Key Metrics Views

The Key Metrics (KM) feature is an entirely new way of looking at and interpreting application health and performance data.

In contrast to the traditional Alert Impact view showing your ACTIVE alerts and their impact on the overall application or service, the Key Metrics view shows how close a metric is approaching its threshold over a period of time – both before and after the alert threshold is reached.

This allows you to both proactively anticipate performance problems BEFORE the alert threshold is crossed as well analyze the circumstances that led up to error conditions AFTER you got an alert. Armed with this knowledge, you can avert disasters before they happen and resolve problems faster after they happen.

RTView does this by correlating the most valuable key metrics over multiple components within a service and displaying them in context with both real-time and historical data. This is valuable because health problems in one component may be caused by performance problems in another and only by viewing each of these metrics in context with one another over a period of time are you able to visually link the relationship between troubled components.

It is important to note that your Alert Impact heatmaps may look very different from your Key Metrics heatmaps given that KM will indicate potential threats BEFORE they show up as alerts.

Data is filtered by the $rtvOwnerMask, $rtvAreaMask, $rtvGroupMask and $rtvServiceMask values for the logged in user. For details, refer to the RTView Enterprise Configuration Guide.

For Key Metrics definitions by technology, see Available KM Metrics and Alerts .


The KM package is dependent on the Metric Explorer package. Both must be included in your project in order for KM to work. If you are upgrading from a version previous to 1.5.0 and have not added Metric Explorer to your project, see the RTView Enterprise User’s Guide Upgrade Notes section for information about including it.

Displays in this View are:

This section also includes: