This section includes:
When any Solution Package for Solace component encounters an error, an error message is output to the console and/or to the corresponding log file. Logging is enabled by default. If you encounter issues with log files, verify the logs directory exists.
If you encounter issues, look for errors in the following log files, located in the SolacePubSubMonitor/projects/rtview-server/logs directory:
If you encounter issues, look for errors in the following log files, located in the SolacePubSubMonitor/projects/rtview-manager/logs directory:
If you encounter issues starting Solution Package for Solace or RTView Manager processes on Linux, verify that JAVA_HOME is set correctly in the path as JAVA_HOME is required for Tomcat to start correctly. On Windows, JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME should exist as environment variables indicating a valid Java path.
If you encounter permissions-related errors in the response from the start_servers command, check ownership of the directory structure.
If any log file shows reference to an invalid URL, check your system’s hosts file and also confirm with your network administrator that you’re not being blocked from accessing the remote system.
In the Solution Package for Solace, if you go to the Administration>RTView Cache Tables display and see that caches are not being populated with monitoring data (the number of rows in the table is zero), check for connection property errors that are provided to the Data Server. Do the following:
Open the RTView Configuration Application and go to the Solace>CONNECTIONS tab.
Verify the connection parameters associated with your brokers.
Verify the SEMP version is correct for each of your Cloud Brokers (monitoring data cannot be collected if the SEMP version is incorrect) and make corrections if necessary.
Click in the title bar when finished, then click
to apply changes. It takes about 10-15 seconds for the data server to be available again.
In the Solution Package for Solace, go to the Admin>RTView Cache Tables display and verify that all caches are being populated with monitoring data (the number of rows in the table is greater than zero).
When SEMP schemas that are used for connecting to a Solace Broker are missing, the Broker is not shown in the PubSub+ Monitor Broker Table and the log from the dataserver under the projects\rtview-server\logs directory shows the following exception:
… java.lang.IllegalStateException: Have not loaded schemas for 'soltr/9_0VMR'. Ensure schema version looks like 'soltr/x_y'. Call loadSchemas() first, or import new schema files…
To resolve this problem, download the schemas from the Solace Customer Portal ( where you as a customer have access to download Solace products as well as the SEMP schemas from any supported release (either Software or Appliance Brokers).
Be aware that the SEMP schemas from Software and Appliance Brokers, even from the same version, might differ. Therefore, verify that the downloaded files for either Software or Appliance Brokers are uniquely identified.
After you download the SEMP schemas do the following to include them:
Change directory (cd) to the resources directory (for example, yourProjectDir/rtvapm/solmon/lib/ext/resources) and create a separate directory for the downloaded SEMP schemas.
Copy the two schema files into the newly created directory.
Stop/start PubSub+ Monitor and verify that the missing Broker is connected and data is being collected properly.
Verify that the dataserver.log file no longer shows the missing schema error.
Contact SL Technical Support if you have issues downloading or adding these files to the product.