table object subsequent row clicks in the same
table may be ignored. This is fixed.
21435: Fixed mouse wheel scrolling for tables when using Firefox 42 or newer
In prior releases, the thin client did not support scrolling of table objects
using the mouse wheel, if webGridFlag = false, in Firefox version 42 or newer.
This is fixed.
20326: New -version flag that prints version information without starting the app
Each of the RTView applications now supports a -version option on the command
line which will cause the app to print the RTView version information and then
exit immediately.
For example:
run_dataserver -version
19451: Viewer and builder now print copyright to log4j output
Previously the Display Viewer and Builder did not show the copyright banner in
log files created using Log4j. This has been corrected.
19543: Fixed alert notification script output error when using log4j
Alert notifications from an RTView now go to a log4j output as desired.
Object Library
19936: Added support for data quality to obj_statushistory
The status history chart (obj_statushistory) has been enhanced to indicate data
Two new properties have been added, named valueQualityColumnName and
valueQualityBadValuesList. These properties can be used to set a color and
pattern to be plotted when on a bar when the data quality is bad.
The valueQualityColumnName property can be set to the name of the table column
that contains a value indicating the data quality for each row. The column can
contain string, integer, or boolean values. The valueQualityBadValuesList
property can be set to a string containing value,label pairs with each pair
separated by semicolons. This is used to assign a label to a numeric bad quality
value, for example "-1,no data;0,stale data"
The default value for valueQualityColumnName is blank, which means that the new
feature is disabled. In this mode the color and pattern for each bar is
determined by getting the value for that row from the column specified by
valueColumnName, and looking up that value in the chart's barProperties. (This is
the behavior in all prior releases).
If valueQualityColumnName non-blank, then for each row R the row's value to be
plotted is determined as follows:
- let Q = value of quality column for row R, and V = value of value column for
row R
- if Q is blank, then the quality is considered good and V is used at the row
value, as normal.
- else if the valueQualityBadValuesList property is blank, then Q is used as the
row value.
- else if valueQualityBadValuesList contains an entry "Q,X" then X is used as the
row value
- else the quality is considered good (since no match was found in
valueQualityBadValuesList) and V is used at the row value
Then the row value is looked up in barProperties, as usual, to determine the
color and fill pattern. That value is also shown in the mouseover text as usual.
For example, consider the following data table:
Plant Status Quality
----- ------ -------
A online 1
B offline 1
C online -1
D offline 0
... where 1 = data OK, -1 = no data, and 0 = stale data.
Next, consider a status history chart with these properties:
indexColumnNames = Plant
valueColumnName = Status
valueQualityColumnName = Quality
valueQualityBadValuesList = -1,no Data;0,stale data
barProperties =
online : green
offline : blue
no data : red
stale data : orange
Note that valueQualityBadValuesList has no entry for quality = 1, because that is
the "good" quality value.
With that configuration, when the data table shown above is applied to the chart,
it will plot a segment for each Plant as follows:
A green (since Status = online and Quality = 1 / OK)
B blue (since Status = online and Quality = 1 / OK)
C red (since Quality = -1 / no data)
D orange (since Quality = 0 / stale data)
20142: Fixed minor usability problems with tree/accordion control
The following minor problems with the tree and accordion control object are
1 The initialExpandDepth property is now only applied to new branches.
Previously, on a tree control with valueTableType = Row-node the
initialExpandDepth was improperly reapplied on each update to the tree, reopening
any existing branches that the user may have closed.
2. In the thin client, the labels on accordion buttons are now aligned properly:
Parent (non-leaf) node labels are left aligned, and leaf node labels are center
aligned. This is consistent with the accordion in the builder/viewer. Previously,
parent node labels were center aligned in the thin client, which was incorrect.
3. On a tree control In the thin client, a click on the +/- icon now opens/closes
the tree branch as expected but it no longer selects the node or triggers the
tree control's command. This is now consistent with the tree control behavior in
the viewer.
4. On an accordion control In the thin client in most browsers, a click on a
left/down arrow icon now opens/closes the branch as expected but it no longer
activates the accordion button or triggers the accordion control's command.
However, in IE version 8 or older, and in the viewer, the accordion button is
still activated and the control's command is executed.
20638: New property to limit text entered into text area control
The text area control (obj_c1textarea) has been enhanced to enforce an optional
maximum character limit. (The text field control, obj_c1textedit, has supported
this feature for several releases).
maxCharacters - The maximum number of characters that will be submitted to the
control's actionCommand. The default value is blank (no limit). The limit does
not restrict the length of the text in the control, instead the limit is checked
before the command is executed and if the limit is exceeded, the command is not
inputValidVarToSet - Attach to a local variable. This variable will be updated
with a value of 1 if the maxCharacters limit is blank or the text is less than or
equal to the maxCharacters limit, or updated with a value of 0 if the text length
exceeds the maxCharacters limit.
invalidInputMsgVarToSet - Attach to a local variable. This variable will be
updated with an error message if the text length exceeds the maxCharacters limit,
or updated with an empty string if the text length is less than or equal to the
maxCharacters limit.
20996: Copy to clipboard now enabled on multiselect Kendo grid
The text in selected row or rows of the web (kendo) grid can now be copied to the
clipboard by pressing Ctrl+c when the grid has keyboard focus.
Only text cells are copied. If a cell contains an image, its value is not copied
to the clipboard. The grid must have keyboard focus for the Ctrl+c keystroke to
have effect.
Platform Support
19925: Java 1.8 now supported
Java 1.8 is now officially supported.
As noted in the release notes for 19927 and 19928, the JdbcOdbc driver is no
longer supported by Oracle beginning in Java 1.8.
Version v4.14.137 of IBM DB2's db2jcc.jar driver is required to work with Java
21076: Windows 10 and Edge Browser now supported
Windows 10 and the Edge Browser are now supported by RTView products.
20794: Fixed XSS Security Issue in Thin Client Deployment
A cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability in the thin client has been fixed.
21179: Column names in servlet URL now check for code injection attacks
The rtvquery servlet will now encode any < or > characters that appear in the
"cols" parameter as < and > in the response, to avoid possible XSS hacks.
19498: Fixed error in script
The shell script rtvapm/common/bin/ used the Linux rename
utility which does not exist on some versions of UNIX. This has been corrected.
19952: Solaris 10 Script change now always executed
On Solaris 10 systems the script modifies other scripts in
common/bin to use the bash shell. Under certain conditions this operation was not
executed. This has been fixed.
20961:, and corrected for Mac
On Macintosh systems the script would give the error "command not
found" when trying to start a server. this has been fixed.
21051: RTView Processes now named in greater detail
When an Rtview process is launched it is given a Java argument of the form
-DPROCESS_NAME=xxx. Previously the value "xxx" was a generic tag such as
"dataserver". Now this will specifically identify the process by constructing a
tag from the line in rtvservers.dat used to launch the process.
The tag will be of the form {config name}_{server name}_{server JMX port}. For
example, the server "AlertServer" in the config "central" will be given the tag
This can be seen on Unix with ps:
> ps -ef | grep java
m 19558 1 0 06:29 pts/2 00:00:00 java -DPROCESS_NAME=central_AlertServer_10023
-Xmx256m -Xms128m
. . .
Or with jps (if available):
> jps -vV
19558 RTViewDataServer -DPROCESS_NAME=central_AlertServer_10023
-Xmx256m -Xms128m
21337: Windows scripts no longer fail if no file is missing
The rtvapm run scripts (rundata, runhist, etc.) now run without error if are missing from the project directory.
21439: Added common scripts for making .war files
A new set of common scripts has been added for making .war files for the RTView
servlets. They are:
These scripts may be executed from any directory and will put the war files
When you run the scripts you specify an appname (which will be used to name the
war file) and you may specify a host and port. (For the display servlet you may
also specify a backup port.) You may also put a copy of the servlet's properties
file in the current directory and it will be used in the war. (The original
properties files may be found in rtvapm/rtview/servlets/...) Note that if you put
a properties file in the current directory you may still override its host or
port values when you run the script.
The scripts take the following arguments:
For example:
make_rtvdata_war -appname:test -host:testhost -port:9999
Only the -appname argument is required. If no other arguments are supplied, the
values in the original properties file will be used. (The original file from the
war, or the file in the current directory if present.)
The -verbose argument will cause the script to print out the original and new
values it puts in the properties file. For example:
make_rtvdata_war -appname:test -host:testhost -port:9999 -verbose
These scripts also support positional arguments, in the order of: appname, host,
port. For example, with an appname of 'test', a host of 'testhost', and a port of
'9999', the user could use the argument this way:
make_rtvdisplay_war test testhost 9999
21561: Solution Packages now use common .war scripts
The update_wars.bat/sh scripts in the solution pack project directories have been
updated to use the new make*war.bat/sh scripts in common/bin.
Solution Package
TIBCO BusinessEvents
19372: All Nodes Heatmap now added
An "All Nodes Heatmap" has been added to the Tibco Business Events Monitor
solution. Either all nodes or the inference or cache nodes can be displayed for a
selected cluster or all clusters. The following features may be of particular
1. For clusters with a large number of inference nodes, either "Total Rules
Fired" or "Received Events Rate" as the selected color metric can show that the
load is balanced across the cluster.
2. When the Color Metric is "Alert Severity" and the TbeClusterMalformed alert is
enabled, problems with cluster formation are easily seen.
19435: Sender/receiver capability implemented
Remote collectors and data aggregators (senders and receivers) are now supported
by the Business Events solution. Multiple dataservers can be configured to
monitor BE clusters and forward their current caches to a central dataserver that
manages history and display functions.
For RTView EM users:
Out of the box, RTView EM provides a simple demonstration of this functionality,
as shown by the following commands:
cd projects\emsample
cd servers
Set up a file in the miscmon folder. at a minimum it must have the
connection properties to a demo BE cluster; For example, 58700 URL:- - - 'false'
$tbe_conn:new51Cache 58701 URL:- - - 'false'
Launch the EM processes as follows:
start_rtv central
start_rtv miscmon dataserver -receiver
start_rtv miscmon dataserver -properties:sl -propfilter:sender
This example starts a single receiving dataserver and a single collector/sender
on the same host. If additional senders are deployed on remote hosts, override
the following settings in to specify the host where the
receiver resides ($rtvAgentTarget). Set $rtvAgentName to identify the source of
data seen in the receiver's caches (ie, the name of the host where the sender is
19884: Deleted stylesheet override for buttons
The button styles on the Inference Summary and Node Summary displays were updated
for consistency with other displays.
20011: High availability option configured
Missing files to configure High Availability for TBEMON have been added.
20193: Cluster Summary display added with new cluster-level metrics
The Tibco Business Events solution has been updated with additional displays and
alerts relating to Cluster metrics.
1. New aggregated cluster-level metrics
A new cache TbeClusterSummary contains metrics aggregated across all nodes in the
2. New alerts
The new alerts have names starting with "TbeCluster", and are bound to
cluster-level metrics.
3. Display Changes
The previous top-level view of the same name has been renamed "Cluster Nodes".
"Clusters" - New top-level tabular view of all currently monitored clusters.
"Cluster Summary" - New summary view of a single cluster, with current values of
aggregated metrics and trend charts for key metrics.
"Agent Event Summary" - The Events screen has two separate tables; previously,
the lower table for agent event data had no drill-down. In this release, clicking
on a row of agent event data takes you to a "BE Agent Event Summary".
20255: Performance and architectural improvements
The Tibco Business Events solution has been refactored to bring it into full
compliance with the best practices for our other solutions.
Due to the extensive nature of changes required for this change, existing history
data from older versions will not be retained. Users will have to re-create their
database tables using the updated .sql schemas under tbemon\dbconfig.
Changes to Caches
1. rename cache TbeCluster to TbeClusterNode. This change differentiates the
contents (one row for each node in the cluster) from the new TbeClusterSummary
cache, which aggregates node data to create new cluster-level metrics.
2. The column ordering in all caches now conforms with best practice (timestamp
followed by index columns).
3. Total count columns in history have been replaced by interval deltas. Delta
columns have been added to the following caches:
1. The displays were optimized to minimize the amount of data sent to thin
clients, so the displays should render faster in web browsers.
New Features:
1. added alert TbeClusterMalformed that triggers when the cluster node count is
not equal to the number of neighbors sensed by a given node. This is a sign that
a node did not see cluster members and created it's own "single node cluster".
2. combo controls at top of screens that select which item to display now resize
with the window so that long object names can be fully displayed.
3. The addition of delta columns to history support the "Use Rates" checkbox on
trend charts for following summary displays:
Agent Event Summary
BE Concept Summary
BE Event Summary
"Use Rates" allows you to toggle between the display of "counts per collection
interval" and "counts per second".
20628: Connection and Node ID fields in BE summary page adjusted
On the Inference Node Summary and Storage Node summary displays the Connection
and Node ID values would sometimes overflow their corresponding text fields.
Those fields will now clip the string if it is too long, and display the full
string in the mouseover tooltip.
20782: Enhanced TBEMON to work for cases where no backing store is used
For BusinessEvents configurations that do not use a backing store, no mbean is
created by the BE engines for backing store statistics. As a consequence, the
TbeBackingStore cache will not contain any rows for the cluster, which ultimately
results in no summary data for the cluster (ie, a missing row in the top level
display for "TIBCO BE Clusters").
TBEMON now properly handles the case where the backing store mbean is missing.
21289: Node Table button added to Cluster Summary page for ease of navigation
To improve navigation, a Node Table button has been added to the Cluster Summary
21327: "Up to All Clusters" button now navigates to correct display
Previously the Up button on the Node Table display did not correctly go to the
All Clusters display. This has been fixed.
21453: TbeClusterMalformed in now triggered in the case of a brain-split
The TBEMON alert TbeClusterMalformed will now be triggered for any cluster where
the member count is not equal to the expected cluster size.
The "expected" cluster size is simply a count of the number of nodes that have
the same cluster name, as discovered by reading the cluster mbean for each node
in the connection property file. The MemberCount attribute is also read from the
same cluster mbean, and is the number of nodes in the (sub)cluster which the
current node has joined.
The condition where these counts differ can occur if there are missing
connections in the property file (ie, some nodes are unmonitored). It can also
occur if, due to network anomalies, some nodes do not join the "main" cluster,
but instead form a "sub-cluster" of one or more nodes. This condition is commonly
referred to as "split-brain".
21460: Added optional variable to read cluster-level MBean data
When connecting to a BE4 cluster, it is possible that the version of java used by
the cluster predates the "java 1.6.0_31 or later" required by tbemon. Older java
versions do not support the JMX wildcard queries needed by tbemon data
collection, so the cluster name cannot be auto-discovered. To read the
cluster-level MBean data, you must explicitly pass the name of the cluster to the
input processing chains using an optional variable ($tbe_cluster) as follows:
# Inference Engines<cache_source> $tbe_conn:<engineName>
$tbe_cluster:<clusterName><engineName> <hostname> <port> URL:- - - 'false'
# Cache Engines<cache_source> $tbe_conn:<engineName>
$tbe_cluster:<clusterName><engineName> <hostname> <port> URL:- - - 'false'
21462: Clusters with only one type of node now show up in the All Clusters table
If a cluster contained only inference nodes or only cache nodes, the top level
All Clusters table would not display the cluster. This has been fixed.
Version 1.5.3 Release Notes
Core Functionality
Builder - Editing
19879: Fixed NPE when deleting local var with same name as global
A bug has been fixed in the Builder which caused a NullPointerException to be
thrown if a local variable was deleted and the local variable had the same name
as a global variable.
18643: japanese chars no longer garbled by "Send Email" command
The email command will now properly encode Japanese and other Asian characters
contained in the text of the email. In prior release, such characters were
Data Historian
19469: Avoid removal of all batch data when some data is wrong.
The historian will no longer discard all rows in a batch if a SQL exception is
thrown during an row insert. Instead it will catch the exception and continue
with the other row inserts in the batch and commit all of the successful inserts
at the end of the batch.
19786: smoothCompaction no longer throws NPE when there are no compaction rules
Previously a NPE was thrown when -smoothcompaction was used with a cache with a
compaction type of "aggregate" but with no compaction rules.
Now this scenario fails silently.
19915: Simple retention now applied only to tables without compaction rules
If a cache history table that was persisted by the historian had no compaction
rules, then the simple retention time limit was applied to ALL tables persisted
by the historian. This was incorrect. The simple retention limit will now only be
applied to tables without compaction rules.
19987: Compaction now recovers after a lost database connection is restored
Compaction now recovers correctly after a lost database connection is restored.
Data Sources
19960: Fixed bogus extend-by-SQL query if history has future timestamps
A bug in the cache data source has been fixed that triggered an unnecessary SQL
query if an attachment to a cache history table had the Extend with SQL option
checked, and the history table contained timestamps in the future as compared to
the current time on the system hosting the cache data source.
20072: Fixed concurrency exception when updating sql RTViewDs.Connections table
A bug has been fixed in the sql data source which, in rare cases, caused a
ConcurrentModificationException to be thrown if a display was open with a data
attachment to the sql RTViewDs.connections table.
Display Server
19813: Fixed javascript error thrown by obj_datechooser in IE
A bug in the thin client has been fixed which caused an "unterminated string
constant" error message to appear in Internet Explorer's javascript console when
the date chooser control was clicked.
19880: Fixed unstable dropdown list in FF & Chrome
In prior versions of the thin client, on each display refresh the dropdown list
of the combo box control would scroll and the highlighted list item would change,
even if the refresh did not change the items in the list. This behavior could
make it difficult to use the dropdown list. This problem has been fixed.
Note that this problem affected the thin client in Firefox and Chrome, but not
Internet Explorer.
Object Library
19796: Table Rows containing larger images no longer clip
A problem in the display server has been fixed which could cause the heights of
table rows containing images to be too small to display the entire image. This
problem only occurred if multiple instances of the rtvdisplay servlet were
connected to the same display server instance.
TIBCO RTView for TIBCO BusinessEvents
19998: Enhanced
A new file has been provided that describes the connection
properties necessary to monitor each BusinessEvents engine in a cluster.
Additional detail can be found in the documentation for TIBCO RTView for TIBCO