This display provides a view of the current and historical metrics for a single member. The trend graph in the bottom half of the display traces the current and historical total number of or rate data for gets, puts, takes, expires, and evictions.
Note: Fields/columns with an asterisk (*) at the end of the field/column definition contain data that is provided by the selected domain. Refer to TIBCO ActiveSpaces documentation for more information regarding these fields.
Filter By: The display might include these filtering options: |
Domain |
Select the domain for which you want to show data in the display. |
Metaspace |
Select the metaspace for which you want to show data in the display. |
Member |
Select the space for which you want to show data in the display. |
Fields and Data: |
Last Update |
The date and time in which the data in the display was last updated. |
Expired |
When checked, performance data has not been received within the time specified (in seconds) in the Expire Time field in the Duration region in the RTView Configuration Application > (Project Name) > Solution Package Configuration > TIBCO Active Spaces > DATA STORAGE tab. The Delete Time field (also in the Duration region) allows you to define the amount of time (in seconds) in which the row will be removed from the table if there is no response. |
Spaces |
The total number of spaces in which the member is a member.* Note: Clicking on this field opens the Spaces by Member Table display. |
Name |
The name of the member. |
Host |
The IP address of the host. |
Process |
The process ID and process name (ProcessID:ProcessName).* |
Role |
The role of the member. |
Entries |
The number of entries for the member.* |
Replicas |
The number of replicas for the member.* |
Stats for last interval |
Gets |
Raw Counters-- The total number of “get” operations performed on the user-spaces defined on the metaspace.* for Interval-- The number of “get” operations performed on the user-spaces defined for the metaspace during the current polling interval.* #/s -- The rate of “get” operations (per second) performed on the user-spaces defined for the metaspace.* |
Puts |
Raw Counters-- The total number of “put” operations performed on the user-spaces defined on the metaspace.* for Interval-- The number of “put” operations performed on the user-spaces defined for the metaspace during the current polling interval.* #/s -- The rate of “put” operations (per second) performed on the user-spaces defined for the metaspace.* |
Takes |
Raw Counters-- The total number of “take” operations performed on the user-spaces defined on the metaspace.* for Interval-- The number of “take” operations performed on the user-spaces defined for the metaspace during the current polling interval.* #/s -- The rate of “take” operations (per second) performed on the user-spaces defined for the metaspace.* |
Expirations |
Raw Counters-- The total number of entries in the user-spaces defined on the metaspace that have expired.* for Interval-- The number of entries performed in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace that expired during the current polling interval.* #/s -- The rate of entries in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace that expired (per second).* |
Evictions |
Raw Counters-- The total number of entries in the user-spaces defined on the metaspace that have been evicted.* for Interval-- The number of entries performed in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace that were evicted during the current polling interval.* #/s -- The rate of entries in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace that were evicted (per second).* |
Locks |
The total number of locks in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace.* |
Unlocks |
The total number of unlocks in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace.* |
Invokes |
The remote invocation count.* |
Queries |
The total number of queries in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace.* |
Misses |
The total number of misses in the user-spaces defined for the metaspace.* |
ToPersist |
The ToPersist count, which indicates how many tuples are required to be persisted to the database if the write-behind feature is configured.* |
Trends |
Traces the following: Gets(/s) -- traces the total number of gets, or the number of gets per second with Use Rates selected. Puts(/s)-- traces the total number of puts, or the number of puts per second with Use Rates selected. Takes(/s) -- traces the total number of takes, or the number of takes per second with Use Rates selected. Expires(/s) -- traces the total number of expires, or the number of expires per second with Use Rates selected. Evicts(/s) -- traces the total number of evicts, or the number of evicts per second with Use Rates selected. |
Use Rates |
Select this check box to trace the rates (Gets/s, Puts/s, Takes/s, Expires/s, Evicts/s) instead of the total numbers (Gets, Puts, Takes, Expires, Evicts). |
Log Scale |
Select to enable a logarithmic scale. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data. |
Base at Zero |
Select to use zero (0) as the Y axis minimum for all graph traces. |
Time Range |
Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar . By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM. Use the navigation arrows to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu. Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.