
Monitor configuration is specified using a series of properties. Properties can be specified in the command line, in properties files, or in a properties database. However, the most convenient way from a maintenance perspective is to create your own properties files. You can override certain Monitor default settings by editing properties. There are several property files that you might edit to configure or optimize your Monitor deployment.

Modify properties in the rtview.properties file, located in your project directory.

Options specified on the command line are applied last, therefore command line arguments override values saved in configuration files (such as .properties files). Also, in many cases the command-line option cannot be used as a property, or vice versa. For these reasons, we recommend that you use properties rather than command line options. To specify a property in the command line:

For example, the property myprefix.sl.rtview.someflag=true is -someflag:true as a command line option. If a command line argument contains a space or a semicolon, the entire argument must be enclosed in quotes (e.g.: "-sub:$data:my Data").