The SERVICE VIEWS tab is a simplified version of the SERVICE TREE tab that uses drop-down navigation to access displays without the complexity of the service tree. This tab contains the following Views:
All Management Areas: Displays in this View show the health of your entire system using aggregated data from all Areas. Use these displays to quickly identify critical conditions across all Areas in your system, then drill-down to investigate in lower-level displays.
Multi Area Service Views: Displays in this View show the health of Services for one or more Groups. Use these displays to identify critical conditions across all Areas or a single Area. Drill-down to investigate in lower-level displays.
Single Area Service Views: Displays in this View show the health of Services for one or more Groups. Use these displays to identify critical conditions across a single Area. Drill-down to investigate in lower-level displays.
Service Summary Views: Displays in this View show the health of CI Types. Use these displays for a closer view of a critical condition, including alert details.
Key Metrics Views: The Key Metrics (KM) feature shows how close a metric is approaching its threshold (rather than your ACTIVE alerts and their impact on the overall application or service), enabling you to anticipate performance problems BEFORE the alert threshold is crossed and analyze the circumstances that led up to error conditions.
Metric Explorer: The Metric Explorer (MX) is a tool that allows end-users to quickly create custom dashboards for metrics they specifically want to analyze.