These displays provide process data for bridges configured on a VPN. Displays in this View are:
Bridges Table: A tabular view of all available process performance data for all bridges configured on a VPN.
Bridges Diagram: Topological view of Solace network bridges that shows bridge broker connections and health status and allows you to open the Solace PubSub+ Manager.
Bridge Summary: Current and historical metrics for a single bridge.
This display allows you to view data for all bridges configured for a VPN.
By default, a subset of available metrics is shown. Use More Columns/Less Columns to toggle to the complete set of metrics available (and back to the subset).
Select a broker and VPN from the drop-down menus. Use the check-boxes to include / exclude Enabled and Expired bridges. Each table row is a different bridge.
Search by clicking the right side of a column heading/Filter to open the Search, Sort and Choose Columns dialog:
Rows listing bridges that are disabled or expired display with a shaded background. Double-click a row to drill down and investigate in the Bridge Summary display.
Broker |
Displays the name of the broker |
Local VPN |
The name of the local VPN. |
Bridge Name |
The name of the bridge. |
Alert Level |
The current level of alerts in the row.
Alert Count |
The total number of active alerts for the process. |
Remote VPN |
The name of the remote VPN that is connected to the local VPN via the bridge. |
Remote Router |
The name of the remote broker. |
Admin State |
Indicates whether the bridge has been administratively enabled (via SolAdmin or the command line interface). |
Inbound Operational State |
The current inbound operational status of the bridge. (The administrator can turn off a bridge's input or output for maintenance or other reasons.) |
Outbound Operational State |
The current outbound operational status of the bridge. (The administrator can turn off a bridge's input or output for maintenance or other reasons.) |
Queue Operational State |
The current operational status of the queue. |
Connection Establisher |
Indicates whether the administrator created and configured the bridge directly on the broker using SolAdmin or the command line interface, or indirectly from another broker. |
Redundancy |
Displays whether the bridge is the primary bridge, the backup bridge, the static bridge (default bridge used when no other bridge is available), or whether it is the only bridge available (none). |
Uptime |
The current amount of time in which the bridge has been up and running. |
Client Name |
The name of the client. |
Connected Via Addr |
The local IP address and port used for the bridge. |
Connected Via Interface |
The name of the network interface used for the bridge. |
Client Direct Bytes Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within direct messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Client Direct Bytes/sec Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within direct messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client Direct Bytes Sent |
The number of bytes contained within direct messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Client Direct Bytes/sec Sent |
The number of bytes contained within direct messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client Direct Msgs/sec Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within direct messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client Direct Msgs Sent |
The number of direct messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Client Direct Msgs/sec Sent |
The number of direct messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Bytes Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within non-persistent messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Bytes/sec Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within non-persistent messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Bytes Sent |
The number of bytes contained within non-persistent messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Bytes/sec Sent |
The number of bytes contained within non-persistent messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Msgs Rcvd |
The number of non-persistent messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Msgs/sec Rcvd |
The number of non-persistent messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Msgs Sent |
The number of non-persistent messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Client NonPersistent Msgs/sec Sent |
The number of non-persistent messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Bytes Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within persistent messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Bytes/sec Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within persistent messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Bytes Sent |
The number of bytes contained within persistent messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Bytes/sec Sent |
The number of bytes contained within persistent messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Msgs Rcvd |
The number of persistent messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Msgs /sec Rcvd |
The number of persistent messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Msgs Sent |
The number of persistent messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Client Persistent Msgs/sec Sent |
The number of persistent messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Bytes Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within all messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Bytes/sec Rcvd |
The number of bytes contained within all messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Bytes Sent |
The number of bytes contained within all messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Bytes/sec Sent |
The number of bytes contained within all messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Msgs Rcvd |
The total number of all messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Msgs/sec Rcvd |
The total number of all messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Msgs Sent |
The total number of all messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Total Client Msgs/sec Sent |
The total number of all messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Total Out Discards |
The total number of discarded outgoing messages sent by the client via the bridge. |
Total Out Discards/sec |
The total number of discarded outgoing messages sent per second by the client via the bridge. |
Total In Discards |
The total number of discarded incoming messages received by the client via the bridge. |
Total In Discards/sec |
The total number of discarded incoming messages received per second by the client via the bridge. |
Expired |
When checked, performance data about the broker has not been received within the time specified. |
Timestamp |
The date and time the row of data was last updated. |
Use this topology view to monitor the health of your network bridges and VPNs. Quickly identify bridge and VPN connections, their health status and which resources their performance impacts. Open the Solace PubSub+ Manager by right-clicking on a router and selecting Launch PubSub+ Manager.
Drag and drop objects to arrange them on the screen (doing so does not logically impact the network bridges and VPNs). Arrows show the connections between VPNs and bridges.
Each object is a network bridge or VPN. Each is labeled with their name and color coded as follows:
Red indicates that the object has one or more alerts in a critical state.
Yellow indicates that the object has one or more alerts in a warning state.
Green indicates that there are no alerts on the object.
Gray indicates that the object is off-line.
Save: Saves the arrangement of the objects.
Restore: Returns objects to their previous positions.
Layout: Toggles between two types of layouts. One layout positions objects to the right so you might scroll in that direction to see them. The other layout pulls all the objects close together to the left, vertically, in hierarchical order.
Look at the miniature view in (upper left) to see all objects in either layout. Or zoom into the display using Ctrl+/- or Ctrl+ mouse wheel.
Drill down to investigate in the Bridges Table.
To monitor network brokers, VMRs and servers, see the CSPF Neighbors Diagram.
View current and historical performance and utilization metrics for a particular bridge on a VPN.
Select a broker, a VPN, and a bridge from the drop-down menus. Metric cards at the top of the displays show Inbound and Outbound Client Messages per second, Ingress and Egress Discarded Messages, and Ingress and Egress KBs per second.
You can hover over the metric cards to see more performance metrics and also drill down to see even more detail by clicking on them.
The trend graph traces current and historical performance metrics for the selected broker. The trend graph traces the performance metric you select: Message Flow or Throughput.
You can hover over the trend graph to see the values at a particular time. You can specify the time range for the trend graph and view data based on a log scale, which enables visualization on a logarithmic scale and should be used when the range in your data is very broad.
Inbound Client Msgs/s |
The number of client messages received per second. |
Outbound Client Msgs/s |
The number of client messages sent per second. |
Ingress Discarded Client Msgs/s |
The number of discarded ingress messages per second. |
Egress Discarded Msgs/s |
The number of discarded egress messages per second. |
Inbound Client KB/s |
The amount of incoming client data, in KB per second. |
Outbound Client KB/s |
The amount of outgoing client data, in KB per second.
Messages Flow Trend Graphs Traces the sum for the selected client.
Log Scale |
Select to enable a logarithmic scale. Use Log Scale to see usage correlations for data with a wide range of values. For example, if a minority of your data is on a scale of tens, and a majority of your data is on a scale of thousands, the minority of your data is typically not visible in non-log scale graphs. Log Scale makes data on both scales visible by applying logarithmic values rather than actual values to the data. |
Time Settings |
By default, the time range end point is the current time. To change the time range, click the Time Settings
Toggle forward/backward in the trend graph per the period you choose (from the Time range drop-down menu) using arrows Restore settings to current time by selecting now
Remote VPN |
The name of the remote VPN that is connected to the local VPN via the bridge. |
Expired |
When true, performance data about the bridge has not been received within the time specified. |
Address |
The IP address. |
Interface |
The interface ID. |
Queue Operational State |
Refer to Solace documentation for more information. |
Last Update |
The date and time of the last data update. |
Critical/Warning |
The number of critical alerts / warning alerts which also opens the Alerts Table. |
Remote Router |
The remote broker. |
Conn Establisher |
Refer to Solace documentation for more information. |
Inbound Operational State |
The current inbound operational status of the bridge. (The administrator can turn off a bridge's input or output for maintenance or other reasons.) |
Admin State |
Indicates whether the bridge has been administratively enabled (via SolAdmin or the command line interface). |
Client Name |
The name of the client. |
Redundancy |
Indicates whether the bridge is the primary bridge, the backup bridge, the static bridge (default bridge used when no other bridge is available), or whether it is the only bridge available (none). |
Outbound Op State |
The current outbound operational status of the bridge. (The administrator can turn off a bridge's input or output for maintenance or other reasons.) |