How to Setup RTView Enterprise

This section provides an overview of how to install and setup for RTView Enterprise. There are two main components that you install and setup for RTView Enterprise: a single RTViewCentral and one or more RTView DataServers .

Detailed instructions to configure RTViewCentral are also contained in this Guide. These instructions also provide links to configuration instructions for RTView DataServers.

The following figure illustrates the basic topology of the main components as well as the data flow from your monitored resources.


To Setup RTView Enterprise:

Do the following in the order provided to setup RTView Enterprise. For detailed steps, see the links provided.

  1. Download, Install, Register, Upgrade RTViewCentral software.

  2. Choose and Setup an Application Server

  3. Start RTViewCentral so that RTViewCentral is ready to connect to your RTView Data­Server(s) and visualize your data.

  4. Download, Install, Upgrade & Setup RTView DataServer so that you can start collecting performance data from your system. Also see upgrade instructions for each RTView Data­Server and solution package you install.

  5. Verify Your Setup

  6. You can now optionally Configure RTViewCentral  to extend, enhance or optimize your Monitor deployment with features such as the service model, the central database, user and role management, high availability, alert notifications, and modify the Monitor user interface.