Cache Services

Cache Services displays present detailed service performance metrics for the cluster. Use the Cache Services displays to quickly identify overloaded services and locate the client connection causing the issue.

These displays show metrics for all cache services, including: CPU%, Requests, Request Average Duration, Request Pending Count, Task Backlog and Active Threads.

Single Service Summary

This display shows performance metrics for a single service aggregated across all nodes.





Select a cluster to display.


Select a service to display.

Storage Nodes

Select to display storage node data in the trend graphs of this display.

Process Nodes

Select to display process node data in the trend graphs of this display.


The number of caches managed by the service.


The type of cache.

Storage Nodes

The number of storage nodes in the cache.

Process Nodes

The number of process nodes in the cache.


The high availability status of the service:

red_indicator_light00078.gif ENDANGERED: There is potential data loss in the cluster if a node goes offline.

yellow_indicator_light00079.gif NODE-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a node goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple nodes and remains available in the cluster.

green_indicator_light00080.gif MACHINE-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a machine goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple machines and remains available in the cluster.

green_indicator_light00081.gif RACK-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a rack goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple racks and remains available in the cluster.

green_indicator_light00082.gif SITE-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a site goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple sites and remains available in the cluster.


Requests executed by the service.

Total    The number of requests executed.

Rate / Delta    Use the Use Rates checkbox to toggle between two value types: Rate and Delta (as labeled in the display upon selection).

When the Use Rates (checkbox) is NOT selected the Delta values are shown here and in the trend graphs. Delta is the difference in the value since the last sample. When the Use Rates (checkbox) is selected the Rate values are shown here and in the trend graphs. Rate is the value per second. The Rate value is useful when the sampling time period is unknown, has changed, or has a long duration specified. For a given rate, the Rate value does not vary if the sample period changes (whereas the Delta value does vary). The Rate value enables you to directly compare rates on systems with different sample periods.

Pending    The number of pending requests.


Messages executed by the service.

Total    The number of messages executed.

Rate / Delta    Use the Use Rates checkbox to toggle between two value types: Rate and Delta (as labeled in the display upon selection).

When the Use Rates (checkbox) is NOT selected the Delta values are shown here and in the trend graphs. Delta is the difference in the value since the last sample. When the Use Rates (checkbox) is selected the Rate values are shown here and in the trend graphs. Rate is the value per second. The Rate value is useful when the sampling time period is unknown, has changed, or has a long duration specified. For a given rate, the Rate value does not vary if the sample period changes (whereas the Delta value does vary). The Rate value enables you to directly compare rates on systems with different sample periods.

Req Avg Duration    The average amount of time to process messages.


Tasks performed by the service.

Count    The number of tasks performed.

Backlog    The number of tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the service threads.

Queue    The Write Back Queue total across all caches on the service.


Threads on the service.

Count    The number of threads on the service.

Active    The number of threads in the service not currently idle.

Avg CPU%    The average amount of CPU usage (%) for the service.

Storage / Process Node Totals

The trend graphs show aggregated performance metrics for storage or process nodes. Choose Storage Nodes or Process Nodes at the top of this display.

Use Rates    Select to show Rate values in the Requests and Messages fields and trend graphs.

Rate is the value per second. The Rate value is useful when the sampling time period is unknown, has changed, or has a long duration specified. For a given rate, the Rate value does not vary if the sample period changes (whereas the Delta value does vary). The Rate value enables you to directly compare rates on systems with different sample periods. Deselect Use Rates to show the Delta values in the Activity - Current (Delta) fields and trend graphs. Delta is the difference in the value since the last sample.

Log Scale    Enable to use a logarithmic scale for the Y axis. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data.

Base at Zero    Use zero for the Y axis minimum for all graphs.

Time Range

Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00083.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00085.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00086.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.


Service Metrics Overview

Heatmap of Process (non-storage enabled) Nodes and Storage (enabled) Nodes. Size = One Node. Color = Relative Value of Selected Metric.





Select a cluster to display.


Select a service to display.

Node Labels

Select to display node labels.

Process Nodes

Storage Nodes


Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric; a darker shade is a larger value. The size of all cells is identical as they each represent one process node.

CPU%    Percent of CPU utilization on the given node.

Requests    Number of requests issued by the service in the measured period.

Messages    The number of messages for the given node in the measured interval.

Request Average Duration    Average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual request issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.

Request Pending Count    Number of pending requests issued by the service.

Task Backlog    Size of the backlog queue that holds tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the service threads.

Active Threads    Number of threads in the service thread pool, not currently idle.

Service Metric Heatmap

Heatmap of Process (non-storage enabled) Nodes and Storage (enabled) Nodes. Size = Number of Caches in Selected Service, Color = Relative Value of Selected Metric.





Select a cluster to display.


Select a service to display.

Node Labels

Select to display node labels.


CPU%    Percent of CPU utilization on the given node.

Requests    Number of requests issued by the service in the measured period.

Request Average Duration    Average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual request issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.

Request Pending Count    Number of pending requests issued by the service.

Task Backlog    Size of the backlog queue that holds tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the service threads.

Active Threads    Number of threads in the service thread pool, not currently idle.

Node Labels

Select to view node locations. Location is a unique identifier for each node and defined as:

Process Nodes: Heatmap of Service Metric

Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given process node; a darker shade is a larger value.

Size of the cells is based the number of caches in the selected Service for that process node.

Storage Nodes: Heatmap of Service Metric

Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given process node; a darker shade is a larger value.

Size of the cells is based the number of caches in the selected Service for that process node.

Single Service History

Use this display to perform low-level analysis, node-by-node, of service capacity utilization. Heatmap of Process (non storage enabled) Nodes and Storage (enabled) Nodes. Color = Relative Value of Selected Metric.





Select a cluster to display.


Click to view the All Services History display.


Select a service to display.


CPU%    CPU Utilization (as a percent) on the given node.

Requests    Number of requests issued by the service in the measured period.

Request Average Duration    Average duration (in milliseconds) of an individual request issued by the service since the last time the statistics were reset.

Request Pending Count    Number of pending requests issued by the service.

Task Backlog    Size of the backlog queue that holds tasks scheduled to be executed by one of the service threads.

Active Threads    Number of threads in the service thread pool, not currently idle.

Time Range

 Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00090.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00092.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00093.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.


Process Nodes: History Heatmap of Service Metric

Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given process node; a darker shade is a larger value.

The value of the Metric is displayed over the specified History for all process nodes in the selected Service.

Storage Nodes: History Heatmap of Service Metric

Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given storage node; a darker shade is a larger value.

The value of the Metric is displayed over the specified History for all storage nodes in the selected Service.

Cache Service Detail

This display provides a table view of attributes of a selected service for a selected host for nodes. Attribute values can be ordered to identify the nodes with the highest and lowest values of interest.





Select a cluster to display.


Click to view the Single Service Summary display.


Select a service to display.


Select a host.


Select the type of node to display: All, Storage or Process nodes.

Cache Service Detail by Node:

The columns in this table, with the exception of Location, come from Service and Node MBeans. Location is a unique identifier for each node and defined as:

For details on attributes of these MBeans go to:


A unique identifier for each node. It is defined as:


The name of the service.


Indicates that the service is running when checked.


The high availability status of the service:

red_indicator_light00095.gif ENDANGERED: There is potential data loss in the cluster if a node goes offline.

yellow_indicator_light00096.gif NODE-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a node goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple nodes and remains available in the cluster.

green_indicator_light00097.gif MACHINE-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a machine goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple machines and remains available in the cluster.

green_indicator_light00098.gif RACK-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a rack goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple racks and remains available in the cluster.

green_indicator_light00099.gif SITE-SAFE: There is no risk of data loss in the cluster if a site goes offline (or is taken offline using kill-9). The data is replicated across multiple sites and remains available in the cluster.

Time Range

 Select a time range from the drop down menu varying from 2 Minutes to Last 7 Days, or display All Data. To specify a time range, click Calendar button_calendar00100.gif.


By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range end point, click Calendar button_calendar00102.gif and select a date and time from the calendar or enter the date and time in the text field using the following format: MMM dd, YYYY HH:MM. For example, Aug 21, 2011 12:24 PM.

Use the navigation arrows button_forwardback00103.gif to move forward or backward one time period. NOTE: The time period is determined by your selection from the Time Range drop-down menu.

Click Restore to Now to reset the time range end point to the current time.


Process Nodes: History Heatmap of Service Metric

Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given process node; a darker shade is a larger value.

The value of the Metric is displayed over the specified History for all process nodes in the selected Service.

Storage Nodes: History Heatmap of Service Metric

Color of the cells represents the relative value of the selected Metric for a given storage node; a darker shade is a larger value.

The value of the Metric is displayed over the specified History for all storage nodes in the selected Service.