Query Summary

This display allows you to view performance metrics for a particular query, as well as to view any related queries. Data only appears in this display when you select a query from the All Queries Table.





Note: Fields/columns with an asterisk (*) at the end of the field/column definition contain data that is provided by the selected domain. Refer to TIBCO ActiveSpaces documentation for more information regarding these fields.

Filter By:

The display might include these filtering options:



Select the domain for which you want to show data in the display.



Select the metaspace for which you want to show data in the display.



Select the space for which you want to show data in the display.

Fields and Data:


Selected Query

Lists the details of the query selected from the All Queries Table.

Space Info



The name of the domain in which the query resides.



The name of the metaspace in which the query resides.



The name of the space in which the query resides.

Member Info

Note: You can click this region to open the Member Summary display.



The name of the member node.*



The id of the member node.*


Process ID

The process ID of the member node processing the query.*

Query Info




The duration, in seconds, of the query.*



The status of the query.*

0 - Failed

1 - In progress

2 - Completed


Start Time

Start time of the query.


End Time

End time of the query.



Lists the maximum number of entries that can be returned when executing a query.*



When checked, denotes that the query was aborted.*


Request Id

The request id of the query.*


Query Type

The type of query.*


Scan Type

Lists whether the query used a table scan or an index scan.*


Index Name

The name of the index being used in the query.*


Estimated Cost

The estimated execution time of the query.*


Actual Cost

The actual execution time of the query.*



The filter used in the query.*

Related Query Count

The number of queries related to the selected query.

Parent Request Id

The request ID of the query’s parent.

Related Queries

Lists the details of any related (“sibling”) queries.